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1890 September 11 Will of John JACKSON of Richhill, tanner. His father was Joseph JACKSON (see 1867 May 3 Will of Joseph JACKSON of Richhill aka Rich Hill, Co. Armagh. He died August 23, 1868. He was a Leather Merchant and Farmer.). I have yet to take the family further back than this so far.
Sharon Oddie Brown. February 17, 2022 Updated: May 29, 2022. NOTE: His only child, Lucinda, married late in life & died without issue.

1890 Sep 11 will of John JACKSON of Richhill



Other sources of interest:

·         1901 Census: JACKSONs of Richhill DED I have annotated this list.

·         Probates of JACKSONs in Co. Armagh.



John JACKSON's father, Joseph JACKSON, also held leases at Liskyborough as well as in the Town of Richhill (to the west of Liskyborough)

The family Tannery is indicated.



I John JACKSON[1] of Richhill in the county of Armagh Tanner do make and publish this my last will and testament and thereby revoke every former will or writing testamentary heretofore at anytime made and executed by me. I give devise and bequeath to my trustees herein named all my household lands monies goods chattels shares and all my other property of every nature or and kind whatsoever whether real or personal and whether in possession reversion or remainder for all my estate and interest therein respectively in trust to pay to my brother Robert JACKSON[2]  the sum of £50 into my nephew Alexander JACKSON[3] of Pueblo Colorado the sum of £50 and in trust to allow my wife and daughter Lucinda Catherine[4] to occupy my dwelling and the furniture therein and to receive the rents issues and profits of my property of every kind and equal shares in the same manner as heretofore so long as they shall both live and remain unmarried. Should my wife marry again I desire my trustees to pay her the sum of £300 and thereon to hold all my said property and trust for my said daughter and upon the death of my said wife unmarried. I give her power too dispose by will or otherwise of said sum of £300 and all the resources of my property to go to my said daughter. If my daughter shall marry during the lifetime of my wife then I direct that during the widowhood of my said wife my daughter shall be paid by my trustees a sum of £40 a year by equal half yearly installments and that my wife shall during her widowhood be entitled to use occupy and enjoy my dwelling house with the furniture therein and to receive all the residue of the income of my property. If my said daughter shall die unmarried during the widowhood of my wife then I give and bequeath all my property of every nature and kind subject to the interest herein before given to my said wife and subject also to the legacies herein contained to my two brothers in the proportions following that is to say to my brother Robert JACKSON 1/3 thereof and to my brother George JACKSON[5].


two thirds thereof. I give and bequeath to the to Miss Annette GIRVIN[6] of Moneyquinn the sum of £20. I give my trustees free power and authority to use their absolute wisdom in collecting in my estate and investing the same when collected. And as to varying the installments in which my possession of my property real or personal now stands by selling the same and investing the money in such other good investment as to my said trustees in their absolute wisdom shall seem right. And I give to my said trustees full power to wind up the business of the tannery at such time and in such manner as they may shall deem best I nominate and appoint my said wife Catherine Ann JACKSON[7] and my said brother Robert JACKSON trustees and executors of this my will. Incl every hereinbefore mentioned my daughter dying unmarried during the widowhood of my wife then it is my will that my wife shall enjoy during her widowhood the entire income of my property. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 11th day of September 1890. John JACKSON. Signed published and declared by the said John JACKSON the testator as something for his last will and testament in the presence of us present at the same time who add his request on his presence of each other have a fixed our names as witnesses.

James KERR[8]. Law clerk Armagh.

Samuel H MONROE[9]. Solicitor Armagh.

In the High Court of Justice Probate and Matrimony Division Ireland the Principal Registry Dublin.

