ROD: 279-552-184235 Tuckey - Jackson Transcription thanks to Brian Wray. Annotations by Sharon Oddie Brown.
A Memorial of a Deed bearing date 1st December 1770 made between Thos Tuckey[1] City of Dublin Leather Cutter of one part and Wm Jackson[2] of Mill Street[3] in the Liberties of Thos Court and Donore and County of Dublin Tanner of the other part reciting that by Lease bearing date 30th August 1764 Thos Smith[4] Cabinet Maker did demise unto Thos Bradburn[5] Carpenter all that and those the Lot or piece of ground situate on the N/East side of Liffey Street[6] in the suburbs if City of Dublin whereon the sd Thos Bradburn was then building a dwelling house containing in the front a BevilLine 40 ft and no more in ye rear 38ft 10 ins and no more and from front to rear 161ft or thereabouts be the same more or less bounded on the North with Mr Faranges[7] house or Lot of ground on ye West with the Lane or passage leading to Britain Street[8] which Lane or passage is to be left 21ft in ye clear from the rear wall of Mathew Weld[9] Esqr’s concerns to the rear wall to be built by the said Thos Bradburn on ye South with the Lot of Ground now in ye possession of the sd Thos Smith and on the East to Liffey Street aforesaid as by a map to sd Lease annexed appears To hold for the terms and at ye rent therein mentioned and reciting that by Indenture bearing date 13th September 1768 ye sd Thos Bradburn did grant sell assign and make over unto ye sd Thomas Tuckey the sd Lot or piece of ground with ye dwelling house erected theeon and all Houses buildings and Improvements made thereon and appurts thereunto belonging and reciting that by Indenture bearing date 13th April 1769 Wm Dudley[10] Tanner did demise unto ye sd Thos Tuckey all that and those that part of the Lands of Raheny aforsd containing 11 acres and 20 perches then in the possession of Thos Tuckey together with all and singular ye righs members Privileges and apprs to ye sd Demised premises belonging and held by Lease from Alderman Michl Sweeny[11] to ye sd William Dudley Excepting as in the said lease is excepted To hold for the Term and at ye yearly rent therein mentioned and reciting that by Indenture bearing date 25th March 1768 James White[12] Gent did demise unto Thos Cullen[13] and James Ashe[14] all that and those two fields pt of the Lands of Raheny[15] and in the Bo of Coolock and county aforsd containing 5acres or thereabouts bounded on ye East by Jno Fonts holding on ye South by Mrs Elizh Sweeny[16] on ye West by Counr (Councillor?) Leister[17] and Jas White and on the North by Patrick Wade[18] with the car way through ye sd James Whites field opposite to ye sd James White’s Dwelling house To hold for the term and at ye rent therein mentioned and reciting that by Deed of Assignment bearing date 17th March 1769 Endorsed on ye sd last recited Lease ye sd Thos Cullin and James Ashe in considn of £40 did Grant Bargain sell assign and make over unto ye sd Thos Tuckey all that and those the fields and Lands and premises by ye sd Lease demised and all their and that by anor Lease bearing date 28th November 1768 Elizabeth Sweeny widow the sole Exx of Michl Sweeny Alderman did demise unto ye sd Thos Tuckey that part of ye Lands of Raheny in ye County of Dublin known by the name Lewees Great part otherwise the Rushey field then in ye possession of ye sd Eliz Sweeny containing by estimation 13 acres and 18 perches be the same more or less excepting as in ye sd Indenture of Lease is Excepted To hold for ye sd Term and at ye Rents therein mentioned By which sd first mentioned Deed in consideration of the Debt or sum of £500 from ye sd Wm Jackson as therein expressed and for the other considns therein mentioned or recited he the said Thos Tuckey Did grant Bargain Sell Transfer assign and make over unto ye sd Wm Jackson his exors and assigns all these the herein before mentd or recited Lease hold interests of ye sd Ground Houses Lands and Premises respectively to which ye sd Thos Tuckey did appear to be entitled according as herein before is excepted with all and singular ye rights members and appurs to ye same premises and every of them belonging In which sd Deed is contained a Provisoe for the redemption on the premises on payment of the sum of £500 on a Day of Payment therein mentd which Deed and this Memorial are witnessed by Henry Waller French[19] Clke to Robt Wallis of ye City of Dublin Public Notary and by the sd Robt Wallis[20]
Henry Waller French maketh oath etc 22nd December 1770 Jno Buxton Regr
