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NAMES: Jane JACKSON née CARTER; Rev Leonard JACKSON; Mary BRIGGS née JACKSON; Abigail JACKSON; Vigessima BOUCHE née JACKSON; Agnes HOLDEN; Rebecca MOON; John JOHNSON sr.; Henry JOHNSON; James BORDRIGGE; John JOHNSON. PLACES: Whittington.
Sharon Oddie Brown. March 11, 2016
Updated October 10, 2018
SEE: JACKSONs of Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland and Coleraine, Londonderry


1695 July 29 - Will of Jane JACKSON


In ye name of God, Amen.  The twenty ninth day of July 1695 according to ye computation of ye church of England.  I Jane Jackson[1] of Whittington[2] in ye county of Lancaster, Gentlewoman, being of perfect memory and remembrance, praysed be God, do make & ordain this my last will & testament in manner & form following.

First, I bequeath my soul into ye hands of Almighty God my maker hoping yf through ye meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and redeemer to receive free pardon & forgiveness of all my sins and as for my body to be buried in Christian buriall at ye discreion of my Executrix hereafter nominated.

Item I give to my son Leonard Jackson[3] all bed works and tables and a desk, & ye great Ark in ye chamber over ye parlour.

Item, I give to my daughter Mary Briggs[4] one pair of ye best linnen sheets.  Item I give to my daughter Abigail Jackson[5] halfe of ye linnen in ye chest.

Item I give to my daughter Vigessima Bouch[6] Jur all ye rest of my goods whatsoever & upon condition yf she shall pay all my legacys before mentioned.  I make her sole executrix of this my last will & testament revoking all other wills and testaments.  In witness whereof  I have hereunto set my hand & seal of day & year first above written.

Jane Jackson her mark X

Signed, sealed & delivered in ye presence of me Agnes Holden[7] her mark (two stars), Rebeckah Moon[8], Jur.

NOTE: Jur. is written twice in a different hand and with different ink from the rest of the will.


August ye 27th 1695

A true and perfect inventory of all ye goods of Mrs Jackson of Whittington late deceased as following

Imp(rim)es Linning  4  0  0

Bedding  3  0  0

Cristes Arkes  2  15  0

Wood vessell  2  10  0

one salteing (  )  0  10  0

Brass and pewteror 4  0  0

Earthen potts & glass pottles  0  5  0

Cubbords & boxes  1  10  0

Tables and formes & one long settle  1  0  0

Chaires stooles & cusions  1  0  0

Girdle & Brandreth racks & spoones Rackin noycks? & Langs & other utensils  0  13  4

One clocke  1  15  0

Purse and apparell  8  0  0

The total being 29L 18s 4d

Apraised by us

John Johnson[9] ser, Henry Johnson[10], James Bordrigge[11], John Johnson[12]


[1] Jane JACKSON née CARTER (Abt 1618-1695). Daughter of John CARTED & Anne NEWTON.. She was the 2nd wife of Rev. Richard JACKSON (1602-1679). She had 8 children (another 14 children had been already born to the first wife of Rev. Richard JACKSON).

[2] Whittington  NOTE: Newton and Docker are two places where the descendants of Jane JACKSON lived thanks to her daughter Jennet JACKSON’s marriage to Oliver NORTH. I assume that Jennet has already died by 1695 because not only is she not mentioned in her mother’s will, but she also only gave birth to one known child (Richard NORTH b 1684).

·       It is a township and parish on the right bank of the Lune, with an area of 4,416 acres … About a quarter of the extent is formed by the level ground along the Lune; the rest is hilly, heights of 560 ft. and 600 ft. being attained near or on the western border. The township was formerly divided into two parts, Whittington proper to the north, 2,437½ acres, and Newton with Docker to the south, 1,978½ acres. The village of Whittington, with the parish church, lies about a mile from the Lune, where the level tract spoken of begins to rise towards the hills. To the north of it is Sellet and to the south-west is West Hall. Newton is to the south of Whittington, with Coneygarth on its eastern side, and Docker is the south-west corner of the township. British History on Line.

[3] Rev. Leonard JACKSON. (1650-1726) Rector at Tatham, and godfather to another Leonard JACKSON.

