1754 July 6 INDENTURE.
NOTE: Although I have a photocopy of this Indenture, it has several holes in it and other transcription challenges. So, I will just do notes on it at this point. Parts of it are from a typeset form and parts of it are handwritten. I am rendering the handwritten parts in italics and they are verbatim (the rest is not). Here goes:
The Indenture is between the Right Honourable James Viscount Limerick[1] of the one part & Samuel COULTER[2] of Carrenbegg[3] in the Corporation of Dundalk and County of Louth, Farmer. It concerns “ALL That Farm in Carrenbeg aforesaid as for some years [?]est in his Posession all but a corner of which is Separated from said Farm by the new Road leading from Dundalk aforesaid to Market Hill in the County of Ardmagh as lately laid out through said Farm Containing by Survey Eighty one acres, one Rood & Ten Perches Plantation Measure by the Same more or Less as described [?]
The lease was for The Natural Life and Lives of the said Samuel Coulter the Lessee Willm[probably McCullough]][4] nephew to the said Samuel Coulter, and Thomas Read[5] eldest son of Isaac Read[6] of Dundalk aforesaid Esqs and the Survivors and Survivor of them.
The yearly rent was Fifty two Pounds & Seventeen Shillings and one penny Sterl together with twelve pence for every Pound of the said Rent Receivers Fees.
It was also agreed that Samuel Coulter would plant a sufficiency of white thorn quicks in all the new Ditches to be made on said Demised Premises and Oak or Elm trees at the Distance of twelve feet from each other in said ditches and the Same to weed and preserve for the use of the Said Lord Viscount Limerick his Heirs and Assigns or in default thereof to pay one shilling by the acre advance rent for the said demised premises…
The witnesses were: Joseph Boardman[7] Richard Vincent[8] And [illegible] David Johnston[9] Saml Coulter [1] James Viscount Limerick. I believe this was: James HAMILTON who resided at Tollymore Park. His son died without issue as did all his siblings except for Anne who married Robert who became the Earl of Roden. Both families had considerable land holdings around Dundalk. [2] Samuel COULTER (1700-1760) SOURCE: Here lieth the body of Samuel Coulter of Carnbeg who died 18th September 1760 aged 60 years and of Mary his wife who died 15th May 1771 aged 54 years. Also we know he had no surviving issue. SOURCE: A Man who can Speak of Plants: Dr. Thomas Coulter (1793-1843) of Dundalk in Ireland, Mexico and Alta California. E. Charles Nelson & Alan Probert, 1994, Dublin (privately published in a limited edition of 500). NOTE: This source also suspects (and I think this suspicion is solid) that the farm then passed to Thomas COULTER (1709-1769), the younger brother of Samuel. Thomas COULTER’s first heir, Samuel COULTER (1755-1801) had been born five years before the elder Samuel COULTERs death. This second Samuel COULTER married Anne DICKIE in 1792 (which makes sense of DICKIE connections in a later lease in 1817). There is a telling remembrance by her daughter, Jane DAVIDSON: My mother was devotedly attached to her brothers, & as I was her eldest daughter, I from a very early age heard the history of her youth, & later of her grief over their extreme carelessness & extravagance – she was so entirely different. The lovely Irish sweetness & brightness without the sad weaknesses. “If I had only been a man” she said to me, “not a foot of the land should ever been alienated” – & so it would have been – but what could a woman do? -- & she who married a poor man, & had to devote all her wonderful cleverness & energy to bringing up a large family. SOURCE: A Man who can Speak of Plants. P. 141. [3] Carrenbegg AKA Carnbeg, Parish of Dundalk, Co. Louth. [4] Willm[probably McCullough]] Samuel COULTER (1700-1760) had a sister Jane who married a William McCULLAGH. They had three sons: Joseph, William & James. [5] Thomas READ son of Isaac READ. [6] Isaac READ owned land adjacent to this holding – just on the other side of the road to Markethill. The History of Dundalk and its Environs by John D’Alton, published by William Tempest, 1864. Dundalk (p383) indicate that an Isaac READ was a bailiff and a Thomas READ was a Deputy Bailiff. It may be that he had a daughter Jane, who married Rev. Thomas Woolsley (SOURCE: http://www.thepeerage.com/p26726.htm#i267254 ) It may also be that he was interred at St. Nicholas Church, Dundalk and his inscription read: Here lieth the Body of Isaac Read Esq' who Departed this Life the [… ] day of March17[85] in the 78th year of his age. SOURCE: Phillip Crossle records. Journal of the Society for the Preservation of Memorials of the Dead Vol. X Nos. 5 & 6 (1919 - 20). [7] Joseph BOARDMAN
[8] Richard VINCENT. NOTE: A Richard VINCENT married a Jane COULTER in Dundalk, Dec 3, 1752 SOURCE: LDS. [9] David JOHNSTON
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