1843 May 8 Deed: 1843 08 230 COULTER to SEAVER
SNAPSHOT: Thomas COULTER of Skyhill leased to Anna Maria SEAVER lands on Clanbrassil St. In Dundalk as well as lands at Killen previously owned by Thomas SHEWELL..
To the register appointed by act of Parliament for the Public Registry of deeds wills conveyances and so forth.
A Memorial of a certain granted deed of mortgage bearing date the eighth day of May 1843 and made between Thomas COULTER[1] of Sky Hill[2] in the County of Louth farmer of the one part and Anna Marie SEAVER[3] of Downshire Place[4] in the town of Newry and County of Down widow of Jonathan SEAVER[5] Esq. deceased of the other part. Whereby after reciting as therein the said Thomas COULTER in consideration of the sum of 350 pounds paid by the said Anna Maria SEAVER to said Thomas COULTER the receipt whereof he thereby acknowledged granted bargained sold released and confirmed unto said Anna Maria SEAVER in her actual possession than being as therein mentioned and to his heirs and assigns all that piece of ground with the store and buildings thereon on the East side of Clanbrassill Street in the town of Dundalk bound on the North by Church Lane on the South by Mr. FlEURY's[6] [Tinker?] yard on the West by the said Clanbrassill Street and on the East by tenements in the possession of Michael CASEY[7] and others situate lying and being in the Corporation of Dundalk Parish of Dundalk and County of Louth excepting as therein together with the rights members and appurtenances to the said premises belonging and all the right title and interest legal and equitable of said Thomas COULTER to the same premises and also all that part of the town and lands of Killeen orso Killen[8] in the Barony of Dundalk and County of Louth formerly in possession of Thomas SHEWELL[9] containing 28 acres two roods and 12 purchases Irish plantation measure more or less with the rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying and being in the Barony of Upper Dundalk and County of Louth and all the right title and interest legal and equitable of said Thomas COULTER in or to the said premises and all deeds papers writings estimates and measurements in his custody or power relating to the title of any of the heritaments and premises therein before mentioned or any part or parcel thereof. To hold the said heritaments and premises on East side of Clanbrassill street unto the use of the said Anna Maria SEAVER her heirs and assigns forever nevertheless redeemable on payment of the sum therein after expressed and to hold the said hereditaments and premises called Killeen orse Killen unto and to the use of the said Anna Maria SEAVER her heirs and assigns for the term of three lives in a certain indenture of release therein mentioned bearing date the second day of November 1829 [named?] deed of such other life in heirs as should from time to time be added by virtue of a covenant for perpetual renewal therein contained nevertheless redeemable upon the terms therein after confirmed in which said indenture of mortgage is contained to promise that the conveyance there n before made was so made by something of mortgage for securing to the said Anna Maria SEAVER exhors admons and assigns the payment of said sum of 340 pounds with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum and that the said Thomas COULTER should be entitled to redeem the said several heritaments and premises respectively on payment thereof on the first day of May 1845 with interest [?] and the said indenture of mortgage is expressed which said deed now in recital as to the execution thereof by said Thomas COULTER is witnessed by William SUCH[10] of Newry in the County of Armagh solicitor and this Memorial as to the execution thereof by the said Thomas COULTER is witnessed by the said William SUCH and by George CRAWLEY[11] of Fleury bridge in the County of Louth Miller. Thomas COULTER . Seal. Signed sealed and perfected in presence of William SUCH George CRAWLEY. The above named William SUCH maketh oath and says that he is a subscribing witness to the deed of which the above writing is a Memorial and also to the said Memorial and that he saw the said deed and Memorial rightly duly executed by Thomas COULTER and that the name William SUCH subscribed to said deed and Memorial respectively is this deponents proper name and hand writing William SUCH sworn before me at Newry in the County of Down this 12th day of May 1840 A court of her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench in Ireland in and for said County and I know the deponent [William?] GLENNY[12]. Twelve Sheets. A true copy.
