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Starting in 1657, the first generation -Richard JACKSON of Drogheda (carpenter, sheriff etc.) - seems to have been quite successful. His son, Alderman Richard JACKSON also seems to have succeeded although his various pension requests in 1713-1715 lead one to wonder how well he was doing near the end of his life. By 1727, his son George seems even more financially precarious as he pleads for money so he can place his two sons as apprentices. The Corporation finally says, enough in 1730: and yt for the future, no petition or application be received from the said George Jackson for any further relief.
Sharon Oddie Brown. February 26, 2010.
NOTE: Please ignore the sorting in the table indicated by shading. Some of it is misleading & needs to be revisited. I will do it when time permits.

Council Book of the Corporation of Drogheda 1649 – 1734 – JACKSON mentions


SOURCE: Council Book of the Corporation of Drogheda, Vol I: from the year 1649 to 1734. Ed. The Rev. T. Gogarty, C.M. County Louth Archaeological and Historical Sociey. 1988.


NOTE: I am indebted to Brendan Hall. In this instance, his chart enabled me to find the JACKSON references much more quickly than would have otherwise been possible. SEE:



For historical context, see also: JACKSONs in Creggan and Drogheda.


I have sorted this table by date. The year is indicated in red, if according to our current calendar conventions it would have been that year rather than the year previous (the original text used an older calendar convention). Also, I have shaded the boxes to indicate my best guess about which generation of Richard Jackson is being referred to as follows:

Richard Jackson elder

Richard Jackson jr

Richard Jackson ???

I have much more to learn here.


It is also worth referring to the Hearth Money Rolls here:





The Garr Warde




St. Lawrence Ward




Pillory Street Ward




 NOTE: I am still learning where these various places are. There are two Garr Wards mentioned on p259: ffor the Parish of St. Peters- Mr. Edward Chseshire, Mr. John Grahame and Mr. John Walls, appointed overseers of the Highways without West gate, and to have the two Garr Wards, Tholsel warde, Shop streete and Deer streete [aka Dyer Street]to repair the said ways. It is also mentioned on p42: to make an assessment on Gare Ward and Tholsell ward for soe much money as will pay for a water pumpe erected and putt upp in Stokewell Lane. (which heads north at the western end of Dyer Lane) Pillory Street was later named Peter Street. It starts at the end of Lawrence Street and goes north to Magdalene Street.


JACKSON mentions:






1657 Jul 3 Granted unto Richard Jackson, Carpenter, ould walls and garden lienge East his dwellings in Lawrence Streete[1] some tyme in howldings of Henry Pluncket, for sixty and one years for twenty shillings per annum, rent ye said Rich. At or before ye next Assemby to enter into a bond to bestow deposit and disburse to repaire ye premises ffifty pounds, before seaven years and ye same at ye expiration of his tearme to be in good repaire.



1657Jul 3, Agreed that … and Mr. Jackson doe view the decaie of the bridge, and estimate the charge of repaireinge the same and to make speedy returns thereof.



1658 Feb 26, … and Richard Jackson, Esq., Sheriffs.



1658 Feb 28, …Richard Jackson one of ye sheriffs …




1658 April 23, Richard Jackson, Carpenter, was elected and chosen to serve sherriffe with the said ffardinando Rosse for the next ensuing yeare.



1658 Oct 7, … Richard Jackson, Esqrs., Sheriffs, … being then present.



1658 Oct 7, …that Richard Jackson, Mason, might bee payd ye somme of two Pounds seaventeene shillings and six pence due and behind to him, and unpaid for works about said house [the vicars house] by him and his servants there done.



1659 Jan 13  Upon a former Reference, pursuant to an act of assembly of ye 16th of July 1659 to Rich. Jackson and Rich. Orson, directed for viewing some necessary reparacions about Doctor Faythfull tates house, and to return an estimate of ye charge of what repair ye same.



1659 Apr 6, … Richard Jackson, sheriffs, …



1659 Apr 20, … Richard Jackson, Esqrs. sheriffs …



1659 Apr 22 Ordered that ye care and oversight of repairing ye bridge and keyes of this Toune bee recommended to Thomas Dixon, Alder., Rich. Jackson, Edward Nicholls, and John Stoker whose diligence and circumspection is therein desired.



