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1897 April 9 Will of Eleanor JACKSON proved. Eleanor ACHESON married James JACKSON in 1830. He was a son of Thomas JACKSON.
Sharon Oddie Brown. November 29, 2019


Will of Eleanor JACKSON of Teretick, Co Sligo Dated December 23, 1893. Proved April 9 1897.


When Eleanor left this will in her mid 80s, her two sons were already middle aged and unmarried. If they had been interested in women, and women were interested in them, they certainly had financial prospects that could have attracted a wife. It is hard to say whether their mother’s threat of disinheriting them if they married a Catholic led to their bachelor status. NOTE: Effects at time of Probate: £8,521.17.10. Her birth cert says that she died of senile decay of at least 12 months.


I Eleanor Jackson[1] of Teretick[2] in the County of Sligo widow do make this my last will recoking all previous wills and codicils. I appoint Alexander Gilmour[3] of Ballinacarrow[4] to be trustee of this my will and also sole executor. I give devise and bequeath all my property of every nature and kind whatsoever upon the trusts and to and for the uses hereinafter set out that is to say as to the lands of Creeve[5] and Tullaboy[6] in the County of Roscommon in trust to permit my son James W. Jackson[7] to receive the rents and profits thereof during his life or until he shall alien sell Mortgage Charge or incumber the same or [?] as a forfeiture under the proviso in regard to marriage hereinafter contained and from the determination of his interest otherwise then under the proviso in regard to then the use of each child children or remoter issue of my said son (born in due time) as he shall by Deed or will appoint and in default of Appointment to the use of his children who attain full age in equal shares and as to the lands of Teratick[8] Castleore[9] or Cusshore, Cloonelly[10] and Lavally[11] upon trust to permit my son Thomas B. Jackson[12] to receive the rents and profits therof during his life or until he shall alien sell mortgage or incumber the same or incur or a forfeiture under the proviso in regard to marriage herinafter contained and from the determination of his interest otherwise than under the proviso in regard to marriage then to the use of such child or children or remoter issue of my said son (born in due time) as he shall by deed or will appoint and in default of such appointments to the use of his children equally to be divided between them and as to the lands of Lissanny[13] Deverish[14] and Knockanahair[15]

In trust to pay thereout the mortgage now affecting the same and subject thereto to the use that my daughter Jane[16] may receive thereout the sum of one thousand pounds to be paid at such time as my trustee shall consider and convenient with interest thereon in the mean time at five per cent reducible to 2 ½ per cent so long as she shall live at Teratick where I wish her to reside with her brother for at least twelve months after my death and so much longer as possible and to be supported by her brother she giving her assistance about the place as she now does and subject to said Mortgage and charge of one thousand pounds to be paid in her installments of one hundred pounds each without interest and at such time or times within two years from my decease as my trustee shall determine and I hereby charge said sums of one thousand pounds and two hundred pounds on said lands of Lisananey Deverish and Knockanaher and as to the rest residue and remainder of my property or property over which I have any power to appointment I leave same to my trustee upon trust to pay my debts funeral and testamentary expenses and the sum of fifty pounds to each of my daughters Lizzie Cherry[17] Sarah Gilmour[18] and Catherine Moore[19] these legacies of fifty pounds and also debts and Expenses aforesaid to be paid out of my money in Bank and pure personalty, and if there be pure personalty available I direct the two hundred pounds left to my daughter Emily Margaret[20] to be paid thereout in relief of the lands above charged with her legacy and subject thereto. To hold the said residue in trust for my said sons James W. and Thomas B. for their respective lives in equal shares (subject to the proviso in regard to marriage hereinafter contained and after the decease of each of them then as his moiety in trust for his child children or remoter issue (born in due time) as he shall by deed or will appoint and in default of appointment amongst his children equally and I declare it to be my will in case either of my said sons shall die without issue him surviving then on his death the said lands hereinbefore devised and his share of residue shall go to the other of them or his issue (if he be dead) subject to the same limitation as his Original share and liable to be diverted in the same manner and if both my said sons die without bearing lawful issue them surviving then and in such case all the lands and property hereinbefore left them shall go to daughters then living to be sold and divided between them in equal shares Provided always and I hereby expressly declare that in case either of my said sons shall marry a Roman Catholic then he and his issue shall forthwith forfeit all benefit under my will and his share shall go over to my other son or to his issue and if both my sons shall marry Roman Catholics then they and their issue shall both forfeit all benefit under this my will and all property left them shall at once go over to my daughters then living absolutely in equal shares as if my said sons had both died without leaving lawful issue. And I further declare that in Case either of my sons shall by attempted alienation forfeit his life Estate in the lands devised to him by this my will (or which shall have accrued to him by cessor of his brother’s interest, before he shall have lawful issue to whom said lands would go over on the forfeiture then and in such case the rents and profits shall be applied by my trustee until there be issue of my said son so forfeiting his life Estate in like manner as if my said son had died without issue but on the birth of a lawful child or children the rents and profits shall be applied for the benefit of such child or children and the lands and property shall vest in such child or children subject however to the power of appointment vested in my said son (this of course subject to the total forfeiture by marrying a Roman Catholic) And I declare that my moneys arriving under this my will or liable to be invested by my trusts for the purposes thereof may be invested in Government Securities of the United Kingdom or any British Colony or in the Preference or Debenture stocks or shares of any Railway Company at home or abroad or in Preference or Debenture stock or shares of any British Company in Municipal stocks or stock of the Banks of England or Ireland or in real or lease hold securities in Great Britain or Ireland. And I desire that my trustee shall if he thinks right to do so have power as soon as may be after my death to appoint another fit and proper person to act with him as trustee of this my will. And I desire that Mr. William B Fenton[21] of Sligo act as solicitor to my trustee in and about the proving of this my will and settling of my affairs. In witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament contained in this and five preceding pages of paper subscribed my name this fifteenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and ninety three ---- Eleanor Jackson


