1845 January 7 Deed 1845 05 204
SNAPSHOT: Robert COULTER (1801-1861), the brother of Jane COULTER 1796-1871() transferred to Rev. David DAVISON (Jane’s husband) 82 acres of Carnbeg for £2,000. This was land their father had left in trust. SEE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/1803Jan20-COULTER-DICKIE-RODEN.html This transfer was likely connected in some way to the death of Robert & Jane’s brothers Thomas COULTER in 1843 and Samuel COULTER in 1840.
To the register appointed by act of Parliament for registering deeds wills and so forth.
A Memorial of an indented deed of conveyance bearing date the seventh day of January in the year of our Lord 1845 between Robert COULTER[1] of Dundalk in the County of Louth Esquire of the one part and the said David DAVISON[2] of the city of London dissenting minister then residing at Heidelberg in Germany of the other part. Said indenture witnesses that in consideration of £2000 he the said Robert COULTER did grant bargain sell alien release convey and confirm unto the said David DAVISON in his actual possession then being by virtue of a lease for a year therein recited and to his heirs and assigns if permitted by the Earl of Roden his heirs or assigns to sell or discharge of the lands all that and those the lands of Carnbeg[3] containing 82 acres one root and 26 perches late Irish plantation measure be the same more or less bounded on the North by the lands of Carranmore[4] and on the East by Ballinahattina[5] and a small part of the Glebe[6] on the South by part of JEFFRIE’s[7] land then lately held as Townpark as also by part of Sportsman's Hall[8] [held?] or lately in the possession of Lennox BIGGER[9] and on the West by the road. leading from Dundalk to Market Hill and as said lands and premises were more partly described in map or plan annexed to the indenture of lease thereof together with all the dwelling houses outhouses barns buildings and improvements there upon or upon any part thereof erected built or made gardens orchards enclosures [?] and other trees and the ground and soil thereof ways paths passages waters water courses rights privileges [?] appurtenances thereunto or to any part thereof belonging or in any otherwise appertaining and all the estate right title interest used trust possession property protect the benefit of renewal claim challenge and demand whatsoever both at law and in equity of him the said Robert COULTER therein and thereto all which lands and premises are situate lying and being in the parish of Dundalk Bay of upper Dundalk and County of Louth aforesaid excepting and reserving as therein was [forfeited?] and reserved. To hold on singular the said thereby granted and release lands and premises with the appurtenances except as before excepted unto and to the use of the said David DAVISON his heirs and assigns in case as aforesaid thenceforth for and during all the rest residue and remainder of the term of lives in years granted thereof by the therein recited lease of the 20th day of January 1803 and that to cause undetermined and unexpired benefits to the payment of the yearly rent fees services and duties in said lease reserved and to the performance of servants and fulfillment of the several covenants clauses provisos conditions and agreements therein maintained and contained which said deed and this Memorial as to the exors thereof respectively by the said Robert COULTER are duly witnessed by James Neill McNEILL[10] of Dundalk in the County of Louth solicitor and Samuel McCULLAGH[11] of same place [?] to the said James Neal McNEILL. Robert COULTER. [Seal]. Signed and sealed by the above named Robert COULTER in presence of James Neal McNEILL Samuel McCULLAGH. The afore named Samuel McCULLAGH maketh oath and says that he is a subscribing witness to the deed of which the within writing is a Memorial and also to said Memorial and saith he was present and saw the within named Robert COULTER duly execute the said deed and written Memorial respectively and saith the name Samuel McCULLAGH subscribed is witness to said deed and Memorial respectively is this deponents proper name and hand writing. Samuel McCULLAGH. Sworn before me at Dundalk in the County of Louth in the 28th day of March 1845 by virtue of a Commission to me directed forth of her Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland for taking affidavits and for said [?] I know deponent Jonathan PURCELL[12]. Eleven Sheets. A true Copy.
