This is my first stab at making sense of the many Coleraine
JACKSONs by using information in deeds. In the process, I uncovered several errors
in my initial
notes which are posted on my web site. Correcting them means totally
redoing the tables, so I will update those as soon as I can get to it. Please
let me know if you have anything to add or correct. PS: One helpful tool that helped to prevent me becoming
utterly lost was the article by Bill Macaffe: Map
of the Baronies and Civil Parishes of Co. Londonderry.
Sharon Oddie Brown. July 7, 2016
PS I have highlighed a few cells in red because I plan to order photocopies of those deeds to get a complete list of townlands involved. The colour coding is a reminder to myself as much as anything. I apologize for all the repetition in my annotations, but it is done to help not only me, but also search engines to find them. This is especially important when townland names have so many variant spellings.
Updated July 17, 2016. Thanks to new townland name suggestions by Linda Gilmore.
Updated January 31, 2019 Links to holdings in Donegal - ROD: 45-187-28974.
Coleraine Deeds – with a focus on JACKSONs in the 1700s
& early 1800s.
On my recent 2016 trip, I had only one spur-of-the-moment day available to explore Coleraine.
I was hoping to find the parking lot where Jackson Hall had once been, or least to score a photo which I could use in this post. No such joy. Unfortunately, all the Museum staff were out and about, preparing for some big event. Instead, I took a picture of a family grave site at Killowen Church, as well as a photo of the iconic Coleraine salmon - just to remind myself that even though I may drop a line in the water, and not hook anything, the fish is still out there waiting for me.
Bk |
Pg |
Mem # |
Date |
Notes |
10 |
44 |
3015 |
1712 Jun 14 |
William JACKSON residing at Coleraine,
Co Londonderry exor of Henry BROWNE, whose son William BROWNE was raising
£400 mortgage with Robert BACON on 90a profitable land & 253a 2r 26p
unprofitable land, Liberties of Coleraine. Lease & Release Sworn 5 Jan
1711. NOTE: He may be Capt William JACKSON (abt 1666-1712). Although he died before the
registration of this deed, this memorial was reciting a 1711 deed. His son, William
b 1695, would be too young to be an executor. SEE: Jacksons of Coleraine Tree. It is also possible that he was an ancestor of the JACKSONs who
became butchers in Coleraine. [Abstract done by AnneChamney] |
378 |
6410 |
1715 Jun 13 |
Corp of Coleraine-JACKSON Bk 423: 1708-1738 Londonderry
& Coleraine
Btw the Mayor Alderman and Burgesses of the Town of
Coleraine in the Province of Ulster and Richard JACKSON of the City of
Dublin Esq. of the other part… demised unto said Richard JACKSON all
those the customs of the Markets and Faires of the said town of Coleraine and
County of Londonderry. WITNESSES: John OLPHERTS. Thomas ADERTON. Samuel
KINKEAD all of the said town of Coleraine. NOTE:
This Richard JACKSON (1673-1730) was a son of Capt. William JACKSON and Susan
BERESFORD. He was also the father of Richard JACKSON (abt 1722-1787) of
Forkhill, Co. Armagh. SEE: Timeline of Jacksons of Coleraine. |
19 |
477 |
12608 |
1716 Dec 12 |
in 2009 diary Book Index 1708-1738
James JACKSON of City of Dublin, Gent & James
BANKHEAD of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry Merchant of the other part.
James JACKSON let to James BANKHEAD 11/6 part of freehold called Clanlary [Thanks to Linda Gilmore, I now know that Clanlary =Glenleary], Parish of Camassmacasque, [Camus Macosquin
Glebe is a townland in the Parish of Macosquin] Co. Londonderry. WITNESS:
Benjamin JOHNSON, Clerk & Edward DALTON, Notary. NOTE:
Because of other JACKSON holdings in the parish of Macosquin (ie 45822), I suspect he is related to Richard JACKSON (abt
1722-1787). There was also a James JACKSON included in the lists of
soldiers (or their representatives) who settled in 1665 in Parish of Billy,
Baroney Carey, Co. Antrim. Also in Co, Antrim in this category were John
JACKSON and James JACKSON who settled in the Parish of Dunnaghy,
Barony Kilconway. They need to be kept in mind. SOURCE: The MacDonnells of
Antrim p 466. |
26 |
127 |
14853 |
1719 Nov 2 |
Rev. Jasper BRETT, Chancellor of Connor unto Richard
JACKSON, Esq. of Dublin City of town & lands of Ballynewport alias
Newportstown [Parish Rathmullen, Barony Lecale Upper] in Lecale (bar.)
Co. Down [term and rents not mentioned]. Michael WARD Esq. of Dublin City
mentioned; REGISTRARS: Charles CHURCH; James BATEMAN, mayor and JP, Coleraine;
George HAMILTON, JP of Co. Limerick. WITNESSES: Rev William BOYD, Vicar of
Ramoan, Antrim; Magnus PRINCE, Doctor of Phisik, Lisburne, Antrim; John
ALLEN, servant to Michael WARD; Edward BRUMHALL[?]..
Thanks to Michael Stewart SEE: Jacksons of Coleraine Tree. NOTE: This is the Richard JACKSON (1673-1730),
husband of Elizabeth BOYD, and son of William JACKSON and Susan BERESFORD. He
had several business interests in Dublin as a result of his inheritance from
his Uncle Samuel
JACKSON. This Rev. William BOYD was the father of Elizabeth BOYD, wife of
Richard JACKSON (1673-1730). The Rev. was probably also a direct ancestor of Rev.
Daniel Gunn BROWN through Rev. Daniel’s mother, Beatrice BOYD. See also
Parish Ballynewport, Barony Rathmullen, Co. Down in deed # 27953. |
31 |
220 |
18826 |
1720 Apr 2 |
Indenture of Lease. Randall Rt Hon Earl of Antrim demised
to Archibald McDONNELL, Gent of Ballynebantry 4 Quarters of land in
Attelicur?, Barony of Killconway, County Antrim, for 31 years. WITNESSES: William
JACKSON Esq. of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry; Alexander McNAUGHTEN, Esq of
Benverden, Co. Antrim; Edmond KEATING, Gent of Berdeville, Co. Antrim &
Charles SMITH. NOTE: William JACKSON (1695-1744),
husband of Frances EYRE, and son of Capt. William JACKSON and Elizabeth GORGES.
I suspect that Attelicur is the townland of Anticur (903a),
Parish Rasharkin, Co. Antrim. |
33 |
18 |
19491 |
1708-1738 |
BUNBURY-KENNEDY Bk 423 1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine
Btw Walter BUNBURY City of Dublin Esq. & Dame
Elizabeth IRWIN his wife of 1 pt. James KENNEDY of City of Dublin Esq. of
other part…. Legal case & lands in Blind Quay…. Lengthy. NOTE: The BUNBURY-JACKSON connection is through Rose
JACKSON (1668-1738), daughter of William JACKSON and Sarah BERESFORD. Rose
JACKSON married Thomas BUNBURY. |
42 |
1 |
25390 |
1723 Feb 15 |
Dean John BOLTONs will Bk 423 1708-1738 Londonderry
& Coleraine 1708-1738
To son Thomas BOLTON lands in Co Meath… son Joseph BOLTON…
son Richard… to son Joseph BOTON 26 acres Creekstown Co Meath (lands purchased from Patrick BARNWELL) also Henry NICKS lands in
Creekstown … Elizabeth BOLTON daughter of Joseph BOLTON. NOTE: Thomas JACKSON (1680-1651) son of William
JACKSON and Susan BERESFORD, both of Coleraine, held leases to lands here. SEE: Jacksons of Coleraine Tree. |
45 |
84 |
27953 |
1724 Feb 3 |
JACKSON-HILL Book Index 1708-1738
Mtg bearing date 1 May 1724 between Richard JACKSON
Coleraine, Co. Derry, Esq. Of 1st part & Rowly HALL, City
of Dublin, Esq. Of 2nd and Bernard BRETT of Ballynenport Co. Down,
Gent of 3rd part ... in consid. Of £700 BRETT granted to HILL
townlands of Ballynewport term of 100 years (but they revert to JACKSON if he
pays £720). SEE: Jacksons of Coleraine Tree. NOTE: This is the Richard JACKSON (1673-1730),
husband of Elizabeth BOYD, and son of William JACKSON and Susan BERESFORD. He
had several business interests in Dublin as a result of his inheritance from
his Uncle Samuel
JACKSON. He also had business in Dublin. See also Parish Ballynewport, Barony
Rathmullen, Co. Down mentioned in deed # 14853 |
45 |
187 |
28974 |
1725 May 31 |
RANKIN-JACKSON Bk 423 1708-1738 Grace Church
Londonderry & Coleraine
For Henry RANKIN sailor one of the sons of John RANKIN of
City of Londonderry late deceased in consid of 100 pounds paid by William
JACKSON of Coleraine in City of Londonderry Esq. and Edmond CARY of Redd
Castle in Co. Donegal Esq…. had granted to William JACKSON the moiety
or full half of the several quarter lands of Shrove Karatravnan Cerehew
Ballymacarter Ballyechan Fardrum and the Terry Greencastle. Also the lands of
Curragh o Garry two Tryans [Fryans?] Ballypatton two truans, the quarter land
of Mechletterbeall, Clare one Ballyboe and one third Ballyboe all in Barony
of Eneshowen Co. Donegall and which were all of Donegall decd And also one
moiety of a house in Londonderry…. Signed William JACKSON
(1695-1744), husband of Frances EYRE, and son of Capt. William JACKSON and
Elizabeth GORGES. Redd Castle aka Red Castle is in townland of Carrickmaquigley,
Parish Moville Upper,.
