COLTERs and COULTERs in Griffiths Valuation for Co. Louth
SEE: Griffiths Valuations relating to Family names
[1] This is possibly the widow of Samuel COULTER who was murdered in 1851. [2] Shortstone West. The value of the house & buildings leased by Mary COULTER were valued at12.0.0 and the land included 127.0.21 acres. It was leased from Robert BAYLEY (which may be the same BAILIE family that had family ties). [3] Anne COLTER. She is probably the Anne COULTER (1830-1854) . She was the daughter of Robert COULTER and Jane COULTER. Her grandmother was Anne DICKIE (1772-1803). [4] Carrickastuck. · On January 20, 1803, Joseph COULTER (1756-1815) James DICKIE (1771-1835) and Joseph DICKIE (1774-1807) brother of James DICKIE leased land from the Earl of Roden. · In 1850 in the Anglo Celt News, Thomas BRADFORD, Joseph DICKIE and Mary E. DICKIE were all from Carrickistuck. [5] Mary COULTER. She is possibly the widow of Samuel COULTER who was murdered in 1851. [6] Roche. Mary COLTER only leased 22 acres here. [7] John COLTER [8] This is probably the COULTERs who lived at Skyhill (SEE Creggan Notes). Skyhill is in the townland of Drumbilla, Parish of Roche and is a couple of km south-east of Ballsmills. · (Thanks to Pete Schermerhorn) It “appears to straddle the townlands of Drumbilla and Ballinfuil. Both places are shown on Discovery map 36”. · In 1854, John COULTER leased about 44 acres and buildings valued at £2.15.0 at Drumbilla (Ordnance Survey 8a) from Eliza FOSTER He was also the lessor of lands to the Constabulary Force of buildings valued at £2.10.0 (Ordnance Survey 8b). [9] James COULTER [10] Castletown. James COLTER leased a modest house and garden from James EASTWOOD (total value: £0.18.0). [11] Launcelot COLTER. I suspect this is the same Launcelot COULTER,of The Cottage, Ballymascanlon/died 28th Sept., 1873/Aged 60 Years. SOURCE: [12] Bellurgan. Launcelot COLTER leased 2 acres of land from Edward TIPPING (Bear in mind that a Samuel TIPPING married a Mary COULTER – sister of Barbara COULTER - in the mid to late 1700s). [13] Ballymascanlon. Launcelot COULTER leased substantial buildings including a corn mill and kiln as well as land – all valued at £187.0.0. [14] Clontygora, Parish of Killevey – the entire townland was owed jointly by Launcelot COULTER and Elizabeth CRAWLEY according to the 1864 Griffiths Valuations. 1297 acres are listed in their joint names as well as £92.0.0 worth of dwellings. [15] Killevy, Co. Armagh is on the northern border of the Parish of Creggan [16] Killeen. It is interesting that James DICKIE of Carrickastuck supposedly died at Killen. I wonder if there was a connection – or if Killen is somewhere else (there is a Killen, Parish of Longfield West, Co. Tyrone). [17] Proleek. Launcelot COULTER owned several small parcels and also leased close to 80 acres. [18] Robert COULTER [19] Castlecarragh – most of this townland was owned by the Trustees of Robert COULTER. Two parcels of land owned by Edward TIPPING were occupied by the Trustees of Robert COULTER. The most substantial house and parcel of land (a house valued at £4.10.0 and 157 acres) was occupied by Samuel DICKIE. [20] Thomas COULTER. He leased from Thomas BRADFORD, a house valued at £1.5.0. [21] Carnbeg. By the time of the Griffiths Valuation in 1854, the most substantial house was owned by Rev David DAVIDSON (husband of Jaen COULTER). The remaining more modest homes were owned by Thomas BRADFORD, one of which (valued at £1.5.0) was leased by Thomas COULTER. [22] Mary COULTER [23] The house at Wellington Place was valued at £8.10.0. [24] ? COULTER. [25] The house was leased to A Rev. Patrick Dunne and was valued at £8.0.0.
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