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These pages are part of a 40 page document. There may be some errors in trancription, not all of it is easy to read.
Names mentioned include: Dr. GARDNER; James CUSH; Mary McKENNA; Thomas McAVIN; Owen CARLEY; Susan MEGAGHY; Mary TREANOR; Mrs. McQUAIDE; Constbale JOHNSON; Dr. STEWART; William WRIGHT; ELiza BEGGS; Hugh NESBITT; Jane Eliza NESBITT; John WILLSON; Surgeon YOUNG; Frances LOCKEAD; Thomas COLE; Maurice HIME Esq.; Surgeon YOUNG; Dr. WOODS.

Sharon Oddie Brown. October 8, 2006


Continued from previous book and starting February 20, 1876.

pp 16 - 19


No 3-1188

Distance travelled 24 miles

Paid Car hire sending into Aughnecty with Police Man for 3 Witnesses 4.8

Fee to Dr. GARDNER

 Held on view of the body of Jamess CUSH 16 September 1876 in the townland of Cavanmore, Parish of Errigal Trough, Barony Trough.

Witness Mary McKENNA was daughter to deceased. An old man of about 75. On 14 instance he came to see me and husband -- while with us he complained of my sister and her husband Thomas McAVIN as not doing him justice in his food. After little while he left to go home to Cavanmore.

I came up here to my father's, after stopping at ours so I assisted him to put his horse in the cart and he got into it to return home with me. At some time he was driving his two cows with them and ere we had proceeded more than 20 perches we were met by Tom McAVIN who turned the cows back as being his own. On my Father told him not to interfere with the cattle as they were his and if he did he would take proceedings against him. On this McAVIN endeavored to turn the cows taking hold of me by the wrists. Deceased was angry and being old was steeling himself with his staff. Turning round I saw my father lying in the cart. Thinking he was dead the cart was returned to the House and the horse taken from a by McAVIN. When deceased fell in the cart McAVIN wanted to get into the cart to open the breast of his chest to give him fresh air and bring him to which he had often done before with success. But this I would not let be done. When deceased fell McAVIN was taking the cart harness off the horse. I did not see McAVIN strike deceased.

Owen CARLEY. Deposed that on yesterday when going for a load of corn, Thomas McAVIN came running to me to go and help James CUSH who was in a faint in the cart, which I refused to do as ‘twas a family affair. He repeated to go and I'll hold your horse. As I hesitated he said for God sakes go and raise him in the cart. I then went but when near the cart and seeing him lying, I said where is the use of going to the dead man. McAVIN left my horse, came down and went into the cart. Mrs. McKENNA being there at the same time and more I do not know about the matter, as I then left.

Susan MEGAGHY. Deposed on yesterday Mrs. McAVIN and myself went to Tom McAVIN and told him that Mrs. McKENNA and her father were taking his cows away. On this McAVIN went and taking hold of a horse old CUSH was driving and turned him on the road and the horse collar he said bring his own. He was taking it off the horse. And old CUSH at the time standing he then sat down & his head sank forward and I saw no more being prevented by the sideboard. I saw McAVIN wanting to get into the cart to bring the old man to but to which Mrs. McKENNA would not allow them to do an old man and cart were now brought down to his own door. I heard Mrs. McKENNA say that Thomas McAVIN had struck the old man but which he did not do and I was present all the time and he could not have struck a blow without my seeing it.

Mary TREANOR. Deposed that on yesterday when coming from the well with the two cows full of water I saw Mrs. McKENNA driving two cows and[?] CUSH driving the cart after her. Saw Tom McAVIN  & Susan MEGAGHY coming down the lane and saw Tom take hold of the horse and turn him on the lane saying the collar is mine and when I get it all if you may go. On this the old man got up in the cart and his staff with which he made as if to strike but whether McAVIN or the horse I could not say. On this he sat down in the cart at same time resting his hand on the crib of the cart and his head and at that time Tom was at the horse's head and I was looking on and during it, Tom neither struck or pushed the old man.

Sought Mrs. McKenna in the cart with the old man and saw Tom wanting to get in but Mrs. McKENNA would not permit to it and some time pushing at him his hat fell off, as he could not get in he desired me to call for somebody. Tom went and got Owen CARLY who when he came and saw the old man lying said where is the use of going about the cart and the man dead.