It is on the western shore of Lough Foyle, abt 25 miles north of Londonderry and
across the Lough from other Jackson holdings in Coleraine and Londonderry The
Co. Donegal townlands listed here are all in the Barony of Inishowen East, [aka
Eneshowen]: Shrove aka Stroove,
Parish Movilla Lower;
· Karatravnan aka Carrowtrasna (it is on the western border of Stroove),
Parish of Moville
· Cerehew aka Carrowhugh (it is on the western border of Carrowtrasna),
Parish Moville Lower;
· Ballymacarter aka Ballymacarthur,
Parish Moville Lower;
· Ballyechan aka Balleeghan,
Parish Movilla Lower is on the western border of Ballymacarthur;
· Fardrum aka Tardrum? Tardrum Cottages are about a km northeast of
Greencastle in the Eleven
Ballyboes, Parish Moville
· Terry I do not know what this refers to. Although there is a
Terrydrum, Parish of Tamlaght Finlagan, Barony Keenaght, Co. Londonderry, I
suspect that it is part of the Eleven
Ballyboes, Parish Moville
· Greencastle is on the coast north-east from Moville, and probably
within the Eleven
Ballyboes, Parish Moville
· Curragh o Garry possibly Moneydarragh,
Parish of Culdaff, which
is on the northern border of Clare,,
Parish Moville Upper;
· Ballypatton aka Ballyrattan,
Parish Moville Upper on the eastern border of Clare;
· Mechletterbeall aka Meenletterbale,,
Parish Moville Lower;
· Clare,
Parish Moville Upper
47 |
261 |
30485 |
1725 Dec 10 |
Earl of Antrim to MOORE Drumaheaglis & Rosnashane
WITNESSED by William JACKSON, Coleraine. Thanks
to Linde Lunney. NOTE: William JACKSON (1695-1744), husband of Frances
EYRE, and son of Capt. William JACKSON and Elizabeth GORGES. The townlands
Drumaheglis, Parish Ballymoney, Barony Upper
Rosnashane, Parish Finvoy, Barony Kilconway. |
52 |
89 |
33668 |
1726 Dec 30-31 |
2016, I ordered a photocopy of this Memorial in the hopes of seeing actual signatures
so I could perhaps tell one Thomas JACKSON in Dublin from another. Unfortunately,
Thomas JACKSON’s signature was not on the document.)
A memorial of indented Deeds of Lease and Release bearing
date Respectively the thirtieth and thirty first day of December: one
thousand seven hundred and twenty six made and perfected between John BALL of
Loghross, Co. Armagh, Esq. of 1st part & Thomas JACKSON of City of
Dublin Esq. Of the other part. By which said deed and release the said John
BALL for the consideration therein mentioned Did give grant bargain sell,
Release & Confirm to Thomas JACKSON in his actual possession by
virtue of the said lease all that tate of the old Castle of Creckstown &
106A 1R 34P of the land thereunto adjoining in the Barony of Ratbath, Co.
Meath inders Rents Issues and Profitts of the same. To have and to hold the
said premises with the appurtenances the said Thomas Jackson and his
heirs yielding and paying therefore and thereout unto the said John
BALL his heirs and issue for ever the yearly rent of five shillings sterling
per acre for every of the said acres and after that rate for the said one Rod
and thirty four perches in half yearly payment viz on every first day of May
and November the first payment to be made on the First Day of May next
ensuing the Date of the said Deed of Release. Which said Deeds of Lease
and Release were duly perfected on the said thirtieth and thirty first Days
of December one thousand seven hundred and twenty six. . WITNESS: William
CHURCH of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry, Gent; John DOWNING of City of
Dublin, Gent; Henry ARKWRIGHT, City of Dublin.
NOTE: Lieut. Thomas Ball,
of Fleetwood's Regt., the father of John BALL, received grants of land in
several counties of Ireland, which were confirmed under the Act of
Settlement. In Crickstown, barony of Ratoath, he received "a mansion
house, orchard, garden, and groves,''. They were same BALL family with leases
at Urker and elsewhere in Creggan Parish. Thomas JACKSON (1680-1751)
was a son of William JACKSON and Susan BERESFORD, both of Coleraine. I suspect that this John DOWNING was John
DOWNING (1700-1785), son of Adam DOWNING and Ann JACKSON, daughter of John
JACKSON (1630-aft 1688) This John JACKSON was an uncle of Thomas JACKSON
(1680-1751). Henry ARKRIGHT is mentioned in a number of JACKSON deeds, and is
likely a lawyer. In a book, Between
the Tides: Shipwrecks of the Irish Coast, he is referred to as a Collector in 1703. He was a Collector
of Revenue for Galway in 1709. |
56 |
139 |
37310 |
1725 Apr 4 |
JACKSON-The office of Clerk of market Bk 423
1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine
Btw Mayor Alderman and Burgesses of Corporation of Colerain,
Co Londonderry of 1 pt & William JACKSON Esq. & Griffin
HOWARD Gent two of the aldermen of the said Corp. inconsid of 100 pounds paid
by JACKSON & HOWARD let to them the office of the Clerke of the Market of
Coleraine and also all that and those the Customs of the faires and
Markets… rent of 36 punds sterling. Executed by Arthur CHURCH, mayor of
Coleraine Gent, & Frederick CURTIS Chamberlaine. WITNESSES John GALT,
William & John CURTIS, all of Coleraine. NOTE:
I believe that this is the William JACKSON (1695-1744), husband of Frances
EYRE (1708-?) of Galway. |
65 |
274 |
45475 |
1730 Feb 23 |
BALL, John & wife-JACKSON [NOTE:
Coleraine JACKSONs]
NAMES: John BALL of Three Castles aka Bannough, Kilkenny;
Thomas JACKSON of Dublin; Dorothy BALL née JACKSON; John HAMILTON; John
DOWNING; William PARRY. NOTE: Dorothy JACKSON was a daughter of
William JACKSON (abt 1666-1712) and Elizabeth GORGES (abt 1675-1747). Thomas
JACKSON (1680-1781) was her uncle. |
67 |
186 |
45822 |
1731 May 13 |
GODFREY-JACKSON Bk 423 1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine
Btw Lieut William GODFREY of the Hon Col HOWARD’s Regiment
of foot of the one part & Richard JACKSON of the City of Dublin
Esq. of the other pt. 150 pounds paid to GODFREY for lease of Drommore
als Drumore situate in territory Ballibette or Portion of land called
Moytullagh, Co. Londonderry. WITNESS: Alexander McCAULEY of City of Dublin
Esq. & James SAUNDERS clerk to Richard PREST of same city. NOTE: Although there are 4 townlands called Dromore
in Co. Londonderry: Parish of Desertmartin, Barony of Loughinsholin; Parish
of Kildolagh, Barony of NE Liberties of Coleraine; Parish of Macosquin,
Barony of Coleraine; Parish of Tamlaght Finlagan, Barony Keenaght – my best
guess is that this Drommore is in the Parish of Macosquin, Barony of
Coleraine because in documents at PRONI, the land called Moytullagh was mentioned
in the Barony of Coleraine. SEE: PRONI LPC/1428 & LPC/1429. NOTE: This is the Richard JACKSON (1673-1730),
husband of Elizabeth BOYD, and son of William JACKSON and Susan BERESFORD. He
had several business interests in Dublin as a result of his inheritance from
his Uncle Samuel
67 |
264 |
46124 |
1731 Jun 19 |
ASH-AVERILL Bk 423 1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine Pennyburns Mills. For 623 pounds 9s 9d William ASH made over to Isobel
AVERILL mills called Pennyburn Mills near City of Londonderry. NOTE: I am curious about the JACKSON-ASH connections
and a possible link to Coleraine. One possible connection to Coleraine is
because of a marriage btw a Sarah ASH and a William JACKSON. SOURCE: Mackenzie's
Memorials of the Siege of Derry: Including His Narrative and Its Vindication.
John Mackenzie. Captain Thomas ASH was ancestor of William H ASH,
of Ashbrook, Esq. |
78 |
402 |
56818 |
1708-1738 |
ASH-JACKSON Bk 423 1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine
2 tenements on Pump Street in City of Londonderry marked
211 & 212 transferred from William ASH to William JACKSON of
Colerain Esq. I consid of 50 pounds. NOTE:
I believe that this is the William JACKSON (1695-1744), husband of Frances
EYRE (1708-?) of Galway. I am curious about the JACKSON-ASH connections and a
possible link to Coleraine. A 1738 Map shows a William ASH on Pump Street
(alias Church Street) in Londonderry. One possible connection to the Coleraine
JACKSONs is because of a marriage btw a Sarah ASH and a William JACKSON.
