1672 Will of Agnes JACKSON widow of Rev. Francis JACKSON
In the name of God Amen, the Seventeenth day of January, Ano Domy 1672; I Agnes Jackson[1] now of Kirkby Kendal[2] in the County of Westmorland widow (relict of Francis Jackson[3] deceased, late Minister of Warton[4] in the County of Lancashire) At this Infirm in body but of sound mind and in very pfect Memory, do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in [?] following: first, but principally I Commit my soul to God that gave it, and my Body I commend to the Earth to be decently buried in Warton Church as near my said deceased husband is conveniently may be in hopes of Joyful Resurrection to eternal life in glory; and my Tem- porall estate. I give and dispose in manner hereinafter Sett Downe, That is to say I give (or rather forgive) unto my brother-in-law Alan Prickitt[5] the sum of ffifty pounds and other the moneyes which he is owing me for which I have his Bond, and I will that the Bond which I have of his shall be delivered in to him upon Demand. Item I do likewise forgive and devise unto him the said Alan Prickett and to his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all that Messuage and Tenement and All those Landes Closes Dales parcels of ground and Herediments whatsoever with all their Rights and apertenances within Watland[6] and in the said County of Westmorland or else where which at any time heretofore were granted, and Conveyed to me by John Hadwen[7] either in Mortgage or Otherwise; And all my Estate Interest Right Due Claim Challenge and Demande therein and thereunto, And All the Money due to me Out thereof he my said Brother-in-Law Alan Prickitt his Exec(ut)ors & Adm(inistrator)es, or Assigns, Paying out of the same unto my father Stephen Whittrigge[8] his Execors, Assigns the sum of thirty pounds in money within one Week after he the said Alan or any in his Right Shall Enter into the Actual Pos- session of the said Premises in Watland or shall receive the premises all Summe of all such Money as is or shall be due out thereof, in my Right, and I Charge that the said [? Thirty pounds?] be paid Accordingly, And my meaning and Will is That if the said Alan or any in his Right do not Enter into the Actual Possession of the said premises in Watland and but shall receive Interest for all or any of the Money as that I lent thereon, that then the said Alan Prickett his heirs Exors or Assigns while he or they shall receive Interest as aforesaid they shall pay onto my said father Stephen Whittrigge his Ex(ecut)ors Ad(minist)rates or Assigns as much Interest Annually as is the cast of the said [thirty pounds?] until the same [thirty pounds?] be paid as aforesaid. Item I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Henry Washington[9] and to his Sister my Niece Anne Washington either of them ffifty pounds in money to be paid them respectively within one yeare next after the death of my said father Stephen Whitrigge, And I desire him my said father Stephen to take Care that the same may be paid accordingly; Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth Prickett[10] (wife of the said Alan) All my Plate Brass Pewter Bedding both Linen and Woollen and Bedsteads; Item I make my said ffather Stephen Whittrigge Sole and all the Executor of this my Will, To whom I give the Remainder of all my Goods Bonds Money, and Estate Whatsoever not before given (besides what I have before given him) he paying or Causing to be paid All my ffuneral Ex- penses and the legacies before given to Henry Washington and Anne Washington before named, and also all [?] & Legacies as hereafter I shall give: [?] hereof I nominate my said brother Alan Prickitt and Christopher Bateman[11] of Kendal (son of Alan) and I give the said Christopher ffive pounds and desire both the said Christopher Bateman and Alan Prickett to see this my Will formed in Witnesse whereof I have hereunto put my hand and Seal ye day and yeare first above written.
Signed Published and Declared in the presence of us James Garnett, Christopher Bateman.
This Eighteenth day of April Ano Dmi 1674: I the within named Agnes Jackson Doe hereby confirm my Will within written only Also I will and add what as is herein hereafter Sett down to be a Codicil and to be taken as part of My said last will, and I say to be added thereunto That is to say I Give to Mrs Duckett[12] (wife of Richard Duckett[13] of Kendal in Westmorland, gent: the sum of ffive pounds and She to buy her self therewith A Mourning gown for me, and my Executor to pay the same ffive pounds. Item I will that my executor Cause a Stone to be laid upon my grave, and a Brass Plate to be put thereon Showing my name, the day of my burial and my age[14].
