Urker Oct 31st 1887 My dear Minnie [1]
I take shame to myself for being so long without answering your kind and affectionate letters, which reached me on the 17th inst. Of all my correspondents you should be the last to be neglected; for you never neglected me; since the happy day that made you my Daughter.
It is a great mercy that your health, and that of the children has continued good; notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather; which you must feel all the more from having lived so long in a warm climate. And how can we ever be thankful enough for Tom’s [2] continued health and safety. A blessing seems to attend him, both by land and by sea. Also I saw this week in a letter from young Thompson Brown [3] , that the Bank shares are rising in value. I fully expected that it would be so; once Thomas again took the management. Also I hear that the “Wasp” [4] has been heard of. I hope it is true. But let me know if it is so, when you write. I shall feel a little anxious till I hear that David [5] has landed safely. Though I know that there is a Providence by sea, as well as by land, I have rather a dread of the sea; having never been out of my native land.
I have but little worth writing this time; but probably I shall have more in my next letter; as Sally’s [6] confinement draws near. She is well, and so are all your Irish friends. My ear keeps discharging matter; but it is not painful; and is probably only an effort of nature to relieve itself. It would not be wise to take any measure to stop this discharge.
Many thanks for your kind offer of tea; but I do not require any; as two packages of tea have been sent to me anonymously. I concluded that Tom must be the sender, though he did not write.
Mrs Dr Browne [7] died last Friday [8] after a short illness. It is a great pity of the poor old Doctor. They had lived long and happily together.
Did I tell you that Sam Bradford [9] has put Cavananore into the Land Court, with a view of having the rent reduced? That man has wrought us one annoyance; but he can do nothing more that the Lord permits; and his time will come. Of course the Trustees will make the best defence they can.
I hope the children are doing well at school. They seemed to me to be very intelligent; and better than even that; very amiable. Does Julius [10] still continue sweeping? If so, he has plenty to do now.
I hope you are comfortable in all respects; and as happy as you can be without Tom.
The old Governor [11] joins in much love to you and the children, with your ever affectionate Mother, Eliza Jackson PS Jemmie [12] and Lizzie [13] are away on a visit to her Father’s [14] .
[1] Amelia Lydia DARE – wife of Sir Thomas JACKSON [2] Sir Thomas JACKSON [3] Thompson BROWN (1868-1942), nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON and son of Elizabeth JACKSON & Thompson BROWN. He was serving with the HSBC in the Far East. [4] The story of HMS Wasp, a ship that foundered after leaving Singapore was recorded in the Evening Post Oct 26-30, 1887. . [5] David JACKSON, youngest surviving brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON returning to duty with HSBC in the Far East. [6] “Sally” Sarah JACKSON wife of Eliezer GILMORE.Her son Thomas Jackson GILMORE would be born November 11th 1887.
Date of death would have been October 28, 1887. My best guess is that this may be the wife of a Dr. William
Herbert BROWNE who was the brother of Daniel Gunn BROWNE. I have
nothing on either him or her and her family – although it is
also intriguing that Thompson BROWN named a son “Herbert” (my
instincts feel there might be a connection here between the two BROWNE families.). Album 4
from Gilford Castle has a photo of a William BROWN and his daughter
[8] October 28, 1887 [9] Samuel BRADFORD, a cousin who leased Cavananore – to Eliza’s dismay. [10] George Julius JACKSON (1883-1956) – age four at the time of this letter. [11] David JACKSON (1814-1889), father of Sir Thomas JACKSON [12] James JACKSON – brother of Sir Thomas JACKSON [13] Elizabeth Sarah BROWNE, wife of James JACKSON and daughter of Daniel Gunn BROWNE & Margaret JACKSON [14] Daniel Gunn BROWNE (1808-1892) husband of Margaret JACKSON & uncle to Sir Thomas JACKSON
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