SOURCE: Mackenzie's
Memorials of the Siege of Derry: Including His Narrative and Its Vindication.
John Mackenzie. Captain Thomas ASH was ancestor of William H ASH,
of Ashbrook, Esq. |
79 |
31 |
54371 |
1734 Nov 2 |
GODFREY-DONALDSON Bk 423 1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine
Stephen GODFREY to James DONALDSON of Parish of
Coleraine part of Dundooen formerly held by Alderman William
GODFREY. NOTE: Dundooan is a townland
that is in 3 parishes: Ballyaghran, Ballywillan and Coleraine, all in the
Barony NE Liberties of Coleraine. |
82 |
207 |
57560 |
1734 Jun 9 |
JACKSON-TODD Book Index 1730-45 Image 413
Wm JACKSON Merchant of Colerain Co Londonderry demised to Isaac TODD of same Merch. All that bleach yard with the house etc formerly belonging to Sarah MELVINS, then in possession of said Isaac TODD together with a park or meadow abt 2a lying at the Bann side & North side of the lower part of the Wilderness with a small Guarding formerly Archbishop McKINLEYs & opposite to Mr. John DUNLOPs Gurding on which said Isaac had enclosed with a stone wall then in his possession together with a park and field formerly Mr. ADERTONs adjoining on the South side with Thomas HALADYs field and bounded on the west with the road that leads to Ardicleave. 35 yr lease... WITNESS: William KENTON of Coleraine schoolmaster & Samuel BRINDLEY Clerke to said Isaac TODD SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine Probably William JACKSON (1695-1744) |
82 |
207 |
57562 |
1735 Jul 24 |
JACKSON-ADERTON Book Index 1730-45
Wm JACKSON of Colerain Co Londonderry demised to
Thomas ADERTON town and lands of Lenon Garron then in his possession in
Parish of Dunboe, Manor of Clothworkers & Co. NOTE:
Thanks to Linda Gilmore, I now know that Lenon Gernon was included in Thomas Raven's Survey of Clothworkers in 1616. SEE: |
83 |
63 |
57561 |
1735 Feb 2 |
JACKSON-HALLIDAY Book Index 1730-45
Lease btw William JACKSON, of Coleraine, Co.
Londonderry, Esq to Thomas HOLLYDAY [aka Thomas HALLIDAY] of Waterside in
the parish of Killowen, Co. Londonderry, Innkeeper .. house or tenement which
HOLLYDAY possessed in the south side of Bridge St.,, Co. Londonderry… meared
and bounded by Edward ADERTON’s field on north & south and in west with
road leading to Articlave.. WITNESS: William KENTON of Coleraine,
schoolmaster & Samuel BRINDLEY clke to Isaac TODD. NOTE: I believe that this is the William JACKSON
(1695-1744), husband of Frances EYRE (1708-?) of Galway. Waterside is a
townland in the Parish of Killowen, NOTE:
Bridge Street is not included in the 1738 Map, but is included on
contemporary maps. The road to Articlave heads north-east out of the City. |
83 |
328 |
59108 |
1734 Mar 27 |
LINDSAY Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of town of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry demised to David LINDSAY of the
same, merchant, Co. Londonderry… land in Parish of Drumboe, Manor of
Clothworkers, Co. Londonderry for term of 35 years at rents of 11
pounds 15s 2d. WITNESS: Thomas HOLLYDAY [aka Thomas HALLIDAY], linen
draper & William CHURCH both of Coleraine. NOTE:
I believe that this is the William JACKSON (1695-1744), husband of Frances
EYRE (1708-?) of Galway. |
84 |
122 |
58582 |
1736 May 31 |
MOORE Book Index 1730-45
Lease btw William JACKSON of Coleraine, Co.
Londonderry of 1st pt; Frances his wife of the 2nd pt; & the Hon Mrs. MOORE of the City of Dublin , widow of 3rd pt. JACKSON had received payment of £1300 from MOORE for lands of
Ballimadigan, Drumnequile, Donbally-Carn Ringrashbeg Ringrashmore Artaclave
etc … in Co. Londonderry. WITNESS: William CHURCH & William KINKEAD. NOTE: This is William JACKSON (1695-1744) & his
wife Frances EYRE. What is interesting is the range of parishes that these
townlands are in, however, the three parishes do border one another. The
townlands are the same as in deed #59683.
Ballimadigan,aka Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe
Drumnequile aka Drumaquill, Parish Killowen
Donbally-Carn I don’t know where this is.
Ringrashbeg aka Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin
Ringrashmore aka Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin
Artaclave, Parish Dumboe, Barony Coleraine. |
84 |
221 |
59683 |
1736 Nov 11 |
CAREY Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of Coleraine in consid of 5s
paid to him by Henry CARY of Dungivin, Co. Coleraine Esq. Arthur CHURCH
of Coleraine Esq. & Thomas JACKSON of City of Dublin Esq sold to Messrs Henry CARY, Arthur CHURCH & Thomas JACKSON
town and lands of Ballimadigan, Drumnequile, Donbally=Carn Ringrashbeg
Ringrashmore Artaclave etc. WITNESS Farmer GLOVER & William CHURCH of
Coleraine. NOTE: I believe that this is
William JACKSON (1695-1744) and his uncle Thomas JACKSON (1680-1751). The
townlands are the same as in deed #58582.
Dungivin, Paarish Dungiven, Barony Keenaght.
Ballimadigan,aka Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe
Drumnequile aka Drumaquill, Parish Killowen
Donbally-Carn I don’t know where this is.
Ringrashbeg aka Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin
Ringrashmore aka Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin
Artaclave, Parish Dumboe, Barony Coleraine. |
84 |
221 |
59684 |
1736 Nov 11 |
CAREY Book Index 1730-45
Whereby William JACKSON of Coleraine, Co.
Londonderry Esq. having contracted many & great debts & minded to
vest his estate in Trustees in payment thereof and in consideration of
the sum of 5 pounds sterling sold to Messrs Henry CARY, Arthur CHURCH
& Thomas JACKSON town and lands of Ballimadigan,
Drumnequile, Donbally=Carn Ringrashbeg Ringrashmore Andaclave etc…. all that
Manor commonly called the Manor of Clothworkers, Barony of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry. NOTE: I believe that this is
William JACKSON (1695-1744) and his uncle Thomas JACKSON (1680-1751). The
townlands are the same as in deed #58582.
Ballimadigan,aka Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe
Drumnequile aka Drumaquill, Parish Killowen
Donbally-Carn I don’t know where this is.
Ringrashbeg aka Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin
Ringrashmore aka Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin
Artaclave, Parish Dumboe |
92 |
356 |
64896 |
1738 Nov 14 |
JACKSON-MARRON Bk 423 1708-1738 Londonderry & Coleraine
Btw Clark JACKSON of Drumballyhagen Co. Londonderry
Gent of 1 pt & John MARRON of Maghera Merchant of other pt. … for natural
lives of Adam JACKSON eldest son of Clark JACKSON aged abt 13
years Samuel PATERSON eldest son of William PATERSON Tobermore [Parish
Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin] in proportion aged about 11 years
& John O’CAHAN 2nd son of James O’CAHAN of
Drumballyhagen… in presence of Thomas ASH and Rowly HILL Justices of
the Peace for Londonderry. NOTE: The CLARK and
JACKSON families of Maghera were closely affiliated, and likely related. They
still remain a mystery to me. Assuming that the name Adam did not come out of
thin air, it may be pertinent that in Deed # 6033 , there is an Adam JACKSON,
a weaver of Pimlicoe in the Liberty of
Thomas Court and Donore Co. Dublin in 1714 (a time and place where there was
a concentration of JACKSONs in the linen trade). I am also curious about the
JACKSON-ASH connections and a possible link to Coleraine. A 1738 Map shows a
William ASH on Pump Street (alias Church Street) in Londonderry. One possible
connection to the Coleraine JACKSONs is because of a marriage btw a Sarah
ASH and a William JACKSON. SOURCE: Mackenzie's
Memorials of the Siege of Derry: Including His Narrative and Its Vindication.
John Mackenzie. Captain Thomas ASH was ancestor of William H ASH,
of Ashbrook, Esq.
Drumballyhagen aka Drumballyhagan, Parish
Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin |
96 |
378 |
68385 |
1739-1810 |
Btw Mary KINKEDD of Waterside in Parish of Killowen, widow
of 1 pt. William JACKSON of Coleraine Esq. of other part KINKEDD
assigned house at Waterside lately built wherein she dwells and the field and
park of land No 52 divided into three parks 52, 53 & 54 all situated in
Manor of Clothworkers, Co. Londonderry…. NOTE:
I believe that this is the William JACKSON (1695-1744), husband of Frances
EYRE (1708-?) of Galway. Waterside is a townland in the Parish of Killowen, |
100 |
285 |
70504 |
LINDSAY Book Index 1730-45
Btw William JACKSON Fortwilliam Parish of
Killcranachan, Co Londonderry Gent of 1 pt & Walter LINDSAY of Cahow Esq.
