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NAMES: Louisa Caroline DARE née JULIUS of Camberwell; Rev. George QUILTER of Canwick, Lincolnshire; Alfred Alexander JULIUS of Richmond, Surrey; Jane Adelaide DARE; Augusta Louisa LOADER; John Julius DARE of New Amsterdam, West Indies; George Julius DARE of Singapore; Dr. George Charles JULIUS of Richmond.

1844 September 25: Date of will

1845 October 8: Date of probate.

Transcription, thanks to Wendy Jack.


This is the last Will and Testament of me Louisa Caroline Dare[1] of Camberwell[2] in the County of Surrey Widow I give and bequeath unto my friends the Reverend George Quilter[3] of Canwick[4] in the County of Lincoln Clerk and to my Nephew Alfred Alexander Julius[5] of Richmond[6] in the said County of Surrey the sume of one thousand pounds Item Three and a half per cent Consolidated Bank Annuities now standing in my name in the Books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England and all and every other sum or sums of money of which I may die possessed or be entitled to upon Trust that they the said George Quilter and Alfred Alexander Julius and the survivor of them and the executors or administrators of such survivor do and shall from time to time sell out the same or any part thereof and reinvest the money arising there from in the same or any other Government Stocks or Securities and do and shall vary sell or dispose of such substituted stocks or Securities as may be necessary for the performance of the trusts hereafter reposed in them and do and shall pay the dividends and interest of the said stocks and securities sum or sums of money when and as the same shall become due and be received and also any dividends or sum of money which shall be due thereon at the time of my decease unto my daughter Jane Dare[7] or her assigns for and during the term of her natural life And from and after the decease of my said daughter Jane Dare upon Trust that my said trustees or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor do and shall pay out of the said unto my Granddaughter Augusta Louisa Loader[8] the sum of six hundred pounds And in case the said Augusta Louisa Loader shall depart this life during the lifetime of  my said daughter Jane Dare then I direct the said sum of six hundred pounds to be divided equally between my two sons John Julius Dare[9] and George Julius[10] if he or they should be living at the death of my said daughter Jane Dare share and share alike but in case of their or either of their decease during the lifetime of my said daughter then I direct the said Alfred Alexander Julius to hold the share or shares of my said sons so dying as aforesaid and all interest then due thereon In Trust for the child or children of the said John Julius Dare or George Julius Dare so dying as aforesaid share and share alike to be paid them on their severally attaining their age of twenty one years or to be previously applied towards their maintenance or advancement in life And as to the rest residue and remainder of my said Stock I bequeath the same unto my said two sons John Julius Dare and George Julius Dare to be equally divided between them share and share alike And in the event of the death of each or either of them my said two Sons during the life of my said daughter Jane then I direct that the said Alfred Alexander Julius shall hold the share of my Son or Sons so dying In Trust for the child or children of my said Son or Sons so dying aforesaid to be equally divided between them share and share alike to be paid to them on their severally attaining twenty one years of age or to be by him the said Alfred Alexander Julius previously applied towards their maintenance education or advancement in life And I direct that the said trustees shall not be answerable for each other respectively but each of them for himself only nor shall they be answerable for involuntary losses And that it shall be lawful for them respectively to reimburse themselves and each other all costs charges and expenses attending the execution of the trusts aforesaid whereas I have advanced to my Son George Julius Dare various sums of money Now I do hereby renounce all claim thereto or to any sum or sums of money he may owe me at my decease And whereas I have at different times advanced various sums of money to my Son John Julius Dare Now I do hereby renounce all claim thereto I [?] and bequeath unto my brother George Charles Julius[11] unto George Quilter and to Alfred Alexander Julius a mourning ring in remembrance of my regard and esteem for them I give unto my Son George Julius Dare his portrait now in my possession And I give and bequeath all the Rest Residue and Remainder of my personal estate of every description after payment of my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses unto my Daughter Jane Dare for her absolute use and benefit And I appoint my said Brother George Charles Julius of Richmond aforesaid Esqr and my said Daughter Jane dare Executor and Executrix of this my will And I revoke all former wills by me made and declare this to be and contain my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the twenty fifth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four.

