Will Of Thomas McCullagh
In the name of God, Amen. I, Thomas McCullagh of Derryvalley being of
sound mind, do hereby make this my last will and Testament. First, I desire
that all my just debts be paid out of my property. Second, I give and
bequeat all my freehold leasehold & chattel property of all and any
description in Derryvalley, Drummuck, Ann* , Bally *garry, Ednaferkin,
Folsey and Ballybay, accepting four pounds hereinafter mentioned to my
daughter Mrs. Thomas McCullagh for her sole use and benefit during the
period of her natural life; and at her Death to her three sons, George,
James and John to be divided amongst them by their father Thomas McCullagh
Esq of Dunraymond, as to him may seem right but in case all these three
should die before inheriting the property it shall be divided by their
father amongst the surviving children of my daughter Mrs. McCullagh as
to him may seem right. Third, I give and bequeath the four houses in the
horse market Ballibay to Thomas McCullagh Esq of Dunraymond in trust for
the use and benefit of the three children of Mrs. Eliza Murrey alias Duffy
now living and Residing with their mother during their minority on the
condition that they be trained up and educated in the true Protestant
religion. I hereby nominate and appoint my Daughter Mrs. McCullagh and
her husband Thomas McCullagh as the sole Executors of this my last Will
and Testament. Proving of Will Of Thomas McCullagh By the tenor of these Present, We the Reverend Henry Maffett Clerk, Master
in Art, Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Joseph Ormsby Radcliffe Doctor
of Laws Vicar General Official Principal Commissary and Chancellor in
and throughout the whole Diocese of Clogher lawfully constituted and established
do make known unot all Men that the last Will and Testament (herunto annexed)
of Thomas McCullagh late of Derryvalley in the Parish of Ballibea in the
County of Managhan and Diocese of Clogher Esq Deceased was proved and
approved in Common form of law and the validity thereof decreed for and
registered in the said court on the 2nd day of August in the year of our
Lord 1850 and that the Burthen of the Execution therof and Administration
of all and singular the Goods tights Credits and Chattels of the since
Deceased, were and are granted by these Presents By us to Thomas McCullagh
Esquire an Executor therin named (Saving the right of the Executor) He
being first sworn on the Holy Evangelist well & faithfully to administer
and dispose of all and singular the Goods rights Credits & Chattels
of the said Deceased and to perform the said Will & to pay the debts
and Legacies of the said Deceased as also to make a true full and perfect
inventory of all and singular the Goods Rights Credits & Chattels
of the said Deceased and to exhibit the same into the Registry of the
Diocese of Clogher on or before the last day of January next ensuring
and also to render a true full and perfect account thereof unto the said
? when he shall be thereunto lawfully required (saving the Rights of every
Person whatsoever) In Faith and Testimony whereof We have caused the Consistorial
Seal of Clogher to be affixed to these Presents Dated the day and year
above written, |
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