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THEIR SEVEN CHILDREN: Annie BROWNE b 1876, married Thomas Maxwell GILPIN June 9,
1897 in Ardglass, Co. Down. See: Wedding
photo (where is this? Janeville?). She died between 1903 and 1908 leaving
two children, Daisy Montgomery GILPIN born 1899 and James Alexander GILPIN, b. 10
Sep 1902, Shore Rd., Holywood, Co. Down. I have yet to find Annie’s exact birth
or death date, but it is possible that she died
in childbirth.
Miscellaneous Bits and sources. My grandmother, Jane Edgar BROWNE, left me her ring with the motto Suivez la Raison and the image of an eagle. On the inside, is inscribed Jeannie from Kate. This referred to her friend Kate WATSON, my godmother. This ring and other clues suggest that “our” BROWNEs are most likely to be distantly connected to the BROWNE family of Mayo SEE: BROWNE Family Crests – 2004 post.. Either that or “my BROWNEs” are pretenders to such. Regardless. here is a grab bag of what I have collected so far: · My grandmother saved a newspaper clipping from the Belfast Newsletter, Friday, June 24, 1955, "Historic St. John's Point".. Legal
documents indicate many names in the title to St. John's Point when it passed
to lay hands, such as Donal M'Gwynne, the Earl of Kildare, Viscount Lecale, Sir
Robert Ward, Thomas Tipping Smyth, Captain Peter
Browne and others. · The Captain Peter BROWNE, in this news clipping was Peter Rutledge Montague BROWNE b: 05 Mar 1796 d: 22 Apr 1864 in Janeville, Co. Down husband of Mary Jane SMYTHE. He was the agent for Lord Bangor who owned most of the land in and around Killough. Some families, such as the RANAGHAN who were Catholic tenant farmers at Kilbride, St. John's Point and Commonreagh in the 1830s were put off the land as a result of his actions. · 25 June 1853. Down Recorder: a Major BROWNE of Janeville was a witness in an assault case. · Ordinance Survey Memoirs list Peter BROWNE as a corn mill owner in 1836 (Vol 17, p. 35, 36, 49, 88). · Killough, the Church by the Loch, p. 90, 91 indicates that General BROWNE of Janesville was a regular attendant at the Killough Lifeboat committee c. 1903 and his ancestors had provided a lifeboat service along the coast for 100 years. · Lecale Miscellany Vol III (1993) "St. John's Lighthouse, Captain BROWNE, formerly of Mayo, served with the 9th East Norfolk Regiment". · Based on saved family photos, the BROWNEs of both Janeville (Saint
Johns Point, Parish Rathmullan,
Barony Lecale Upper) and Tullycarnan,
Parish Ardglass, Barony Lecale Lower), Ardglass seemed
to have been socially connected.
· 1901 Census. John BROWNE aka John Monteagle BROWNE (1849-1918) is listed at Tullycarnon, Ardglass. · Brothers Architects of Tullycarnan were the architects of new Masonic Hall 20 Apr 1912. SOURCE: Ros Davies, Down Reporter Article. NOTE: I suspect this was the Masonic Hall on Crumlin St., Belfast. · The Ordinance Survey Map of Belfast (Bloomfield) 1902 shows a J.C.M BROWN, architect and civil engineer living at Holly Park, Knock, Belfast. (aka James Carlyle Monteagle BROWNE) This was brought to my attention courtesy of Margaret Innis and it accords with the memory of Dorothy Robertson (granddaughter of the John Monteagle BROWNE) of visiting Holly Park as a child in the early 1920s. It seems that Holy Park was the home of John Monteagle & Susanna BROWNE before they retired to Ardglass and ownership was passed to their eldest son. · In August 1910 (according to the obituary of James Carlyle Monteagle BROWNE), John Monteagle BROWNE lived at Ringfad, Ardglass, Co. Down. Before then, they had lived in Belfast. His granddaughter, Dorothy Robertson, recalls hearing that they had two residences for years, the other being in Knock, but they then moved full time to Ardglass. In their later years, the family lived in a house called "The White Lodge" near Coney Island. · John Montague BROWNE owned a drapery