If anyone has further information on any of these JACKSONs,
I will add it into the footnotes. In the meantime, I would love to know more
about the Richard JACKSON who withdrew as schoolmaster of Appleby in 1685/1686.
There are various Richard JACKSONs who were schoolmasters in the area around
that timeframe and trying to sort one from the other is a challenge. One Richard
JACKSON was schoolmaster at Bampton, Kendal and Appleby. One Richard JACKSON
(1658-1738) was the Headmaster of Bees School.
Also, the Robert JACKSON who was a counselman interests me
in case there is a connection with a Robert JACKSON who ended up in Co. Down.
I am also curious about the JACKSON connections in Carlisle,
since they would have had easy access to Ireland from there.
Sharon Oddie Brown. August 2, 2010
See also: The Ejected of 1662 in Cumberland and Wstmoreland: Their Predecessors and Successors, Vol 2. B. Nightingale, M.A.
Manchester, 1911. SEE: My notes on Vol 2. |
The Ejected of 1662 in Cumberland and Westmorland : Their Predecessors and Successors,Vol 1. B. Nightingale, M.A. Manchester,
If anyone has further information on any of these JACKSONs,
I will add it into the footnotes. In the meantime, I would love to know more
about the Richard JACKSON who withdrew as schoolmaster of Appleby in 1685/1686.
There are various Richard JACKSONs who were schoolmasters in the area around
that timeframe and trying to sort one from the other is a challenge. One Richard
JACKSON was schoolmaster at Bampton, Kendal and Appleby. One Richard JACKSON
(1658-1738) was the Headmaster of Bees School.
Also, the Robert JACKSON who was a counselman interests me
in case there is a connection with a Robert JACKSON who ended up in Co. Down.
I am also curious about the JACKSON connections in Carlisle,
since they would have had easy access to Ireland from there.
Pg |
Notes |
156 |
Robert Jackson, Comon
Counsell Man.... He was Compelled to act what he did
forye Enymie hee since hath
Testified his affectione to us. |
157 |
Harison, John Robinson and Robert Jackson,
Comon Counsell men of the Citty of Carlisle to be Contynued in their
respective places being at present suspended upon the late Proclamation
Ordered That it be referred back to the said Col. Howard to advise wth the honest
Godly and wel afected
people of the said Citty and if thereupon they shall think it fitt and
necessary for the good of the Towne that ye said psns be contynued in their
sd Offices and places that then he doe pmitt them to Act therein
notwithstanding the said proclamacon. l |
170 |
Chamberlaine Jackson 1658 |
171 |
Thomas Jackson in City of Carlisle |
189 |
John Jackson, 1622-1624. He was collated by Bishop Milburn,
February 1st, 1622; and resigned in 1624. Dr. Todd in the Account Book refers
to the letting of a certain property in 1635 to John Jackson, Clerke. |
211 |
John Jackson of Hutton 1655 |
233 |
Rowland Noble, 16931709. This was Gawin Noble's brother. The
Episcopal Register states that he was instituted Dec. 18, 1693. It also
intimates that he was licensed Assistant Master of the Appleby Free Grammar
School on Feb. 8, 1685/6 " owing to the sickness of Richard Jackson." Rowland Noble died in 1709 as
the following shows : 1709 Ap. 18. Mr. Rowland Noble Rector of Orton bur. |
241 |
Christopher Jackson,
1656. The following documents relate to his appointment: Dalston, To the
Comrs. [for Approbation of publique Preachers and all others whom it may
concerne] Wee William Steele Lord chiefe Baron of his Highnes Cort of Exchequer
att Westmr. [Sr John Thorowgood of Kensington Knight George, Cowper Richard
Yong John Pocock Ralph Hall Richard Sydenham Edward Hopkins John Humfrey and
Edward Cresset Esqrs. Trustees by Severall Acts of Parliament for Maintennce
of Ministrs. and by an Ordinance of his Highnesse Lord Protector and his Councell
Intituled An Ordinance for the better Maintennce and Incouragemt. of preaching
Ministers and for visiting of parishes] the true and undoubted Patrons of the
viccaridge and Church of Dalston in ye County of Cumberland become void by
the relinquishment of Nathaniell Madder the last Incumbent or any other wayes
whatsoever Have nominated and p'sented and doe by these psents nominate p'nt
and appoint Chrestopher Jackson Minister of the word to the said Viccarage and Church praying [that the said Chrestopher Jackson may be admitted to and settled
in the said viacarage and church and vested with all the Rights Members and
appurtenances thereof (which wee doe hereby conferre upon him) and that it
would please you to doe and performe all other things requisite and necessary
to be done in the p'misses]. In witnes whereof wee have hereunto sett our
handes and Seales this two and twentieth day of Aprill in the yeare according
to ye Com- putacon now used in England one thousand six hundred ffifty and six.
