ROD Reference: 1845 Book 5, No. 264 Transcribed by Wendy Jack, footnotes by Sharon Oddie Brown.
No. 264 Charleton & ors to Davison Regd. 2d day of April 1845 at ½ pt 3 oC
To the Register appointed by act of Parliament for Registering deeds and So forth A Memorial of an Indented deed of assignment bearing date the twenty eighth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty five made between William Charleton[1] of Philipstown[2] in the County of Louth Esq of the first part the said William Charleton and John Thos. Dickie[3] of Clonaleenan[4] in the said County of Louth Esq of the second part Robert Coulter [5]of Dundalk in the said Co of Louth Esq of the third part and The Revd. David Davison[6] formerly of Dundalk aforesaid Presbyterian Minister but now residing at Hidelburgh in Germany of the fourth part Reciting an Indented deed of Mortgage bearing date the seventh day of May one thousand Eight hundred and thirty nine[7] made between Thomas Coulter[8] by the description therein of the one part and Alexander Donaldson[9] therein described and of Philipstown in the County of Louth Esq since decd. of the other part whereby all that and those that part of the lands of Killen[10] and part of Kane[11] called the Stump and that part of the Lands of Ballinphul[12] formerly in the possession of Edward MArdle[13] Contg by Estimation fourteen acres and one Rood and also all that part of the Lands of Kane aforesaid then in the actual Occupation of John Johnston[14] being Part of the farm of Marblehill[15] formerly occupied by Charles Lynan[16] Containing about Eighteen acres the said three denominations containing in the whole as described by the Map of Survey thereof Eighty three acres two Roods & thirty perches be the same more or less situate lying and being in the parishes of Roach & Kane Manor of Roach Upper half Bo of Dundalk and Co of Louth were granted in Mortgage to the said Alexr Donaldson upon payment of the sum of one thousd. one hundred pounds & Interest as therein mentd. & Reciting that by Indented deed of Conveyce bearing date on or about the Eleventh day of May 1839[17] made between the said Thos Coulter by the description therein of the one pt and the sd Robt Coulter of the other part Reciting whereby said Lands were Conveyed to the said Robt Coulter for the Consons therein mentd. subject inter alia to sd Mortgage as therein Recited and Reciting the death of the said Alexr Donaldson & that by his will he had appointed the sd William Carleton and John Thos. Dickie his Exors and that by virtue of said will the said Wm Carleton had become entitled to the legal Estate in Mortgaged premises and Reciting that the said Wm Carleton & John Thos Dickie had required paymt. of the said Mortgage and it not being Convenient to the said Robt Coulter to discharge the same he had applied to the said David Davidson to advance the same which he has agreed to do upon the Conditions therein mentd. It is witnessed that for the Consons therein mentd the said Wn Carleton & John Thos Dickie the requests & by the direction of the said Robt Coulter bargained sold assigned transferred and made over unto the sd David Davison his Exors admors & assigns All that the sum of £1100 Stg secured by the therein before in part Recited Mortgage of the 7th day of May 1839 & the securities Collateral therewith togr with all Interest thenceforth to become due for the same and all the right title Interest property claim and demand whatsoever of them the said William Charleton and John Thos Dickie as such Exors in to or upon the said sum of £1100 & every part thereof & the Interest thereof To hold Receive and take the said sum of £1100 and the Interest thence forth to become due for the same and every part thereof unto the said David Davison his Exors admors & assigns and for his and their own proper monies goods & Chattles for ever and it was by the now memorialising deed further Witnessed that in pursuance of the agreement therein mentd. and for the Consons therein mentd. the said William Charleton at the like request and by the like direction as therein mentd but so far only as he lawfully could or might and not by way of Covenant or warranty of title granted bargained sold aliened and released unto the said David Davison and the said Robt Coulter for the Consons therein mentd. granted bargained ratified released and confirmed unto the said David Davison in his actual posson then being as therein mentd. and to his heirs and assigns All that and those that part of the Lands of Killen and that part of Kane Called the Stump and that part of the lands of Ballinphul formerly in the posson of Edwd McArdle Contg by Estimation fourteen acres and one Rood and also all that part of the Lands of Kane afd. formerly in the Occupation of John Johnston being part of the farm of Marblehill[18] formerly Occupied by Chas Lynam Contg about 18 acres the said three denominations contg in the whole as described by the Map or survey thereof