[1] Robert COULTER (1801-1861) of Dundalk in the County of Louth, married his cousin, Jane COULTER ant=d they had 6 known children. He was a Solicitor and Land Agent to Lord Louth and several others. SOURCE: Tempest Jubilee Annual 1909 [2] David DAVISON (1795-1858) of the city of London dissenting minister then residing at Heidelberg in Germany. He was the husband of Jane COULTER (1796-1871) – the sister of aforementioned Robert COULTER. SOURCE: The Christian Reformer 1859. http://www.google.com.au/books?id=wSkEAAAAQAAJ "Obituary. Dec. 7, at his residence at Epsom, the Rev. David Davison, formerly minister of the Old Jewry chapel, Jewin Street, London, in the 64th year of his age. The Rev. D. Davison, whose name has been well known in connection with the Unitarian body in London for many years past, was descended from a respectable Scotch family, who settled in the North of Ireland at the plantation of Ulster. He was the son of Mr. William Davison, who farmed the townland of Ballystockart, between Belfast and Comber, and was born April 5th, 1795. Mr. Davison's family consisted besides of a son (who died young) and three daughters, one of whom survives. His son who is the subject of the present sketch was early destined for the ministry; received his early instruction from Mr. Alexander, of Crumlin, who was at that time the best teacher in the neighbourhood; and then proceeded to Glasgow in his 15th year. Here he passed through the usual course of study, and took his degree of M.A. in the year 1815. He was then licensed as a probationer by the Presbytery of Antrim; and after three years was ordained to his first pulpit at Dundalk, in the county of Louth, then in connection with the Synod of Ulster, in 1818, being at the time 23 years of age. He remained at Dundalk about seven years; the congregation appears to have gradually adopted his views in matters of opinion, which were Arian, and he gained for himself during the period the respect and esteem of all classes, Catholic as well as Protestant. It is interesting to remember that the then Vicar of Dundalk, the Rev. Elias Thackeray, was his intimate friend; that he was on terms of similar intimacy with the Catholic priest; and that Catholic prisoners in the gaol were frequently known to request his ministrations in the temporary absence of their own spiritual adviser. Here he married, in 1821, the only daughter of Samuel Coulter, of Carnteg [sic], Esq., and the sister of the late Dr. Thomas Coulter, afterward Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, distinguished for his botanical researches and collections in California. An accidental visit to London, in 1824, introduced Mr. Davison to the acquaintance of the Rev. Dr. Abraham Rees, of Jewin Street, and led to his preaching in his pulpit. Dr. Rees was pleased with his pulpit services and his Arian views, which were becoming less common in England; and the result was a correspondence with Mr. John Bentley, then and long afterwards a very active member of the congregation, which led to an invitation to accept the office of assistant pastor to Dr. Rees. This was after some consideration accepted; and Mr. Davison removed to England in the spring of 1825. The general feeling of respect for his personal and ministerial character, and of regret at his departure, found expression in a handsome testimonial, to which all classes contributed, and the inscription on which was written by Mr. Thackeray. In the summer of the year in which he removed to London (June), Dr. Rees died; and in July, 1825, Mr. Davison was unanimously chosen to succeed him as minister of the Old Jewry chapel.* Mr. Davison's connection with the Old Jewry chapel continued until 1841. This was the period of his greatest activity; and it is to be feared that the great strain upon all his faculties laid the foundation of the attack from the effects of which he died. During a portion of this time (from April 1828 to June 1837) he had a school at Islington: he was constantly and actively engaged in public and social business connected with his neighbourhood, among which the establishment of the Islington Literary and Scientific Institution may be mentioned: he took a prominent part in the management of the Orphan Working School, City Road, and in the discussions which the proceedings of the orthodox managers caused: he was one of the trustees of Dr. Williams's Library, and, though the youngest, soon took a conspicuous part in the business of the Trusts: he was also a member of the Presbyterian Board, and devoted much time and attention to the educational and charitable duties of that body, especially to Carmarthen College and the schools in North Wales. During this period also he published some sermons, principally funeral sermons, and wrote many pamphlets and articles in the periodical publications of the day. In the year 1841, his connection with the Old Jewry chapel terminated: the tendency of opinion at the time was not in that direction, and as the older members died, their places were not filled up: in 1841, the chapel was sold, and Mr. Davison went to Germany for the prosecution of his literary work and for the education of his family. During the whole of this period, the community of feeling between himself and his congregation [3] Carnbeg, Parish of Dundalk, Co. Louth. In Griffiths Valuations, Thomas BRADFORD is shown as leasing most of the land (excluding only land used by the railway) from David DAVIDSON (Rev. DAVIDSON aka DAVISON (1795-1858), husband of Jane COULTER – it was likely part of his wife’s inheritance) and owned several modest buildings as well as one more substantial one (valued at £1.5.0. SEE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/TABLES/Louth-GriffithsTable.html and http://www.thesilverbowl.com/maps/Carnbeg/Carnbeg-history&maps.html [4] Carranmore AKA Carnmore, Parish of Dundalk, Co. Louth, 72 acres. [5] Ballinahattina aka Ballynahattin, 105 acres in the Parish of Dundalk, Co. Louth. At the time of Griffiths Valuation, Rev. Owen O’HARE owned most of the land not owned by the railway. [6] Glebe, a townland in the Parish of Dundalk, 30 acres. [7] JEFFRIE’s Jeffries land now held as Town Parks – This would seem to be in the Townland of Lisdoo, Parish of Dundalk, 120 acres. [8] Sportsmans Hall, Parish of Dundalk, Co. Louth. In Griffiths Valuations, Thomas BRADFORD is shown as leasing most of the land from the Earl of Roden with the section of about 5 acres that he owned. There were several modest buildings, some of which he also owned. SEE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/TABLES/Louth-GriffithsTable.html [9] Lennox BIGGER (1769-1857) He was agent for Lady Joslin in Carnacally townland and resided near Dundalk in 1836. SOURCE: Ros Davies. He died at Richmond House outside Dundalk. According to the Parliamentary Papers, he was a “weighmaster and taster” in 1822 as well as a freeholder. MEMORIAL: In a vault beneath this sacred edifice rest the mortal remain of Lennox Bigger, esqr of Richmond, Dundalk. For more than thirty years magistrate of the Co Louth where he was universally respected and esteemed he was born the 3rd of May 1769 and departed this life the 10th of Jany 1857 also that of his wife Charlotte daughter of John Eastwood of Castletown Castle, Esqr who died the 8th of June 1850 aged 89 years . This tablet is erected in grateful affection by their granddaughter. SOURCE: Journal of the Society for the Preservation of Memorials of the Dead Vol. IX No. 2 (1917) [10] James Neill McNEILL. I don’t have the McNEIL-COULTER connections figured out yet, but The 1860 Chancery Reports in HOMAN vs SKELTON give a fair bit of detail of their connection to Launcelot COULTER. [11] Samuel McCULLAGH. I would like to place him with our other McCULLAGHs -but cannot at present. [12] Jonathan PURCELL
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