[1] Thomas TUCKEY, Leather Cutter of City of Dublin. · SEE: ROD: 344-144-230471 [2] William JACKSON (abt 1690-1772. SEE: Robert JACKSON of Crooked Staff - Descendants · Son of Robert JACKSON (d. 1711) & Joyce SHAW (d. aft 1711). · Baptised St. Eustace Presbyterian Church, Dublin · Married Anne HUNT (bef 1717-bet 1787-1789) · NOTE: Her will was written in 1787 and proved in 1789. ROD 93-560-66911 Jun 6, 1739 · ROD: 11-52-3966 . June 6, 1713. Between John BELLEW of Castleballin, Co. Galway of 1st part & William JACKSON of Killmainhorn, Co. Dublin, Tanner ... lands known as Farley's holdings in town of Killmainham. · ROD: 14-465-66603. July 14, 1715. Deed of Assignment made by Bernard BROWNE of City of Dublin Esq. & Nathaniel TUMBALE of the same city, clothier of house & Tenement late in possession of Thos PARENCE, south side of Cork St in Liberty of. Thomas Court & Donore which had been held for lives of sd Bernard BROWNE, Isaac ROBERTSON, of Roger ROBERTS of Thomas Court Inn holder & Philip MARTIN of Plimlicoe, merchant... The said Nathaniel TUMBALE did in consideration of 50 pounds sterling pd by William JACKSON of Thomas COURT and Donore in Co. Dublin, Gent assign the premises to Wm JACKSON. Witnessed John BOOKER, City of Dublin, Looking Glass maker; Jeremiah VICKERS of the same City, Tanner; and William BARRY of the same, scrivener. · ROD 32-47-18911 Dec 12, 1720. John HITCHCOCK of Dublin City Needlemaker & Elizabeth PLIVIS of Dublin City, wife of John HITCHCOCK both of 1st pt & William JACKSON of Kilmainham, Dublin, Tanner of 2nd part.. WITNESS: Jeremiah VICKERS of Chambers St., Donore, Dublin. Re: house next to JACKSON's house at Kilmainham, for 41 years. · ROD 93-560-66911 Jun 6, 1739 Marriage Art: btw William JACKSON of Kilmainham in Co of Dublin Tanner of 1 pt Ralph CARD of the City of Dublin Esq. & John LOWTON of the same city clothier of the other part. Whereas a marriage btw Wm JACKSON & Ann HUNT dau to John HUNT late of the City of Dublin, clothier dec'd 200 pounds to be paid to Wm JACKSON as a marriage portion. · ROD: 314- 265-213328. 1777. Jun 30. Ann JACKSON widow of William JACKSON of Mill Street, Dublin, Tanner, lands of Raheny. NAMES: James HAMILTON, Right Honorable Earl of Clanbrassill; Thomas TUCKEY; William HUNT; Anne JACKSON née HUNT; William JACKSON; James WATSON; Thomas SMITH; Thomas BRADBURN; William DUDLEY; Thomas CULLEN; James ASHE; Alice BRYAN; Luke KELLY; William KELLY; James SHEIL. PLACES: Dublin & Raheny. William Jackson _24 Sept 1772_ exhibited his Will in said Court of the Exchequer...late of Mill Street, County Dublin, Tanner deceased. · 4 March 1769. Copy of deed of assignment of Cook Street premises from William Vickers to Thomas Litton, Alexander Kirkpatrick and others. Parties: William Vickers of Dublin, chandler, of the first part; Thomas Litton and Michael Cromie and Alexander Kirkpatrick and Brindley Hone, merchants and Robert Burton, cooper and William Jackson, tanner, all of Dublin, of the second part. Property: Premises at Cook Street, Dublin Terms: Transfer of property to new Trustees with regulations concerning the appointment of subsequent Trustees. Includes: Refers to earlier leases commencing with the deeds of bargain and sale and release from Daniel Wybrants to Ralph Norris. Witnessed by James Armstrong and Thomas Vickers. NOTE: His father was also involved with this church: Dublin Unitarian Church Collection. Royal Irish Academy © Cook Street Trust Property. RIA/DUC/2/COO/7. · BURIED: Crumlin Cemetery (the old St. Mary's Church): JACKSON: This Stone and Burial Place Belongeth to Will"11 Jackson of Mill Street Tanner and his Posterity 1772. SOURCE: JMDI iv p. 231 [3] Mill Street so named because of the presence of mills. SOURCE; Dublin Street Names Dated and Explained. C. T. M’Cready. Hodges Figgus & Co., 1892. NOTE: It is one block south-east of Chambre Street. [4] Thomas SMITH, Cabinet Maker. [5] Thomas BRADBURN, Carpenter. [6] Liffy Street – from the river Liffey, East Batchelor’s Walk 1728. It extended from the Quays to Great Britain Street. SOURCE; Dublin Street Names Dated and Explained. C. T. M’Cready. Hodges Figgus & Co., 1892. [7] Mr. FARANGE [8] Britain Street. SEE: Great Britain Street aka Sackville Street. SOURCE; Dublin Street Names Dated and Explained. C. T. M’Cready. Hodges Figgus & Co., 1892. [9] Mathew WELD Esq. [10] William DUDLEY, Tanner. [11] Alderman Michael SWEENEY (?-1765). · The same Day [Wednesday], at Raheny, after a tedious Illness, Michael SWEENEY, Esq., one of the Aldermen of this City. SOURCE: Faulkner's Dublin Journal, Sat., 31 Aug 1765-Tues., 3 Sep 1765 [12] James WHITE, Gent [13] Thomas CULLEN aka CULLIN [14] James ASHE [15] Raheney – Raheny North and Raheny South are both in the Parish of Raheny. Barony of Coolock. They are on either side of Howth Road, north-east of the City of Dublin. · ROD: 151-175-100940. 1751 Nov 27. This townland was the residence of Rev. Ralph COCKYN, husband of Anne JACKSON who was a daughter of Thomas JACKSON (1680-1751). SEE: JACKSONs of Coleraine · ROD: 161-318-108796. 1753 June 30. Also reference to Thomas JACKSON and rev. Ralph COCKYN · ROD: 80-309-55960. 1735 May 22. James JACKSON transferred lands of Raheney: [16] Mrs. Elizabeth SWEENEY [17] Councillor LEISTER [18] Patrick WADE [19] Henry Waller FRENCH [20] Robert WALLIS.
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