1659 Apr 22, … Richard Jackson, Esqrs., Sheriffs,



1659 May 6. … Richard Jackson, Esqrs. Sheriffs.



1659 July 8… Richard Jackson, Esqrs. Sheriffs.



1659 Oct 7. Ellected and sworne constablee of the Staple



1662 Feb 13. Consideracon being had of the irrepaireacon of the slypes of this towne, and of the condicional fynes imposed at the last Assizes, if they were not repayred, and also of the defects and irrepayreacon of the towne walls, it is ordered, that …. And Mr. Richard Jackson, bee and they are hereby desired to viewe the repayres of ye walls and slypes, and to report in what condicions they are, into Mr. Mayor, within ten days.



1665 Feb 23. Upon reading the peticon of Richard Jackson, who served his apprenticeship with Edmond Graves, merchant, it being his third petiticon, hee is admitted a free merchant and Mr. Major is desired to give him his oath.



1666 July 5.  The same day, Richard Jackson, Thomas Oldman, and John Barry, merchants, were presented by the Master and Wardens of the ffraternity of Merchants, and were accordingly sworne free burgesses and paid their fees and fynes to the Treasurer.



1669 Apr 30 Ordered, that the Bridge of this Towne being out of repaire, be forthwith repaired att the Corcopacon charge, and Ald. John Towers, Mr. Richard Orson, Mr. Richard Jackson, the lder, with Mr. Edward Singleton and Towne
Treasurer, are appointed oversers of the work.



1671 May 5 Richard Jackson and Thomas Browne, marchants, chosen Wardens of the same company [ Company of marchants]



1672 Apr 17 Richard Jackson marchant was elected sheriff by the Table for the next ensueing yeare.



1672 May 24 … sheriff, with Mr. Richard Jackson



1672 Jul 6 It was ordered by this assembly … and Richard Jackson be joined unto the sheriffs, to settle the quarter of the officers and souldiers of this Towne. And what they shall doe to be binding unto the inhabitants of this Corporacon for a yeare next ensueinge.



1672 Jul 6 Richard Jackson and Richard Blomfield, being formerly elected to serve as sheriffs of this Corporacon for the ensuing yeare, did declare in the open assembly their willingness to serve in the said office, and gave bond to appeare on Michaelmas day to take their oaths.



1672 Oct 11 Richard Jackson … sheriffs … present.



1673 Jan 16 Richard Jackson and John Barry, marchant, were elected and chosen wardens of the [Company of Marchants], who are to be sworne before Mr. Mayor.



1673 Oct 8 Richard Jackson and Richard Blomfield, were elected and sworne Constable of the Staple and Coroners.



1674 May 1 …and Richard Jackson, Marchant, are appoynetd for the Shop streete and Dyer streete Ward[2]



1675 Jan 12 …Mr. Richard Jackson… elected and sworne Aldermen of this Corporacon.



1675 Oct 8 Mr. Richard Jackson elected Treasurer of this Corporation for this ensuing yeare, Ald. Osborne and Ald Leigh, his security.



1675 Oct 8 The water customs of this Corporacon were sett unto Mr. Richard Jackson, for the sume of ffifty two pounds ster. For the ensuing year, to begin the 21st of this instant.



1676 Apr 7  Mr. Richard Jackson [appointed overseer] … ffor St. Maryes parish.



1676 Oct 13 Ald Richard Jackson continued Treasurer for the ensueing yeare.



1677 Oct 12  Richard Jackson elected and sworne Towne Treasurer, ffor the next ensuing yeare.



1677 Oct 12 Ald. Richard Jackson was elected to bee master of the yield for the ensuing yeare.



1678 Jan 11 Ordered that Ald. John Towers, Ald. George Richardson, Mr. Richard Jackson, and Mr. Richard Blomfield, doe view the Towne Walls and Towne Ditch rounde about, and take notice where the ditch is digged away from the ffoundation of the walls, and by whome, and to report to the next assembly that care may be taken for redress thereof.



1678 Jan 16 …sworn a free merchant, and took the usual oaths. …Mr. John Jackson …



1678 Apr 10 Richard Jackson, Ald. Was elected to serve as mayor of this Corporacion ffor the next ensuing yeare, according to the lawe of succession.



1678 Apr 12 Martin Peppar having served his apprenticeship to Ald. Richard Jackson, was on his peticon, granted a free marchant, taking the usual oaths.