business. The last person known to be running it was Hugh Martin in the 1950s. He sold it and a few years later there was an “accident” and it burned down. It was rebuilt and is now a clothing store in Ardglass called C.W. Wills. When the BROWNE family ran it, people came from the surrounding areas to have their clothes made up. The bolts of cloth were displayed on the ground floor and the tailors and seamstresses worked upstairs. · In the 1909 marriage notice of his daughter, Jeannie (aka Jane) Edgar BROWNE, John Monteagle BROWNE was described as resident at Tullycarnan, in Ardglass and Knock in Belfast. · Ardglass means Green Heights. · Berni Sutton and her family currently own and live at "White Lodge” and have renamed the place “Heron Farm”. She is a ceramic artist and her husband is a furniture maker. They also board horses and have a gymkhana (horseback contests?) of sorts near the road. They are restoring the three cottages. In the past one cottage, was called “ONE TREE COTTAGE” and the other “NO TREE COTTAGE”. We are assuming that since the third had been used for housing poultry, that it no longer had the designation of “cottage”. They plan to be open for B&B business by Easter of 2002 Update: SEE: Coney Island Design. 'One Tree Cottage' is a NITB registered self catering cottage on Heron Farm, and you can stay there and take part in workshops run by Berni. o Of further interest: Berni found an old slate sundial in the loft inscribed with the name “Lieutenant John Martin Esq. Ringfad. July 12th 1690, and on one my visits, she insisted that I take it home. It now has pride of place on the wall in our dining area. We still don’t know exactly who this Lieutenant John Martin Esq. is. The earliest MARTIN ancestor we have in Ardglass was Allan MARTIN born in 1743. This sundial could indicate an even earlier presence of the family. · When Susanna BROWNE died, the remains of her estate was sold off on January 22nd, 1923, realizing proceeds of £165:5:3.:
MISC: · SOURCE: Tony BROWNE LDS 0101607. - Notes for JOHN MONTEAGLE BROWNE: o Once lived at 234 Crumlin Road, Belfast, Ireland. o Occupation listed as "Draper." o Moved his family to Tullycarnen, near Ardglass (a port on the Irish Sea), in County Down, Ireland. o Another Irish town of importance in the Browne family is Glencullen,south of Dublin [DED Glencullen & Parish Glencullen Townland Glencullen, Parish Kiltiernan, Barony of Rathdown borders on Glencullen Mountain, Parish Kiltiernan, Barony of Rathdown ]. Earlier members of the Browne family were born there. · SOURCE: Notes written by his [John Monteagle's] grandson Michael Browne: o "Christened at Rossorry Parish Church [Co. Fermanagh] Jan 28, 1849. Died age 70 years at Tullycarnon, near Ardglass, N. Ireland and buried with wife in Ardglass Parish Church Feb 21, 1919. Church of Ireland. John M. Browne left County Fermanagh for Belfast, Ulster, circa 1870 and had linen manufacturing and farming interests around there, living at Knock before his wife got left Tullycarnon, near the city of Mourne in 1895 when they all resided there. His parents home, Glencullen in County Fermanagh [aka Glencunny, Parish Rossorry, Barony of Magheraboy -on Sligo Road aka the A4] was the Browne family home for quite a few generations, 40 miles from Sligo." · SOURCE : Letter from Jeanne (aka Jane Edgar) BROWNE (my grandmother), o Feb 18, 1952 The family home burned down when his children were young - "Our home was burned to the ground when we were children. All the family jewels and records a complete loss." This was likely their home at 144 Crumlin – before they moved to 234 Crumlin Rd. A Brown, J, draper resided at 234 Crumlin Rd. in 1895 when the children were no longer young. (SOURCE: Belfast & Ulster Directory, 1895). · SOURCE: RE: Fermanagh Ancestors. NOTE: It would be helpful to be able to see the crest on this grave marker (if it still exists).
