ROD: 26-95-14755. February 11, 1717 Transcribed by Shonagh Love. Notes by Sharon Oddie Brown
A memorial of an indented deed of lease bearing date and effected the eleventh day of February one thousand seven hundred and seventeen and made between Sir Montague Blundell[1] of Edenderry[2] in the Kings County Bart of the one part and John Jackson[3] of Monasteroris[4] in the said county farmer of the other part Whereby the said Sir Montague in consideration of the rents and covenants in the said lease expressed did demise and grant unto the said John Jackson his administrators and assigns all that the tenement back building garden and malt mill in Edenderry together with two small parks in Edenderry near the town mill containing by estimate five acres be the same more or less lately enjoyed by Lawrence Parsons and also a cabbin and garden at the west end of Edenderry and Kings County with their appurtenances from the first day of May last for and during the full end to term of forty one years at the yearly rents following (viz) for the first two years of the said term sixteen pounds per annum for the next two years eighteen pounds per annum for the next three years the sum of twenty pounds per annum and for the residue of the said term of forty one years the rent or yearly sum of twenty three pounds per annum the said yearly rents to be paid by two even and equal portions half yearly that is to say on every first day of November and every first day of May Which said deed was witnessed by Ralph Holland of the city of Dublin tanner and Edward Reynolds of the same gentleman John Jackson (seal) This memorial was signed and sealed by the above named John Jackson in the presence of us – Edward Reynolds Richard Mulligan The above named Edward Reynolds came this day before me and made oath that he saw Thomas Meredith of the city of Dublin esquire in the name of said Sir Montague Blundell and the above named John Jackson duly seal and execute the above mentioned deed of lease and he likewise saw the said John Jackson duly sign and seal the said memorial and that the name Edward Reynolds subscribed as a witness to the said deed and memorial is this deponents own handwriting and further deposeth that the said memorial was delivered to William Parry Deputy Register the twenty sixth day of January 1719 at four of the clock in the afternoon.
· Deposited: 26 January 1719 · Intent: Deed of lease for land at Edenderry · Parties: o Sir Montague Blundell, Edenderry, Kings Co, Bart o John Jackson, Monasteroris, Kings Co, farmer · Others named: o Lawrence Parsons, previous occupier o Thomas Meredith, city of Dublin, esquire, signed on behalf of Montague Blundell · Witnesses: o Ralph Holland, city of Dublin, tanner (d) o Edward Reynolds, city of Dublin, gent (d, m) o Richard Mulligan (m)
[2] Edenderry, Parish Monasteroris, Barony Coolestown [3] John JACKSON (?-aft 1721). It is possible that he was the John JACKSON who was a son of Thomas JACKSON (1656-1716) and either Hannah BEALE or Dorothy MASON. SOURCE: The Irish Ancestor. p. 60 Vol IX No. 2 1977 Killinure by Thomas Jackson and his second wife Dorothy [MASON]: Jackson was a Quaker from Co. Down who had been living at Mountmellick. Jackson children were born at Killinure between 1692 and 1700, and Anthony's will of 1706 mentions Thomas Jackson as the lessee of Killinure. [Thomas] Jackson died there on 15th June 1716 [NOTE: I have April 15th]aged 60, as did a son of his [Richard JACKSON] in 1717, in which year a daughter of his was married from there. One John Jackson, possibly either a son or brother [NOTE: a brother John d 31 Mar 1715] of Thomas, died at Killinure on 6th August 1715 (will proved at Ossory 1717), and John's widow Joan [NOTE: This makes me think that there must have been a son named John since a wife named Joan does not fit with the brother named John] died there in 1728: three of their daughters were married from there, Catherine in 1722, Abigail in 1726 and Alice in 1732, after which the association of the Jacksons with Killinure appears to have ceased Local tradition holds that there was an "Elizabethan" house on the site of Roundwood. The 1659 "Census" shows Thomas Paul as titulado of Killinure with 24 English and 4 Irish inhabitants. Certainly there was a "mansion" on the lands when Anthony Sharp acquired them at the end of the 17th century. This must have been the house in which the Jacksons lived but it seems to have fallen into some disrepair between Thomas Jackson's death in 1716 and 1725 when Anthony Sharp's son Isaac let the lands of Killinure to John Duffield. gent, of Kincor, King's County "in the same manner as Patrick Rafter and Garrett Ansloe had enjoyed them" (Reg. of Deeds 50 160 32424). By this deed Isaac Sharp obliged himself and his heirs "to cover the dwelling house of Killenure with slates and to repair the chimney and to glaze the windows and to repair the stable, cowhouse and barn and to put the oat kiln and mills in repair." The present stable building with its steeply pitched roof is in the style favoured early in the 18th century and I believe that it dates from the renovations promised in 1725. Traces of the mills have been found on the lands. 1 believe that the old mansion or dwelling house the two-storey building, 47 feet long by 17 feet deep with a massive central chimney, standing at the back of the yard behind the present house. Its early brick floor was revealed when the wooden one was lifted in the course of restoration in the 1970s. The building has been mauled, having been used in the 19th century as an agent's dwelling and offices and later as a bam, but essentially it retains the characteristics of the long, low settlers' houses of 17th century Ireland. Prior to 1725 it was undoubtedly thatched, as the deed specifies to "cover. . . with slates" rather than to repair the slates. [4] Monasteroris Parish Monasteroris, Barony Coolestown
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