1679 May 2.  John Jackson sworne Common Councell man for the ffraternity of Chandlers



1679 May 2.  Mr. Sherriff Hardman and Mr. John Jackson elected wardens.



1679 Oct 10 Richard Jackson, Ald. Was elected and sworn Mayor of the Staple.



1681 Jan 13  The Mayor and sheriffs for the time being, Ald. Stoker, Alder. Percival, Alder.Wm. Elmwood, Alder. Jackson, Mr. Doyle, Mr. Tho Newton, M. Vanbobbart, Mr. Barron, or any six of them, to applot 30 li. Upon ye inhabitants of this Corporacon for ye quartering of ye officers as they shall think fit, and to appoint one of ye towne officers to collect ye same, and this to ocntinue (as longe as this assembly shall think fit) until January 1682.



1682 Apr 28 Persons appointed to receive the Charity for ye French Protestants Ald Jackson, Ald Nicholls, Mr. Eaton and Mr. Shephard for St. Marys parish[3].



1682 Oct 13  Ald. Richard Jackson, and Mr. William Barron, Proctors of St. John’s Poore House.



1682 Oct 13  Ald. Richard Jackson, elected and sworn master of the yield.



1682 Oct 13  The Gate Customes of this Corporacon were sett to Ald. Richard Jackson, for four Pounds three shillings per weeke, beginning the fifteenth instant.



1683 Jan 19 Consideracon being had of the humble petition of Richard Jackson, and John Sandiford, Aldermen, tenants to this Corporacon for the ffirrs of the Towne Commons on Uriell side, setting forth, that there is certain differences like to arise between them, and Alderman Richard Orson, and Mr. Henry Watkins, tenants to this Corporacon, and the proctors of St. Johns Poore House, for that parte of the said Commons called St. Johns Hills, belonging to the said Poorehouse … [more legal aspects – very interesting]



1683 Oct 12  Ald Richard Jackson, and Mr. Wm Barron, continued Proctors.



1683 Oct 12  The Gate Customes of this Corporacon were sett unto Alderman Richard Jackson, for the summe of foure pounds five shillings, and six pence per weeke.



1684 Jan 25  Ordered that the Mayor and Sheriffs, alderman Jackson, … doe applot ffourty Pounds to defray the Quarters of the foure Captains, and to assist ye Sheriffs in settling ye whole Quarters, and this continue for one yeare from ye last Assembly, to meete when Mr. Mayor calls them, the money to be collected by ye towne officers monthly, and paid into ye sherrisffs hands.



1685 Oct 9 The Gate Customes of this Corporacon were sett to Alderman Richard Jackson, for ye ensuing yeare, for foure pounds per weeke.



1686 Oct 8 Ald Jackson [and others] sworne auditors for ye next ensuing yeare.



1686 Oct 8 Ald. Richard Jackson  [and others] appointed to assist the sheriffs in Quartering of ye soldiers this yeare.



1686 Oct 8 The Gate Customes of this Corporacon were sett for ye next ensueing yeare, to Alderman Richard Jackson, for four Pounds sixteen shillings and six pence per weeke, to commence from ye fifteenth of October instant.

Memorandum that there was perfected, and delivered unto Alderman Wm. Barron, in open assembly, by Alderman Richard Jackson, farmer of ye Gate Customs, foure bonds amounting to the summe of seaventy seaven pounds four shillings, pursuant to an act of Assembly the last yeare, for the satisfaction of a debt of seventy eight pounds, and that the said Alderman Barron hath sealed and delivered a Generall release for all debts, and demands from the Corporacon to this day memoranded, that the six shillings is to bee allowed him, in an account of rent he owes for a strip of Ground in St. Johns lane.



1687 Jan 14 Consideracon being had, that ye rent of St. John’s Hill belongeth to ye poore, is in arreare for many years past, it is ordered, that in case the former lease be surrendered, there bee a lease made to Alderman Jackson of ye firs of St. John’s Hill[4], for the same terme, and rent of ye former lease, he paying the arrears, and that in case the persons in whose hands it is, will not surrender the former Lease, that the Leasee bee sued for ye arrears, at the next assizes by ye proctors.