Eighty three acres two Roods and thirty perches be the same more or less Situate lying and being in the parishes of Roach and Kane Manor of Roach Upper half Barony of Dundalk and Co of Louth aforesaid & all & singular the premises comprised & expressed to be demised by the therein in part Recited Indre of the 30th day of January 1794 and the Renewal of said demise therein also Recited and all and singular the Rights members advantages appendances and appurts whatsoever to the same premises belonging or appertaining or therewith then or therefore usually held occupied Enjoyed and the Reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remrs Yearly and other the Rents issues and profits thereof and of every part thereof and all the Estate right title and Interest term of lives or life in being and right & benefit of Renewal and in said in part Recited original Indre of Lease use trust posson property profit claim Challenge and demand whatsoever hath at Law and in Equity of the said William Charleton and Robert Coulter or either of them of in and to the said premises and every part thereof with the appurts together with the said therein in part Recited Indre of Lease of the 30th day of January 1794 and the said Renewal of the first day of August 1840 and all the advantage & of all and every the Covts Clauses provisions & agreements therein contd. & all other deeds Counterparts of undertenants Leases Muniments & writings in any wise relating to the said premises or the title thereof in the power posson Custody of the said William Charleton and Robert Coulter or either of them or which they could come at without suit at Law or in Equity To hold all and Singular the said lands tenements and premises with their rights members and appurts unto and to the use of the said David Davison his heirs & assigns for and during the natural lives and life of his Royal Highness Prince Albert Samuel Alexr Coulter[19] Elder son of the said Alexr Coulter[20] then aged about Years and Joseph Arthur Coulter[21] second son of the said Robert Coulter then aged about Years and the survivor and survivors of them and for and during the natural lives and life of all and every such other person and persons as by Virtue of the Covenant for perpetual Renewal in said original Indre of demise contained should from time to time successively for ever thereafter be added to the term thereby and by said Renewal thereof granted discharged from the provisoe and Equity of Redemption in and under the said deed of the seventh day of May 1839 Subject to the provisoe or condition of Redemption therein Contd. and said deed contains amongst others a Covenant of warranty for further assurance and the Exeon thereof and of this Meml. by the said William Charleton John Thos Dickie and Robert Coulter is witnessed by James Neale McNeill[22] of Dundalk in the Co of outh Solr and Saml McCullagh[23] of the same place writing clerk Wm Charleton (seal) Wm Charleton (seal) John T. Dickie (Seal) Robt Coulter (seal) Signed and Sealed in presence of Jas Neale McNeill Saml McCullagh The within named Samuel McCullagh maketh oath and saith that he is a Subscribing witness to the deed of which the within writing is a Memorial and also to the said Memorial and that he saw said deed and Memorial resply duly Executed by the within named Wm Carleton John Thos Dickie and Robert Coulter and saith that the name Samuel McCullagh Subscribed as a witness to said deed and memorial resply is this depts proper name and handwriting Saml McCullagh Sworn before me at Dundalk in the Co of Louth this 31st day of March 1845 by Virtue of a Common issued forth of her Majestys high Court of Chancery in Ireland for taking affidavits in said Co to me directed and I know the dept Tobs M Purcell[24] Twenty one sheets (a true Copy Jno Hohnes[25] [1] William CHARLETON aka CHARLTON married Dorothea DONALDSON, daughter of Andrew DONALDSON & Catherine BAILIE. They had five known children. He was "said to be descended from a Shropshire family, probably Cromwellian."SOURCE: Irish Edition of Alexander ban Donaldson p 252 Family details are in the Creggan Cemetary (the William CHARLETON here is his son): Here lies the body of Andrew Donaldson of Philipstown Co. Louth died 29 Oct 1773 aged 61 years; Catherine Donaldson alias Bailie his wife died 12 April 1811 aged 82 years and their only son Alex Donaldson died 7 Novr 1843 aged 72 years; also their daughter Alice Donaldson died 5 Feby 1788 aged 19 years and Dorothea Charleton alias Donaldson died 26 Jan 1821 aged 52 years and her sons Alex Charlelon died 28 Septr 1828 aged 25 years and William Charleton died 25 Septr 1875 aged 77 years. [2] Philipstown , Parish of Phillipstown, Co. Louth [3] John Thomas DICKIE (1787-1876) husband of Elizabeth McCULLAGH (1794-1819). She was the daughter of Thomas McCULLAGH of Derryvalley & Jane REID of Slieveroe. After Elizabeth died at age 25, he remarried Jane WALLACE (1806-1884). She was the daughter