& Barbara CORNWALL of Cornwalls Grove, spinster both in Barony of
Dungannon Co. Tyrone Esq. The last will and testament of John CORNWALL late
of Cornwall’s Grove of other pt. Marriage intended to be had btw William
JACKSON jr son of sd William JACKSON & Miss Martha CORNWALL,
daughter of John and Barbara CORNWALL… lands of Ballynasarren…NOTE: I do not know what townland Fortwilliam might be in, although I suspect Tobermore, nor do I know where Ballynasarren might be. |
101 |
172 |
70503 |
1740 Jan 20 |
Lease by Catherine ROWLEY of City of Dublin spinster &
Rowley HILL of Walworth, Co. Londonderry esq. to William JACKSON Jr of
Dunnigrenan Parish of Kileronaghan, Co Londonderry Surgeon bearing
date the 17th day of June 1735 whereby Catherine ROWLEY
demised to said William JACKSON all that part of the half town
of Dunnigrennan formerly held by David BIGOTT John McMICHAEL together with
the old Highway from the househead wherein Gillaspy M’CONNAGHY formerly
lived to the Flush called Dunigrinen Flush also that part of the town of
Tobermore cont 3 tenements ranging to the street of Tobermore Town on the
South and to a road or way of forty foot broad of the rere made
out of Tobermore town to Dungrinene Fort on the West which was served out of
this demise… more description.. were demised by Hugh ROWLEY to Robert
Mc[???] and the same was held by Capt William JACKSON father to
the said William JACKSON excepting unto the said Catherine ROWLEY &
Rowley Hill the meadow next to the flush which Hugh ROWLEY kept to his own
use. All to William JACKSON jr for lives of said Wm JACKSON jr. Ann
CUNNINGHAM jr daughter of Gorges CUNNINGHAM of Spring Hill, Co. Londonderry
& Martha CORNWALL daughter of John CORNWALL of Mullaghmargaret Co. Tyrone
Gent. WITNESS: Letitia HILL, spinster, John CORNWALL sadler George MOORE
Public Notary all of City of Dublin. NOTE: See
reference to marriage of a William JACKSON to a Martha CORNWALL ROD #70504.
This is a link – I believe – from the JACKSONs of Tobermore & the Jacksons of Coleraine.
Tobermore, Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin
Dunnigrenan may be Drumballyhagan Clark or
Drumballyhagan, Parish Kilcronaghan, Barony Loughinsholin |
101 |
363 |
71612 |
1735 Dec 1 |
JACKSON-MOORE & ors Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry lands
of Ballystroan Ballystroan aka Ballystrone, Parish of Dunboe, Barony Coleraine |
101 |
371 |
71699 |
1734 Nov 9 |
JACKSON-FORBES & ors Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry |
102 |
426 |
71609 |
1735 Aug 14 |
William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry, Esq.
For rent set to John HOLMES land of Ardadillon, Parish of Dunboe, Manor of
Clothworkers, Co Londonderry
Ardadillon aka Artidillon, Parish of Dunboe, Barony
Coleraine |
102 |
436 |
71657 |
1734 Oct 25 |
JACKSON-CASEY Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry Esq....
lease of lands in Dunboe, Manor of Clothworkers, Co Londonderry |
104 |
150 |
72358 |
1734 Jul 22 |
JACKSON-COCHRAN Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry Esq.
... lands in Dunboe |
105 |
33 |
72359 |
1735 Aug 11 |
JACKSON-MILLER Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry Esq. ..
town land called Bogtown lands in Drumboe, Manor of Clothworkers to David
MILLER & John MILLER… rent of 15 pounds 13s 8d together with one Bowl or
twelve bushels of fluffed and cleaned oats… and deliver to the Mansion House
one hundred barrels of turf every barrel containing ten bushels of their own
cutting and winding…35year term.. Witnessed: Samuel MOORE & John BOYD. Of
Ballywillrick, Co Londonderry. NOTE: John BOYD
may be related to JACKSONs through the marriage of Elizabeth BOYD to Richard
JACKSON (1673-1730).
Bogtown, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine
Ballywillrick aka Ballywilldrick – there is an
Upper and a Lower Ballywildrick in Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine |
105 |
34 |
72360 |
1741 Oct 21 |
JACKSON-LONG Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry to
John LONG for 1/3rd part of Ballyhacket Moygilligan in parish of
Drumbo, Manor of Clothworkers for similar terms as above.
Ballyhacket Moygilligan aka Ballyhacket Magilligan, Parish
Dunboe, Barony Coleraine |
105 |
34 |
72361 |
1741 Oct 21 |
JACKSON-BOYD Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry part of
Ballyhacket Clonconney, Parish of Drumbo, Manor of Clothworkers, to
Benjamin BOYD.
Similar to the lease above NOTE:
There are four townlands, some would be a fit: Ballyhacket Glenahorry; Ballyhacket Magilligan; Ballyhacket Lisawilling; and Ballyhacket
Toberclaw. I do know which one it might be. ??? Is Benjamin BOYD related to JACKSONs through the marriage of Elizabeth BOYD
to Richard JACKSON (1673-1730)? |
105 |
35 |
72362 |
1741 Oct 21 |
JACKSON-FENSON Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry to
Joseph TERSON (?) of Ballywooldrichmore all that part of Ballywooldrichmore
now in his possession, parish of Drumbo. Manor of Clothworkers, Co. Londonderry
for 35 years
Similar to the lease above.
Ballywooldrichmore aka Ballywilldrick – there is an
Upper and a Lower Ballywildrick in Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine |
105 |
487 |
74424 |
1739-1742 Jul 9 |
Lease of townland of Ballymoney, Parish of Dunboe, Manor
of Clothworkers did set to farm to James WILSON, James RANKIN & Wm
LOUGHRICK all of Ballymoney also that townland of Ballymoney now in their
possession… term of 35 years.. yearly rent of 5 pounds 5 s 6p with duties to
wit 30 scaks of turf of their own cutting and winding and every sack
containing ten bushels or else 7s 6d in Lieu to be delivered yearly at the Mansion
House near Colerain. WITNESS: William CHURCH & Samuel MOOR
both od Colerain Memorial witnesses Samuel MOOR & John BOYD. NOTE: John BOYD may be related to JACKSONs through
the marriage of Elizabeth BOYD to Richard JACKSON (1673-1730). |
112 |
260 |
77952 |
1741 Feb 2 |
WARD & others – GORGES of Tyrone Book Index 1730-45
Deed of Michael WARD Esq. One of the Justices of his Majesties
Court & Hugh BOYD of Ballycastle late Drumwillen, Co Antrim Esq. &
John ANDERSON City of Dublin Apothecary executors of the last will and
testament of Richard JACKSON late of the City of Dublin dec’d of
the first part. Hamilton GORGES of the City of Dublin Esq. Of the 2nd pt. & William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry of 3rd pt ... reciting earlier deed... various lands... NOTE:
Hugh BOYD (1690-1765) was a brother of Elizabeth BOYD who married the Richard
JACKSON (1673-1730) of this memorial. Hamilton GORGES (1712-1786) was a
nephew of the Elizabeth GORGES (abt 1675-1747) who married William JACKSON
(abt 1666-1712). William JACKSON was a brother of the deceased Richard who
had lived in Dublin.
This Ballycastle was probably the townland in the Parish
Ramoan, Barony Cary, Co. Antrim |
117 |
164 |
80138 |
1744 May 28 |
related ones
Btw John BENNETT of Colerain, Co. Londonderry Gent of the
1 pt & William JACKSON of the same Esq. of the 2nd pt.
reciting an earlier deed March 2 1724 made and executed by the said William
JACKSON… JACKSON had demised to BENNETT the garden & tanyard &
waterside in the Parish of Killowen Manor of Clothworkers, Co. Londonderry
which had been late of the possession of Samuel CORBETT deceased… BENNETT
assigned this all back to JACKSON. WITNESS: Hercules HEYLAND of Castleroe,
Co. Londonderry Esq & by the eldest Robert GIVEEN of Kiltowen in
said Co. linen draper & by John M’ALESTER of Colerain Gent.
JACKSONs seal was affixed. NOTE: A tanyard was
held in 1820 by ANDREWS – at New Road; and in 1859 by Joseph McCARTER same
place. This is probably the William JACKSON
(1695-1744), husband of Frances EYRE (1708-?) of Galway |
117 |
200 |
80312 |
1735 Nov 1 |
JACKSON-TOMM Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry
Samuel TOMM of Ardwillan all of Ardwillan in his possession, Parish of
Drumboe, Manor of Clothworkers...
Drumboe – probably my transcription error. Should
be: Artdillan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine. |
117 |
278 |
80785 |
1741 Apr 13 |
CORRY-HYLAND & ors Book Index 1730-45
William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry.. [other
names] … reciting earlier deed Oct 13, 1729, the Clothworkers of London had
demised to Richard JACKSON of Dublin Esq all that Manor of
Clothworkers in the Kingdom of Ireland for a term of 51 years dating from May
1, 1720… reciting that the said Richard JACKSON had by his deed bearing dated
Oct 13, 1729 declared that the said indenture so made by the Master
Wardens & Commonwealth aforesaid was made in trust for the said William
JACKSON by way of a better security for the sum of 2,050 pounds 4
shillings and sixpence which the said William JACKSON then owed unto him…
William CARY & William JACKSON discharged the debts and assigned [list of
townlands] to Hercules HEYLAN.. WITNESS Connolly MCAUSLAND of Fruithill Esq.
