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NAMES: Alexander GILLESPIE of Kells, Co. Meath; William BREAKEY of Drumskelt, Co. Monaghan; Widow POULSON of Ballybay, Michael POULSON, of Ballybay; Thomas SMITH; John ROGERS; William SCOTT.
Sharon Oddie Brown. July 5, 2016


ROD: 298- 504-98446

Transcribed by Wendy Jack about a decade ago. The footnotes are mine, and need more work.


To the regr. appd. by Act of Parliament for reg Deeds Wills & So forth

Gillespie to Breakey

A Memorial of Indented Deeds of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the thirty first day of January and first day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy three made or mentd. to be made between Alexr. Gillespie[1] of Kells in the County of Meath Carpenter of the one part and Wm. Breakey[2] of Drumskelt[3] in the County of Monaghan Linnen Draper of the other part By which said Deed of Release the sd. Alexr. Gillespie for the Considns. in the sd. Deed of release mentd. did Grant bargain sell Alien remise releease and confirm unto the sd. Wm. Breakey in his actual possion then being by virtue of sd. Deed of Lease all that Tenement late in the possion of Widow Poulson[4] with the Yard and Kitchen Garden as meared and bounded containing Sixty nine feet to the middle of the Gate front situate lying and being in the Town of Ballibea[5] in the County of Monaghan To hold to the sd. Wm. Breakey his heirs and assigns during all the continuance of the Demise in sd. Deed of release mentioned for ever Subject to the yearly rent and ffines payable thereout which said Deed of Release was witnessed by Thos. Smith[6] of [blank] in the County of Meath Gent and Michl. Poulson[7] of the sd. Town of Ballibea in the County of Monaghan Innkeeper and this Memorial is witnessed by the sd. Michl. Poulson and Jno. Rogers[8] of the Town and Co. of Monaghan Gent William Breakey (seal). Signed and Sealed in presence of Jno. Rogers Michl. Poulson The above named Michl. Poulson maketh Oath that he was present and did see the above named Alexr. Gillespie and Wm. Breakey duly sign and Execute Deeds of Lease and Release of which the above writing is a Memorial and that he is a Subscribing witness thereto and that he was also present and did see the above named Wm. Breakey duly sign and Execute the above Memorial and that he is a Subscribing witness thereto and that the name Michl. Poulson subscribed as a witness to the sd. Deed and Memorial is his this Deponents proper hand writing Michl. Poulson Sworn before me at Monaghan on my Circuit the 15th day of Sepr 1773 Will. Scott[9].

[1] Alexander GILLESPIE of Kells, Co. Meath, carpenter

[2] William BREAKEY (bet 1732-38 – 1808) of Drumskelt, Linen Draper.His wife was Mary SCOTT, and they had 13 known children.

[3] Drumskelt, Parish of Aghnamullen, Barony of Cremorne, Co. Monaghan

[4] Widow POULSON

[5] Ballybea aka Ballybay, Barony of Cremorne, Co. Monaghan

[6] Thomas SMITH, Gent

[7] Michael POULSON Innkeeper of Ballybay

[8] John ROGERS

[9] William SCOTT



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