1902 May 19 Overland China Mail
On the 10th inst. Sir Thomas Jackson[1], the popular ex-Chief Manager the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, was entertained to a banquet by the leading Chinese of the Colony on the occasion of his approaching departure for home. The banquet took place in St. George's Hall, City Hall, and was attended by a large and representative gathering not only of Chinese but of Colonial Officials, merchants and others who had been invited to be present. The entrance to the hall was brilliantly lighted by hundreds of Chinese lanterns, and the grand staircase was lavishly decorated with flowers, lanterns and banners. The banquet hall was also a brilliant spectacle and did credit to the caterers, and Messrs. Mader[2] and Farmer[3]. Covers were laid for over 150 people, and a welcome novelty, which added much to the comfort of those present, was the introduction of numerous small electric fanners, a feature which may be copied with advantage at future similar functions. Mr. Ho Tung[4] presided. His Excellency the Officer Administrating the Government, Major-General Sir W.J. Gascoigne[5] K.C.M.G. sitting on the right, and the guest of the evening, Sir Thomas Jackson, on his left. Other gentlemen present were: --
Hon H.A. Thompson[6], Hon. A.G. Wise[7], H. R. Murray Rumsey[8], Hon W. Chathan[9], Hon A.W. Brewin[10], Hon J.J. Bell Irving[11], Hon T.H. Whitehead[12], Hon C.S. Sharp[13], Captain the Hon H.W. Trefusis, A.D.C.[14], Messrs. N.A. Siebs[15], J.R.M. Smith[16], C.W. Dickson[17], D.R. Law[18], H.W. Slade[19], E.A. Hewett[20], V.A.C. Hawkins[21], A. Haupt[22], E. Goetz[23], E. Thompkins[24], R.C. Wilcox[25], G.G. Medhurst[26], H. Schubart[27], D.M. Moses[28], Fung Wa Chun[29], Wei Chuen[30], Ho Fook[31], Leung Shiu Kong[32], Tam Tsz Kong[33], Ip Oi Shan[34], Leung Pui Chi[35], Kwok Sui Lan[36], Un Lai Chuen[37], Tong Lai Chuen[38], Yung Yik Ying[39], Wong Kam Fuk[40], Ho Kom Tong[41], Lo Cheung Shiu[42], Leung Yan Po[43], Chan Ho Wan[44], Chan Sui Ki[45], Wei Long Shan[46], Lau Tsin Ting[47], Wong Ki Sam[48], Wei Lai Yu[49], Chan Kang Yu[50], Man Kwong Tin[51], Kan Tin Hing[52], Chow Yung Cheong[53], Chow Kam Wing[54], Ma Fat Ting[55], Kwok Yik Yu[56], Tang Chi Ngong[57], and Chan Pan Po[58].
After dinner, the chairman gave the toast of “His Majesty the King” and “Her Majesty the Queen” and the other members of the Royal Family, and these were duly honored.
The Chairman in proposing “The health of Sir Thomas Jackson” said -- your Excellency, Sir Thomas Jackson and gentlemen, I will not attempt to disguise the pleasure and a great honor I feel in occupying the chair tonight, and as Chairman of this representative assembly to be called upon to propose a toast in the evening to our illustrious guest, Sir Thomas Jackson. (Applause). Gentleman, ours is essentially a fleeting community. Men come and men go. And we have come to regard the arrivals and departures as matters of course with stolid indifference. But there are acquaintanceships, which once formed do not take long to deepen into friendship, and it is these friends that we would vainly wish might stay with us for ever. But it cannot be. In the order of things our best friends take their departure from us, and the least we could do is to meet previous to the final leave taking to wish Godspeed to the departing friend. (Applause). We are met here tonight in obedience to one of those calls of duty devolving upon us as representing the Chinese commercial and tradal interests of Hongkong to do honor to Sir Thomas Jackson, to whom we all owe so much. I make no apology in asking you to bear with me while I express my small meed of praise and genuine admiration of a gentleman whose very name has become a household word in Hongkong. (Applause). To trace THE HISTORY OF THE GREAT INSTITUTION from you whose Chief Managership you now retire is but to trace your own history as you have been known to us and to the world at large for the past 26 years. When you, sir, arrived in Hongkong in the autumn of 1864 to join the Agra and Masterman Bank, many of us were not yet out of our teens; and as for myself I just then emerged from the period of babyhood. We could not then possibly have had any conception of the great personage that was to be so intimately known to us in after years. (Applause). One year after your arrival