Ri. Sydenham Jo Humfrey Rich. Yong Ra Hall Jo Pococke. Sealed and delivered in
ye psence of Tho. Marsh Nat. Overton, l Dalston Know all men by these p'nts
that the third day of Maj in the yeare 1656 there was exhibited to the Comrs.
for approbacon of publique preachers a presacon of Mr. Chrestopher Jackson Clerke to the Viccaridge of Dalston
in the County of Cumberland made to him by William Steele Lord cheife &c.
Dated att Whitehall the 13th. June 1656. A true copy |
242 |
Orders for his Augmentation appear under dates September 19th,
1656, and March 20th, 1656/7, for one year due Christmas, 1657. 1 The
following also are of interest: Dalston ffebr. 11. 1657. Upon the peticon of.
the Ministr. and Inhabitants of the parish of Dalston in the County of
Cumberland Ordered that Mr. Edmund Branthwayte Recr. take a view of the
decayes of the Chancell of the parish Church of Dalston aforesaid and
Certifie the same to these Trustees and what it will cost to repaire the same
and whether if the said Chancell should bee pulled down the Church will not
bee capacious enough to hold the parishionrs. and Inhabitants of the said parish
and whether the old Tennt were not bound to repayre the said Chancell and
what the decayes of the Chancell were that incurred in his time. 2 April 4.
1659. Dalston, Whereas the vicarage of Dalston in the County of Cumberland is
of the yearely value of tenn poundes As by an Inquisicon taken by vertue of a
Comission under the Great Seale of England in pursuance of an Act for
providing maintenance for preaching Ministrs & other pious uses appeareth
And whereas the tithes hereafter Menconed being all wthin ye psh & pcell
of ye Rectory of Dalston aforesd are parcell of the possions of ye late Bishop
of Carlisle & are of ye respective yearly values hereafter menconed vizt
the tithes of Dalston Hauxdale & Buckabank of ye yearly value of nifty
pounds the tithes of Cardiew and Cardiew Lees of the yearly value of sixteene
poundes thirteen shillings foure pence The tithes of Percivall Holmes tenemt
of ye yearly value of two pounds ten shillings the tithe wooll & Lambe of
Dalston of ye yearly valew of Seaven pounds ten shillings the tithes of
Halfeilde & Litle Raughton of ye yearly valew of eight pounds one
shilling the tithes of Raughton Moore of the yearly value of two pounds foure
shillings And whereas Mr. Chrestopher Jackson was admitted to the vicarage of Dalston aforesd by the Comrs for Approbacon
of publique preachrs the thirteenth day of June 1656 therefore upon due
Consideracon had of the premisses Will Steele Lord Chancellor of Ireland Sr
John Thorowgood of Kensington Knt. George Cowper Richard Yong John Pocock
Ralph Hall Richard Sydenham John Humfrey and Edward Cressett Esqrs Trustees
by severall Acts of Parliament for maintenance of Minstrs Doe hereby order
& appoint that all & all manner of
1, Commonwealth Exchequer Papers 290
(Record Office). This document is well worth printing.