JACKSONs of Co. Sligo

NOTE: This map is a work in progress. Co. Leitrim & Co. Roscommon are on the eastern border of Co. Sligo, and pertinent in terms of other land holdings and relationships.

#4: Parish Ballynakill, Barony Tirerrill
#5: Parish Ballysadare, Barony Leyny
#7: Parish Calry, Barony Carbury
#13: Parish Drumrat, Barony Corran
#22:Parish Killerry, Barony Tirerrill. Townlands: Gortlownan, Lavally, & Tiratick, & Castleore,
#36: Parish St. John's - in Town of Sligo


[1] Eleanor JACKSON (1811-1896) née ACHESON daughter of James ACHESON.

[2] Tiratick, Parish Killerry, Barony of Tirerrill,

[3] Alexander GILMOUR of Ballinacarrow

[4] Ballinacarrow NOTE: There are two possibilities:

Ballynacarrow North, Parish Kilvarnet, Barony Leyny

  Ballynacarrow South, Parish Kilvarnet, Barony Leyny.

[5] I am unsure which Creeve it might be:

  • Creeve, Shankill Civil Parish, Barony of Roscommon, Co. Roscommon 147 A, 1 R, 12 P

·       Creeve, Creeve Civil Parish, Barony of Roscommon, Co. Roscommon 325 A, 2 R, 7 P

[6] Tullyboy, Parish Estersnow, Barony of Boyle

[7] James William JACKSON (1843-1905) never married.

[8] Tiratick, Parish Killerry, Barony of Tirerrill,

[9] Castleore, Parish Killerry, Barony Tirerrill

[10] Probably  Clooneally, Parish Ballysumaghan, Barony Tirerrill,

[11] Lavally, Parish Killerry, Barony Tirerrill

[12] Thomas Berryhill JACKSON (1849-1908) Never married.

[14] Deverish. One possibility is Bearvaish, Parish Emlaghfad,  Barony Corran. It is on the eastern border of Lissananny Beg. SEE: #15 on Map above

[15] Knockanahair. One possibility is Knockahurka, Parish Emlaghfad,  Barony Corran. It is on the western border of Lissananny Beg. SEE: #15 on Map above

[16] Jane JACKSON (1847- aft 1911) She never married.

[17] Elizabeth Anne CHERRY (1841-1918) née JACKSON

·       Married 1stly: 08 Feb 1859Killery, Ballintogher, Sligo, Ire. Feb 8, Mr. Henry Maxwell, Cootehill, Merchant to Lizzie Ann, fourth daughter of Mr. James Jackson Esq. Territick House, Co. Sligo (Belfast Newsletter). SOURCE: Daphne McCANN NOTE: I am unsure which Henry MAXWELL of Cootehill he is.

·       Married 2ndly 4 Feb 1873Killery Church of Ireland, Ballintogher, Co. Sligo. Stephen Moore Cherry, Widower, Merchant, Sligo to Eliza Ann Maxwell, Widow, Teretick, d/o James Jackson, Gentleman. I.P.O. James W Jackson and Thomas B Jackson. SOURCE: Daphne McCANN

[18] Sarah GILMOUR (1838-1922) née JACKSON

·       Marriage: 29 Apr 1858Ballintogher Church, Killerry, Sligo, Ireland. Belfast Morning News. May 1858. Alexander Gilmore, Esq. Mountdodwell House (s/o Samuel Gillmore) to Sarah, 3rd Daughter of James Jackson Esq. Teretick, near Sligo. SOURCE: Daphne McCANN

[19] Catherine MOORE née JACKSON (1851-1946)

·       Marriage: 31 Jul 1873  Ballintogher William Moore s/o Montgomery Moore, Gentleman Farmer, Curighroe, to Catherine Jackson Teretick d/o James Jackson Gentleman. SOURCE: Daphne McCANN

[20] Emily Margaret JACKSON (1855-1937).

·       Marriage: 14 Mar 1881 • COI, St. Andrews, Dublin city. Henry Nesbit SHAW, Bachelor, Esquire, Cloneen, Ballymote, Co. Sligo s/o William Shaw Farmer to Margaret Emily Jackson, Spinster, Terratick, Ballintogher, Co. Sligo d/o James Jackson, Farmer. SOURCE: Daphne McCANN

[21] William B. FENTON



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