the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank was formed, and in the following year you joined it, becoming successively accountant at Shanghai and Manager at Hankow and Yokohama before returning to the Head Office as Sub-Manager in 1870. The two reappointments to Yokohama, and a short leave you had in 1874 with an acting Managership of the London Office occupied the time before you became confirmed in the post of Chief Manager in 1876. No one who is even superficially acquainted with the history of Hongkong can ignore the fact that you took over this very responsible office at a time of greatest doubt and uncertainty attending the commercial affairs of the young Colony. Although blame was sought to be saddled on the executive on account of the legislative measures which it enacted for the depressing state of affairs, it cannot be denied that far more potent factors throughout the East were contributing to bring commercial disaster upon Hongkong. The vissitudes of banking, like all other trades, became apparent in the reports and balance sheets issued by our local bank at this time. The carping criticisms which its detractors leveled at it were unmeasured and unrestrained. Yours, however, was not the spirit to be daunted by adversity, but rather the contrary. At a trying time you entered upon your duties with zeal, and brought to bear upon them the ability and determination not only to maintain the position and reputation of your charge, but to eclipse the success of the past. How far your end was accomplished will best be seen in the speech of the Honorable F.D. Sassoon, who spoke as Chairman of the Bank at its half yearly meeting in February 1886 -- ten years after your assumption of the Chief Managership. He said he would take the opportunity of recording the immense services you rendered to the Bank by your UNREMITTING ENERGY AND ABILITY. (Applause). So long ago as then the Bank with the bulk of its earning power remaining in China, had made vast strides and attained to an important position. When you first took charge of the bank at the beginning of 1876, it had a reserve fund of only $100,000. Today it boasts of 14 1/4 millions... (Applause)... or 4 1/4 millions in excess of its capital, with incomparable property here and at the branches held in premises and dead stocks. The increase in deposits shows the continuance of public confidence in the Bank both in Europe and Asia. I will repeat what a former chairman of the Bank has said: -- I doubt if the most sanguine of the good men who were its promoters, expected it to grow to the extent that it has. (Applause). As a shareholder I must say, and I think I echo the feelings of others, that I'm not sorry you have been instrumental in working such a wondrous expansion. (Laughter.) No other expression adequately defines this development. During the period of his existence the Bank has more than fulfilled its purpose. The Savings Bank[59], which commenced business in May, 1884, under your auspices, has also been proved to be useful to the class for whom it was intended. Sir, recognition of your eminent and enduring services has been made by her late Majesty the Queen of (Applause). and after that, it is at best but poor testimony we can bear to your worth. With a full consciousness of the poor tribute we can give you I feel I cannot do better than to recall the lines recorded in public print concerning you; it is this ineffaceably consigned to prosperity by the art preservative of all arts that your energy has been exhaustless, your tact and temper[60] beyond praise. (Applause). In the midst of pressure, both of worry and responsibility, you have always retained your cheerfulness, your urbanity. Few men have won greater popularity in Hongkong; none have been better entitled to it. Whether as THE GENIAL MANAGER of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, the outspoken member of the Legislative Council[61], or the magnificent universe and in public spirited supporter of our local institutions, we shall most acutely miss you when you leave us. We wish you many long years of life to continue, with vigour unimpaired, the career of usefulness to your fellow man. (Applause). Now gentlemen, let us drink a bumper to Sir Thomas Jackson.
The toast was the enthusiastically pledged, the band playing “For He's a Jolly Good Fellow” and “Auld Lang Syne”.