2. Lambeth MSS. (Plund. Min.),
980 |
243 |
tithes of the respective places aforesd bee united & annexed
to ye sd Vicarage of Dalston to & for encrease of the maintennce of ye sd
Mr. Jackson for such time as hee shall
discharge the duty of Minister there and of such other godly and orthodox
Ministrs his Successrs as shall bee Incumbents of ye sd Vicarage And that the
yearly sume of three pounds two shillings eight pence bee likewise from time
to time paid unto ye said Mr. Jackson & his Successors Ministrs of Dalston aforesd out of the rents &
profitts of the tithes of Caulfeild and Barranfeild in the said parish And it
is further ordered that from & after the five & Twentieth day of
March instant the sd tithes of Dalston Hauxdale & Buckabank Cardiew &
Cardiew Lees percivall Holmes tenement Dalston Wooll & Lambe Halfeild
& Little Roughton & of Eoughton Moore bee left out of ye charge of ye
revenue vested in these Trustees whereof the Auditor is to take notice And it
is further ordered that the Eecr of ye sd County doe forbeare any further to
intermeddle with ye sd tithes annexed as aforesaid or the Tents issues or
profitts of them or of ye receipt of them but that hee permitt the sd Mr. Jackson & such godly & orthodox
Ministrs as shall succeed him as aforesaid quietly to have hold posse &
enjoy the same and the rents issues & profitts thereof & all person
& persons are therefore to sett out & pay their said tithes to ye sd
Mr. Jackson & his Successrs
Incumbents of ye sd Vicarage from time to time accordingly And it is further
ordered yt upon legally setting out soe much of ye sd tithes of Caulfeeld
& Barrancefeeld in kind as will amount to the said yearly sume of two
pounds six shillings eight pence a yeare the same bee annexed to the Vicarage
of Dalston aforesd Provided that dureing the Continuance of any Leases in being
of ye aforesaid tithes the rents reserved on ye sd Leases onely & dureing
the continuance of ye sd Lease of Caulfield & Barrancefield ye sd three
pounds two shillings eight pence a yeare onely bee held & enjoyed by ye
sd Mr. Jackson & his Successrs
Ministrs of Dalston aforesd & the farmrs of ye pmisses are to pay the
same accordingly Dated the ninth day of March in the yeare according to the
Computation used in England One Thousand Six hundred ffifty and eight.
Jo Thorowgood Jo Humfrey Jo Pococke Ra Hall Ri Yong.
1 To complete the Jackson case it is necessary to add the "following
: Feb 7. 1655/6. Mr. Jackson Minister
of Garsdale receaver according to former order pay. 1. Lambeth MSS. (Plund.
Min.) 995. |
244 |
Feb. 12. 1655-6.1 Garsdale write to Dr. Arrowsmith2 to give an
acct of him & why they turned him out of Garsdale.
March 4th. 1655/6. Garsdale Mr. Jackson Dr. Arrowsmith Ire [letter] reed.
May. 13. 1656. Garsdale Order Mr. Jackson ye 301i according to former order.
April 17. 1656. Dalston put Mr. Jackson.
Friday August 1. 1656. Cumberlnd Dalston Jackson is minister. So much of ye rents as are not otherwise
desposed of to be conferred on this man.
Sept. 15. 1656. Dalston Ordr ye pishioners of Dalston to Sett out
their tythes in kind, as they Answer the Contrary at their pill [peril].
March 27. 1657. Garsdale Mr. Jackson acknowledgeth ye receite of ye 30li due by order of 26th June 1655 payable
lady day 1654 clames till 24th Mar. 1655 being one yeare more & that is
all heclaimes heclamesonequarter ending 1655 lady day since he was there ye
last quarter ending lady day 1655, but absent in ye yeare 1654 & yt he is
eiected for a scandalous minister dismissed him there being nothing due unto
him. Saith he was here about the trustees service. 3
The case of Christopher Jackson is exceedingly difficult to understand. The rough notes of MS. 1021, intended
only for the use of the scribe, are not easy to read intelli- gently; but
what seems clear is the identification of the Garsdale Jackson with the Dalston one. 4 Were it not
1. For reference to Mr. Forward and
Dalston vide p. 565.
2. Dr. John Arrowsmith, for some time
Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, was one of Cromwell's
"Triers." He was a North Country man, being born at Gateshead, and
it appears that Jackson's case was referred
to him. (Brook's Lives of the Puritans, vol. iii,.p. 315.) 3.
All these are from Lambeth MSS. (Plund.
Min.) 1021.
4. Quite late information has thrown
strong suspicion upon this identification. The impression produced by the
reading of MS. 1021 is that the two were one, because the various items follow
so regularly. It will, however, be noted that the Christian name is not given
in any of the extracts. That Christopher Jackson was at Dalston admits of no doubt; and it is almost equally certain that
the Garsdale Jackson was not
Christopher, but Richard, who was also Head Master of the Sedbergh
Grammar School. Richard Jackson was
sequestered for scandalousness, among the charges brought against him being
drunkenness, which was fully proved. The story is told by Mr. Wilson in his
"Sedbergh School Register"; by the Rev. W. Thompson, M.A., in
" Sedbergh, Garsdale and Dent " ; and in part in the Calendars of
State Papers for 1655/6 and 1656/7. The text is allowed to stand partly
because the printing had proceeded too far to correct, partly because it illustrates
the difficulties which beset a work of this kind, and partly because of the
interesting items it contains about Jackson;
but the reader should remember the caution given. The case of Christopher Jackson in relation to Crosby Garrett is in
no way affected by this discovery. |
245 |
a serious clashing of dates I should have no hesitation in identifying
him also with the Christopher Jackson who appears at Crosby Garrett, and who was ejected thence at the Restoration.
