Urker Oct 17 1894 [answd 19 Nov]
My dear Tom
Though my writing days are over, I must endeavour to scribble a line to thank you for all the letters you have written to me since the plague commenced. Thanks be to God I never feared it. “I laid help on one who was mighty” and the promise was fulfilled to me. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee”. As you do not mention the plague [1] in your last two letters, I hope it is over. What mercies I have to be thankful for! one Son and his family [2] protected from a dreadful plague, and another Son and his wife [3] kept safe in the midst of an earthquake [4] . Both of them highly honoured and rewarded; and the concern they manage prospering to admiration. If any thing in this world would make me proud, it would be to send the report of the Bank meeting which you sent me. You have been privileged and honoured in being made a blessing to thousands; but through it all, oh remember the one thing needful, for “what will it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul”? [5] By last week’s mail I sent a small book called Milestones in the Road of Life [6] ; by Dr. Rainsford [7] . I admired it very much and sent one to David [8] . May God send his blessing with it to you both.
I went with Ely [9] to Cavananore [10] yesterday and never since the first day that I remember did I see it in such prosperity; so much corn on it, or so many cattle; the crops [?it] this year were something marvellous, everyone wondered at it; and the cattle throve admirably. Every minute I wished you could see it. The new home is finished and Thomas Murray [11] is living in it; and only that I am tied to Urker [12] , I would covet to live in it myself. It contains two beautiful rooms with boarded floors, & a tiled kitchen, and a nice porch. What made me long for a house like it was that there are no stairs in it. Though I am in the best of health, my knees have become infirm, that going up and down stairs has become very troublesome to me. As you say I have got nearly all that I ever prayed for. One petition is still daily presented at the heavenly court the salvation of my children & grandchildren. I do not ask wealth for them. That might be a snare & has enriched thousands; but I wrestle for their salvation and whatever earthly portion the good Lord sees best for them.
The tea came safe, & is delicious. I spent last week at Slieveroe [13] ; all are well there, and seem comfortable and happy. I was thinking of giving up travelling; but the absent children will not hear of my doing so; so I must go away there as long as I am able.
I hope to live to see you again; but in case I do not; one thing I desire to say to you which is; send no more money to Urker after I am gone. This place is bequeathed to David [14] ; & if anything is wanted that the farm does not supply, let David give it, for it is he and not you that has a right to do so. But if you give some help to those who have children to educate; that would not be ill spent money. That is what I am doing with all that I can save, for I spend but little on myself.
I am thankful to hear that dear little Dorothy [15] has recovered and that the rest are well. The Liscalgot children [16] have had an ill turn but are well again. Andy [17] and family were well when I last heard. Bessy [18] and family well also. I expect Kate [19] here this evening, her children are well. So are Jemmy [20] & Lizzie [21] . They are doing as well as they can, but there is no help from her side of the house. It is just the old story, grab all & give none. Aunt Brown [22] is very frail, I hear she has made her will lately, but no one except [counsellor ?]. Beatrice [23] knows what she has done. Aunt Bess [24] is very frail also and poor James [25] as bad as ever.
We are about getting a new clergy man in place of Mr Noyes [26] . I hope that God may send us a good one. A deputation are going next Sabbath to hear him preach for he would not come to Creggan to preach that would be too Presbyterian looking.
Now I have written a long letter, but you need not expect me to write often if ever again. Mary Menary [27] a dear good girl will write for me. I hear sometimes from your children in England, & I expect them to spend the summer vacation here. Love and blessing to you all from E. J.
[1] In May 1894, bubonic plague erupted in Hong Kong's overcrowded Chinese quarter of Tai Ping Shan and at its peak, killed 100 people per day in Hong Kong, - a total of 2,552 people that year. 100,000 Chinese fled the colony. Interestingly, it was during this epidemic that Alexandre Yersin (1863 – 1943) discovered the plague bacillus and a cure was subsequently found. [2] Sir Thomas JACKSON & Amelia Lydia DARE [3] David JACKSON & Margaret Louisa WRIGHT [4] I am unsure which earthquake this might be. A most serious one hit Japan five days after this letter, but there was one in Istanbul on July 10, 1894. Perhaps that was it, although David JACKSON was at Yokohama at this time (or at least I believe that he was). [5] Matthew 19:17 [6] Milestones in the Road of Life. Rev. J. G. RAINSFORD A pamphlet published 1894 that covered twenty of his New Years Eve discources. [7] Rev. J. G. RAINSFORD . [8] David JACKSON, younger brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [9] Eliezer GILMORE, husband of Sarah JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [10] Cavananore, Co. Louth – land now leased by Sir Thomas JACKSON [11] Thomas MURRAY – I wonder if he is the same one who was evicted when the judge broke Samuel Bradford’s lease? ( see: http://www.user.dccnet.com/s.brown/letters/1891eliza_jackson.htm ) [12] Urker Lodge, a couple of miles outside Crossmaglen was where the JACKSONS had lived for more than a hundred years. [13] Slieveroe, Co. Monaghan – home of Margaret (JACKSON) (REED) MCCULLAGH sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [14] David JACKSON, youngest surviving brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [15] Dorothy St. Felix JACKSON daughter of Sir Thomas JACKSON [16] The eight children of Eliezer GILMORE & Sarah JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [17] Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [18] Elizabeth JACKSON wife of Thompson BROWN & sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON [19] Kate Maria Jane WHITING widow of John JACKSON older brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [20] James JACKSON brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [21] Elizabeth Sarah BROWNE wife of James JACKSON. [22] Margaret JACKSON (1815-1895), widow of Rev. Daniel Gunn BROWNE. [23] Beatrice Matilda BROWNE, daughter of Daniel Gunn BROWNE and Margaret JACKSON [24] Elizabeth Johanna JACKSON wife of John DONALDSON [25] James DONALDSON son of Elizabeth Johanna JACKSON & John DONALDSON [26] Rev NOYES? [27] Mary MENARY (1872-1946) daughter of William MENARY & Mary JACKSON – sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON.
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