& John M’ALESTER of Colerain Gent & Dominick HEYLAND of the same Esq.
NOTE: Perhaps should order. |
142 |
54 |
94587 |
1750 May 5 |
Earl of Tyrone-JACKSON1739-1810
Honorable Marcus Earl of Tyrone granted [long list of
townlands] in Clothworkers Manor to Richard JACKSON of Coleraine. |
150 |
272 |
101524 |
1752 Jan 22 |
William JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry Esq.
of 1 pt & Joseph WATSON of Knockaduff in Parish of Aghadooey & John
WATSON & William WATSON both of Ballymadakin Co Londonderry farmer of the
other pt. JACKSON for consid demised to WATSON all that half townland of
Ballimadagin,aka Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe |
157 |
105608 |
1752 Nov 23 |
Deed btw Hon Michael WARD Esq one of the trustees of his
Majesties Court of Common Pleas in Ireland and Hugh BOYDE of Ballycastle Co
Antrim Esq. Surviving executors of Richard JACKSON late of the City of
Dublin Esq. deceased. Of the 1st pt; Richard JACKSON of the
City of Dublin Esq only surviving son of the said Richard JACKSON deceased of the 2nd pt; Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Esq only
son and heir and devisee of William JACKSON Esq. late of Coleraine
[prob 1695-1744] deceased of the 3rd pt. Following is 2 pages of
townlands in Barony of Coleraine transferred to Richard JACKSON son of William JACKSON with consent and thanks to consideration from Richard
JACKSON son of Richard JACKSON. NOTE There are two surviving Richard JACKSONs and one living Richard JACKSON in
this deed – to confound us. The two surviving Richard JACKSONs were 1st cousins, once removed.
Richard JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill only surviving
son of Richard JACKSON (1673-1730) of Dublin, Esq deceased (husband of
Elizabeth BOYD), The half-brothers of Richard JACKSON of Forkhill, William
JACKSON and Thomas JACKSON died as infants. His full brothers Hugh JACKSON
d.s.p. and Beresford JACKSON d.s.p. must have also predeceased him.
Richard JACKSON (aft 1729-1789), husband of Anne
O’NEIL, only son & heir of William JACKSON late of Coleraine deceased.
The other two sons of William JACKSON & Frances EYRE died before 1744 and
were minors d.s.p.
Hugh BOYD (1690-1765) was a brother of Elizabeth BOYD
who married the deceased Richard JACKSON (1673-1730).
This Ballycastle was probably the townland in the Parish
Ramoan, Barony Cary, Co. Antrim |
158 |
216 |
105582 |
1752 Nov 23 |
Philip FLETCHER of Lisburn Esq of 1 pt &
Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Esq of other pt for 500 pounds pd by Richard
JACKSON … granted to JACKSON tenement commonly called Manor or Mansion House and all the lands in Manor of
Clothworkers, Parish of Dunboe, Londonderry & also to gardens
commonly called the Higher and Lower Dardrees the higher being accounted
for two balyboes of land and the Lower for two ballyboes of land…
Barony of Colerain, Co Londonderry.…. NOTE:
The Mansion House is also known as Jackson Hall. I suspect that these
two JACKSONs are the ones who were 1st cousins once removed. The Richard
JACKSON (aft 1729-1789) of Coleraine Esq,, who received the payment was the
son of William JACKSON & Frances EYRE, and the Richard JACKSON who paid
him was the Richard JACKSON of Forkhill. I do not know where the Higher
and Lower Dardrees are.
1. Richard
JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill only surviving son of Richard JACKSON
(1673-1730) of Dublin, Esq deceased (husband of Elizabeth BOYD),
2. Richard
JACKSON (aft 1729-1789), husband of Anne O’NEIL, only son & heir of
William JACKSON late of Coleraine deceased. |
158 |
217 |
105583 |
1752 Nov 23 |
Marcus McCAUSLAND of Daisiehill, Co Londonderry… credits
of Hercules HEYLANS of Castleroe, Co Londonderry Esq. of one pt & Richard
JACKSON of Coleraine of other pt…. long deed mentions Henry CARY and many
townlands in Londonderry. NOTE: Richard
JACKSON (aft 1729-1789) of Coleraine, son of William JACKSON & Frances
EYRE. Daisy Hill is in Newtownlimavady, Parish Drumachose, Barony
Keenaght; Castleroe is in the Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine. |
159 |
31 |
105909 |
1752 Dec 12 |
JACKSON-HART Articlave Lower, Artcleave, Parish Dunboe, B.
Lease btw Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Esq of 1st pt; John McALISTER of Coleraine Gent of 2nd pt; &
Henry HART of City of Dublin Esq of 3rd pt. land released to
Henry HART – in his actual possession - Ballymadegan Drumnagil
Donballyrne Ringgrafsbeg Ringgrafsmore Artaclave and the Upper and
Lower Altabreen all in Co Londonderry WITNESS: John BOWDEN of City of Dublin
Esq & William KEELER servant to sd Richard JACKSON. NOTE: Richard JACKSON (aft 1729-1789) of Coleraine, son
of William JACKSON & Frances EYRE.
Ballymadegan aka Ballimadigan, Parish Dunboe,
Barony Coleraine.
Drumnagil aka Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony
Ringgrafsbeg aka Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony
Ringgrafsmore aka Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin,
Barony Coleraine.
Artaclave aka Articlave, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine.
Upper and Lower Altabreen aka Altibrian, Parish Dunboe,
Barnony Coleraine. |
161 |
318 |
108796 |
1753 June 30 |
BALL & WIFE & ORS- BAYLEY & ORS Creekstown,
John BALL of Three Castles Co. Kilkenny Esq. Dorothy
BALL otherwise JACKSON his wife [abt.1696-1760]; Jane JACKSON of the town of Drogheda widow & sole executor of Thomas JACKSON late of Crickstown in the Co. of Meath Esq deceased Luke VIPOND
and Gorges Edmond HOWARD of the City of Dublin Esq. & Thomas SMITH of the
City of Dublin Gent of the one pt & Joseph BAYLY of the City of Dublin
Gent & Rev Abraham SANDIP of Killmoon Co Meath of the other part and the
release made between John BALL Dorothy of the first part Jane
JACKSON of the 2nd part the Rev Ralph COCKYN [variant
spellings may be useful: COCKAINE] of Raheny in the Co Dublin & Ann
COCKYN otherwise LEVESY otherwise JACKSON his wife of the 3rd part & Rev Bigoe HENZEL of Creekstown Co Meath of the 4th pt said Luke VIPOND and Gorges Edmond HOWARD of the 5th pt
and Thomas SMITH of the 6th pt and said Joseph BAYLY and Abraham
SANDIP of the 7th pt… land sold for one year.
(1696-1780) was wife of John BALL. Jane JACKSON may have been a 2nd wife of Thomas JACKSON (1680-1751) of Coleraine and Creekstown (The current
tree has Margaret BERESFORD as a wife). Ann COCKYN als JACKSON was likely the
mother of Thomas JACKSON COCKIN, son of Rev. Ralph COCKYN. SEE: ROD:
308-633-208372, 1776 Jun 3. She was a daughter of Thomas JACKSON (1680-1751) [
ROD 217-547-146565]. The JACKSON-COCKYN connection intrigues me because of
the mystery of the ancestry of the Rev. William JACKSON (1737-1795) born in
Newtownards, Co Down, who was a United Irishman betrayed by a John COCKAYNE.
There may or may not be a familial connection. |
163 |
301 |
109382 |
1739-1810 |
JACKSON-HART Atchave Lower, Adcleave, B. Coleraine
Atchave aka Articlave, Parish Dunboe, Barony
Coleraine. |
176 |
75 |
117222 |
1753 Jul 14 |
JACKSON-McCACHAN aka McKUTCHAN Book Index 1758-1768
Richard JACKSON Esq. of the one pt & Alexander
MAKACHAN of Colerain Co Londonderry of the other.... transfer of part
of townland of Donballykarn 47 acres situate in Manor of
Clothmakers.... NOTE: I have not been able to
find Donballykarn. Richard JACKSON Esq. is probably Richard JACKSON (aft 1729-1789) of Coleraine, son of William JACKSON &
Frances EYRE. |
178 |
547 |
119891 |
1756 Fe 10 |
John DOWNING gave Sarah and Charles a
marriage settlement, witnesses Alexander Clotworthy DOWNING (1735-1812) and
Rowe DOWNING (1737-1757). NOTE from Penny
Marriage btw John DOWNING of Rowes Giftin
Co Londonderry Esq & Ann DOWNING his wife of 1st part.