1 In view of the declared policy of the Commonwealth a Plurality of livings for
him is unthinkable. Yet even in spite of the date difficulty there is something
to be said for their identification. Calamy states that Christopher Jackson of Crosby Garrett was first outed
somewhere in Yorkshire, and the MS. says that the Dalston Jackson was ejected from Garsdale, which is
in Yorkshire, a few miles from Sedbergh. The charge of scandalousness can
hardly be interpreted in the usual acceptance of the term; and his immediate
transfer to Dalston supports that contention. 2 The case is complicated by
the appearance in the ministry of more than one person of this name about
this time. The Episcopal Register at Carlisle gives a Christopher Jackson who was ordained in June, 1634:
Oliver Heywood mentions a"Nonconforming" Minister of this name who
died in 1662, after the Uniformity Act 3 ; there was also a Christopher Jackson at Mallerstang Chapel in 1656 4 ; Palmer gives Christopher Jackson ejected from Lampeter in Wales, who
died in London; Christopher Jackson,
B.A., of Trinity College,
1. Vide p. 1094.
2. This, of course, was on the
assumption that the person was Christopher Jackson;
but vide p. 244, note 4.
3. Diaries, vol. i, p. 305.
4. Vide p. 1083. |
246 |
Dublin, was
nominated to Hambleton Chapel, in Lancashire, by Richard Clegg, Vicar of Kirkham, May 25th,. 1699 1 ; and Christopher Jackson, Minister of the Crux Church, York,
"dyed May 22nd, 1701, aged 60." 2 It is a case in which a definite judgment
is not possible until further light is forthcoming. Christopher Jackson certainly disappears from Dalston
about 1658, and who succeeded him has not been ascertained. It would seem
from the following that a Minister was settled here in 1659-60 : Dalston D.
Mar. 1. ffebr. 16th. 1659. Whereas these Trustees by Instrument undr their
hands & Seales dated ye 9th day of March 1658 annexed the impropriate
tithes following all in ye psh of Dalston & County of Cumberland unto ye vicarage
of Dalston aforesaid vizt the tithes of Dalston Hakesdale & Buckabanke
Cardue & Cardiew Lees Percivall Holmes tenement tithe woll Lambe of
Dalston Calfeild and Little Raughton & Raughton Moore & whereas the
trustees are informed that notwithstanding the said annexacon Mr. Edmond
Branthwayte Recr. doth not permit the Minister of Dalston aforesd quietly to
hold & enjoy the sd tithes according to ye purport thereof It is ordered
that ye sd Mr. Branthwayte doe forbeare any further intermedling wth ye sd
tithes annexed as aforesd or ye rents issues and profitts thereof but yt he permitt
the Ministr. of Dalston to hold and enjoy the same according to ye sd
Instrumt. wthout let trouble or molestacon. JoThorowgood Jo Pococke Wm.
Steele George Cowper Rich. Yong.3 It is unfortunate that the name is not
given; but whoever was here at this date he was replaced shortly afterwards,
whether forcibly or not has not been ascertained. |
289 |
James Jackson, B.A., 1714
1771. Foster gives the following : " Son of John of Cockbridge,
Cumberland, pp. Queen's Coll. matric. 10 March, 1706-7, aged 17; rector of Scaleby
and of Stapleton, (both Cumberland) 1714."