Sir Thomas Jackson was cheered on rising to reply. He said -- your Excellency, Mr. Ho Tung and gentlemen, first of all I have to thank your Excellency for being present. I take it is a great honor, and I have also to thank you, Mr. Chairman, for the very kind the way in which you proposed my health and spoke of the Hongkong and Shanghai bank. The prosperity of the Bank is very dear to us all, and it is only right and proper that it should have received appreciation at your hands. In saying so much, sir, I think that would be unjust, ungenerous and unkind if I were to take the praise of all the success that is followed the Hongkong and Shanghai bank to myself. It has not been the case, sir. I have been associated in management with very eminent men who bore in their full share of the burden. I call to mind a drawing in Punch some years ago where an Irish laborer with a hod of bricks on his shoulder was asked by a chum, “What sort of job have you got, Pat?” The latter explained, “Faith a very good one; I got 3/ a day, and that chap up there (pointing to a brick layer some 40 feet up) does all the work. (Laughter). Well, sir, one would've thought that poor Pat also was doing his share of the work, and if there had been only one bricklayer it would've taken a precious long time to erect the stately edifice we are in the habit of admiring next door. It is not the work of one. It is the work of many. Therefore honors must be divided. You have alluded, sir, to the progress of the Hongkong and Shanghai bank. To the particulars you have given about THE RISE OF THE BANK, I may be permitted, to add a few details. In the early sixties there was a good deal of speculation and company promoting going on in Bombay and I think I'm right in saying that a prospectus was actually issued of a proposed bank of China. The subsequent serious crisis in Bombay, culminating in the failure of the Bach Bay Reclamation Scheme, put an end to all new ventures. A number of influential men here about the same time formed the idea of starting a local Bank, prompted no doubt by the Bombay prospectus. After much delay a prospectus appeared of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Co. Ltd. They foresaw the advantages to the Colony of having a strong local Bank. They had many and excellent reasons for its formation which I need not allude to at this distance of time. The prime movers were Mr. Thos Sutherland, director on the P & O and Mr. E.H. Pollard K.C. both of whom I am glad to say our very much to the fore, and are now occupying prominent positions in London. Sir, they were FARSEEING MEN, and their names deserve to be held in grateful remembrance not only by those present, but by all future generations of Hongkongites. The bank had various vicissitudes. For some time after the bank was started - it was then called the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank Co. Ltd. - it fell upon evil days. It had to face all the infantile troubles that attend youth. But I think I must admit that it was rather a wayward youth and that it got into more trouble than ordinary children would have got into. That may be as it may, but suffice it to say that it survived those infantile complaints and got into vigorous youth, and now sir, we see it in the prime of manhood. (Applause). At that time was very much doubted by a good many people here that there was not a field in Hongkong for a local bank; that in fact there was no room for it, and many were the shakes of heads attending the birth of this infant. However, sir, there was ever a sufficient number of people here who then appreciated the benefits that would ultimately arise from a local bank which would have its funds available for local purposes instead of being compelled to withdraw them every time the funds were wanted elsewhere. We had to look look about them for a field for the operations of the bank. Fortunately many people rallied to our Bank and many accounts were opened. I wish to take this opportunity of saying, sir, that amongst those who rallied around the bank, the Chinese bankers and Chinese merchants of Hongkong were conspicuous. (Applause). They had no reason to regret the decision they come to, because I think I am not saying too much when I assert the fact that many a crisis, many little storm and inconvenience, has been stayed by the strong resources of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. (Applause). If there are any naval guests here tonight, I might compare the Bank to THE BATTLE FLEET OF FINANCE, (Applause). You said, sir, that the Bank had fulfilled its mission. That is certainly has, and that it very nobly has. (Applause). In referring to myself, you were good enough allude to the little services I have been able to perform in the Colony in a public sort of way. Well, sir, I can only say that considering the many advantages I have I had I have done very little. (“No, no.”) . Well, be that as it may, I think that is my opinion. However, what I did do was cheerfully done. (Hear, hear). I would also like to say that in all the philanthropic, in all public movements, that were set on foot and in which I had a considerable hand acting as a beggar-in-chief, the Chinese community responded nobly to every call that was made upon them. (Applause). In reviewing my long career, which you, sir, have so nicely alluded to, I would wish to say that I could sum up the whole 26 years of the management in Hongkong with one word, and that word is “Thankfulness”. Speaking again of the Chinese community, with whom the Bank has had more to do than with any other, I do not wish to make use of the old hackneyed expression, however right and proper, which took its rise in the days of the East India Company in China, that quote that “a Chinese merchant’s word is as good as his bond”; but following the example of Lord Roseberry I will find a new expression. I maintain that a Chinaman's word is better than his bond. (Applause). A good many of our clients do not know much about law and they may even think there is a bit of a trick about every scrap of document with a stamp upon it; but the good old words “putter book” constitute not only an equitable agreement but A DEBT OF HONOR, which only stern necessity would prevent from being thoroughly carried out. (Applause). Mr. Chairman, I shall conclude my remarks by wishing the Chinese community of Hongkong -- the merchants, bankers, and everyone connected with it, all prosperity. If we had to adopt a new motto for Hongkong in addition to what is given to us by the Royal Arms, I would say, “Go ahead, Hongkong”. (Applause)
Mr. Fung Wa Chun said, Mr. Ho Tung, your Excellency and gentlemen, the most agreeable task of proposing the health of her guests been assigned to me, and I undertake it with the greatest pleasure though not without diffidence. We feel highly honored by the presence of so many distinguished guests, and we are deeply indebted to them for their kind support and assistance in our endeavor to entertain in a benefiting manner our much respected friend, Sir Thomas Jackson (applause), whose pending departure will be universally regretted by all sections of the community. It is not often that we are afforded the privilege and pleasure of entertaining such a goodly company of visitors, I hope we may be permitted on many future occasions to have the same privilege and pleasure. I wish to couple with this toast the name of our Acting Governor, his Excellency Major-General Gascoigne, who has so kindly honored us with his distinguished company this evening, (Applause). His Excellency is no stranger to us. He has been with us several years, and is well-liked and highly respected by us. His distinguished military services in the Orient have gained him the entire approbation of his King and country, and his public services to this Colony have won him the admiration and esteem of the whole community. To all his constant courtesy and urbanity, his unvarying kindness and sympathy are well known. All who have had the good fortune of serving under him or coming into contact with him are pleased to acknowledge that as a Commanding Officer or as a friend, they can wish for no better. (Applause). His Excellency's presence among us tonight shows that not withstanding the exalted position he occupies, he is eminently sociable and kindly; and we are exceedingly obliged to him for the pleasure as well as honor he has conferred upon us by his presence. (hear, hear). Gentlemen, I will now ask you to join me in drinking the health of Our Guests coupled with the name of H. E. Sir William Gascoigne.