1687 Nov 5 Whereas it hath pleased his  most Gracious Majesty, James ye Second, in the third year of his reign, to grant to this his Antient and Loyal Tonne  of Drogheda, all its former Estate customs, Rights, Immunities and Liberties with sundry new Privileges as appeares by the Charter inrould in the Rouls office of Dublin, and hereunder the Great seale of this His Kingdom of Ireland, beareing date the 5th  day of November in ye year 1687, amongst other Charters and Records Extant in ye Tousell of the said Towne, which being Received with solemnity becoming, was after ye wanted manner read and published, when Ignatius Pippard Major took ye oaths therein mentioned, before the Right Honourable  Gennico Lord Viscount Gormanstowne, one of his Majesty's most Honourable Privie Council, and then Tho, Pippard Fitz George, being before the said Mayor, duly sworn Town Clerk, and Alderman,  did in like manner ye same day, administer the oaths which ye said Charter directs,  to ye Recorder, Henery Dowdall Esq., unto all ye Aldermen, sheriffs, Burgesses, and other officers, as they are respectively in ye said charter named, except John Stocker, Richard Jackson: Wm Elwood, Thomas Percivall, Jan Vabobert, who therein are named Alermen., but refused in like manner to be sworn.



1687 Dec 14 Whereas there was an act conceived at an Assembly held 8 Xber instant, by which tenn days peremptory was given to Ald. Thomas Percivall, Ald. Wm Elwood, Ald. Stoker and Ald. Jackson, to be sworne Aldermen, or to be perpetually excluded, and whereas, by a letter from ye secretary Sheridan, bearing date the 12th Instant, Mr. Mayor is commanded upon ye refusal of ye aforesaid Aldermen to be sworne, to proceed to an Election of new Aldermen, and whereas, upon ye receipt of ye said letter, ye said Aldermen were personally summoned to appear at an assembly to be held ye 14th day of this Instant, and did not appeare, and whereas it was put to ye vote in ye said Assembly, whether the former act conceived the 8th  instant should stand or Be Repealed. It was ordered, and it is by this Assembly ordered, that the same to be and is Repealed.

The same day, it being Put to ye vote, whether ye said Aldermen should not be perpetually Excluded, in case ye said Aldermen did not take ye usual oath of an Alderman at an assembly to be held in ye Tholsel the 15th instant, at two in ye afternoon, it was carried that if ye said Aldermen did not appear as aforesaid, that they be perpetually Excluded from being Aldermen of this Corporacon..

AT A G.A. HELD BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT, before the Mayor and Sheriff's, the Aldermen and Burgesses being present, the 15th day of Xber 1687.

Whereas, by a rule conceived in a G.A., held the 14th day of this Instant December, that if John Stoker Alderman, Richard Jackson, Alderman, Thomas Percivall and Ald. Wm Elwood did not appear at an assembly to be held ye 15th inst, and there Take ye several oaths of an Alderman, that ye said Alder. Richd. Jackson, Ald. John Stoker, Ald. Wm Elwood, and Ald. Thomas Percivall, should be perpetually Excluded, and whereas, ye said Persons did not appear at ye said assembly held the 15th inst though Lawfully warned, it is now ordered Pursuant to ye former vote, by ye unanimous consent of this present assembly, held ye 15th inst., that ye said John Stoker, Richd. Jackson, Thomas Percivall, and Wm Elwood, be from henceforth Excluded and foreclosed to take ye usual oaths of aldermen, or any benefit or advantage by them being so named in ye Charter having refused the same.

The same day Mr. John Graham was elected and sworne alderman of this Corporation.

January 5, 1687 -- the same day Michael Chamberlain, Esq., James Gernon, gent, Lift. Poore and Thomas Bellow, were sworn free members of this Corporacon.



1691 Apr 24 Granted unto Alden: Richd Jackson and Alden Barron, the house on the South East End of the bridge[5], late Mr. Shepheards, ffor one yeare from Easter last, at ye rent of three pounds ten shill: ster: to be paid halfe yearly.



1691 Apr 24 Granted unto Alden: Richd: Jackson and Alden Barron one parke on Meathe side called Worralls Logh, ffor one yeare ffrom Easter last at the rent of thirty shillings ster: to be paid halfe yearly.

Granted unto Alden: Richd, Jackson and Alden Barron, a park called Tryms Hill, on Meath side, ffor one yeare from Easter last at thirty shill. Ster. To be paid half yearly.



