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In March, I transcribed most of this by hand from volumes at PRONI. Subsequently, the material became available on line. I have interpolated material from other sources to flesh out a better understanding of who these people were. Apologies for some formatting issues - I am no expert.
Sharon Oddie Brown. May 11, 2013


Jackson Probates at National Archives CARLOW

Data from Calendars of Wills and Administration 1858-1922




  • There were JACKSONs just over the border at Graigue, who saw themselves as connected to Carlow, and they will be noted in the Queens Co. page.
  • Eagle Hill in Hacketstown is sometimes situated in Co. Wicklow and sometimes in Co. Carlow. It is close to the current border, so I suspect that the border may have shifted in times past. Many of these JACKSON names will be included on the Co. Wicklow page, although some are included here.
  • I suspect it is JACKSON connected to Coleraine in this early Memorial: 8-59-1771 (but their ancestors may be the ones who follow): November 23 1710 (note Registry date of Jan 1710  is correct – old calendar) In the presence of Richard JACKSON and Thomas JACKSON of the City of Dublin Esq.  And John SHAW and Roger GAUGH of the said City Gents made between Walter STEPHENS of the City of Dublin Esq. And Thomas BUNBURY of Killerick in the County of Catherlough Esq.... demise of lands ... Mansion House at Littlecott... lands of Clogna...at Waltertown als Ballywalter... more lands... for 41 years to commence after the expiration of a lease made by Sir Richard STEPHENS late of Lincolns Inn Knight Dec’d to Benjamin BUNBURY late of Killerick in the County of Catherlough Esq. Dec’d bearing date the 8th day of June 1696... signed in presence of Thomas JACKSON & Thomas WICKSED.
  • This deed is followed by a few more including 39-254-25159. This Deed involves the transfer of land from a Thomas JACKSON, a merchant of the City of Dublin to a James LECKY. The land in question is in the townland of Rathcrogue, Co. Carlow. Although hunches may prove to be red herrings, this may still turn out to be one of the missing links to the JACKSONs who precede our last known relative, George JACKSON (1718-1782).NOTE: Rathcrogue Townland was 422 acres in Co. Carlow, Barony Carlow, Parish Tullowmagimma, PLU Carlow, Province, Leinster.
  • NOTE: The BUNBURY-JACKSON connection is due to the marriage of Rose JACKSON to Thomas BUNBURY.



Name of Deceased





County Died


Thomas Jackson

19 May 



Thomas JACKSON late of Bough, Co Carlow farmer deceased d19 May 1869 at same place proved at Kilkenny by oath of William PILSON of Highfield Co. Carlow, one of executors. NOTE: Thomas Jackson was a farmer in the townland of Brough, Parish of Rahill, Co. Carlow. He leased abt 37 acres and buildings valued at 2.5.0 from Rev Henry E. SADLEIR & Rev. Richard F. LAWRENCE. The adjacent lessee was Peter JACKSON.(SOURCE: Griffiths Val.)  The family story received from Eleanor McFADZEAN Treasurer of the Lisburn Branch of the North of Ireland Family History was that one of Cromwell's Generals gave land to the Jacksons on Eagle Hill in Co. Carlow. Source: Inga Jackson Tree. The family were COI.

Robert Jackson

13 Jan 



Robert JACKSON effects £291 0s 4d late of Craans Co Carlow Farmer d 13 Jan 1883… Mary JACKSON a minor, principal legatee. NOTE: I would suspect that he was related to Thomas JACKSON who had a lease at Craans of 47 acres at time of the Griffiths valuation.

William Jackson

27 May 



William JACKSON effects £698 5s late of Knockboy, Co Carlow farmer d 27 May 1884 at same place…. NOTE: In the 1901 Census, there are two brothers and a sister living at Knockboy: John T. JACKSON (b1860); Robert JACKSON (b1872); and Emily JACKSON (b1874). None are married, children of a farmer, all born in Co. Carlow. In the 1911 Census, John Tennant JACKSON is still at Knockboy and is married to Alice Frances JACKSON, and they have 3 children. It is possible that Alice’s maiden name was TWAMLEY. She was born in Co. Wicklow.