Louisa Caroline Dare LT – Signed and acknowledged by the said Louisa Caroline Dare as and for her last Will and Testament in the present of us being present at the same time who at her request  in her presence and in the presence of each other subscribe our names as witnesses. Samuel Bellamy[12] Camberwell Road Builder, George C. Julius M.D. Richmond Surrey.

Proved at London 8th Octr 1845 before the worshipful John Danbeny[13] Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of George Charles Julius the Brother one of the Executors to whom Admons now granted having been first sworn only to administer. Power reserved of making the like grant to Jane Dare Spinster the Daughter the other Executor when she shll apply for the same.

[1] Louisa Caroline DARE née JULIUS (1764-1845) wife of Phocian DARE.

·        She was a sister of the late Dr. Charles Julius, M.D., of the Palace Richmond. (It was he who brought the late Duke of Cambridge into the world.) My grandmother was a daughter of the late William Julius, a considerable landed proprietor (Mansion and Killiekrankie Estates) in the island of St. Christopher or St. Kitts, West Indies. His brother John Julius, was then the governor of the same island, and my Grandmothers uncle, William Hamilton, was the Attorney General. SOURCE: George Mildmay DARE (1840-1907) http://www.thesilverbowl.com/history/DARE-GeorgeM-Notes.html [NOTE: I am still trying to run down this William HAMILTON. I have lots of noted on a William Leslie HAMILTON who seems mot likely, and will post it when I can get it all to click together.]

[2] "CAMBERWELL, a parish in the eastern division of the hundred of Brixton, in the county of Surrey, 3 miles to the S. of St. Paul's, London. The original parish of Camberwell extended over an area of about 4,342 acres, including within its limits the pleasant suburban districts of Dulwich, Herne Hill, and Peckham, with a considerable extent of open country. This place is mentioned in Domesday Book as Cambrewell, and a church appears to have existed here before that survey was made."
[Description(s) from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868), Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2003]

[3] Rev, George QUILTER (1793-1871)  husband of Arabella Maria JULIUS who was a niece of Louisa Caroline DARE.

[4] Canwick is just south of Lincoln (seemingly on the A15).

[5] Alfred Alexander JULIUS (1812-bef 1873) son of George Charles JULIUS who was a brother of Louisa Caroline DARE.

[6] Richmond is west of London, near Hounslow where Jane Adelaide DARE lived.

[7] Jane Adelaide DARE (1797-1872)  On the 23rd March 1872 at Hounslow Jane Adelaide eldest dau of the late Phocion Dare Esq. Of Woodford Park, Dorset granddaughter of the late William Julius  Esq. Of the Manken Estates Island of St. Kitts, niece of the late John Julius Esq. Governor of the said Island. Aunt to A.L. Jackson

[8] Augusta Louisa LOADER. Louisa Caroline DARE had a daughter also named Louisa Caroline DARE (1802-1882) whose second husband was William Augustus LOADER. Their daughter was Augusta Louisa LOADER who was born about 1829 in Madras, India.

[9] John Julius DARE (1805-1850) He died at New Amsterdam, West Indies [SOURCE: http://www.vc.id.au/tb/bgcolonistsD.html   ] He was also noted in the obit of his daughter, Jane Anna DARE, as being of Berbice, British Guiana.

[10] George Julius DARE (1807-1856) He was the youngest son of Phocian DARE and Louisa Caroline JULIUS. He married Sarah Shrieve PARKE of Capetown, South Africa, and one of their daughters Amelia Lydia DARE married Thomas JACKSON (1841-1915).

[11] George Charles JULIUS (1775-abt 1866)

·        According to Amy Oliver LLOYD, he lived at the Old Palace Richmond and was physician to George IV. Before living at Richmond he served in India.

·        after George Julius and his wife Isabella Gilder were married they travelled to India.Five of their children were born there.They returned to England in 1810 and settled in Bristol and in 1814 they moved to the Old Palace,Richmond where they lived for 41 years. They retired to St Leonards where at Maze Hill House they died. George at the age of 91 in the year 1866 and Isabella in 1867 in her 93rd year. They were buried in the churchyard at Hollington. SOURCE: Email from Judy Whittaker.


[12] Samuel BELLAMY

[13] John DANBENY



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