 Be it known that on the 13th day of June 1891 the last will and testament hereunto annexed of John JACKSON late of Richhill in the county of Armagh Tanner deceased who died on or about the 30th day of October 1890 at the same place was proved and registered in the Principle Registry of the said Division and registered in the Provincial Principle Registry of the subdivision at the administration of all and singular the personal estate and effects of the said deceased was granted by the aforesaid court to Catherine Ann JACKSON of Richhill aforesaid widow and deceased and Robert JACKSON of No 18 Harrington St in the city of Dublin gentleman brother of deceased the executors named in the said will they having been first sworn well and faithfully administered at the same by paying the just debts of the deceased and the legacies contained in said will so far as they are thereunto bound by law and to exhibit true and perfect inventory of all and of singular the said estate and effects and to under a past and true account there of wherever required by law so to do.


Just putting a pin in these (given the proximity to Richhill, they may be related?):

o   Death Cert: A Morrison JACKSON b. 25 Feb 1882 mother McQUILLAN d. May 16 1882 of diarrhea at Richhill, son of John JACKSON, merchant. This John JACKSON would seem to be a different John JACKSON although his father was also a Joseph JACKSON, farmer. Marriage Cert: This John JACKSON was a grocer and a bachelor of Mulladry [Parish Kilmore (ONeilland West portion), Barony of Oneilland West]  and son of Joseph JACKSON when he married spinster Frances McQUILLAN of Drumnahuncheon, daughter of James McQUILLAN on April 28, 1880. 1901 Census. Son R [Robert] John JACKSON age 15.  1911 Census: John JACKSON (age 57) & Frances JACKSON (age 51), married 30 years. They had three children, but only one living. They lived at House 13 Richhill, and he was a Grocer. They were Methodist. Another Methodist JACKSON family – Samuel JACKSON - lived at House 69 in Richhill Village in the 1901 Census.

o   Stevenson JACKSON [aka Steenson], 1879 Feb 19 bachelor of Mulladry [Parish Kilmore (ONeilland West portion), Barony of Oneilland West] and son of Joseph JACKSON a farmer, married spinster Maria McQUILLAN of Drumnahuncheon, daughter of James McQUILLAN. A witness was Frances McQUILLIN (the sister and the future wife of John JACKSON and mother of Morrison JACKSON. SOURCE: Marriage Cert.

o   Maria JACKSON wife of Stevenson JACKSON, died at Mullady, 1895 June 3. farmer’s wife, age 37 with her brother-in-law John JACKSON present. SOURCE: Death Cert. NOTE: It seems that brothers John JACKSON & Steenson JACKSON married sister Frances McQUILLAN and Maria McQUILLAN.

o   1901 Census.: Stevenson JACKSON, age 50; Bessie JACKSON (wife) age 40; sons: Joseph JACKSON (18); David (16), John (13), Francis (11). Mulladry [Parish Kilmore (ONeilland West portion), Barony of Oneilland West]

o   1911 Census, Steenson JACKSON has been married to Bessie for 15 years. NOTE: I have been unable to find this marriage cert. Given the ages of the children in the Census, this suggests that either Bessie was a 2nd wife or that there was a clerical error. Since Bessie does not have any births attributed to her, it is more likely that she was a 2nd wife. Children of Steenson JACKSON include: Joseph (28), John (21) & Frank (19). SOURCE: 1891 Jul 13 Birth cert of son Francis.        



[1] John JACKSON (1827-1890)

·         His 1st wife, Lucy JACKSON née JONES died Mar 29, 1877 of puerperal fever [“parturition and Scarlatina”], eight days after the death of her daughter [Lucinda Catherine]. Lucy JONES was 24 years old. NOTE: I have not been able to find their marriage cert.

·         His 2nd wife was Catherine GIRVIN, daughter of John GIRVIN, Gent of Moneyquin, [Parish Lisnadil (Armagh portion), Barony Armagh] Co. Armagh. They married January 21, 1880 at 20 Lower Gardiner St, Parish St. Thomas, Dublin. They had no children.

·         Death cert: d. Oct 30 1890, married, age 63. He died at Richhill of Nasal Polyps & General Asthma. His sister-in-law A. GIRVIN was present at his death (His wife’s sister).

