1807 November 13 Marriage Margaret OLIVER to Patrick McCLELAND DEED: 602-488-414259
1807 November 13 DEED: 602-488-414259Marriage Margaret OLIVER to Patrick McCLELAND
To the register appointed by an act of Parliament for the public registry of all Deeds leases etc. etc. etc A memorial of an Indented Deed of Marriage Settlement bearing date the Thirteenth day of November one thousand eight hundred and seven and made between Patrick McCLELAND [1] of Ballybay [2] and the County of Monaghan linendraper of the first part, Margaret OLIVER [3] one of the daughters of David OLIVER [4] late of Ballyrea [5] in the County of Armagh farmer deceased of the second part, John McCLELAND [6] of Ballybay aforesaid, the brother of said Patrick McCLELAND of the third part and Joseph OLIVER [7] and William OLIVER [8] the brothers of the said Margt OLIVER of the third part. It recited a marriage then intended between said Patrick McCLELAND and Margt OLIVER and that said Patrick McCLELAND was entitled to a certain part or proportion of the townland of Nappagh [9] in the Parish of Tullycorbet and County of Monaghan theretofore demised by the Revd. Dr. Henry LESLIE [10] of Tandragee [11] in the County of Armagh deceased onto one John Lee [12] for the lives of Alexander McClelland [13] of Laragh [14] and John LEES [15] and James LEES [16] whichever should last longest at the yearly Rent of Eleven Pounds two shillings and one penny, the interest of said John LEE having become legally vested in said Patk McCLELAND. It also recited that the Rev. John CREERY [17] of Tandragee aforesaid by lease dated the second day of February one thousand eight hundred and four Demised to said John McCLELAND all that part of Wilson's [18] tenement commonly called the Ballalley [19] on the west side of the street of Ballybay then in his possession and containing as laid off by Patrick McCabe [20] Forty-two feet and eight inches in front, and one hundred and ten feet in the rere, bounded on the South by the remainder of said Tenement let to Dr. McMurray [21] on the west by the Town Meadows, on the north by Morrow’s [22] Tenement and on the East by the Street situate lying and being in the Estate of Ballybay in the County of Monaghan to hold on to said John McCLELAND his heirs Execors Admons & Assigns for the lives of Samuel McCLELAND [23] then aged nine years of Margt McClelland [24] then aged five years and of Hugh McCLELAND [25] then aged two years children of said John McCLELAND with a Covenant for perpetual renewal on payment of Five pounds thirteen shillings and nine pence on the fall of each life and subject to the yearly Rent of five pounds thirteen shillings and nine pence, and by the Deed of which this is a Memorial, the said Patrick and John McCLELAND in consideration of said Marriage and the portion of said Margt OLIVER Granted unto said Joseph and William OLIVER and the survivor of them and his heirs All that and does the said part of said townland of Nappage [26] which said Patrick McClelland was in matter of aforesaid [intelled?] unto, together with all the other property whether real freehold or personnel which said Patrick McCLELAND should during the intended coverture between him and said Margt OLIVER become seized possessed of interested in or entitled unto And also all that and those the said Tenement in Ballybay to which said John McCLELAND was entitled. Upon Trust among other things to permit said Margt to receive an Annuity of Twenty Pounds Stg yearly out of said Premises during her life in case she survived the said Patrick McCLELAND her said intended husband with the usual powers of distress and entry in case of nonpayment thereof at the times by the said Deed for that purpose appointed which Deed is witnessed by Thos McCLELAND [27] of Nappagh in and in the County of Monahan linendraper Benjamin OLIVER [28] , brother of said Joseph, William and Margt OLIVER and the Revd. Wm Hutchison [29] of Ballyrath [30] in the County of Armagh Clerk and this memorial is witnessed by the said Wm Hutchison and Benjamin OLIVER. Signed and sealed in presence of William Hutchinson
Benjamin OLIVER Joseph
The above named Benjamin OLIVER maketh oath and faith he is a subscribing Witness to the Deed whereof above writing is a Memorial and also to the above Memorial and that he saw said deed only executed by all the partners thereto and that he saw said Memorial duly executed by the above named Joseph OLIVER one of the parties to said deed and that the name Benjamin OLIVER subscribed as Witness to said Deed and Memorial in this Depts proper name and handwriting --- Benj
Sworn before me at Armagh in the County of Armagh this 11th day of January 1809 by virtue of a commission to me directed for taking oaths in said county and I know the Deponent Robt Livingston [31] [1] Patrick McCLELLAND. In 1808, twins David & Susanna were born to Patrick McCLELLAND of Laragh. SOURCE: Full Circle p. 42. These names are almost certainly an echo of the names of his wife’s parents. A Thomas McCLELLAND of Laragh was still an elder of 1st Ballybay in 1842 [2] Ballybay is a town in Monaghan where many ancestors in our family trees come from or pass through. [3] Margaret OLIVER, daughter of David OLIVER of Ballyrea and sister of Joseph & William OLIVER. Her mother’s name was possibly Susanna. who died in 1808 after a long life (SOURCE: Belfast Newsletter).
David OLIVER. Just to confuse us, there are two David OLIVERs of
Ballyrea who had wills probated – one in 1800, the other
in 1807. I suspect that they are father and son.
I have yet to find the wills.
