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This document was trascribed thanks to Wendy Jack and footnoted by Sharon Oddie Brown. December 30, 2003

Eliza (Oliver) JACKSON (mother of Sir Thomas JACKSON and niece of Andrew Coulter BRADFORD) is ordered by the court to produce documents relating to Annaghvackey and land divisions that involved swapping some ownership of land in Cavananore in 1823 between Thomas BRADFORD (probably a first cousin of Andrew Coulter BRADFORD) and Andrew Coulter BRADFORD.
The current case involved Thomas BRADFORD versus The Reverend W. REID (husband of ACB's great grand-niece and also related through the cousin side - remotely), Eliezer GILMORE (half first cousin and husband of grandniece of ACB) and Thompson BROWN(E) (husband of a grand-niece of ACB), Trustees of the Will of Andrew Coulter BRADFORD (1788-1847)
Footnotes updated slightly June 16, 2005


In the High Court of Justice in Ireland

Chancery Division – Land Judges
Friday the 25th day of February 1898

In the matter of the Estate of Samuel Bradford [1] – Owner and Petitioner
And in the matter of the Estate of

The Reverend W. Reid [2] ,
Eliezer Gilmore [3] and

Thompson Brown [4]
Trustees of the Will of
Andrew Bradford [5] deceased 
Owners of Land

And in the matter of the Partition Feb 1868 and 1876

Upon Motion of Mr. Alexander Bell [6] Solicitor for Thomas Bradford [7] having Carriage of the Sale and on reading the Notice to lodge deeds herein dated the Eleventh day of February one thousand eight hundred and Ninety eight and the affidavit of John O’Connor [8] filed the Twenty third day of February one thousand eight hundred and Ninety eight It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Eliza Jackson [9] do lodge in court on Oath subject to any lien she may claim thereon all Deeds and Documents relating to the premises for sale herein save the instrument creating her security or dealing these wills that now are or at any time were in her Custody power or procurement (or account for same on Oath) within Ten days after the service of this order on the said Mrs. Eliza Jackson

J.M. Kennedy [10]

A Map of the lands of Annaghavackey [11] held in common by Messrs Andrew and Thomas Bradford Situated in the Upper Barony of Dundalk and County of Louth describing the division made thereof, By Mr. Alexander Donaldson [12] , & Mr. Robert Dickie [13] being the arbitrators unanimously chosen By the said Andrew and Thomas Bradford in order to divide and Equalize the same, each Divison so allotted to each Continuing as Set Forth and described in the Reference Surveyed in November 1822, By James Frain [14] It is our award that Andrew Coulter Bradford is to get  two acres and twenty one perches of Ground, in Thomas Bradford’s side of the equal line CD as a consideration for the Inferior Quality of the land and His own Side comprehending the two Lots Marked A and B
At the same time it is also agreed that Thomas Bradford is to get Three Roods and twenty tow perches of land
back from Andrew Coulter Bradford Viz. The lott marked A in lieu of an equal Quantity of land that Andrew Coulter Bradford holds more His Half of Cavananore

Agreed upon this 10th day of December 1823.
Each Division in Annaghavackey will be then as follows Viz.



a.    r.    p.

a.    r.    p.


Mr Thomas Bradford




Ditto Bog




Got in lieu of 3r.22p of land which Thomas Bradford wanted of this half in Cavananore [15]








Andrew Coulter Bradford ----------23a.2r.12p




-------Ditto Bog-------------------------1a.1r.38p








----ditto got by award of arbitrators in lieu of inferior Quality of land together with the Part A to Thomas Bradford in Lieu of 3r.22p which he wanted of His half in Cavananore












[1] Samuel Bradford – possibly son of Samuel Bradford & Margaret Henry
[2] Rev William Reid 1829-1906, husband of Mary McCullagh, sister-in-law of Margaret JACKSON
[3] Eliezer Gilmore  1845-1919 husband of Sarah Jackson
[4] Thompson Brown 1837-1915, husband of Elizabeth Jackson
[5] Andrew Coulter Bradford 1788-1847, son of Thomas Bradford & Elizabeth Breakey
[7] Thomas Bradford possibly son of Samuel Bradford & Margaret Henry
[9] Elizabeth Jackson née Oliver, wife of David Jackson and mother of  the aforementioned Sarah & Elizabeth Jackson (as well as mother of Sir Thomas JACKSON)
[11] Annaghavackey, A townland of 369 acres, County Louth, Barony of Upper Dundalk, Parish of Creggan.
[12] Alexander Donaldson – probably son of John Donaldson & Elizabeth Johanna Jackson
[13] Robert Dickie probably related to John Thomas Dickie, husband of  Elizabeth McCullagh
[15] Cavananore -  A townland of 219 acres in Upper Dundalk, Co. Louth,


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