1692 Feb 11 Consideracion being had, of ye necessity at present of some course to be taken ffor the present releife of ye poore in this towne; it is ordered by this Assembly that Mr. Mayor and Sherriffs ffor ye time being, Alden. Rishd. Jackson [other names] or any ffive of them doe consider what poore are ffitt to be suffered to beg or continue in towne, and to make such rules ffor the better ordering of the poore from time to time, as they shall think ffitt, and that they be impower, and are hereby authorized by this assembly, to applott such reasonable sesses on the Inhabitant of this towne, as shall be absolutely necessary ffor the releife of the poore ffor the present...



1692 Apr 8  Aldrn. Richd. Jackson and Mr. Wim. Gilbert, added to the Auditors.



1692 Oct 14   Mr. George Blackwell, having served an apprenticeship with Aldrn Richd. Jackson, is admitted a free merchant of this Corporation.



1692 Oct 14 ... Aldrn. Richd Jackson ... or any three of tme to be auditors and viewers.



1693 Oct 31 Elected auditors and viewers or any three of them – Aldrn. Richd. Jackson  [other names]



1694 Oct 12  Elected auditors and viewers or any ffoure of them – Aldrn. Richd. Jackson  [other names]



1697 Oct 8 Elected auditors and viewers or any three of them – Aldrn. Richd. Jackson  [other names]



1698 Oct 7 Elected auditors and viewers or any three of them – Aldrn. Richd. Jackson  [other names]



1699 Apr 28 Aldm: Richd: Jackson, Mr. Charles Isaacke, Mr. John Cope and Patr: Quin are heerby appointed overseers of the mending the said common shore.



1699 Oct 6 Elected auditors and viewers or any three of them – Aldrn. Richd. Jackson  [other names]



1700 Apr 12 Ordered, that the Mayor doe order such persons as he shall thinke fit, to bring in a List of all such poore ffreemen their widows and children that is in the Corporation, to have the mony of the Commons distributed among them.. [other names]  Alderman Richard Jackson, St. Mary’s Parish.



1700 Oct 11  Aldrn. Richard Jackson elected mayor of the yield for the next ensuing yeare.



1700 Oct 11 Elected auditors and viewers or any three of them – Aldrn. Richd. Jackson  [other names]



1701 Oct 10 ... elected and sworn Common Councell men  [other names]  Aldrn. Richard Jackson.



1701 Oct 10 Aldern. Richard Jackson elected Master of the Yeild, for the next ensuing yeare.



1702 Oct 9 Elected auditors and viewers or any three of them – Aldrn. Richd. Jackson  [other names]



1702 Oct 9 Ordered that care be taken to preserve the ffirs of the Commons, and that Aldn Jackson doe give a release of his pretence to them under his hand and seale, upon demand, or that he be forthwith sued for what arrears he owes for the said ffirrs.Ordered that Tuesday, the 20th Instant, be a sealing day for Corporation Leases.



1703 Oct 8 Elected auditors and viewers or any three of them – Aldrn. Richd. Jackson  [other names]



1709 Jul 15 Ordered, that Aldern. Jackson be added to the persons that are to viewe and sett the Tythes of Anesmott[6]



1710, Apr 21Granted unto Richd. Jackson, Alden., the Rectoriall Tyths of Enesmott for Tenn pounds for this year and for 10li. Per ann. communibus annis during the pleasure of ye Corporation, the said summary to be paid by him to the Treasurer on every ye 25th day of March, for ye use of ye Corporation.



1711 Jul 13 Granted unto Aldrn. Jackson, the rectorial tyths of Enismott for ten pounds for this year, and that what Bonds he take for the said tyth, he made over to the treasurer for they use of the Corporacion, for the rent of Last year and this year’s tyth.



1712 May 2 Ordered, that Mr. Michl. Smith receive the rents of the Commons to pay the poore for the next ensuing yeare. Ordered that the two years arrears due to the Corporacion ffrom Aldrn. Richd. Jackson shall be given to him. Odered that the tyth of Enesmott be sett for the use of the Corporacion for the next ensuing year ...



1713 May 4 Ordered, that the £20 a year pention which the Corporacion allowed Aldrn. Richard Jackson, during their pleasure, be discontinued from the first day of this instant May.



1714 Oct 8 Granted unto Richard Jackson, Aldrn, upon his humble petition, that he be allowed and paid Twenty Pounds for one year to commence from July Assembly last and to end at July Assembly next, and that he gives a Generall release to the Corporacion and resign his alderman’s place in ten days time, and the Treasurer to pay the same by Mr. Mayor’s order, and the same to be allowed the Treasurer on passing his accounts with the Corporacion.



