1828 Hugh Jackson and sale
of lands
The Newry Commercial Telegraph
January 15, 1828
In the Town of BALLIBAY, in the County of MONAGHAN, on
THURSDAY the 24th day of January, 1828.
The interest and Estate of HUGH JACKSON, Esq., in the following LANDS, viz
No. 1. PART of the Lands of CREEVE, NAMELY, the BLEACH-GREEN and
MILLS of CREEVE, as now in the Possession of JOHN JACKSON, Jun., containing 44A. 2R. 20P.
Plantation Measure, held for Three Lives, Renewable for Ever, at the Yearly
Rent of £11 7s. 3d. late Currency.
No. II.—PART of CREEVE, adjoining the Bleach-green, containing
40A. 3R. 1P. held for the Lives of the said HUGH and JOHN JACKSON, at the Yearly Rent of £36 7s. 1d.
late Currency. Of these 40A. 3R. 1P. there are 20A. 1R. 12P. with the above
44A. 2R. 20P. Leased to JOHN JACKSON, jun., at the Yearly Rent of £130 late
Currency, but on the decease of the said HUGH and JOHN JACKSON, the said Rent
will be but £110 late Currency, for Ever.—The remainder, namely, 20A. 1R. 29P.,
is now Let to several under-Tenants, producing a Rearly [sic] Rent of £20 18s.
containing 15A. 3R. 30P. on which stands CREEVE HOUSE, OFFICES, GARDEN, LAWN
and PLANTATIONS, held for Three Lives, Renewable for Ever, subject to the
Yearly Rent of £8 3s. 10d. late Currency, and now out of Lease.
No. IV.—PART of the same LANDS, containing 13A. 36R. held for a
like Term, at the Yearly Rent of £7 18s. 7d. late Currency, also out of Lease.
No. V.—PART of the same LANDS, containing 10A. 1R. 14P. held for a
like Terms, at the Yearly Rent of £6 6s. 0d. late Currency, together with a
FIELD in CREEVE, called the ASH TREE PARK, containing 2A. 2R. 15P. adjoining
the said 10A. 1R. 14P. also out of Lease. These Premises are not subject to
Head Rent.
No. VI.—PART of the same LANDS, containing 20A. held for the same
Term, at the Yearly Rent of £15, late Currency. Part of this Lot is occupied by
Tenants who have been promised Leases.
Nos. 1 and 2 will be Sold in one Lot, and the remainder in such
manner as will suit Purchasers.
For other particulars apply to Mr. CHARLES MEARES, 33, Dorset-street, DUBLIN.