2 He held
the living until his death in 1771. 1. Miscel., p. 55. 2. Al. Ox. |
291 |
James Jackson, B.A., 1713
1723. He held Stapleton some part of this time also. 4 The following Presentments were made in
1694 : 1694. There are dissenters called Quakers in our pish that have not
subscribed ye declaration of fidelity to their Majesties nor to our knowledge
have pformed the oathes, things required in ye Said Articles viz. John
pearson Tho : Bulman James Blacklocke Tho : Gibson John Scot Tho. Scot Edward
Tweddle Tho : Scot. 5 |
311 |
At a suit instituted by him for "Predial Tithes" John Jackson of Kirklinton was imprisoned Sept. 30,
1677. |
312 |
1675 We do present these psons under written as Quakers and Non- Conformists
Christopher Taylor of Hitherside Christopher Story of Righead George Grame of
Rigg Andrew Martin George Hetherington of Grainhead Andrew Hetherington of
Ash Symond Armestrong alias Groont William Blacketter John Ivyson John Jackson Junr John Summervell Christopher
Hetherington. |
374 |
excerpt of letter]
The Sufferings of the Parochial Clergy of ye Diocess of Carlisle,
were as great, considering the paucity of their numbers, and the meanness of
their Prefermts as of any Diocess in ye Kingdom. Their Persecutors had
several Comittees composed chiefly of Tradesmen and Inferior Persons. These
were Ambulatory, and remov'd from Place to place as they saw occasion ; the
Chief Residence was at New Castle upon Tine. Some of their Ministers were
mix'd with these Comittee-men; but alwaies of a lesser number then their
Justices of Peace and Tradesmen. The Episcopal Clergy, when they were
conven'd before these Judges to answer for themselves & their Doctrines could
not but observe, that the Men of Trade, who were got upon ye Bench, such as
Caister Studholme Langhorn &c were alwaies most busy, and asked them the
most Questions whereas some gentlemen who were misledd into their Interests ;
and some Military Officers who had more breeding & generosity treated
them with Civility & Respect and were ready on all occasions to doe them
all ye good offices they could or durst doe.
The Questions they asked them were, generally about ye Justice of
their own Proceedings, the Divine Rightof their Church Governmt; about Grace
and Election &c. And to one who was willing to submit his gifts to their
Tryall, they gave a Text out of ye 7th to ye Rom. I find amongst the Papers
of one who was a Sufferer [Mr. Thomas Todd Rector of Hutton my Father] in
those Times that when he was convend before the Comittee he was ask'd by a
Shop Keeper one of his Judges, who was the best Interpreter of Scripture. And
when he had given a good & proper answer to such a wild Question the next
Interrogation was, Do you ever use the Lord's Prayr. And in a short time He
was Ejected out of his Living, and One Jackson,
a bawling, Illiterate Man put in his Place, who held it and another Parish,
during the whole time of the Usurpation. When this Person and Others of the
same Judgmt were sent for under Custody to Carlisle and there kept as
Prisoners for some time, all that was laid to their charge was that they
Baptiz'd Children, Visited ye Sick, and sometimes preach'd privately, to
their Parishoners & Others. They were very Inquisitive into ye Lives
& Convsacons of the Regular Clergy, and if they could find the least
fault there, they proclaim'd it with all possible aggravations, and declar'd
them to be Ejected as Scandalous Ministers, One was Ejected avowedly for
hunting and going to a Publick House : Another's Crime was that he worked in his
Garden on ye Sabbath day in ye Evening; and to another was imputed the Errors
of his Servants, wch he could not prevent. |
409 |
John Lumley, 1658-9. This also is a new name furnished by the
Lambeth MSS. and his appointment is referred to in the following terms : Croglin
in Cumberland. Mr. John Lumley Admitted the 9th day of ffebruary 1658/9 to
the E. of Croglin in ye County of Cumberland Upon a pres. exhibited the 15th
day of October 1658 from Philip Lord Wharton, the patron. And Certificates
from Geo. Tibboll of Skelton, Nath : Burnand of Castle Carrocke Jo. Jackson Peter Jackson of Sowerby. 2 |
474 |
In the Sketch of John Noble's Life it is said that at the King's return
an attempt was made to put in one Mr. Jackson,
but without success. Two Jacksons are
given as ejected from Parishes close by Peter from Castle Sowerby, and John
from Hutton-in-the-Forest. quite possible it was one of these. (Vide pp. 488,
495.) |
487 |
[HUTTON-IN-THE-FOREST] Thomas Todd, 1646 1651 (?). His appointment is given in the
following terms : Hutton. Junii 27. 1646. Whereas the Rectorie of ye pish
Church of Hutton in the Countie of Cumberland is void by the death of the
last Incumbent & the guift thereof is in the Deane & Chapter of the
Cathedrall Church of Carlile It is therefore ordered that the said Rectorie
shall from henceforth stand sequestred to the use of Mr. Thomas Todd a godlie
& orthodox divine who is hereby required forthwith to officiate the Cure
of the sd Church as Rector & preach diligentlie to the pishoners there. 2
The following order for his Institution was issued shortly afterwards : Sept.