·         He was present at his father’s death: Aug 23, 1868 Joseph JACKSON of Richhill, married, farmer, age 67. Son John JACKSON present at death.  SOURCE: death cert.. 

·         He was with his mother Mary when she died at Richhill Apr 14, 1882 age 83. SOURCE: Her death Cert. Her son John JACKSON was present at her death.

·         He was present at the death of his sister Mary JACKSON, spinster age 50 died 5 June 1882 of cirrhosis of the liver at Richhill. Their father was a tanner. SOURCE Death cert. In the probate of her will, her effects awarded to John JACKSON amounted to: £425.

[2] Robert JACKSON (abt 1830-1902)

·         MARRIAGE: 1883 Oct 24 a Robert JACKSON of 18 Harrington St. son of Joseph JACKSON Merchant married Anna Matilda HALL, dau William HALL Gent. SOURCE: Marriage Cert.

·         PROBATE of his father’s will: Joseph JACKSON: The Will of Joseph Jackson late of Richhill County Armagh Farmer deceased who died 23 August 1868 at same place was proved at Armagh by the oaths of John Jackson of Richhill aforesaid Leather Merchant and Robert Jackson of Tullamore King's County Inland Revenue Officer the Executors. SOURCE: PRONI: Wills Index.

·         SON: Their son, Robert Henry Gordon JACKSON, was born Sep 20, 1886 and baptised at St. Peters’, City of Dublin, November 11, 1886. The family resided at 18 Harrington St. and his father was a chemist. SOURCE: Baptismal record.

·         1901 Census: Robert JACKSON age 41 b. Co. Armagh, Analytical Chemist & Anna JACKSON age 51 born at Co. Wicklow. Henry HALL was also at residence. His wife Anna, born in Co. Wicklow, is ten years older – age 51 NOTE: I suspect that this was a typo in the Census, and he was age 71.

·         DEATH: Died Oct 21, 1902 at 18 Harrington, age 72. Ex Supervisor Inland Revenue. SOURCE: Death cert.

·         PROBATE: National Archives Dublin. December 17, 1902 Probate of will of Robert JACKSON late of 18 Harrington-street Dublin, Ex-superintendent Inland Revenue who died October 21, 1902 granted at Dublin to Anna M. JACKSON the Widow. Effects: £1,139 19s 9d.

·         Anna Matilda JACKSON, the wife of Robert Sr. died Mar 20, 1904 age 56 (therefore b 1848), widow of an excise Supervisor and died of chronic hepatitis. SOURCE: Death Cert.

·         PROBATE in England: the following: Robert JACKSON of Harrington Street, Dublin, died 21 October 1902. Probate Dublin to Anna M. Jackson widow. Sealed London 9 February [1903]. Effects £61 13s 3d in England.

·         PROBATE of his wife: June 2, 1905 of Anna M. JACKSON late of 18 Harrington-street, Dublin, Widow, who died March 20, 1904 at the Home Hospital Portobella, Dublin, granted at Dublin to Henry E. HALL.

[3] Alexander JACKSON (?-aft 1904)

·         NOTE: I have not found his birth cert., nor a marriage cert for his parents. Both dates were probably not long before 1864.

·         HIS MOTHER: Mrs Mary A. JACKSON died 1904 Belfast, her husband George JACKSON resides Rich Hill, Co Armagh, their son Alexander JACKSON resides Chicago, IL date 1904-10-20 SOURCE: Irish Gleanings.  This Mary A. JACKSON was most likely George’s wife.  It is a match with a death Cert for a Mary Anne JACKSON age 62 who died July 24, 1904 at Belfast at 18 Lismain St, Belfast in presence of husband George JACKSON a retired Hardware Merchant. Her probate: Administration of the estate of Mary Ann JACKSON late of 18 Lismain St Belfast who died 24 July 1904 to George JACKSON Gentleman the husband. Effects £777 7s 3d.

