The Jacksons came from Northamptonshire and went to Ireland in Elizabeth's
reign, and were given grants of land in Co. Carlow (N. Leinster) for distinguished
service in the Army.
George Jackson lost all his property -he went over to Bath and became
engaged to an English lady, the daughter of an earl, who refused to live
in Ireland. He returned to raise money by selling his life interest in
the property, and then found that the lady had jilted him and married
another. He went to France and squandered all his fortune. He then returned
to Ireland and was glad to get the post of school- master in the Charter
School, Creggan, Co. Armagh. He married Margaret McLaughlin in 1755 [NOTE: The records of Clogher Parish indicate a marriage in 1743 - which is a better fit with the suspected ages of their children] and
lived in Liscalgot, Co. Armagh and had 3 sons and 7 daughters. His eldest
son David, married Margaret Bradford, a violent tempered red- haired woman,
who, disgusted at the money being spent to get back the Mt. Leinster property,
burnt all the Title Deeds. They lived at Urker, bought in 1760, and had
2 sons and 3 daughters. His son John married Elizabeth McCullagh and had
1 son and 3 daughters. David, who married Elizabeth Oliver and had 5 sons
and 4 daughters, his second son Thomas , married Amelia Lydia Dare and
had 4 sons and 5 daughters.
Earlier records of the family could be sought at Mt. Leinster, Co. Carlow
and Northamptonshire.
Carlow -Mount Leinster Lodge to be let. Furnished for one, two
or three years . Drawing room, Dining room, spacious Hall, 6 Bedrooms,
2 Dressing rooms. 4 Servants' rooms, Servants' Hall. Housekeeper's
room. Laundry, Dairy, Stabling for 8 horses. Coach house, harness
room etc. Good stocked garden. One to 80 acres of land. 7 miles from
Bagenalstown -4 from Borris Railway Station. Tenant could get permission
to shoot on 4 thousand acres - grouse, partridge, snipe. Good trout
fishing. Apply A. FitzMaurice, Esq., Carlow. August 11th, 1874.
1. Margaret McLaughlin. The name is a corruption of O'Melaghlin,
who were descended from Conall Crimthrine, son of the renowned Irish king,
Niall the Great.
2 . Margaret Bradford. It is through her that the property
Urker, Liscalgot came.
3 . Elizabeth McCullagh. No history of the McCullaghs
4 . Elizabeth Oliver. The Olivers came from Armagh property
Killinure. They were of French Protestant origin, who took refuge in the
Netherlands and came to Ireland with William of Orange's Army. They were
all clever, tall, good-looking people with beautiful hands. As Grandmother
once said: "We have often been called mad, but never stupid-.”
5. Amelia Lydia Dare of Huguenot origin -full,history
later. She was married September 19th, 1871 at H.M.B. Legation, Yokohama
by the Rev. M.B. Bailey, H.M.B. Consular Chaplain.
GEORGE JACKSON, 1755 was noted for a wonderful skin,
also his fondness for women! So much so, that even his great-great grandson
said, whenever any girl for miles round had a particularly good complexion,
the local people would say "Ah: She must be one of George Jackson's."
CAVANANORE (Round Hill of Gold) was granted to the Coulters
after the Battle of the Boyne -from there to twin Bradfords, and then
to Sir Thomas Jackson.
JOHN JACKSON elder brother of Thomas, was married and
had 2 sons and 2 daughters (twin son and daughter) and it is believed
they went to Australia and have been lost sight of.
ANDREW JACKSON had 2 sons and 1 daughter, and it is believed
that one son was killed in the 1914 war, and the other married and his
son was in business in Hongkong.
ELIZABETH married Thompson Brown (given Killenure as
dower) and had nine children.
MARY married firstly Menary and had 1 daughter who married
J. Wright. Secondly to Griffin.
SARAH married Gilmore, had 2 sons and 3 daughters.
MARGARET married first Reed, had 1 son and 2 daughters
; secondly to McCullagh and had 5 children.
A11 in Family Tree up to Thomas are buried at Creggan. Thomas was buried
at Stansted, Essex where he lived.
Jane Leadley was the mother of::
Elizabeth Birch of Birch Grove, Guildford.
Elizabeth Breakey (corruption of Briquet).
Betty Bradford -next de Moinery.
Elizabeth Oliver -David Jackson. The
Oliver crest was three fishes one below the other. Lady Lifford was
a cousin to Elizabeth Oliver. Elizabeth Oliver had one sister, Maria
who married Vincent (sic "Viscount") Lifford*, Dean
of Armagh, and two brothers. Benjamin lived at Ballanahode, Rookford,
and William.
*NOTE: This part of Amy Lloyd's notes confuses me. The 2nd Viscount Lifford
was actually named James Hewitt (1751-1830) and it is he who was the
Dean of Armagh. His father, also James Hewitt (1709-1789) was the Lord
Chancellor of Ireland. Of him, I have so far learned a little. On a page
on Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin:
http://www.chapters.eiretek.org/books/Wright/wright9.htm there
is the following description: Lord Lifford's Monument.
- Lord Lifford, High Chancellor of Ireland, expired in the month of April,
1789, at the age of 73, shortly after the violent debate in the Lords
upon the regency question. Previously to his promotion to the Great
Seal of Ireland, he had been one of the judges of the King's Bench in
England, and was indebted to his sincerely attached friend, Lord Camden,
for his promotion. He was generally considered an excellent lawyer,
and an impartial judge, and his patience and good temper on the bench
were exemplary. A plain marble tablet is laid on a slab of variegated
marble, of pyramidal shape, on the summit of which are placed the arms
of the family, with this suitable motto, "Be just, and fear not."