· SOURCE: In 2004, I received a lengthy and informative letter as well as family history from Norway from Raymond Douglas Monteagle BROWNE, who lived in Norway. We followed up with a few phone calls. Raymond’s oral history and the recollections of his mother (SEE: The Monteagle BROWNEs of Ardglass and Knock, Belfast) fit with the facts I have found so far. In the late 1950's, as a teenager, I visited Raymond’s mother and father, and felt an immediate and deep fondness for both of them. · SOURCE: Letter from Raymond BROWNE 2Sept2004 Susannah BROWNE was quoted as saying, "Oh! I was never happier than I was when I was pregnant." (to the considerable annoyance of Ethel who suffered greatly from morning-sickness.) · SOURCE: 1901 Census. John Monteagle BROWNE's occupation was recorded as Farmer. The house had a stable, a harness room, a cow house, a calf house, a piggery, a fowl house, a boiling house, a barn, a potato house and a shed for a total of 11 outhouses. The house was stone, brick or concrete with a roof of slate, iron or tile. There were 5-6 rooms (this would seem to indicate the addition happened after the census - likely when the family fully relocated from Belfast) and there were six windows in the front of the house (this might help to establish where the addition starts). There were only John & Susannah included as residents in 1901, which buttresses the notion that the grown children were all living elsewhere. · SOURCE: Tony BROWNE - The EDGARs were reportedly from West Meath County, Ireland. · SOURCE: 1641 Depositions (Fermanagh) · And this deponent did credibly
hear that some of the said rebellious company did murder Christopher Cotes the
elder Christopher Coates the younger Christopher Bowcer the elder Christopher
Bowcer the younger, William Marshall, Thomas Bulmin (?), Charles Randall,
Francis Wilkinson, Henry Wilkinson, Peter Maddeson, Humphrey Brockhowse, William Browne, Maximilian Tibbs, Thomas Sergeant,
George Dickenson, Richard Lewis, Stephen Ripon (?), Anthony Barlow, Edward
Poulter, John Maine, coroner of that county, Thomas Presley, Francis Somner,
Richard Butler, John Chadwick and divers other men women and children, this
deponent not now remembering their names. · 69. Anne Booth of Littergreene
of parish of Drumully in County of Fermanagh wife to James Booth of the same
tailor (now one of His Majesty's soldiers gone for Droghedah under the command
of Edward Aldrich [duly sworn] deposeth that her said husband was robbed and
dispoiled of all his goods [chattels and means] the 25th day of October last
about "ten a clock in the foornoone" worth £205 [in all amounting to
the sum of £205] by the hands action and means of Captain Rory Maguire and one
of the sons of James Netterville of the barony of Magharistaphanie in the said
county Esquire whose christain name she knoweth not and other irish rebels
assembled in their company to the number of 400 or thereabouts. And that she
her husband and two children were all stripped and all their clothes taken from
them the said day in the churchyard at Newtowne in the said parish, and her
other two children stripped and their clothes taken from them within two miles
of the said town the next day following, saying they had a warrant from the
said Captain Rory to strip all the English that they met with all in the said
county [that when they stripped this deponent "they ript downe her smock
with a skeane" she did see some of them with a "skeane" give
unto William Browne of the said parish one great
wound in his hand?] and the same night that this deponent and her husband where
robbed the said rebels imprisoned this deponent and about 20 more in Newtown
aforesaid and kept a guard about them all which time one of the soldiers and
servants of the said Rory Maguire said that they would show no favour to any
for they intended not to leave an Englishman in Ireland but they would have
their lands again or else they would lose but their lives goods and lands or to
that effect. · SOURCE: Seatholders.Enniskillen Parish Church.(Fermanagh) Extracted from the Enniskillen Vestry Book: 1710-1713- Jo. Brown · 1766 Religious Census: o BROWN, George Protestant o BROWN, John Protestant o BROWN, William Protestant
QUESTION: How does Montague fit into this? How does Monteagle fit? |
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