The toast was cordially pledged, the band playing the Chinese air, “Sin-fa”
H.E. Major General Gascoigne said -- Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, it is my high honor to rise as the senior representative of the guests assembled here tonight. First of all, let me thank the proposer of the toast of the kind manner in which he has coupled my name with that toast; and a big thank you all, gentleman, with my whole heart for the kind manner in which you accepted that coupling. Believe me, that I have had such a very happy time since I've been in Hongkong, and I met with such kindness, such courtesy, and such consideration, that I should be indeed ungrateful if I did not endeavor to repay that kindness to the utmost of my ability. Believe me, gentlemen, that I feel a very high honor in endeavoring to serve you, and I only wish that my ability to serve you was equal to my desire. (Applause). Sufficient for myself. Now, gentlemen, as senior representative of the guests assembled here tonight, I feel perfect confidence that I voice the entire opinion of all these guests when I say what a great pride and privilege and pleasure it was to us to be asked to take part on the occasion of paying honor to Sir Thomas Jackson. (Applause). Sir Thomas Jackson has been very kind friend to me during my stay in Hongkong. He has done me MANY ACTS OF PERSONAL KINDNESS, but I think it would be almost an impertinence of me, when my acquaintance with Sir Thomas Jackson is so slight compared with that of nearly everybody here assembled tonight, if I were to descant further on his merits. Therefore it will suffice for me to say that we the assembled guests here tonight were very grateful indeed for the opportunity of taking part on the occasion of paying honor to a man whose name will long be remembered in Hongkong (Applause), whose private character and the position he has built up for himself and for the Bank of which he has been Chief Manager will long be remembered not only in Hongkong but throughout the whole of China. (Applause)
Mr. Leung Shiu Kong[62], in proposing the toast of “The Prosperity of Hongkong” said: -- your Excellency, Mr. Chairman gentlemen, the third toast of the evening is fallen upon me. Why I have been selected to perform this delicate duty I cannot say, unless it is with the idea of testing liabilities as a public speaker. Now, gentlemen, as I have never yet spoken in public, and this, I can assure you, is my maiden speech, I must therefore crave your indulgence for any slips I may make. I shall now proceed to the point. I have been asked to propose this toast of the prosperity of the Colony. What with our water famine at present, I hardly know how to proceed. (Laughter and Applause). The Colony is certainly not prospering in that direction. (Laughter.) It is perhaps our local trade to which I am to refer. I'm handicapped even there for is our exchange not dropping fast and are we not gloomily looking forward to an eighteen penny dollar? (Laughter.) I blame all this on our departing guest. (Laughter and Applause). He has taken away our “good joss” from us. It is a curious coincidence, nevertheless it is a fact, for was it not during the temporary absence of our much loved Sir Thomas that the Colony went through the crisis of commercial depression, and he had to be summoned back to his post to drive all the evil spirits from us? (Laughter and Applause). But no one can be expected to serve us for ever, and we are now to have the representative of the oldest bank in the Colony, the Hon. Thomas Whitehead, who will probably fill his place. (Applause). Mr. Whitehead, gentleman, has the confidence of all classes of the community (Applause), and we trust the good jobs that always favored Sir Thomas will favor THE FUTURE SIR THOMAS and make him Sir Thomas Whitehead, whose health I beg to couple with this toast. (Laughter and Applause). Hon. T.H. Whitehead[63] said -- Mr. Chairman, your Excellency and gentlemen, The institution it has been my endeavor since 1883 to represent is the oldest established bank in the Colony, having started here some four and forty years ago. No doubt owing to this fact my name has been associated with the toast so ably proposed by our enlightened fellow citizen, Mr. Leung Shiu Kong, whose worthy and respected father was a pioneer and a sturdy pillar of progress in