of John WALLACE and Jane DONALDSON and sister of Eliza WALLACE aka McCULLAGH. [4] Clonaleenan, Parish of Dundalk, Co. Louth. [5] Robert COULTER (1801-1861), son of Samuel COULTER & Anne DICKIE. He married his cousin, Jane COULTER and they had 6 known children. He was a solicitor and first Secretary of the Lighting Paving and Improvement Committee, in1832. SOURCE: Tempest Annual Centenary 1859-1959 [6] Rev. David DAVISON David DAVISON (1795-1858) of the city of London dissenting minister then residing at Heidelberg in Germany. He was the husband of Jane COULTER (1796-1871) – the sister of aforementioned Robert COULTER. SOURCE: The Christian Reformer 1859. "Obituary. Dec. 7, at his residence at Epsom, the Rev. David Davison, formerly minister of the Old Jewry chapel, Jewin Street, London, in the 64th year of his age. The Rev. D. Davison, whose name has been well known in connection with the Unitarian body in London for many years past, was descended from a respectable Scotch family, who settled in the North of Ireland at the plantation of Ulster. He was the son of Mr. William Davison, who farmed the townland of Ballystockart, between Belfast and Comber, and was born April 5th, 1795. Mr. Davison's family consisted besides of a son (who died young) and three daughters, one of whom survives. His son who is the subject of the present sketch was early destined for the ministry; received his early instruction from Mr. Alexander, of Crumlin, who was at that time the best teacher in the neighbourhood; and then proceeded to Glasgow in his 15th year. Here he passed through the usual course of study, and took his degree of M.A. in the year 1815. He was then licensed as a probationer by the Presbytery of Antrim; and after three years was ordained to his first pulpit at Dundalk, in the county of Louth, then in connection with the Synod of Ulster, in 1818, being at the time 23 years of age. He remained at Dundalk about seven years; the congregation appears to have gradually adopted his views in matters of opinion, which were Arian, and he gained for himself during the period the respect and esteem of all classes, Catholic as well as Protestant. It is interesting to remember that the then Vicar of Dundalk, the Rev. Elias Thackeray, was his intimate friend; that he was on terms of similar intimacy with the Catholic priest; and that Catholic prisoners in the gaol were frequently known to request his ministrations in the temporary absence of their own spiritual adviser. Here he married, in 1821, the only daughter of Samuel Coulter, of Carnteg [sic], Esq., and the sister of the late Dr. Thomas Coulter, afterward Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, distinguished for his botanical researches and collections in California. An accidental visit to London, in 1824, introduced Mr. Davison to the acquaintance of the Rev. Dr. Abraham Rees, of Jewin Street, and led to his preaching in his pulpit. Dr. Rees was pleased with his pulpit services and his Arian views, which were becoming less common in England; and the result was a correspondence with Mr. John Bentley, then and long afterwards a very active member of the congregation, which led to an invitation to accept the office of assistant pastor to Dr. Rees. This was after some consideration accepted; and Mr. Davison removed to England in the spring of 1825. The general feeling of respect for his personal and ministerial character, and of regret at his departure, found expression in a handsome testimonial, to which all classes contributed, and the inscription on which was written by Mr. Thackeray. In the summer of the year in which he removed to London (June), Dr. Rees died; and in July, 1825, Mr. Davison was unanimously chosen to succeed him as minister of the Old Jewry chapel.* Mr. Davison's connection with the Old Jewry chapel continued until 1841. This was the period of his greatest activity; and it is to be feared that the great strain upon all his faculties laid the foundation of the attack from the effects of which he died. During a portion of this time (from April 1828 to June 1837) he had a school at Islington: he was constantly and actively engaged in public and social business connected with his neighbourhood, among which the establishment of the Islington Literary and Scientific Institution may be mentioned: he took a prominent part in the management of the Orphan Working School, City Road, and in the discussions which the proceedings of the orthodox managers caused: he was one of the trustees of Dr. Williams's Library, and, though the youngest, soon took a conspicuous part in the business of the Trusts: he was also a member of the Presbyterian Board, and devoted much time and attention to the educational and charitable duties of that body, especially to Carmarthen College and the schools in North Wales. During this period also he published some sermons, principally funeral sermons, and wrote many pamphlets and articles in the periodical