[5] Ballyrea is a townland in the Parish of Armagh, County Armagh. [6] John McCLELAND. 1st Ballybay Presbyterian Church has a tombstone that is almost certainly connected to this family. What is even more interesting, is that it is right beside the graves of James OLIVER (Abt 1741-1826) and Margaret OLIVER of Augnamullen and descendants. The stone reads: Here lyeth the body of Samuel McCLELAND of Laragh w.d. 5th March 1805, a 79 years; also Samuel McClelland, son to John McClelland of Ballibay w.d.t.l. January 1808, a. 15 years. Also Jane McClelland wife of John McClelland of Ballibay w.d.t.l. 18th February 1818 a. 77 years. SOURCE: At the Ford of the Birches. p. 127. NOTE: On the other side of this grave is likely another family connection: Mary McCULLAGH, and her husband David McCULLAGH (1769-1824). Her second husband was William HANNA of Ballibay. Also, in 1812, John McCLELLAND (treasurer of the poor money) was one of the elders of the church during John MORELL’s ministry along with Thomas McCLELLAND. SOURCE: Full Circle, p. 41. A Thomas McCLELLAND of Laragh was still an elder of 1st Ballybay in 1842 SOURCE: Transcription of church records thanks to Wendy JACK. [7] Joseph OLIVER (1764-1837), brother of Margaret and William and son of David OLIVER (1725-1806) [8] William OLIVER (1764-1844), brother of Margaret & Joseph and son of David OLIVER (1725-1806) [9] Nappagh, Parish of Tullycorbet, Co. Monaghan
Rev. Dr. Henry LESLIE. The LESLIE family had married into the OLIVER
family. (Nathaniel LESLIE (son of William LESLIE) m. Martha OLIVER
and they had a son, David LESLIE. Martha was a sister of the William
OLIVER (Abt. 1764-Abt. 1844) who married Mary Anne HYDE. [11] Tandragee, Co. Armagh. Since the above footnote indicates Co. Down, I wonder if the parish borders changed. [12] John LEE. There is an 1807 deed between Joseph OLIVER of Tullymore and Joseph Lee, Innkeeper of Armagh. The relationships between the two families are currently unknown, but there are some enticing clues about where to look next. In 1797 there was an Armagh Presbyterian record of a son James OLIVER LEE born to John LEE and Margaret OLIVER. To increase the intrigue, in BRADSHAW'S 1819 DIRECTORY FOR ARMAGH CITY there was also a mention of OLIVER LEE, ironmonger of Thomas Street. Interestingly, there was also a William OLIVER, farmer of Thomas Street mentioned in this directory. This address is of interest because there was an Andrew OLIVER of Thomas Street who had a lease dated 1774 that was renewed in 1793. This Andrew OLIVER was described as a chandler. The occupation of chandler also comes up for another OLIVER in another deed. [13] Alexander McCLELAND? There is an Alexander McCLELLAND who turns up in the Ballyalbany Presbyterian Church records. His wife is Jean LOWDEN of Corness and their 1st daughter Elizabeth was born in 1808. Their 1st son William was born in 1815. [14] Laragh is a townland in the Parish of Aghnamullen, Co. Monaghan. (NOTE: There are other townlands named Laragh, but this one fits the description of being beside Cornacarrow in the earlier lease thatthis lease refers to. [15] John LEES [16] John & James LEE. Whether these are sons of the first John LEE, I do not know. [17] Rev. John McCREERY? The CREERY family had extensive flour mills in Tandragee. [18] WILSON? [19] Ballalley? [20] Patrick McCABE? [21] Dr. McMURRAY? The McMURRAY family of Co. Monaghan is in the family tree in a few places. The Will probates of Clogher list an Andrew McMURRAY of Ballybay in 1822. An Andrew McMURRAY married Elizabeth McCULLAGH (b. abt 1730). Also, an Andrew McMURRAY of Caddagh, Ballybay married a Sarah OLIVER (b. abt 1789) daughter of Thomas OLIVER & Margaret McCLELLAND. There is also a John McMURRAY of Caddagh who died in 1830. I expect him to be related. [22] MORROW? [23] Samuel McCLELLAND. According to the tombstone inscription, he died at age 15 in January 1808 (therefore born 1793), a son of John McCLELLAND of Ballibay. This would mean the original lease had been made in 1802. [24] Margaret McCLELLAND – Sister of Samuel MCCLELLAND and daughter of John McCLELLAND of Ballybay. [25] Hugh McCLELLAND. Brother of Samuel McCLELAND and son of John McCLELLAND of Ballybay. [26] Nappage also named Nappagh, a townland [27] Thomas McCLELLAND? Of Nappagh, Co. Monaghan Linene Draper. [28] Benjamin OLIVER. I wonder if he is the Benjamin of Lislooney or of Ballyrea or both?
William HUTCHINSON (1758-1827) SOURCE: 1828 Jan 4 The Newry Commercial Telegraph In Ballyrath, near Armagh, on the 27th ult., in the 69th year of his age, the Rev. WILLIAM HUTCHINSON, a gentleman who signalized himself at an early period of his life in Trinity College, Dublin, as an accomplished scholar. He was a man of extensive information--whose mind was stored with interesting anecdotes, which he related with great candour, energy, and humour. He was a fond husband--a kind and affectionate father--a steady friend--and a man who wished well to the whole human race. He was the survivor of three brothers, who in the prime of their youth attracted universal attention at the general reviews of Volunteer Corps in Belfast and Newry, for their remarkable elegance and symmetry of features and of form. In activity -- in muscular power, they could not have been excelled by any three men in Ulster. Mr. Hutchinson, prior to his entering into the Church, was a member of the Second Armagh Corps of Volunteers, raised in the year 1789, in which he was a very active and useful member. [30] Ballyrath is a townland in the Parish of Armagh, Co. Armagh. It is on the western border of Tullymore, home of Joseph OLIVER. [31] Robert LIVINGSTON. His name appears on other Deeds. |
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