Charles DAWSON of Castle Dawson Co Londonderry & Sarah DOWNING of the sd
John & Ann DOWNING of the 2nd pt. Richard JACKSON of
Coleraine Esq of 3rd pt;… marriage btw Charles DAWSON &
Sarah DOWNING… made over to John DAWSON & Richard JACKSON town and
lands of Warrenstown & other townlands in Co Meath… 500 pounds marriage
portion. NOTE: Anne DOWNING’s grandmother was
Anne JACKSON (d btw 1718-1726), daughter of John JACKSON (1613-aft 1688) of
Coleraine, and wife of Col Adam DOWNING (1666-1719). Sarah DOWNING was the
daughter of Capt John DOWNING & Anne ROWE, and married Charles DAWSON. I suspect that the Richard JACKSON was Richard
JACKSON (aft 1729-1789) of Coleraine, son of William JACKSON & Frances
EYRE. Castledawson is in the Parish Magherafelt,
Barony Loughinsholin. |
208 |
119 |
13764? |
1751 Jul 20 |
GOLDING & wife-GAGE & ors Book Index 1758-1768
Revd Edward GOLDING Archdeacon of Diocese of Derry of 1st part Mary JACKSON otherwise GOLDING his wife of 2nd part & Rev
John GAGE of Aughadowey Co of Londonderry ... whereas marriage had taken
place between Edward GOLDING & Mary JACKSON & Mary his wife had come
to an agreement with Richard JACKSON of Colerain in said Co Esq
brother to said Mary ... bond of 4,000 pounds for which Mary gave Richard a
release of demands on the will of her father William JACKSON dec’d. NOTE: Mary JACKSON & Richard JACKSON (aft
1729-1789) were both children of William JACKSON & Frances EYRE. Aghadowey,
Parish Aghadowey, Barony Coleraine. |
228 |
332 |
151001 |
1764 Jun 3 |
Peter METGE to John DOWNING [1700-1785] of Rowesgift Co.
Derry and Anne DOWNING oth ROWE [1711-1776]; Richard JACKSON of Coleraine involved. I suspect that the
Richard JACKSON was Richard JACKSON (aft 1729-1789) of Coleraine, son
of William JACKSON & Frances EYRE. |
238 |
147 |
153561 |
1763 Mar 6 |
Will of John BALL, Frederick St., Dublin, Esquire. My wife
Margaret BALL, Thomas BALL, Seapark, County Wicklow, Esq., Richard JACKSON,
Coleraine, Esq., and Richard JACKSON, Forkhill, County Armagh,
Esq., trustees and executors. My dear stepdaughter Martha Ransford. My
stepson Robert Ransford. My sister Araminta Caulfield. A ring and plate to my
daughter Dorothea Margaret Shinton and her children quite out of power of her
husband Richard Shinton. My cousin Samuel BALL, now in Germany. My old
servant Brian Murphy. My old friend Mrs. Elizabeth ADAMS alias KYLE. My
friend Mar. PATERSON, Sgt. at law, Esq. My friend Dr. Charles LUCAS.
Lands of Loughross, The Island of Loughross, Creenkill,
Tullyard, Clarbane, Ratreelan, Creeockeeran and the moiety of the customs of
the Fair of Cross [would this be Crossmaglen?] and the commanage thereunto
belonging, Ballyonan otherwise Ballsmoore, Upper and Lower, Scarve McKea,
Anahecussy Darsy, Mullaghglass, Stripe of Camolly Darsy, Lisdomgrany,
Caracullen, Cargarovady and Tullynamalogee (Co. Armagh) Three Castles and
other land in Co. Kilkenny. A lease of the house, gardens and 70 acres of
land [situation not mentioned] to Folliot WARREN, Esq. dating from March
1763. WITNESSES: John SHEE, Charles BUTLER, Robert MURPHY. Memorial witnessed
by Mark WHITE, Dublin, Esq., John HILL, clerk to WRIGHT. Richard JACKSON,
NOTE: John BALL’s 1st wife was Dorothy JACKSON of Coleraine, daughter of William JACKSON
& Elizabeth GORGES. The two Richard JACKSONs were 1st cousins,
once removed:
1. Richard
JACKSON (aft 1729-1789), husband of Anne O’NEIL, only son & heir of
William JACKSON late of Coleraine deceased.
2. Richard
JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill only surviving son of Richard JACKSON
(1673-1730) of Dublin, Esq deceased (husband of Elizabeth BOYD),.
They are in my Rootsweb tree. |
241 |
83 |
156901 |
1765 Sep 25 |
McALLISTER-JACKSON Lodge holding & house in Blackgate
Lane Carthall & 3 houses in commons of Coleraine & the bakery. NOTE GALT in Church St
Btw John McALLISTER of Coleraine of the sts pt & Richard
JACKSON, James LESLIE & Stratford CANNING Esq & Hugh LYLER
Merchant of the other pt.. Lands included 6th t of lands of
Glenlary otherwise Clonlary Co Londonderry; town and lands near Colerain commonly called The Lodge lately held by Thomas M’LOCKLIN deceased; and
another in Blind Gate Lane in Coleraine now possessed by Robert SIMPSON
Innkeeper; ; farm called Carthill near Coleraine now in possession of
Christopher CUNNINGHAM; three houses in the commons of Coleraine; the bakery
in the New Row in Coleraine; a moiety of the Bleach Yard & farm at
Ballydivit in Londonderry; part of the townland of Termoyle; a stock
farm in the townland of Sionce… NOTE:
The M’LOCHLIN name is interesting, given the fact that a Margaret O’LAUGLIN
(abt 1722-1797) married George JACKSON (1718-1782) of Urker and Liscalgot,
Co. Armagh, and a significant number of circumstantial facts leads me to
believe that his line comes from Coleraine. I cannot be sure which Richard
JACKSON this might be. He might be the Richard JACKSON butcher, or he could
be one of the wealthy JACKSONs who trace back to Kirkby Lonsdale,
Glenlary aka Glenleary, Parish Macosquin
The Lodge
Blind Gate Lane
Ballydivit aka Ballydevitt, Parish Aghadowey,
Barony Coleraine.
Sionce aka Sconce, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine |
253 |
170 |
162636 |
1766 |
Mentions that Richard JACKSON of Coleraine was
executor of will of John MacKAY, Coleraine, d.1765, Thanks
to Linde Lunney. |
254 |
449 |
168704 |
1767 Dec 2 |
JACKSON-METGE Book Index 1758-1768
Richard JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry, Esq.
Of 1st pt Charles DAWSON of Limerick in Co Limerick of 2nd pt & Peter METGE of Athlunmney, Co Meath Esq.... lands of Warrenstown, Co
Meath... NOTE: Charles DAWSON was husband of
Sarah DOWNING, and a great-grand-daughter of Anne JACKSON (d btw 1718-1726),
daughter of John JACKSON (1630-aft1688) of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland as well
as of Coleraine. Given these connections, I suspect that this Richard JACKSON was Richard JACKSON (aft 1729-1789) of Coleraine, son
of William JACKSON & Frances EYRE. |
268 |
253 |
169760 |
1768 Mar 25 |
ALLEN Book Index 1768-1776
Btw Richard JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry
& John ALLEN of town & Co aforesaid, Innkeeper of the other pt. …
part of townland of Ballykern then in ALLENs possession 23 acres 3 rood plantation
measure…. Lives Isaac, son of Isaac TODD…. NOTE:
I suspect that this Richard JACKSON was Richard
JACKSON (aft 1729-1789) of Coleraine, son of William JACKSON & Frances
EYRE. The possible TODD-JACKSON connection is worth exploring. An Andrew TODD
(1748-1805) married a daughter of James BIRCH (?-1727) and Mary JACKSON. So
far, we do not know where she came from.
Ballykern If this townland is in Co. Londonderry,
then it is likely the townland of Ballykeen, Parish of Tamlaght Finlagan,
Barony Keenaght. |
286 |
100 |
184932 |
1771 Feb 16 |
CROMPE Book Index 1768-1776
Richard JACKSON of Coleraine of 1 pt & Giles
CROMP of City of London of other pt. |
288 |
37 |
185572 |
1770 Feb 10 |
KING-QUIN Book Index 1768-1776 Forkhill,
Margaret & Mary KING daughters & Heirs of Maxwell
KING late of Dublin Esq dec’d of 1st pt....Richard JACKSON of Forkhill, Co Armagh Esq Richard JACKSON of Colerain in Co Londonderry
Esq & Thomas BALL of Seapark Esq Co Wicklow of 5th pt...
transaction had consent of the 2 Richard JACKSONs... NOTE:
I do not know if there is a connection btw Maxwell KING and the Mary KING who
married James Jackson BIRCH (1740-18210), but since his grandmother was a
Mary JACKSON, wife to James BIRCH (?-1727), a connection is possible since we do not know where she came from. It
is also possible that this was merely a business transaction. As for the two Richard
JACKSONs, they were 1st cousins, once removed:
1. Richard
JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill only surviving son of Richard JACKSON
(1673-1730) of Dublin, Esq deceased (husband of Elizabeth BOYD),
2. Richard
JACKSON (aft 1729-1789), husband of Anne O’NEIL, only son & heir of
William JACKSON late of Coleraine deceased. |
288 |
38 |
185573 |
1771 Mar 29 |
JACKSON-QUINN Book Index 1768-1776 Forkhill,
Richard JACKSON of Forkhill, Co Armagh Esq Richard
JACKSON of Colerain in Co Londonderry Esq & Thomas BALL of Seapark
Esq Co Wicklow Continuation of above. NOTE: Thomas
BALL (1727-1798) of Seapark was a 1st cousin once removed of John
BALL (1702-1764), husband of Dorothy JACKSON (aft 1695-1760). The two Richard
JACKSONs were 1st cousins, once removed:
3. Richard
JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill only surviving son of Richard JACKSON
(1673-1730) of Dublin, Esq deceased (husband of Elizabeth BOYD),
4. Richard
JACKSON (aft 1729-1789), husband of Anne O’NEIL, only son & heir of
William JACKSON late of Coleraine deceased. |
288 |
540 |
192635 |
1733 Jan 1 |
JACKSON-CARY Book Index 1768-1776
William JACKSON of Colerain, Co Londonderry Esq.