·       Jackson, Leonard: son of Richard : born at Whittington, Lanes. School : (1) Lancaster, under M'' Holden : (2) Kirkby Lonsdale, under M"' Garthwaite for a few months. Admitted sizar under M"' [Chris.] Bainbridge [who held his Fellowship till Mids. 1669] 20 May 1668. Age 17. B.A. 1671/2; M.A. 1677. Born 21 April 1650, of Jane the second wife of Richard (matd 1619) rector of Halton, then of Whittington near Kirkby Lonsdale: half-brother of Francis (1649). Ordained deacon, Chichester, 1673 May: priest, York, 1676 May. Rector of Claughton in Lonsdale, Lanes. 5 Sept. 1678: held it till 1681, when according to Croston-Baines (5. 534) he died : but he pretty certainly is the same who resigned the vicarage of Sheriff Hutton before April 1700: and on 3 Feb. of the same year he became rector of Tatham near Wennington. Added a steeple to the church tower 1722. Died 1734: or 1726 (Croston-Baines, 5. 555) when at all events he ceased to be rector, Robert Jackson succeeding. (Information from B. N. North, Esq., Kirkby Lonsdale [aka Bordrigge North NORTH (1862-1936.)] SOURCE: Biographical Register of Christs College

·       His 1726 will would seem to indicate that he had no living children, since he left bequests to nieces, nephews, a number of cousins, and a godson Leonard JACKSON. I do not know who the father (or mother) of the nieces and nephews mentioned in his will were. I suspect that his brother Nathaniel JACKSON was their father.

[4] Mary BRIGGS née JACKSON (1653-Aft1695) She married Rev. John BRIGGS 24 June 24th, 1673

·       The BRIGGS family was rooted at Kirkby Lonsdale, and possibly others with the same surname were related: Inquest taken at Kirbie Kendall 23 September, 4 Chas. I (1628) before Henry COWPER, esq., escheator, by the oath of Anthony KNIPE, gent., Allan STEPHENSON, Henry FIELD, Christopher PHILLIPSON, Thomas BRIGGES, William HODGSON, John BIRKETT, Henry GARNETT, Adam SHEPHEARD, Miles WILLIAMSON, James HARDIE, Edmond GARNETT, Robert HARLINGE, William JENINGES, Edward HARLINGE and John JACKSON yeomen, who say that:Thomas Adlan, yeoman, on the day he died was seised of 1 messuage and 10 acres of land, meadow and pasture and common of pasture and turbary to said mess. belonging in Olde Hutton. Premises held of king as of his manor of Kirkbie Kendall called "le Marquesse fee" in free socage and are worth yearly clear 6d. He died 25 Septr, 3 Chas. 1 (1627), and Elizabeth Adlan is his daughter and nearest heir, aged 4 years 10 months now; Chanc. Inquisns post mort., ser. ii, vol. 707, n. 79. SOURCE: British History on line.

[5] Abigail JACKSON (1655-1721).

·       Abigail Jackson, dau of Mr Richard Jackson b. 15 Sep ; chr 16 Sep 1655 St Michael, Whittington, Lancashire  FreeReg.

·       Abigal, dau of Richard Jackson b. 15 Sep 1655 ; chr 16 Sep 1655 Whittington, Lancashire  LDS  P009001  0844794.

·       The Registers of the parish church of Whittington in the County of Lancaster. Christenings, burials, and weddings, 1538 to 1764 Vol 3 Abigal, dau of Mr Richard Jackson, parson b. 15 Sep ; chr 16 Sep 1655

·       NOTE: Initially, I had her as a wife of Rowland BURROW: A Rowland Burrow married an Abigail Jackson on 26 February 1675.SOURCE: The registers of the parish church of Whittington in the County of Lancaster. Christenings, burials, and weddings, 1538 to 1764 Whittington Parish Registers . The will of her brother Samuel JACKSON leads me to believe  that she likely married  Rev. John JACKSON of Skipworth.

[6] Vigessima BOUCHE née JACKSON(1657-1734).

·       She was the twentieth child born to Rev. Richard JACKSON– hence named Vigessima. Her mother was Jane CARTER. In spite of being the 20th child, she had two younger sisters: twins Mary & Ruth.

·       She married Rev. Thomas BOUCHE (1654-1716), and he succeeded her father as rector of Whittington. In 1695, she was executor of her mother’s will. 

