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Names in order of mention: Sarah SEAVER of Ballinahonebeg, Arthur OLIVER of Ballinahonebeg, John COANDE of Ballybrocky, Robert JACKSON. See Also: OLIVERs of Ballinahonebeg
Sharon Oddie Brown. July 26, 2007

1793 Feb 13


DEED: 464-414-296474

Memorial of a Demise of Land wherein is Recd that Sarah SEAVER [1] of Ballynahonebeg [2] late Decd was in her life time and at her death pssd & intitled by a lease jointly with Arthur OLIVER [3] of Ballinahonebeg Agd to the lower third part to the Sd Townland of Ballinahonebeg in Parish & Co. of Armagh … 90A. She was the sole executor of Richard SEAVER. Deed of partition executed by Arthur OLIVER & Sarah SEAVER 5 Nov 1780 …. Arthur OLIVER would hold lands then in his possession in the North division of Sd lands & Sarah SEAVER the South division. John COANDE (or COARDE [4] ) of Ballybrocky [5] in Co. & Parish of Armagh was executor of Sarah SEAVER. Arthur OLIVER (it seems) had the Bleach Green. It seems there was a transfer of Sarah’s land to Robert JACKSON [6] on Feb 13 1793


[1] Sarah SEAVER. Wife of Charles SEAVER. Sarah SEAVER had a will probated 1792. I wonder if she was an OLIVER or a JACKSON.

[2] Ballinahonebeg also known as Ballynahonebeg is a townland in the Parish of Lisnadill bordered by Farmacaffley, The Kennedies, Ballyards, Moneypatrick. Umgola touches at the northern tip. All these townlands are significant with respect to several other OLIVER leases.

[3] Arthur OLIVER. He seems to be related to Benjamin OLIVER of Lislooney. More work on deeds and other resources is needed.

[4] John COANDE. This name could be a variant of the Huguenot name CONDE. Given that the OLIVERs were allegedly Huguenot, this may prove to be a useful thread.

[5] Ballybrocky is a townland that is in Eglish Parish, Co. Armagh (at the time, it was in Armagh Parish, but Eglish was carved out of Armagh at a later date). Need to locate.

[6] Robert JACKSON. NOTE: I will add his data later after I have done the JACKSON side of this story.



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