Hongkong's early days. The late Leung On[64] was a generous supporter of every work having in view the well-being of his fellow man and his name will long be held in high esteem. (Applause). When commerce and local industries flourish, the banks not a naturally share in the general prosperity. Through the wise, exceptionally able and generous management of the principal guest of this evening, our great local Banking Institution has in a pre-eminent degree been instrumental in developing the trade and fostering the prosperity of the port. (Applause). Sir Thomas Jackson may not actually have brought the Hongkong Banking Corporation into existence, but soon after its birth he became its Chief Manager. Since 1876, years he nursed his battling with unceasing care and assiduous attention. Through his continuous energy, perseverance, untiring industry and conspicuous tact, he is seen his child grow in health, in and strength and in wealth, and developed into THE MOST ROBUST MANHOOD. (Applause). Some time ago there was a proposal to amalgamate the three Presidency Banks in India with a view of giving the Indian Empire increased banking facilities, but the scheme has been shelved for the present. The resources of our local Bank I am credibly informed exceed the aggregate resources of the three Indian Presidency banks. (Hear hear.) Sir Thomas Jackson bequeathed to his successor a rare and a rich inheritance. We may feel quite sure Mr. Smith[65] will follow in the footsteps of his predecessor with advantage to himself, and with benefit to all concerned. (Applause). Hongkong's industries are prospering and earning good dividends, although no doubt they have suffered to some extent from the inconvenience of her in adequate water supply. This evil, however, can be averted in the future by the timely expenditure of the necessary money which the Colony can very well afford. (Hear hear.) One other difficulty now to contend against is our gigantic inheritance of insanitation but the same must be grappled with. The City must be put into a thoroughly sanitary condition (hear hear), and it is imperative that light as well as air should be let into all human habitations irrespective of the cost, although the same may run into millions of dollars. The Sanitary Board[66] is not to blame for the insanitary condition of the town. The system of Crown Colony Government is alone responsible. The unstable and uncertain measure of value in which trade here is carried on entails great disadvantages on merchants as well as on banks. With the exception of China almost every country in the world has legislated against silver and in favor of gold. In consequence the gold price of the dollar recently fell to under 1/8 or to the lowest point on record. China's foreign indebtedness has all been contracted in gold while import and export duties and other revenue continue to be collected and silver. Every decline in the gold price of silver increases China's foreign indebtedness, and is not attended by any compensating advantage. Her last indemnity of 450 million taels was arranged in May, 1901, on A GOLD BASIS, but since then solely owing to the fall in the gold price of silver the said indemnity now stands to about 550 million taels, an increase of not less than 100 million taels in twelve months. If after his well-earned holiday, Sir Thomas Jackson will seriously consider and help towards a solution of the great currency problem, he will place China and his numerous friends in the Far East under further obligation, and add to the many important services he has already rendered to commerce. (Applause). The financial difficulties ahead of the Chinese government are by no means insurmountable. In the honest collection and administration of China's revenue lies the country's financial salvation. The abolition of all internal taxation on trade in China is practicable, and can be made effective as has been demonstrated for many years in the case of the leikin on opium. Effective fiscal reform would insure an enormous expansion in China's exports and imports, and everything that is possible should now be done to bring this about. With the hearty cooperation of our enterprising and industrious Chinese and other friends, continued local progress is assured, and I firmly believe that the prosperity of Hongkong is still in its infancy. (Applause).