24. 1646. Ordered &c That Mr. Doctor Aylett or his lawful Deputy are
hereby authoriz'd and required upon sight of this Order to give Institution
and Induction to Thomas Todd Clerk to the Rectory of the Parish of Hutton in
the County of Cumberland. Salvo &c the said Mr. Todd producing his
Presentation thereunto under the Hand and Seal of Francis Sisson Patron. And
this to be a Sufficient Warrant in that Behalf. 3 Walker includes him in his
list of " Suffering Clergy," and, in view of the high terms used of
him in the appointment,, his statement, like many another in his book, must
be regarded as exaggerated. This is his account : When he was before the
Committee, one of them, who was a Tradesman, undertook to Examine him in point
of Learning : and very judiciously, among other Questions, ask'd him " Who
was the |
488 |
best Interpreter of Scriptures? " and " Whether he used
the Lord's Prayer or not?" Soon after this he was Sequestred, and one Jackson, a Bawling Illiterate Fellow, put
into his Rectory; who had This and another Parish, during the whole time of
the Usurpation. Mr. Todd (with others of the Clergy) was also Imprison'd at
Carlisle : And the only Crime alledged against them, was That they Baptized Children,
Visited the Sick, and sometimes Preached privately to their Parishioners and
others. 1 Thomas Todd's two sons were Dr. Hugh Todd and Thomas Todd. The
latter matriculated at Queen's Col- lege, Oxford, March 28, 1683, aged 17,
graduated B.A. feb. 15, 1686-7, M.A. 1689, and was possibly Vicar of Corbridge,
Northumberland, in 1709. 2 On the authority of Dr. Todd, Jefferson tells the
following story of the interview of Thomas Todd, senior, with Charles II. as
he passed through Hutton on his way to Worcester on Aug. 6, 1651: He informed
Charles that he had been ejected from his living and imprisoned at Carlisle
for his allegiance to his Majesty and for the private exercise of some
functions of his sacred office. The king, who looked very pale and pensive,
was seated in a coach with some of the Scotch nobility, intent on a map of
the country which was spread before him; he charged him to continue in his duty
and expressed a hope that better times would soon follow. His Majesty was
guarded by a body of Highlanders. 3 John Jackson,
1651(F) 1660. In all probability the Jacksons
were a local family. In the Parish Chest is a Book of Accounts dating back to
1646; possibly with this Whellan has confused the Registers. It contains many
interesting items, and was the work of Peter Murthwaite, doubtless the person
of that name who subsequently held the living of Gilcrux. 4 The following
appears in it : A Booke belonging to the Parish of Hutton containing the
Church Stocke thereof And in whose handes it remaineth with their several |
489 |
obligations for the same June the xxiii anno 1646. Petrus Murth- waite
strinxit Josephus Alius praedicti Petri sepultus fuit in Cometrio (?)
ecclesiae praedict 23 die Junij 1616 Deliver this booke to my kinde friend
Lancelote Allisson I pray you. Money due to the Church Wardens 1650 from
[among others] : Wid. Walkwood 1. 15. 0. Wid. Walkwood Sur. [Surety] 1649 Jo. Jackson elder 10 Jo Jackson younger 10 Eliz. Walkwood 1150 Eobert
Becke Sur. 1653 Uxor Jackson elder xo
Sur. her Crope pd in as appeares by the Sixtine men : [among others] More by
Widdow Jackson 05 More by Jo. Jackson 10 1654 Item to Mr. Tod xij. Widow
Walkwood, whose name frequently occurs, was probably a connection of the late
Anthony Walkwood, a former Rector; and John Jackson,
junior, son possibly of Wid. Jackson,
whose surety was " her crope," is assumed to be the Rector at the
time. The late Henry Whitehead, in his interesting paper on Church Bells in Leath
Ward, says : Subjoined to the account for 1653 are items collected for a bell
amongst them being : " More by Jo. Jackson 100." The last name in the list of Collectors John Jackson is that of the Minister who had
superseded the rector Thomas Todd. . . The omission of his initials from the
numerous company of initials on the Church bells, for which he, and perhaps
his mother (widow Jackson), collected subscriptions
seems to imply that he was not held in much account by the parishioners. 1 It
will be shown presently that this latter inference is quite unwarranted.