& Edward CARY of Dungiven, Co Londonderry
Dungiven, Parish Dungiven ,Barony Keenaght |
309 |
66 |
204689 |
1775 Jun 3 |
CALDWELL & ors Book Index 1768-1776
Lease 27 Jan 1775 whereby Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Esq demised to Margaret CALDWELL and Robert RICE of said town all that and
those the three fields at Spittlehill within a quarter of a mile of Coleraine
as the same was then possessed by Margaret CALDWELL (Royalties excepted) to
hold to 31 years at the rent of 24 pounds sterling WITNESS: John LITTLE of Coleraine
Gent & Patrick SMYTH of City of Dublin Gent. NOTE:
I suspect that this Richard JACKSON was Richard JACKSON (aft 1729-1789) of
Coleraine, son of William JACKSON & Frances EYRE. He was also the husband
of Anne O’NEIL.
Spittle Hill, Parish of Coleraine, Barony NE
Liberties of Coleraine. It is on the eastern border of the urban part of
Coleraine. |
315 |
363 |
212533 |
1770 Sep 4 |
THOMPSON Names Index: 1777-1785
Btw Jackson WRAY late of Coleraine but then of
Ballycastle, Co Antrim Esq. & Rev James SMYTHE Vicar of Ardmay, Co.
Antrim of the 1 pt. Thomas THOMPSON of Greenmount, Co Antrim Esq and the
lease made btw Jackson WRAY, Richard JACKSON of Forkhill Co
Armagh Esq & the surviving Executors of the will of Hugh BOYDE the
younger of Ballycastle Esq son & heir of Alexander BOYDE late of
Ballycastle Esq, deceased. Who at the time of his death was son and heir of
Hugh BOYD… more BOYD (hard to read). NOTE: This
Jackson WRAY (1715-1793) was a son of Henry WRAY and Jane JACKSON. He married
Leonora BOYD, daughter of Hugh BOYD (which Hugh BOYD, I do not yet know).
Alexander BOYD was a brother (or half-brother) of Elizabeth BOYD, wife of
Richard JACKSON (1673-1730). This Richard JACKSON was the father of the Richard
JACKSON (1722-1787) of Forkhill.
This Ballycastle was probably the townland in the Parish
Ramoan, Barony Cary, Co. Antrim. |
329 |
368 |
219853 |
1779 Apr 28 |
LaTOUCHE jr Names Index: 1777-1785
NAMES: Richard JACKSON of Coleraine; George HART
aka HARTE of Dublin; David LaTOUCHE jr. of Dublin; Henry HART aka HARTE; William
JACKSON; Frances EYRE of Eyrecourt, Co. Galway; Elizabeth MOORE; John
William KELLY. OTHER PLACES: Ballymadegan; Drumnaquilt [Parish of Killowen,
Barony of Coleraine]; Donballycarne; Ringrassbegg Ringrassmore [Parish of
Macosquin, Barony Coleraine]; Ardaclaire Upper and lower Altabrean, County
Link: 1779
April 28 for full transcription. Richard JACKSON (aft 1729 - aft 1781) of
Coleraine was the sole surviving son of William JACKSON and Frances EYRE. The
townlands are as follows:
Ballimadigan,aka Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe,
Barony Coleraine
Drumnaquilt aka Drumnequil aka Drumaquill, Parish
Killowen, Barony Coleraine
Donballycarne aka Donbally-Carn I don’t
know where this is.
Ringrashbeg aka Ringrash Beg, Parish Macosquin,
Barony Coleraine
Ringrashmore aka Ringrash More, Parish Macosquin,
Barony Coleraine
Ardaclaire aka Artaclave, Parish Dunboe,
Barony Coleraine.
Upper and lower Altabrean, aka Altibrian, Parish Dunboe,
Barony Coleraine. |
332 |
419 |
225233 |
PIGGOTT & ors Names Index: 1777-1785 Youghall |
332 |
462 |
225369 |
1780 Feb 1 |
YOUNG & ors Names Index: 1777-1785
Hatton TILLE of Coleraine of 1 pt & Rev
Galbraith YOUNG of Coleraine; James STEWART of Grace Hill Antrim
& Richard JACKSON & Elizabeth his wife of the other part. NOTE: See also: Deed #306027. This Richard JACKSON
was a butcher. |
339 |
371 |
229119 |
1781 Sep 7 |
Miles NORTH- Edward NORTH. Ballinclea, This is a four page
Indentured deed between Miles JACKSON late of Jackson’s
Hall in the County of Westmorland and now of the City of Dublin Esq. and
Edward NORTH of Bloomfield in Co Dublin Esq. of the other part…. Miles NORTH
had levied a fine sur conveyance de droit com ceo [NOTE: Sur Cognizance De Droit Come Ceo.
... acknowledgment of a former conveyance originally made]; made
and provided unto the said Edward NORTH of all and singular the town
and lands of Knightston otherwise Kingstown otherwise Knitstown,
Coleman’s Town and Ballycle otherwise Ballanclea otherwise Ballinclea
and the Commons belong to Ballincea situate lying and being in the County of
Dublin…[also] lands of Castletownmore otherwise Castletownmoore, Ardlonan,
Drishoge otherwise Dryshook, [Marvellstown] Drakeath, Raisk otherwise Reiske
otherwise Reuske, Emlough otherwise Emlogh and Oristown situate lying and
being in the County of Meath [with all land and appurtenances] …. [also]
lands of Lisgrea otherwise Lisgreath otherwise Lisgoath Drumagolan otherwise
Drumaghagolan otherwise Drumgola, Brooklany otherwise Brackloney otherwise
Bracklonagh otherwise Brally, Drumsamoney, Ashon otherwise Ashain or Asham
otherwise Assondrass & Liskerry sitate lying and being in Co. Cavan
with all the appurtenances … [also … Town and lands of Lattin otherwise
Lattone, Dromad otherwise Dromadmoney, Meaghan, Dromconar otherwise
Drumcannon otherwise Drumkenan otherwise Shentenagh otherwise Dromkonnan
Drenkennan situate lying and being in Co Monaghan with the
appurtenances etc…. WITNESS: Will CUTHBERT & Thomas ARMSTRONG both of the
City of Dublin clerks to Henry BELAGH of the said City Gent. NOTE: These lands were initially left by Samuel JACKSON (1641-1706) of Dublin who was
one of the Coleraine JACKSON brothers. |
367 |
14 |
245523 |
1769 Feb 3 |
Marr art. Btw James McCULLOUGH of Ballynees in the proportion
of Vintners Co Londonderry farmer of the 1 pt; & Francis DICKSON of
Ballymacombe Co Londonderry farmer of other part. Marriage to be had btw John
McCULLOGH son and heir to James McCULLOUGH & Sarah DICKSON eldest
daughter of Francis DICKSON… half of his farm at Ballynees from James &
Jane McCULLOGH (his wife) for son John McCULLOUGH… 40 pounds marriage
jointure from Francis DICKSON. WITNESS: William DICKSON now of Coleraine & Morgan WILSON of Limnary & Richard DICKSON of Ballymacombe &
John STEEL of Ballymacombe farmer.
There are three townlands that could be Ballynees in the Parish Ballyscullion, Barony Loughinsholin: Ballynease-helton, Ballynease-macpeake and Ballynease-strain
There are two townlands that could be Ballymacombe: Ballymacombs Beg and Ballymacombs More. |
380 |
52 |
252657 |
1739-1810 |
David LINDSAY formerly of Colerain then of Summerhill Co.
Londonderry & John GALT and Charles GALT both of Colerain… lease of lands
in parish of Colerain |
386 |
139 |
255255 |
1787 Feb 12 |
BROWNE Names Index 1786-1794
Rt Hon Richard JACKSON of Coleraine of 4th pt… land
in High St Belfast. NOTE: This Richard JACKSON
(aft 1729 - aft 1781) of Coleraine was the sole surviving son of William
JACKSON and Frances EYRE. |
397 |
343 |
264872 |
1788 Oct 29 |
HARTE Names Index 1786-1794
Richard JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry Esq to
George HART of City of Dublin Esq… lands of Ballymadegan, Drumnaquil,
Dunballycarne Ringrassbeg, Ringrassmore Ardaclave and upper and lower
Altabreen NOTE: Because of echoes of these townlands
in other deeds, I believe that this Richard JACKSON was the Richard JACKSON
(aft 1729 - aft 1781) of Coleraine, the sole surviving son of William JACKSON
and Frances EYRE.