[1] Thomas COULTER (1778-1850) of Sky Hill in the County of Louth. He married Anne DOWDALL (1780-1871). They had three children: John, Jane and probably Launcelot. [2] Sky Hill aka Skyhill, Drumbilla, Parish of Roche, Co. Louth. Skyhill is a couple of km south-east of Ballsmill, or slightly less than 4 km north-east of Cavananore. On January 14, 1828, the residence of George McGUSTY of Skyhill was burned down. SEE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/newsclippings/1828Jul22-LouthConspiracy.html [3] Anna Marie SEAVER. It is possible that she was a second wife as I have a Nicholina POCKBRICK as the wife of the most likely Joseph SEAVER. NOTE: My SEAVER family tree is a definite muddle. [4] Downshire Place, Newry. Interestingly, a Louise COURTENAY nèe SEAVER died here in 1871. She was a daughter of Rev. Charles SEAVER and Bridget TOMLINSON. [5] Jonathan SEAVER Esq. (1760-1841) · I have the start of a SEAVER family tree, cobbled together from a range
of secondary sources and much of it still looking like a dog’s breakfast. Still
and all, my best guess is that this would be the Jonathon SEAVER High
Sheriff of Co. Armagh, and Grand Juror in 1807. He was
a Captain of the Milleay · Another interesting source says: Ironically the principal planter family Seaver was descended from a converted Catholic Nicholas Seaver of Lusk, County Dublin who moved here on his marriage to Elinor, daughter of Marmaduke Whitchurch who was given a royal grant of confiscated land. On his death in 1687 he was succeeded by a son Charles who married his cousin, Mary Powell. On his death in 1722 he was succeeded by Jonathan who became hereditary Sheriff of Co Armagh in 1748. His son Thomas, who built the family residence known as Heath Hall succeeded him two years later. In turn he was succeeded by the infamous Jonathan, ‘Seaver of the Bog’. He founded the Killevy Yeomanry – largely recruited from Eshwarry and Divernagh – that, along with that brutal Welsh regiment known as the Ancient Britons, ravaged and brutalised Irish and Catholic homesteads the length and breadth of South Armagh. Now buried in Meigh COI cemetery he died in 1841 at the age of eighty one years. SOURCE: The Newry Journal: http://www.newryjournal.co.uk/content/view/614/31/ · Ballymacdermot Cairn (circa 3500 B.C.) has been investigated at various times in its history. In the nineteenth century it was opened by treasure-seekers, including John Bell of Killevy Castle, who unearthed an urn containing pulverised bone in one of the chambers. Mr Bell, writing in The Newry Magazjne in 1816, described the chambered cairn of Ballymacdermot as a tamlachta or cairn. He reported that he and the local landowner, Johnathon Seaver had opened the tomb and found an urn containing pulverized bone. More recently, during the Second World War, some of the facade stones were knocked down and broken by the American Army on tank manoeuvres. In 1962 the cairn was excavated and sherds of pottery and worked flints were recovered, but owing to the acidic nature of the soil, only a few fragments of cremated bone were found. After excavation the site was conserved, with fallen stones re-erected and broken ones repaired. SOURCE: http://www.ancientireland.org/ballymacdermot/index.html · He receives mentions in Forkhill Protestants Forkhill Catholics 1787-1858. He was opposed to the goals of the United Irishmen. [6] Mr. FLEURY's NOTE: I know nothing more. [7] Michael CASEY NOTE: I know nothing more. [8] Killeen orso Killen, Parish of Kane, Co. Louth. At the time of Griffiths, John COULTER (probably a son of Thomas COULTER) leased 40 acres of land there and Robert COULTER leased another 2 acres. [9] Thomas SHEWELL. A Thomas SHEWELL was in Dundalk as early as 1710. He died after making his will January 12th, 1813. Also, there was a marriage between a Samuel COULTER and an Ismay SHEWEL in 1776. SOURCE: Marriage Licence Bonds - WW25: Diocese of Armagh. Other SHEWELLs show up in the Louth County Archives. SOURCE: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~fianna/county/louth/rodn1837.html [10] William SUCH of Newry NOTE: I know nothing more. [11] George CRAWLEY of Fleury bridge in the County of Louth Miller. George CRAWLEY of Killeen Cottage in the County of Armagh SOURCE: Will probate: The Will of George Crawley late of Killeen Cottage in the County of Armagh Merchant deceased who died 6 January 1862 at same place was proved at Armagh by the oaths of Elizabeth Crawley of Killeen Cottage aforesaid Widow and Launcelot Coulter of Ballymascanlan in the County of Louth Esquire the Executors. Died Jan 6, 1862. Effects: under £300. I do not know this for sure, but I am wondering if he was Rev George CRAWLEY. There was a Vestry Book entry at Collon, Co. Louth in 1803. A George CRAWLEY was mentioned on p77 of the Chancery reports in a case that also mentioned Launcelot COULTER and various members of M’NEALE family. SEE: http://www.archive.org/stream/irishchanceryre00unkngoog/irishchanceryre00unkngoog_djvu.txt [12] [William?] GLENNY NOTE: I know nothing more.
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