Walker describes John Jackson as "
a Bawling Illiterate Fellow " ; but that is quite in his style. As
appears elsewhere, 2 the person responsible for this was Dr. Todd, son of the
Sequestered Minister, who so largely assisted Walker, and consequently it
will need to be considerably discounted. Calamy, who gives Little |
490 |
information about Jackson,
quoting Walker's statement suggestively adds : To which I can say nothing,
unless I knew his Vouchers. Had he been cast out as illiterate upon a proper
Trial, it must be own'd he would have had his Desert. But when all that were
Incumbents were cast out by the Act [Uniformity Act], if they did not
punctually conform, it is evident that the most meanly qualified were as
proper Sufferers by that Act, if they were ejected and silenc'd by it, as
those of the greatest Abilities,l Jackson appears as one of the signatories of the Baxter Letter of 1653, and he joined
in the ordination Certificate to James Cave, which bears date 1656, being in
the first styled " Pastor," and in the second " Minister "
of Hutton. 2 Along with Timothy Tullie, who was " Modr. pro. Temp."
he signed a request on behalf of the "Associate Ministers of the County of
Cumberland " to Richard Gilpin " to print his acceptable Sermon
preached this day [May 10, 1658] at our Generall Meeting," and styles himself
" Scribe." s That surely dismisses the charge of illiteracy; a
position of that kind was not likely to be assigned to an ignorant person,
and it further bears upon his character. Whatever opinion his Parishioners
might cherish concerning him it is clear that he was a person of considerable
influence and position in the Cumbrian ministry. 4 What other living John Jackson held along with Hutton, as stated by
Walker, is not known, but the whole passage is so obviously charged with bias
that little reliance can be put upon it. Thomas Todd, 1660 1689(?). The
County Historians do not say that Thomas Todd was restored on the Ejection of
John Jackson, and direct evidence is wanting.
It is, however, highly probable that such was the case, especially in view of
the fact that his son, Thomas, who matriculated in 1683, is described as 1- Calamy,
vol. 227. |
495 |
Peter Jackson, 1656 1660. The
County Histories also omit this name. His appointment, however, is certified
in the following documents : Castle Sowerby. ffebruary 26. 1655. Whereas the
curacy of the pish Church of Castle Sowerby in the County of Cumberland is at
pent destitute of a minister & Mr. Peter Jackson Mintr. of the Word hath applyed himselfe to these trustees to be setled
Minister there It is ordered that the said Mr. Jackson be setled Minister of the said Church. Provided he first procure the approbacon
of the Comrs. for approbacon of publique preachers in that behalfe. Jo.
Thorowgood Ri Sydenham Ra Hall Jo pocock Jo. Humfrey.4 Order ffeb. 26. Castle
Sowerby. Peter Jackson. Pet. Jackson Cert, as aforesaid by Rich. Gilpin
of Greystock Ran Croxall of Kirkland Jo Davis of Kirkoswald Geo Tiball of as Order
ffeb. 26. 1655.' Skelton
Eog. Baldwin of Penrith Jo fforward of Bolton Rol. Nicolls of Acton Edw.
Winter. 1 Castle Sowerby.
Know all men by these Presents that the six & twentieth day
of ffebruary in the yeare 1655 There was exhibited to ye Comissionrs for approbation
of Publique Preachers An order of the Trustees for maintenance of Ministers
whereby Mr. Peter Jackson is setled in
the Curacy of the Parish Church of Castle Sowerby in the County of Cumberland
Together with &c approved the said Peter Jackson &c doe admitt the said Peter Jackson to the Curacy of Castle Sowerby aforesaid &c In witness &c Dated at
Whitehall the 29th day of ffebruary 1655. Castle Sowerby. Know all men by
these psents that the 26th day of ffebruary in the yeare 1655 there was
exhibited to the Comrs for approbacon &c An order of the Trustees for
Maintennce of Minrs. whereby Mr. Peter Jackson is setled in the Curacy of the pish Church of Castle Sowerby in the County of
Cumberland together &c Dated at Whitehall ye 29th day of ffebruary
1655-6. John Nye Regr.* Castle Sowerby. March 4, 1655. Whereas the Curacy of
the pish Church of Castle Sowerby in the County of Cumberland is at pret
destitute of a Minister & the care of providing for the same being in
these Trustees It is ordered that Mr. Peter Jackson approved by the Comrs for approbacon of pub- lique preachers to be a pson
fitt to preach the Gospell &c & he is hereby appointed Minister of
the said pish Church & authorized to officiate the cure thereof by
diligent preaching & instructing the pishioners there And that he shall
have for his paines therein the yearely Sume of ffifty poundes out of the
rents and profitts of the Impropriate tithes of Castle Sowerby aforesaid the
same to be accoted from the 29th day of ffebruary last & to be from time
to time continued & paid unto him for such time as he shall discharge the
duty of the Minister of the said place or untill further order of these Trustees
And Mr. Edmund Branthwaite receiver is hereby appointed to pay the same unto
him accordingly. Provided that this order be first intered with the Auditor. Jo.