Witnesses hereof Margaret Rainge, Christopher Bateman [some Latin] Alan Prickett and John Newson
(Latin?) Stephann Whitrigg de Gill in Hutton[15] in ye ( ) et Allana Pirckitt de Kyrby Londall[16] in ( ) Westmorland
Josepho Cradock mil ... at Richmond ... 5 May 1674
The condition of this obligation is such that if ye above bound on Stephen Whitrigg doe well p(er)senely execute p(er)form fullfill and keepe the
last will and testament of Agnes Jackson late of Kirby Londall[17]
deceased ( ) doe pay or satisfie all debts childrens
portions & all other legacyes according to the tenor of the said
will soe far as the law binds, And exhibit into court above &
p(er)fect inventory of all the goods & rights of the said deceased
and shall give the court above and p(er)fect Accoumpt of the p(re)misses
wheches? shall be lawfully called, And shall give further and better
security to the said commissary when ^ ( ) shall be required. And
shall well & sufficiently save defend & keepe ( ) lesse? &
indemnified these? commissary & all his officers, thou this
obligation shall be void or otherwise inforce
Steffen Whitrigg
George ( )afe[18]
Robt Bannister[19]
Allan Prichett
[1] Agnes JACKSON née WHITTRIGGE.. Her mother may have been Anne. In 1686, an Anne WHITTRIGGE, widow was a plaintiff (but I have misplaced my source - oops!). [2] Kirkby Kendal, Westmorland aka Kendal (or Kirkbie Kendal) was home to many JACKSONs. It was known for its cloth-making. Historically, it was in the county of Westmorland. Now, with redrawn county borders, it is in Cumbria. It is about 13 miles away from Kirkby Lonsdale, hone of the ancestors of Rev. Francis JACKSON where Jackson Hall had remained the focal point of this family throughout the 1600s. [3] Rev. Francis JACKSON. Buried at St. Oswald’s Church, Wharton, Lancashire, England. 9 May 1670. SOURCE: Burials at St Oswald (formerly Holy Trinity). · Note: He married 1stly Elizabeth PARKE, May 13, 1665. There was a burial recorded for an Elizabeth JACKSON, wife of Francis JACKSON, at St Oswald’s Church, Warton Nov 3, 1666. My presumption is that this was Elizabeth PARKE, and that therefore that Agnes was a 2nd wife. I do not know whether Agnes & Francis had any living children. None are mentioned in her will, and I have not found a will for him. · Jackson, Francis; son of Richard; born at Halton Lancs. School: (1)Kirkby Lonsdale; (2) Giggleswick. Admitted May 31 1649 age 17 (b. Abt 1632) son of Richard Jackson (1619), rector of Halton and Dorothy Otway. Mentioned as dead in his father`s will, Feb 1682. Married May17, 1665 Elizabeth PARKE of Sebberg. NOTE: Another Francis JACKSON was Master of Kirkby Lonsdale School in 1656 (Leech Yorkshire Schools, SOURCE: Biographical Register of Christs College.
“The previous institution is ignored in the presentation, which is dated 27 Oct. 1660. The presentation by Cromwell was granted in August 1655; it appears that F. Jackson had been schoolmaster of Kirkby Lonsdale; Plund. Mins. Accts. ii, 85, 99. The cause of vacancy is not stated. His income was £100 a year in 1659; ibid. 288. He appears to have been of Christ's Coll., Camb.; M.A. 1660.” NOTE: I have highlighted the fact that Rev. Francis was appointed by Oliver CROMWELL. This is telling when it comes to the kind of Protestant that Rev. Francis would have been. Puritans, Baptists, Congregationalists, Anglicans, Presbyterian, and non-conformists aka dissenters such as Quakers were amongst the options for Protestants at the time (see: Wiki: History of the Puritans). It was time of relative religious diversity within the Protestant version of the Christian faith. Cromwell was a Puritan, and was less likely to appoint someone with either Presbyterian or Anglican tendencies. Political loyalty would have been one of the main criteria for this appointment. My guess is that he likely had Bible-based Presbyterian leanings but was still able to function within the hierarchy of the established church using the Book of Common Prayer, and like his father Rev. Richard JACKSON knew when to adapt to the winds of change. [4] Warton, in Lancashire is close to the border with Cumbria.. · Warton HALL was owned by the DAWSON family. SOURCE: Warton and George Washington’s Ancestors. T. Pape. 1913 [5] Alan PRICKITT. NOTE: There was A PRICKETT family at nearby Natland (two miles from Kendal) in this time frame. An Alan PRICKETT of Greys Inn resided at Natland Hall, likely the same person, and also owned lands at "Satteraie Parke" and Old Hutton. SOURCE: British History on line. This Alan PRICKETT was the Recorder of Kendal, and his memorial brass is in the Kendal Church, Bellingham Chapel. SOURCE: Guide to Kendal. Allan Prickett (recorder of Kendal 1672/3 and 1677) appears to have used his role as a trustee for other tenants in 1669 to amass a large freehold estate. Allan was succeeded by two daughters: Ann, the wife of John Harrison, and Agnes, wife of Dr Valentine Farrington of Preston. SOURCE: Victoria County History of Cumbria Project. Draft parish/township histories. Sarah Rose. [6] Watland is on the river Bala, and is south of Kendal and north of Kirkby Lonsdale. [7] John HADWEN. The names of John Hadwen and John Hadwen jun. (doubtless father and son) appear in the list of Mayors of Kendal no less than six times, from the year 1704 to 1770. The issuer was sworn a member of the Mercers' Company in 1656 (Kendal "Boke of Recorde "), and had his residence in Finkle Street, Kendal, as appears from the following entry in the accounts of the churchwardens, 1658:"Rec. for y0 cloth & bur in yc Lady quier of John Hadwens childe of ffinkel Streett M'cer .... x5 iiij1'."