Ballymadegan aka Ballimadigan,aka
Ballymadigan, Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine
Drumnaquil aka Drumnaquilt aka Drumnequil aka Drumaquill, Parish Killowen, Barony Coleraine
Donballycarne aka Donbally-Carn I don’t
know where this is.
Ringrassbeg aka Ringrashbeg aka Ringrash
Beg, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine
Ringrassmore aka Ringrashmore aka Ringrash
More, Parish Macosquin, Barony Coleraine
Ardaclave aka Ardaclaire Artaclave,
Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine.
Upper and lower Altabreen aka Altabrean, aka Altibrian,
Parish Dunboe, Barony Coleraine. |
397 |
344 |
264873 |
1788 Oct 29 |
JACKSON-HART Agreement Names Index 1786-1794
Richard JACKSON of Coleraine, Co Londonderry Esq to
George HART of City of Dublin Esq. Reciting deed of release 7 Mar 1735 made
btw William JACKSON then of Coleraine Esq. since deceased of 1st
part, Frances his wife of the 2nd pt & the Hon Elizabeth MOORE then
of City of Dublin widow and since deceased of the 3rd pt. William JACKSON died leaving Richard JACKSON his only son & heir who upon the
death of this William JACKSON became entitled equity & mtg to
Elizabeth MOORE invested in John McALLISTER of Coleraine in trust for Richard
JACKSON and reciting that Henry HART late of the City of Dublin Esq since
deceased on or about the 30th day Oct 1752 did lend and advance to Richard
JACKSON the sum of 5,000 pounds re deed of release 9 Dec 1752 [secured
against lands mentioned in previous deed #264872]. WITNESS Croasdale MOLONY
& Michael MOLONY. NOTE: Because of echoes
of these townlands in other deeds, I believe that this Richard JACKSON was the
Richard JACKSON (aft 1729 - aft 1781) of Coleraine, the sole surviving son of
William JACKSON and Frances EYRE. |
399 |
371 |
264254 |
1788 Sep 5 |
LD BELMORE Names Index 1786-1794
Richard MAGENNIS sr. of Warrenpoint, Co. Down, his wife
Elizabeth MAGENNIS & Richard MAGENNIS, the younger of Dublin City, Esq.,
eldest son of them. Marriage intended between Richard MAGENNIS jr. &
Elizabeth COLE, 2nd daughter of Willoughby COLE, Lord Viscount, Enniskillen.
Released to Armar CORREY, Rt. Hon Lord Baron of Belmore and William HOEY,
Dunganstown, Co. Wicklow, Gent,
Townlands: Ballybreagh & Dromell, Armagh;
Finn/, Moybrick, Lamer, Drumbeg, Corcreeny, Magheragh,
Magherana, Croroge, Tulyherin, Co. Down;
Clanchy [ow Landry], Ballynamony, upper Ballynamony, lower
Ballynamony, , Enagh, Landhead, Drumskea, Correalleagh [or Carneally or
Corneally], Collintaft [ow Collinla ow Collinlammy] Leekowlack, Ganaway [ow
Ganaly ow Ganwaly] Ballynamavagh [ow Ballynamengh ow Harperstown] Carnanny
[ow Carnany], Canreagh [owCarronreagh], Knocking [ow Knockren] upper Dovial
[ow Dera], lower Dovia [ow Dera], Long Mullens, Broad Mullens, Cullefachan,
Caigair, Scotch Craigs [ow Irish Craigs] Lary [ow Lacy] & Tullockers [ow
the Eight Quarters [ow the Thirteen Quarters], Co. Antrim.
Keelinarge [ow Kellencargill ow Kellincargatt ors
Kellincrgitt ow Kellenargett ow Kellinorgett ors Silverwood] together with 5
acres pt of Tegnevan and a tenement in Lurgen called Bells tenement bounded
by tenement leased to John PORTER on the one side of Derrybeg at the lower
end & by tenement leased to John TURNER commonly called Thorn Treehouse
on the other side containing about 5 score & 4 ft of front, together with
gardens & houses, Co. Armagh.
To hold unto Armar COREY & William HOEY during
respective lives named in leases or to be added and Anne HILL [Viscountess
Dungannon, widow & relict of Arthur HILL], Harvey [?] Hon Lord Viscount
McMorres, Hon John O’NEIL of Shanes Castle, Antrim, Rt. Hon Richard
JACKSON of Coleraine, Londonderry, Edward KINGSMILL, formerly Edward
BRICE of Belfast...
NOTE: This references an
earlier Deed dated December 26, 1761. |
409 |
532 |
269118 |
1789 Jun 12 |
JACKSON-GALT Names Index 1786-1794
Btw James STEWART of Gracehill, Co Antrim Esq &of 1st
part & Richard JACKSON of Coleraine Co Londonderry & Elizabeth
JACKSON his wife and James JACKSON, eldest son & heir apparent of 2nd
part & John GALT & Charles GALT of Londonderry merchants of 3rd pt….
in consid of £400 pd by GALT to JACKSON.. Tenement on the West side of the
New Kow in Town of Coleraine marked in Map of said town #28… description of
land… NOTE: Deed # 302317, where the same
names are mentioned, makes me think that he was the Richard JACKSON who was a
butcher. |
458 |
555 |
297068 |
1793 Mar 9 |
JACKSON-HILL Names Index 1786-1794
George JACKSON of Jacksons Hall, Co Londonderry
Esq. Gent then of City of Dublin Esq of the 1 pt and Sir Henry HILL of
the City of Derry Bt of the other.. Jackson did confer the dwelling house of Jackson
Hall with all the offices houses gardens and pleasure ground thereunto
containing 15 acres Plantation measure in Liberties of Colerain, Co.
Londonderry with the use of all fixtures goods and furniture of every kind
for yearly rent of 56 pounds… NOTE: This is
George JACKSON (1776-1840) – one of Jacksons of Coleraine. |
467 |
572 |
302317 |
1793 Nov 22 |
JACKSON - HUTCHINSON Names Index 1786-1794
Btw James STEWART of Gracehill Co Antrim Esq of 1st pt; Richard
JACKSON of Coleraine & Elizabeth his wife and James JACKSON their eldest son of 2nd pt; John GALT & Charles GALT of Coleraine merchants of 3rd pt… released to James HUTCHINSON land on the west side of
the New Road in Coleraine marked on the map of the said town as #28
with the land marked #63 and also the Gardener waste known by the name
of Glovers Waste with all the houses Gardens Improvements in town of Coleraine WITNESS: James PARK of S of Pushbank and Richard JACKSON jr of Coleraine.. NOTE: Deed # 302317, where the same names are
mentioned, makes me think that he was the Richard JACKSON who was a butcher. |
489 |
72 |
306027 |
May 13 |
JACKSON-SMYTH Names Index 1794-
Btw Richard JACKSON of Coleraine, butcher of the 1
pt & John SMITH of Gillsboat, Co Londonderry, farmer of the other pt.
Reciting that Elizabeth JACKSON wife of sd Richard JACKSON being entitled to an estate for life in a certain Tenement Situate on the
West side of New [?] in the town of Coleraine with 11 acres of and by
virtue of deed Hatton TETTLE deceased did that desire of Richard JACKSON and in order him to pay his Debts on an
Engagement to a Trustee for her use.. 2 Nov 1793 James STEWART of Grace Hill
of 1st pt. Richard JACKSON, Elizabeth his wife and James his
eldest son of 2nd pt. John GALT of 3rd pt…. tenement on north side of brick
lane in town of Coleraine cont in front 48 and in with 20 feet by lease from
the Mayor Aldermen and Burgess of the Corporation of Coleraine dated 10 Jun
1773 for term of 48 years.. WITNESS: John PARKES att. Of City of Dublin, James
JACKSON of Coleraine afsd butcher. NOTE:
Jackson, Thos., aet. 105, butcher, at Coleraine 2 Feb 1793 . SOURCE: Index To
The Births, Marriages, & Deaths: Antholologia Hibernica p. 160. NOTE: The will of a James JACKSON of Kirkland
Kendal, Westmorland was probated Feb 20, 1820. Given the connections of the
Coleraine JACKSONs to Westmorland, this is worth considering as a connection.
Also, in a conveyance of Richard JACKSON of Kendal 16 June 1784, there is
mention of his owning a butcher’s stand there in 1776. SOURCE: National Archives. WD RG/405/7 1784. There is more work needed on this line to determine wether there is a
connection to the wealthier Coleraine JACKSONs who originated in Kirkby
Lonsdale. |
546 |
504 |
361006 |
JACKSON-BROWNE. Names Index 1800-1809 a dwelling house
& office houses yard on Captain St Coleraine |
583 |
528 |
399058 |
1807 Mar 27 |
Btw Lieut-Col George JACKSON formerly of Jackson
Hall Co Londonderry but then of the City of London of the 1st pt. Thomas Knox HANNINGTON of Dungannon Co Tyrone of 2nd pt.
James CAULFIELD of Cookstown Esq of 3rd pt … transfer of many
lands. NOTE: This is George JACKSON
(1776-1840) – one of Jacksons of Coleraine. |