[4] Lucinda Catherine JACKSON (1877-1965)

·         BIRTH: b. Mar 21, 1877. dau of John JACKSON tanner of Richhill & Lucy JONES. SOURCE: Birth Cert

·         MOTHER: Lucy JACKSON died Mar 29, 1877 of puerperal fever, eight days after the birth of Lucinda. The wife of John JACKSON mentioned in this will is her step-mother, Catherine Anne JACKSON née GIRVIN.

·         1901 Census- unmarried, age 34, income from dividends. House 42 in Richhill Village.  Church of Ireland. Living with her “mother” aka step-mother.

·         MARRIAGE: 1920 Sep 8. Zion Church, Rathfarnham, Dublin. William Harold GIRVIN Dublin son of William John GIRVIN Solicitor marriage to Lucinda Katherine JACKSON of The Square Richhill Co Armagh dau of John JACKSON

·         DEATH:  1965 Nov 1 Lucinda Katherine GIRVIN née JACKSON married, age 88 9/12ths 62 Woodlawn Park Dundrum Dublin

[5] George JACKSON (abt 1833-1905)

·         PROBATE: Administration of the estate of George Jackson late of Richhill County Armagh Farmer who died 7 May 1905 granted at Armagh to Thomas Henry Hardy Farmer. (Limited Grant) Effects £681 17s. NOTE: In a 1910 Ulster Directory, a T.H. HARDY owned the leather factory and a Martha HARDY was a tanner. In the 1911 Census, she was a widow age 65 and Thomas Henry HARDY was her son age 43 [Birth cert b. Jun 27, 1866, Richhill, son of Alexander HARDY & Martha KILLOCK.]

·         DEATH: Died May 8, 1905 at Richhill, widower, age 72, shop-keeper. Malignant disease of Prostrate 1 year 6 months and coma 48 hours. SOURCE: Death Cert.

·         MARRIAGE: I have not found a marriage cert, and suspect they married prior to 1864. After that, Irish marriage records became more readily available. If she was of full age, it would not have been abt 1863.

·         WIFE: Mrs Mary A. JACKSON died 1904 Belfast, her husband George JACKSON resides Rich Hill, Co Armagh, their son Alexander JACKSON resides Chicago, IL date 1904-10-20 SOURCE: Irish Gleanings.  This was most likely George’s wife.  It is a match with a death Cert for a Mary Anne JACKSON age 62 who died July 24, 1904 at Belfast at 18 Lismain St, Belfast in presence of husband George JACKSON a retired Hardware Merchant. Her probate: Administration of the estate of Mary Ann JACKSON late of 18 Lismain St Belfast who died 24 July 1904 to George JACKSON Gentleman the husband. Effects £777 7s 3d

·         1901 Census: George JACKSON, Hardware Shop, House 33 Shankhill Rd., with wife Mary A. JACKSON.

[6] Annette GIRVIN

·         In death cert of John JACKSON, she was present and identified as a sister-in-law.

·         There was a death at Tullyvallen of an Anne GIRVIN age 66 on Mar 19, 1896. This is possibly her.

·         SEE: Deed 489-338-310002 and Deed January 17, 1797

[7] Catherine Anne JACKSON (abt 1843-aft 1901)

·         1901 Census. Katherine age 58, widow, income from dividends. House 42 in Richhill Village. Church of Ireland. Her daughter [actually step-daughter] Lucy is living with her.

·         DEATH:  1923 Jul 25 Catherine Anne JACKSON, widow of farmer & tanner age 81 d at 50 Dartmouth Sq Dublin Present W.H. GIRVIN

·         PROBATE: Jackson Catherine Anne of the Square Richhill county Armagh widow died 25 July 1923 at 50 Dartmouth Square Rathmines county Dublin Probate Belfast 7 February to Lucinda Katherine Girvin married woman. Effects £703 4s. 8d.

[8] James KERR

[9] Samuel H. MONROE




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