·       The only of her four known children to outlive her was Elizabeth BOUCHE (1688-1755) who married William DAWSON (1679-1723) of Gill.

[7] Agnes HOLDEN

[8] Rebecca MOON

[9] John JOHNSON sen

·       Because of the juxtaposition of two JOHNSONs, it may be that they were brothers. In this case, this John JOHNSON might have been the son of Thomas JOHNSON and baptized at Whittington in 1629. NOTE: The JOHNSONs were active as elders in the parish of Whittington. It is unlikely that the witness here would have been the John JOHNSON born in 1612, but he may have been the one born in 1657. Many of them seemed to be based at Newton.

[10] Henry JOHNSON. There was a Henry, son of Thomas JACKSON baptized at Whittington in 1639.

[11] James BORDRIGGE. I suspect that he was a son of William BORDRIGGE, baptized July 26, 1654 at Whittington Church. SOURCE: The Registers of the Parish Church of Whittington: Christenings, Burials and Weddings 1538-1764. Vol 3. Transcribed and edited by Fanny Wrigley, Mab’s Cross Wigan, and Thomas H. Winder, Heaton, Bolton. The Indexes by Alice Brierly, Mab’s Cross, Wigan. Printer for the Lancashire Parish Registry Society. 1899.

·       The family of Bordrigge are said to have been lords of Whittington in the last century; and James Bordrigge, in 17 Charles I. (1641), had estates in Tunstall, Burrowe, and Whittington." An heiress of this family married Richard North, esq., a descendant of the Norths of Docker, and ancestor of the present lord of the [Whittington] manor. [My Note: Oliver NORTH (1712-1761) married Alice BORDRIGGE. He was a cousin of Abigail JACKSON (1683-1783), sister of Rev. Robert JACKSON (d. 1726). The NORTH family ended up with all the JACKSON property in Kirkby Lonsdale as well as many of the properties in Ireland.]. SOURCE: The History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, Volume 2. edited by William Robert Whatton, John Harland, Brooke Herford

·       A telling bit about the interconnections of the BORDRIGGE and JACKSON family: Immediately after the Whittington Church Baptisms of 1648 is written the following:] "Whereas the Church of Whittington in the County of Lancaster is 'out of repayres as allso ye bells and clocke therein  so as ye quindames for yt purpose will not extend to pay for  ve same therefore know yee yt wee Richard Jackson Rector,  Richard North ye younger of Docker John Bland ye younger of  Newton William Bordrigge ye elder and Bryan Dawny of Whittington Churchwardens within ye said pish upon consideration  thereof and for satisfaction of ye workmen for repaireinge of  ve said Church have severall lords dayes published ye sale of  severall vacant places within ye said Church and whosoever  would give ye most mony should have them and whereas  Lenard Jackson sonn of ye said Richard Jackson did after the  first meeting after publication offer thirteene shillings fourepence  for all ye place and portion of ground lying and being in ye  east end of ye south ile of ye said Church from ye east windowe  of ye said east end of ye aforesd south ile to extend into ye  new erected pew or inclosed seat of Mr. Brabin of Whittington  Hall afforesaid upon ye west to extend unto ye chancell of ye  sd church upon ye north, And afterwards ye last of December  being ye Lords day wee did againe publish ye same yt if any  would give any more mony for ye said place then ye said  thirteene shillings foure pence yt then they should have ye  same but none offering any more thirefore know ye to whome  these psents shall come yt wee ye said Rector & Churchwardens  with ye consent of ye parishoners within ye said pish for and  in consideration of ye said some of thirteene shillings foure  pence to us allreadie payed for ye use of ye said church have  by this our psent writing conveyed and sould ye aforesd pcell  of ground to ye only use and behoofe of ye said Leonard Jackson  his heires & assignes for ever with liberty for him and them  to erect a pew or seats therein & to enjoy ye same in pprijetie  for ye better accomodation of their soules in hearing ye word of  god receiueing ye sacrament and all other divine and religeous  duties of devotion in testimony whereof we have hereunto put  our hands the nynteenth day of Jan. 1654.

Richard Jackson Rector                       Richard North

Willyam Bordrigg M marke               John Bland

Bryan Dawnie

[12] John JOHNSON. Presumably John JOHNSON who was not known as John JOHNSON sr.




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