Thorowgood Ra. Hall Jo. Pocock Edw Cressett Ri. Sydenham.' Both Calamy and
Palmer give Jackson a place in their list
of Ejected Ministers; but beyond that not a line of information is supplied
by them. In the account of Hutton-in-the-Forest it was stated that John Jackson, |
497 |
ejected from that place, was possibly a brother, or close connection.
In the Presentation Lists appears the name of William Jackson of these parts, but whether a relation is not known. 1 |
525 |
The following Presentments appear in the Transcripts under date
1679 : Jo : Watson and his wife for not repaireinge to the church. Christopher
Browne and his wife for the like. Jo : Horner and his wife for the like. Jo : Jackson for the same. |
654 |
[1661?] Kobertus Jackson de
Loughrigg in Comitatu Westmerlandiae et Janeta Rothery filia Johannis Rothery
de beckton in Embleton in Comit. Cumbriae nupt. fuere decimo tertio die Julij
Milessimo Sexcentissimo Sexagessimo primo p Par Radcliffe vie. de |
664 |
CUMBERLAND. FORASMUCH as Mr. James Cave hath address'd himself to
us the Associated Ministers of this County, desiring to be ordain'd a Preaching
Presbyter for that he is called to the Work of the Ministry in Crosthwait and hath exhibited to us sufficient Testimony now in our
Hands, of his unblameable Life and Conversation, of his Gifts and of his
direct Call to the foremention'd Place : And whereas the Great Lord of the
Harvest (who hath promis'd a continu'd Succession of Labourers in his Vineyard,
to the end of the World) hath empower'd Ministers of the Gospel to ordain fit
Persons to the Office successively, the Exercise of which Liberty and
Privilege is also allow'd to us by the Instrument of the Government of the
Commonwealth of England, Scotland, &c, dated at Westminster Dec. 16, a.d.
1653. We the Ministers of the said Association have examin'd him ; and
finding him to be duly qualified and gifted for that holy Office and
Employment (no just Exception being made against his Ordination or Admission)
we have approved him, and accordingly in the Parish Church of Crosthwait, in
the County of Cumberland, upon the Day and Year hereafter expressed, we have
proceeded solemnly to set him apart to the Office of a Preaching Presbyter
and Work of the Ministry, with Fasting, Prayer and Imposition of Hands. And
do hereby (so far as concerneth us) actually admit him to the said Charge,
there to perform all the Offices and Duties of a faithful Minister of JESUS
CHRIST. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscrib'd our Names, this 16th Day
of October Anno Domini 1656. Richard Gilpin, Minister at Greystock. Roger
Baldwin, Minister at Penrith. George Tibbol, Minister at Skelton. John Jackson, Minister at Hutton. John Myriell,
Minister at Lamplvgh. George Benson, Minister at Bridekirke. George Larkham,
Minister at Cockermouth.l |
686 |
The passage from Thomas Larkham's Diary just cited fixes the date
of George Larkham's appointment to Cockermouth. The Congregational Church
here was formed in October of the same year as the Church Book shows : Oct.
2, 1651. The Foundacon of this pticlr Church was laid in the Toune of
Cockermouth the day & yeare menconed in the margent, through the
instigaon of Mr. Thomas Larkham Pastr of ye Church of Xt at Tavistock, in
Devon; A blessed instrumt in promving and Furthering so good a work. The
foundaon stones (i.e., the first stones of this House of God 1 Tim. iii. 15)
were these seven poor unworthy ones George Larkham, George Benson, Roger
Fieldhouse, Thomas Blethwaite, John Woods, Richard Bowes, and Thomas Jackson. These seven, after Solemne invocaon
of God, and mutual satisfacon, each in other, agreed in the ensuing humble
confession and engagement &c. 2 |
773 |
LAMPLUGH Januarie the 30th 1659. Collected in the Church and pishe
of Lamplugh for the releife of the destressed Inhabitants of Southwark (?)
the sume of Eleaven Shillings and three pence halfe pennie as Witnes or hands
Jo. Myriell Ministr of Lam. Jo. Sampson Churchwardens. Wm. Harrison Walther Jackson. |
776 |
December the 9 1660. The day and yeare aboue written Geo.
Lamplugh Master of Arts and Rector of the pishe of Lamplugh according to the
Tenour of his Induction reade the 39 Articles of the Church of England. In
witness whereof wee have subscribed our names John Lamplugh Jos Patterson Edward
Lamplugh Pickering Hewer Jo. Simpson Mathew Jackson Wm. Harrison Churchwardens. |