This concluded the toast list. The band of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, under Mr. J.H. Moir, discoursed to music throughout the dinner and in the intervals, the programme, as will be seen below including a number of well-known Irish airs out of complement to Sir Thomas Jackson, who is a native of the Emerald Isle. Before dispersing, the Chairman called Mr. Moir forward, and warmly thanked him for the musical treat he had provided. His Excellency Major General Gascoigne also congratulated Mr. Moir on the excellence of the performance. After the band had played the Chinese air known as “The World's Delight” and the National Anthem, the company separated. The following is the program of music[67]: --
1 -- March ...... “Honeymoon” .... Rosey 2 -- Overture ... “Colleen Bawn”[68] ... Baker 3 – Fantasia. “Arrah na Pogue”[69] Audibert 4 – Valse .... “Saint Patrick” .. Karl Kaps 5 – Piccolo Solo ... “Sprites Dance” ... Waite 6 -- Selection “Gaiety Girl” ... Jones EXTRA Galop .... “Vente a Terre” .... Dappler
FRAGMENT [I can’t see where it fits in as part of this article. It was included with the 1st page] ... Sir Thomas Jackson’s sincerity ...His relation to public [.offices?] in this Colony, it is almost an act of supererogation to speak. But it is not too much to speak of his personal courtesy and kindness that have endeared him to his subordinates in the institution he has served so
[1] Sir Thomas JACKSON. (1841-1915) Chief Manager of HSBC, philanthropist, and community activist. I have chosen to call him an “activist” because he did more than just sit on various charitable boards, he mucked right in. [2] Mader [3] W. M. FARMER [4] Robert HO Tung (1862-1956). He was a friend not only of Sir Thomas JACKSON, but kept in touch with his family long after Jackson’s death in 1915. He was first knighted in 1915, but angled for a higher order of knighthood. He wrote in 1927 to the King’s secretary, Sir Ronald Waterhouse, demanding a KCMG, and got it 28 years later when he was 92 years old. SOURCE: The Telegraph. 28 Aug 2011. Chris Moore’s review of Ghosts of Empire by Kwasi Kwarteng (Bloomsbury) See also A Documentary History of Hong Kong: Society. David Faure. Hong Kong University Press. [5] William Julius GASCOIGNE. Died in England Sept 9, 1926 in England leaving an unsettled estate of £16,502 at age 82. SOURCE: The Straits Times, 14 December 1926, Page 8. NOTE: Probate shows that his wife survived him. Born in Chelsea, Oct. 2, 1844, son of Ernest Frederick and Catherine GASCOGNE. His father was a Colonel in the Grenadier Guards and they were living at 16 Lowndes Square. Ernest Frederick, born in Lancashire, died in 1876. In 1875 he married Helen Smith, daughter of Martin T. Smith, and widow of Hon. Arthur F. Egerton. SEE: Photo [6] Hon H.A. THOMPSON [7] Hon. A.G. WISE. Alfred Gascoyne WISE was appointed Acting Chief Justice in 1901. [8] H. R. Murray RUMSEY was Harbour Master in Hong Kong in 1901. [9] Hon W. CHATHAN [10] Hon A.W. BREWIN [11] Hon J.J. BELL IRVING. A member of HSBC Board of Directors in 1902, and associated with Jardine Mattheson and Co. [12] Hon Thomas Henderson WHITEHEAD (1851-1933). A banker in charge of the Eastern branches of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China. He was active politically in Hong Kong, known for being opinionated, and served on the Sanitation Board along with JACKSON. [13] Hon C.S. SHARP. The Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce at the time of this banquet. He worked with Gibb, Livingston & Co. [14] Captain the Hon H.W. TREFUSIS, A.D.C Appointed Aide de Camp in January 1902 to administer the government. [15] N.A. SIEBS. A member of HSBC Board of Directors in 1902, and associated with Siemssen and Co. [16] J.R.M. SMITH. The Chief Manager of HSBC who succeeded JACKSON in the position.. [17] C.W. DICKSON of Jardine Mattheson. A member of HSBC Board of Directors in 1903. [18] Donaldson Riddell LAW (1863-?) Worked for Swires in Shanghai and Treaty ports from 1885; was in Hong Kong from 1900; manager of the Taikoo Docks 1903-1910; left Hong Kong in 1910. SOURCE: Lugard in Hong Kong: Empires, Education and a Governor at Work, 1907-1912. Bernard Mellor. HKU Press 1992. Also: Donaldson Riddell LAW was born 1 APR 1863 in St Nicholas Parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and died 25 DEC 1939. He married Jessie Jane TAYLOR, daughter of Joseph TAYLOR and ? ?. [19] H.W. SLADE. NOTE: An H.A. W. SLADE of Gilman and Co. served on HSBC Board in 1908. G.W. SLADE was on HSBC Board of directors in 1902. [20] Edbert Ansgar HEWETT was Chief Executive of P&O Steamship Navigation, member of the Shanghai Municipal Council, and chaired the Chamber of Commerce 1903-1915. In 1907, he chaired the Commission of Enquiry in the sanitation