Hacketstown Churchyard; JACKSON  in Memory  of William Jackson  Of Knockboy  Who died 27th May 1884  Aged 56 Years  Sleep on Now and take Your Rest  Also His wife Sarah  Who died 24th May 1900  Aged 58 years.

NOTE: The JACKSONs continued to reside at Knockboy: Jackson, Sarah, b. 24 May 1900, age: 68yr, w/o William, Knockboy, [AR] Saint Mary Church of Ireland Cemetery Rathvilly, County Carlow, Ireland


Presumably, William JACKSON wife of Sarah was William J. JACKSON (b 1905) eldest son of John Tennant JACKSON (b 1860). Source: 1911 Census

NOTE: A memorial I have yet to research: 667-129-459120 JACKSON-BROWN Marriage Arts, Knockboy, Co. Carlow

Richard Jackson

9 Dec 



Richard JACKSON late of Eagle Hill, Hacketstown, Co Carlow farmer d 9 Dec 1896 granted at Dublin to the Rev Thomas BRYAN of Clonmore Rectory Hackettown Clergymand and John JACKSON of Crossnacole, Kiltegan, Co Wicklow farmer. Effects £253 18s NOTE: I have highlighted this one because I don’t want to lose focus – it needs to be followed up on. NOTE: IN 1864, a Richard JACKSON of Co. Wicklow married a Jane JACKSON (age 19) of Eaglehill. See Also: Richard JACKSON (1839-1896) Inga Jackson Tree. In the 1901 Census, widow Jane JACKSON is living in house #2, Eaglehill, Clonmore, Carlow. She is age 55, and has 3 sons and a daughter residing with her. The family were COI. In the 1911 Census, we learn that she had 5 children born, but only 3 living. ALSO: ... a sister of Rev. George Walker of siege of Derry fame married into the Carlow branch of the Jackson family. She called herself Walker-Jackson and rumours has it that Walker was added as a second name to family members. ... one of Cromwell's Generals gave land to the Jacksons on Eagle Hill in Co. Carlow. [This would be after 1641] SOURCE: Inga Jackson Tree.

Various JACKSONs leased land at Hacketstown at time of the Griffiths valuation.

Thomas Jackson

10 Dec 



Thomas JACKSON late of Bough Rathvilly Co Carlow d 10 Dec 1900 granted to Mary A JACKSON widow effects £319 10s. NOTE: In the 1901 Census a Mary Anne JACKSON, widow, age 55 was living at Bough, Rahill, Carlow with a niece Mary Ada THORNTON and nephew John Herbert THORNTON. In the 1911 Census, she is still there, with nephew John Herbert THORNTON. She never had any children. The family were COI.

Thomas, Peter and John JACKSON all leased land at Bough at time of the Griffiths valuation.

Margaret Mary Jackson

9 Jan 



Probate of the will of Margaret Mary JACKSON late of 31 Tullow Street Carlow Shopkeeper who died 9 January 1910 granted at Kilkenny to William Joseph Jackson Shopkeeper. Effects £428 14s 0d. Margaret Mary JACKSON, born 1878, was a daughter of Joseph JACKSON. She had 3 brothers: William, James & Francis. The family were RC, and still lived at Tullow St. Source: 1901 Census.

John Jackson

22 Apr 



Estate of John JACKSON late of Eagle Hill Hacketstown, Co Carlow Farmer who died 23 April 1911 granted at Dublin to Jane JACKSON, widow. Effects £455 16 s 1d. NOTE: He was a farmer, son of widowed Jane JACKSON, and was unmarried in 1901. His father Richard JACKSON predeceased him in 1896. The family were COI. Source: 1901 Census. The 1911 Census was taken 20 days before his death, at age 45.




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