1715 July 15 Granted to Aldrn. Richard Jackson, upon his humble petition, five pounds a quarter during the Pleasure of the Corporacion. And yt Mr. Mayor sign orders for the same to the Treasurer to be allowed on passing his accounts.



1720 Mar 24  Ordered that Oliver Jackson, and Samuel Pendleton, be sent with the said articles[a bond to Alderman Edward Singleton & £3000 penalty] to Clownish [Co. Monaghan],  at the charge of the Corporation.



1724 Jul 10 Granted unto Elizabeth Jackson upon her humble Petition, the other vacancy now in St. John’s Poorhouse.



1727 Apr 14 Upon the humble petition of George Jackson, son of Richard Jackson late of Drogheda Alderman, setting forth that by means of his family having been visited with sickness, has very much reduced him; Its therefore ordered by this Assembly, in regard to his poverty, that he be paid a sum of Two Pounds st. out of the Treasury, and that Mr. Mayor sign an account on the Treasurer for the same, and of the same be allowed the Treasurer on passing his accounts.



1727 Apr 14 Upon the humble petition of George Jackson, son of Richard Jackson late of Drogheda Alderman, setting forth that by means of his family having been visited with sickness, has very much reduced him; Its therefore ordered by this Assembly, in regard to his poverty, that he be paid a sum of Two Pounds st. out of the Treasury, and that Mr. Mayor sign an account on the Treasurer for the same, and of the same be allowed the Treasurer on passing his accounts.



1730 Jan 15 upon the humble petition of George Jackson, son of Richard Jackson late of Drogheda Alderman, setting forth his poor circumstances, and praying some help to enable him to put out two of his sons apprentices: it is ordered by this assembly, that the sum of 6 pounds be. paid to the said George Jackson, out of the Treasury, and yt Mr. Mayor do sign an Order on the Treasury for the said sum, and yt  the same be allowed the Treaurer. on passing his accounts, and yt for the future, no petition or application be received from the said George Jackson for any further relief.



1730 Jan 15 upon the humble petition of George Jackson, son of Richard Jackson late of Drogheda Alderman, setting forth his poor circumstances, and praying some help to enable him to put out two of his sons apprentices: it is ordered by this assembly, that the sum of 6 pounds be paid to the said George Jackson, out of the Treasury, and yt Mr. Mayor do sign an Order on the Treasury for the said sum, and yt  the same be allowed the Treaurer. on passing his accounts, and yt for the future, no petition or application be received from the said George Jackson for any further relief.



1723 [list of persons receiving pensions 1703/4-1734]  George Jackson, 5.0.0., one payment only


[1] It is likely pertinent that a Mr. Jackson, schoolmaster, resident in St. Lawrence Ward in a two hearth home in 1664, is related to Richard JACKSON – possibly a son. This is on the north side of the River Boyne.

[2] This is on the same side of the river as Lawrence street, hence on the north side of the River Boyne.

[3] St. Mary’s is on the south side of the River Boyne.

[4] I think this is on the Co. Meath side – the south side of the River Boyne.

[5] Given earlier references to St. Johns Hill, I am guessing this is likely on John Street and therefore on the south side of the River Boyne.

[6] Ennismott, Co. Meath. I don’t know where this is, but the following reference in  Armagh Clergy was interesting: NOTES ON St. MARK'S CHURCH.  This was established as a Chapel-of-Ease to St. Peter's and erected into a P.C. with no cure of souls attached in 1828. The church was built In 1828 at a cost of £1,918 I83. 7d. for the accommodation of families who could not obtain sittings in the parish church. The Corporation gave £276 18s. 5|d. towards its erection, the Primate £100, private subscriptions £640 2s. Od., and Board of First Fruits £900. The Corporation endowed the Curacy with the rectorial tithes of Ennismott, value £48 15s. Od., and the Patronage having been assigned by them to the Primate he added £50 per annum (see D'Alton's Drogheda, I, 50). After Disestablishment the church not being needed nor used it was sold by the R.B., with the consent of the Diocesan Coimcil, and is now a Temperance Hall. There are no records. See St. Peter's.

[7] NOTE: See JACKSON of Carramore Tree. An Oliver JACKSON was also one of those included in  Cromwell’s arrivals.



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