administration.SOURCE: Lugard in Hong Kong: Empires, Education and a Governor at Work, 1907-1912. Bernard Mellor. HKU Press 1992. [21] V.A.C. HAWKINS: Villiers Alweyn Caesar HAWKINS (1860-1945). Wife: Florence Celia COWPER. [22] A. HAUPT. A member of HSBC Board of Directors in 1902, and associated with Melchers & Co. [23] E. GOETZ. A member of HSBC Board of Directors in 1902, and associated with Arnhold, Karberg & Co.He was also present at the unveiling of the statue of Thomas JACKSON. [24] E. THOMKINS. A member of HSBC Board of Directors in 1902, and associated with Reiss and Co. [25] R.C. WILCOX 1896-1901 was Director of Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce, and was replaced by C.S. SHARP May 5, 1902. [26] G.H. MEDHURST. A member of HSBC Board of Directors in 1902, and associated with Dodwell Co. [27] H. SCHUBART. A member of HSBC Board of Directors in 1902, and associated with Carlowitz and Co. [28] D.M. MOSES. A member of HSBC Board of Directors in 1902, and associated with D. Sassoon and Co. [29] FUNG Wa Chun: Fung Wa Chun was a teacher at Queens College until 1881, comprador at the National Bank of China, in 1901 compradore of Shewan Tomes and Company, a successful opium merchant at Yan Wo, and co-founder of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. In 1898 he was appointed to the District Watch Committee, then in 1899 to the Sanitary Board (where Sir Thomas Jackson also served). He had leases for quarries in Fa Yuen District, Kwangtung and was a JP at least until 1912. SOURCE: Carl T. Smith. Chinese Christians: Elites, Middlemen and the Church in Hong Kong. [30] WEI Chuen [31] HO Fook (1863-1926) AKA HO Fuk. Compradore, entrepreneur, philanthropist. Brother of Robert Ho Tung. He was a Chinese clerk and interpreter in Registrar-General’s Dept. In 1885, started as interpreter for Dennys and Mossop, solicitors. He was then a compradore with Jardine Matheson and Company and eventually succeeded his brother as head compradore. SOURCE: Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography. [32] LEUNG Shiu Kong: Was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1899. In his younger years was a clerk in the Mercantile Bank. In 1898, he was compradore to A.H. Rennie, and in 1900, Chinese agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. After 1904, his name is not listed as JP. SOURCE: Carl T. Smith. Chinese Christians: Elites, Middlemen and the Church in Hong Kong. [33] TAM Tsz Kong [34] IP Oi Shan [35] LEUNG Pui Chi alias Leung Long cheung, a native of Heung Shan District, Kwangtung. In 1889, he was elected to the Tung Wah Hospital Committee. He had business interests in the Shui Fung Bank, and was a JP until 1917. SOURCE: Carl T. Smith. Chinese Christians: Elites, Middlemen and the Church in Hong Kong. [36] KWOK Sui Lan (1859-1935) First compradore for the Bank of Indo-China in Hong Kong, major donor to HKU; educated at Queens College.; life member of HKU Court. SOURCE: Lugard in Hong Kong: Empires, Education and a Governor at Work, 1907-1912. Bernard Mellor. HKU Press 1992. [37] UN Lai Chuen. He was part of a Chinese delegation assuring loyalty to the Crown on the heels of the assassinaton attempt on the life of Governor MAY. [38] TONG Lai Chuen [39] YUNG Yik Ying [40] WONG Kam Fuk. He was part of a Chinese delegation assuring loyalty to the Crown on the heels of the assassination attempt on the life of Governor MAY. [41] HO Kom Tong (1866-1950) alias Ho Tai-sang Compradore at Jardine Matheseon & Co., entrepreneur, philanthropist (resued refugees in Pekin from the Boxers; provided coffins for Hong Kong poor, and solicited funds for many worthy causes including London School of Tropical Medicines, a public dispensary and the Helena May Institute. He was a half-brother of Robert Ho Tung. Lugard in Hong Kong: Empires, Education and a Governor at Work, 1907-1912. Bernard Mellor. HKU Press 1992. [42] LO Cheung Shiu [43] LEUNG Yan Po [44] CHAN Ho Wan, [45] CHAN Sui Ki It is possible that this was George Chan Su-kee – the first Chinese person to be married in a civil ceremony at the Registrars office in Hong Kong. He was a son of Chan Tai-kwong (1827-1882), a businessman, teacher and interpreter. [46] WEI Long Shan. Alias WEI Song, son of Weiu Akwong and brother of Wei Yuk. In 1882, he was assistant compradore in Shanghai. In Hong Kong he dealt in real estate and the Wai Sing lotter of Kwangtung Province. The lottery collapsed, he suffered bankruptcy, moved to Macau and died there in 1929. SOURCE: Carl T. Smith. Chinese Christians: Elites, Middlemen and the Church in Hong Kong. [47] LAU Tsin Ting [48] WONG Ki Sam [49] WEI Lai Yu [50] CHAN Kang Yu [51] MAN Kwong Tin [52] KAN Tin Hing. It is possible that this was Kan Tien-hing who served as a compradore of the Yokohama