Mrs. McKENNA asked Pat McKENNA to put his horse in the cart and lay the Old Man down at his house and she would be as much in his way again, but which he refused to do. I did not put a hand to Mrs. McKENNA or push is or hold her wrists which McAVIN was (as Mrs. McQUAID) murdering the Old Man.

Dr. GARDNER of Aughnacloy. Deposed has now examined body of James CUSH. I found no Markov violence on the body sufficient to cause death. His age seemed to be 70 years. There was a slight wound of the skin but which might be caused by falling against the side of the cart.

Verdict. Death on Friday the 15 day of September 1876 from natural causes.


Paid for Tellegram from Const. JOHNSON

Distance travelled 18 miles

Fee to Dr. STEWART ₤1.0.0

Held on view of the body William WRIGHT 21 August 1876 in the town land of Lisahvey [possibly Lisavargy]  Parish of Errigle, Barony Trough.

Eliza BEGGS. Deposed to knowing deceased who was her uncle and with whom she had dwelt for some time past. During last spring he had swelling in one of his feet. He both attended to his business and put his own hand to his work. Though he died on morning of Sabbath 20 instance -- yet the previous he appeared in as good health and wrought as well as usual about seven o'clock morn of 20 instance hearing myself called by my uncle I went to [him] when he said he Eliza  I am going to die. On looking closely I perceived such a change as show to me he was near his departure. He had been dressing. I assisted him back to his bed and within ¾ of an hour he was dead.

Dr. STEWART of Glasslough. Deposed has now examined body of deceased, from which the evidence now educed and from conversation with witness Eliza BEGG I come the conclusion that the death of deceased arose from the formation of a clot in the heart.

Verdict. Death from the formation of a clot in the heart.

No 5-1190

Distance travelled 17 miles

Paid Dr. STEWART ₤1.0.0

Held on view of the body of Hugh NESBITT 11 September 1876 in the townland of Derrygassen, Parish of Donagh & Barony of Donagh.

Jane Eliza NESBITT. Deposed that deceased was an old man near 80 years of age of general good health, but aware evidently of declining health and strength. But laterally after any exertion more particularly that of walking up the steep hill on which the House stands he suffered much. On Friday last he took his food as well as usual and also his which he took sitting out in his bed and with satisfaction. Next morning my husband being up sooner than I was after a little came and told me his father was dead.

Verdict. Deceased died  morn of Saturday 9 September 1876 from disease of the heart.


Distance travelled from Killieven 14 miles

Fee paid Surgeon YOUNG ₤1.1.0

Held on view of the body of John WILLSON 20 September 1876 in the town of Monaghan, Parish & Barony of Monaghan.

Surgeon YOUNG. Deposed on yesterday I was called to accident at a Diocesan school. I attended immediately and on arriving here found a man lying on the kitchen floor his head in the servant girls lap and he dead. I was told he had choked himself while at dinner. I put my finger down his throat and felt the piece there. I passed an instrument down but found he was dead.

Frances LOCKEAD. Porter to the poor house who identified the deceased as the body of the late John WILLSON who left the Monaghan poor house yesterday morn about 10 o'clock in usual health.

Thomas COLE. Deposed he is a servant in the Diocesan school -- when he came into his dinner on yesterday deceased was sitting in the kitchen. Shortly after the cook desired him to sit forward to his dinner when he said he was scarcely able she said if he wished she would set it on the table beside him which he did. Within about five minutes after I observed him as if trying to drop something out of his mouth and on raising his head I observed him to be changing his colour. Seeing this I went to him and asked him was there anything wrong with him. I ran and sent for my master who was promptly with him -- on which I left to go for the doctor.

Maurice HIME Esq. master of the Diocesan school. Deposed. On receiving the servants message I ran down to him and found deceased sitting in his stooping posture. On this I caught him in my arm and carried him to the middle of the floor and seeing him to be choking, I clapped smartly and repeatedly on the back which appeared to relieve him & on this I put some whiskey and water to his mouth a which he took some but sank immediately after and expired. I promptly sent to the High Constable to report the case to him and then went to the workhouse, but previous to sending to the High Constable I had sent to Surgeon YOUNG and also to Dr. WOODS.

Verdict. Death on Tuesday 19 September 1876 from suffocation in consequence of a piece of meat which he was eating sticking in his throat and thereby causing his death.



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