publications of the day. In the year 1841, his connection with the Old Jewry chapel terminated: the tendency of opinion at the time was not in that direction, and as the older members died, their places were not filled up: in 1841, the chapel was sold, and Mr. Davison went to Germany for the prosecution of his literary work and for the education of his family. During the whole of this period, the community of feeling between himself and his congregation [7] 1839 May 7th Deed [8] Thomas COULTER (1893-1843) This is the Thomas COULTER who was the famous botanist whose name lives on in the white-flowered matilija (a California tree poppy) known as Romneya couteri. He was orphaned by age ten, but went on to live a life of adventure and success as chronicled in A Man who can Speak of Plants: Dr. Thomas Coulter (1793-1843) of Dundalk in Ireland, Mexico and Alta California. . Charles Nelson & Alan Probert ,1994, Dublin (privately published in a limited edition of 500) [9] Alexander DONALDSON (1771-1843) SOURCE: Irish Edition of Alexander ban DONALDSON p252. He purchased his mother's lease of Phillipstown on October 18, 1811. He died unmarried. SOURCE: Irish Edition of Alexander ban Donaldson, p 254: A well to do man who started building Phillipstown House in Co. Louth in 1826. When his nephew Alexander Charleton died in 1828, he was grief-stricken enough to stop work on it. "After Alexander Charleton's death his brother William Charleton came to live with him and died there on 25Sept1875 age 77, unmarried. This William in his will dated 24 April 1872 left all his real estate to his nephew Thomas William BELL who completed building the house." The will of Alexander Donaldson (dated 25 May 1843) left his relatives Alexander McELROY part of his land - also William CHARLETON. "In 1834 he owned 30 good acres in arable state, 10 acres arable, 10 acres pasture and 2 marsh." He also owned land in Annaletten, Co. Monaghan and in Gibstown, Co. Louth; he served on the Grand Jury of Louth and was also High Sherriff. [10] Killen, I suspect in the Parish of Kane, Co. Louth. [11] Kane aka The Stump. On at least one map, the lands referred to as Stumpa are southern border of Kane and the northern border of Killen (i.e. between the two). This was the land left to Thomas COULTER by his father. [12] Ballinphul aka Ballinfuil, a townland of 369 acres in the Parish of Roche, Co. Louth [13] Edward M’ARDLE [14] John JOHNSTON [15] Marblehill [16] Charles LYNAN [17] 1839 May 11th Deed : [18] Marblehill – I still do not know where this is – seemingly in Kane. [19] Samuel Alexander COULTER NOTE: There may be more than one. There is a Samuel Alexander COULTER . (1832-1870) son of Robert COULTER (not Alexander as this document says – although he seems to be a likely candidate) and Jane COULTER. He married Elizabeth PARKS. He was Secretary to the Dundalk Steam Packet Company. Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Samuel Alexander Coulter late of Dundalk County Louth Gentleman deceased who died 11 December 1870 at same place were granted at Armagh to Elizabeth Coulter of Roden-place (Dundalk aforesaid) the Widow of said deceased. [20] Alexander COULTER. I am unsure about this “elder son of Alexander COULTER” It would seem to apple to Samuel Alexander COULTER, but perhaps not. The name does show as recently as 1723, but I have nothing in the same time frame as the other two life names. . [21] Joseph Arthur COULTER (1836-1901) Mr. Joseph A. Coulter, JP, of Dowdallshill and Roden Place (the second son of Mr. Robert Coulter solicitor and first Secretary of the Lighting Paving and Improvement Committee, 1832), spent the early part of his life abroad, in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company and elsewhere, and at one time acting or Deputy Governor of Vancouver Island. He was with the escort who late accompanied Lady Franklin on her last expedition in search of her husband, Sir John Franklin, the Arctic explorer. his family has been connected with this county for seven or eight generations. For many years at up to the time of his death in 1901, he was the able Secretary of the Dundalk Gas Company. He married the daughter of Mr. John McDowell of Mullaharlin. His eldest son, Mr. Arthur S. Coulter, B.A., Solicitor has inherited his father's practical commonsense and integrity. SOURCE: Tempest Annual Centenary 1859-1959, p122 [22] James Neale McNEILL NOTE: I don’t have the McNEIL-COULTER connections figured out yet, but The 1860 Chancery Reports in HOMAN vs SKELTON give a fair bit of detail of their connection to Launcelot COULTER. [23] Samuel McCULLAGH of Dundalk, writing clerk. NOTE: I do not know where he might fit in, but I suspect he is a descendant of the William McCULLAGH who married Jane COULTER (daughter of Thomas COULTER of Lissnawolly)some time in the mid-1700s and had three sons: Joseph, William & James. [24] Tobias M. PURCELL [25] John HOHNES
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