—"Transactions of Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian Society," ix., p. 270. SOURCE: Trade Tokens Issued in the Seventeenth Century in England Wales and Ireland by Corporations, Merchants, Tradesmen etc. NOTE: The records on Westmorland start at page 1219. [8] Stephen WHITTRIGGE. [9] Henry [WASHINGTON]. NOTE: The script is hard to read, but the family of George WASHINGTON is alleged to have family connections to the WASHINGTONs from this region, and it is reasonable to suspect that this family is related in some way. · The WASHINGTON coat of arms is on the Warton Church tower. SOURCE: Warton and George Washington’s Ancestors. T. Pape. 1913. The Rev. Thomas WASHINGTON was the headmaster of Archbishops Hutton’s Grammar School at Warton in 1773, and he became curate in 1779. NOTE: He is in the right time frame and place to be related to Henry WASHINGTON. · These WASHINGTON families had deep family roots in Kendal and Warton. Genealogical Gleanings in England Vol 1 shows links between WASHINGTON and BATEMAN families. · See also the Pedigree and History of the Washington Family. None of the links are quite in the right time frame. · The New England Historical and Genealogical Register Vol 44, 1890 shows a link between JACKSONs and WASHINGTON: In 1573 an unnamed WASHINGTON married a Jennet JACKSON at Warton Church. A century of Washingtons are commemorated (1564-1665) are commemorated by initials and dates on a flat stone at the east end of the church. · But the most interesting feature of the tower is the shield of arms on the north side of what was the west door. When Lucas wrote, between 1710 and 1743, he stated: "On the North side of the Steeple door is the Arms of Washington (argent two bars gules, in chief three mullets of the second, with a crescent for difference) well cut in stone, which shews this Family (yet credible in this Town) to have been mostly concerned in the founding of this Church." For many years no trace of this shield could be discovered. The western face of the tower was covered with rough-cast, and no trace of a shield was visible; but some four or five years ago a small portion of this roughcast fell off, disclosing the long-lost Washington shield. This is the shield which has been so often referred to as one link connecting the family of the first President of the United States with the village of Warton. SOURCE: Transactions Vol 8. [10] Elizabeth PRICKETT née WHITTRIGGE, wife of Alan PRICKETT. She was a sister of Agnes JACKSON. [11] Christopher BATEMAN of Kendal. NOTE: I suspect that he was a son-in-law of Alan and Elizabeth PRICKETT. Genealogical Gleanings in England Vol 1 shows links between WASHINGTON and BATEMAN families. An Agnes BATEMAN of Haversham married a Robert WASHINGTON in 1493. [12] Mrs. DUCKETT [13] Richard DUCKETT. I suspect he was one of the DUCKETTs of Grayrigge, or Middleton Westmorland. The Ducketts were a well-to-do English family with lands at Filingham in Lincolnshire, Grayrigg, Heversham and Morland in Westmorland, Flintham in Notts, Hartham in Wiltshire, Royden In Essex, Newtown in Co Kildare and Duckett’s Grove in Co Carlow. Their common ancestor was Richard Duckett, lord of the manor of Fillingham in 1205, who was judge of the counties of Bedford, Buckingham, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Norfolk, Northampton and Rutland during the reign of Henry III. In 1695, Thomas Duckett settled in Ireland and purchased estates in the county of Carlow from Thomas Crosthwaite, Esq, of Cockcrmouth. His mother Elizabeth was a daughter of Christopher Walker Esq. His wife Judith de la Poer was a niece if Richard 1st Earl of Tyrone. Their only son Thomas Duckett (d. 1735) – Jonas’s grandfather - purchased Philipstown from the Earl of Ormond. Thomas’s son, John Duckett of Philipsitown and Newtown, married Jane Devonsher and had dour sons and three daughters.. Jonas was the fourth son. His will, dated 7th July 1796, was proved 11th December 1797. He married Hannah, dau of William Alloway Esq of Dublin. In the next generation there was aa connection with Samuel Madden and the Dawsons. From ‘A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland’ by Bernard Burke. SOURCE: Turtle Bunbury. [14] NOTE: In spite of quite complete records for St. Oswald, there is no record of this being installed. [15] Hutton is 4 miles south east of Kendal, on the river Beetha. Historically it was shown on maps as being within the boundaries of Westmorland, but now it is in Cumbria. [16] Kyrby Londall aka Kirkby Lonsdale. [17] Kirby Londall aka Kirkby Lonsdale. [18] George (?)AFE [19] Robert BANNISTER
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