Specie Bank branch in Hong Kong, and was the father of Kan Tong-Po (1887-1963) – a Hong Kong banker. SOURCE: Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography. [53] CHOW Yung Cheong [54] CHOW Kam Wing [55] MA Fat Ting [56] KWOK Yik Yu [57] TANG Chi Ngong (1858-1932) Financier and Philanthropist. SOURCE: Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography. [58] CHAN Pan Po [59] Savings Bank. The Bank had a bit of a bumpy beginning, with an initial misunderstanding between the Governor and the Colonial Office that was exacerbated by the lengthy delays of communications that had to travel through the Suez Canal. In the end, the Savings Bank flourished. It was a useful option for small depositors unfamiliar with banking. Cheques were not an option for many of them. It was so popular that in the 1st seven months of operation, $50,000 worth of deposits were made. SOURCE: King, Frank H.H. The Hongkong Bank in Late Imperial China 1864-1902 pp 351-3. [60] Temper? Thomas Jackson was known to have a fiery temper – this is whitewash at its finest. [61] Jackson served several terms on the Legislative Council. The minutes do not record that he was outspoken, nor would they. This is a useful adjective to consider when reading the official records. [62] LEUNG Shiu Kong was a clerk with the Mercantile Bank, and also compradore for A.H. Rennie and the Chinese Agent for the Canadian Pacific Railways. He also served as a Justice of the Peace. SOURCE: Chinese Christians: Élites, Middlemen, and the Church in Hong Kong. Carl T. Smith [63] Thomas Henderson WHITEHEAD (1851-1933). For 12 years , as the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce representative on the Legislative Council, Whitehead was the thorn in many officials’ sides. SOURCE: Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography. [64] LEUNG On (d 1890) was a compradore with Gibb, Livingston & Co. He was also a founding chairman of the Tung Wah Hospital Committee in 1869. He was a strong advocate for the Chinese community and had no fear of disagreeing with Colonial powers. SOURCE: Dictionary of Hong Kong Biography. [65] James Ross Middleton SMITH succeeded JACKSON as Chief Manager, and retired due to ill health in 1910. He served as Chairman on the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce 1909-1910.Resident at 187 Queens Gate, Middlesex, he died 13 August 1918. Probate of his estate went to Edith Annie Mountjoy SMITH, widow and to Sir Charles Stewart ADDIS & Gildon HARWOOD, solicitor. Effects: £118,469 5s 6d. A brief obit was published in the Straits Times, 24 August 1918. He was a member of the St. Andrews Society. NOTE: I do not know whether the J.R.M. SMITH, organist at St. Johns was his son. [66] Thomas JACKSON served on the Sanitary Commission which attempted to deal with issues of plague and unsanitary housing in Hong Kong. [67] I suspect that these were performed without the lyrics, but as described in Irish theater on tour by Nicholas Grene, Chris Morash, these were songs that came with a history of having been regarded as subversive. [68] Colleen Bawn, The; or, The Brides of Garryowen (1860), a play by Irish playwright Dion Boucicault is one of the popular Irish melodramas of the mid to late 1800s written by Boucicault. Given that Thomas Jackson came from Creggan Parish, it is an intriguing coincidence that a lead character in the play is named Mrs. Cregan, an unusual surname in Ireland. She is an impoverished aristocrat about to lose the family land unless she marries a corrupt attorney who holds the mortgage. All sorts of farcical events ensue. The play was adapted from Gerald Griffin's novel, The Collegians, and was the first of many by Boucicault on Irish themes. [69] Arrah Na Pogue; or, The Wicklow Wedding (1865),is another play by Boucicault with anti-British sentiments and including a simple peasant girl who offers shelter to a fugitive named McCoul (echoes of the mythic Finn McCoul) who is undone by an informer. The plot has much in common with such stories that circulated in Creggan concerning fugitives hiding out from the wrath of “tory-hunters”. When it was performed in Dublin in 1864, advertisements played up the Irish subject matter: Irish scenery! Irish homes! Irish hearts! As Gene and Morash point out: ... The Nation, the Freeman's Journal and the Irish Times all used the Dublin success of Arrah na Pogue to their own political and social ends, be it to express strong anti-Englishness or to promote the idea of a national drama. After all, the play was set in 1798, the time of the Uprising, and the context was deliberately subversive. In order to tone down the controversy, the song The Wearing O’ the Green was not included in the Dublin production.
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