These are my rough research
notes for the townland of Urker. They are based on Griffiths and the
subsequent Valuation Records. I have also appended information from the 1901
and 1911 census, and as well as facts from other sources. My purpose is to
get a snapshot of the neighbours of the JACKSONs of Urker in the mid to late
1800s. It is also to help other researchers whose families may have been
amongst those neighbours. As always, it is to learn more.
We know from letters and oral history that Sir Thomas
JACKSON (1841-1915), whose family had been at Urker since the mid-1700s, had
a deep and abiding affection for the local families who he grew up with. Had
his wife been amenable to living at Urker, he would have retired there. Although
he ended his life as a wealthy baronet, he had been born in a two room
bungalow, as were many of his neighbours. His sense of connection to the land
and the people was such that he gave money to at least one of the sons of his
old childhood friends to build a new house. This is where the oral history
and the Valuation Records fit together in ways that help us to learn more.
Sharon Oddie Brown. June 25, 2017
Update August 29, 2017. This is significant update - much more information & a map
Update August 31, 2017. Some additions to the notes of 27a, b, and c. Also insert of detail from page of 1911-1929 Valuation Revisions. |
Lessors in Urker in Griffiths and Valuation Revisions
WIth the exception of one small parcel, the entire townand was owned by Thomas Prideaux Ball, and then after his death,most of it was owned by his representatives. The erarliest record of his family's ownership that I have is of Thomas BALL in 1656. For more historical background, see a blog post I did: The Tale of a Townland.
The numbers on my hand-drawn (amateur) map come from the numbers in the Ordnance Survey which were part of the Griffiths Valuation, printed in 1864. I have included the changes in ownership from the Valuation
Revision books available online from PRONI. If you spot errors, please let me know. |
- NOTE: Some of the changes in
ownership were hard to decipher. For anyone who needs absolute accuracy, I
suggest double checking with the Valuation
Revision books.
- NOTE: Both the ROWLANDs and
LARGEYs also either lived or leased land in Tullyvallen, as did JACKSONs.
I am tracking other such connections with the JACKSONs as well as to the
JOHNSTONs. My hunch is that the JACKSONs of Urker – who go back to the
mid-1700s – started at Tullyvallen in the late 1600s.
Os Ref |
Lessee/Occupant |
Forename |
Lessor |
Acres |
Notes (Italics indicate my additions) |
1 |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
15.3.20 |
Thomas Prideaux BALL (1796-1869)
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
NOTE: The Will of
Michael Largey junior late of Cloghoge County Armagh Farmer deceased who died
1 May 1876 at same place was proved at Armagh by the oaths of Michael Largey
senior of Cloghoge and Thomas Garvey of Tullyvallen (Culleyhanna) County
Armagh Farmers the Executors. And then: The Will of Michael Largey
late of Collone County Armagh Farmer who died 22 January 1885 at same place
was proved at Armagh by Mary Hart of Collone Spinster one of the Executors.
[his brother was Hugh LARGEY]
1900 change to LARGY, Michael
1901 change to LARGY, Hugh NOTE:
At time of 1901 census 40 year old Hugh LARGEY lived here with his aunt Mary
2 |
Marks |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
16.0.20 |
1872 change to David MARKS
NOTE: Daniel MARKS died in
1867 age 84. There was a MARKS graveyard at Creggan Church for MARKS of Urker
but there is no existing headstone. |
3a |
Rowland |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1909 change to ROWLAND, Blayney & change in acreage
NOTE: Administration of
the estate of William Rowland [age 75] late of Urker County Armagh
Farmer who died 22 July 1902 granted at Armagh to Blaney
Rowland [1863-1932] School Teacher. Effects £44 8s. Blayney
ROWLAND was a son of Robert ROWLAND (1812-1902) and Eliza HARVEY SOURCE: Rowland
Family Tree.
1913 & 1918 change to ROWLAND, Mary |
3b |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1907 & 1909 change to ROWLAND, Bella & change in
acreage to 39.3.15
1918 removed
NOTE: Isabella Rowland
of Urker county Armagh widow died 3 July 1918 Probate Belfast 5 April to
Robert Rowland farmer. Effects £3.
died November 1824. Likely a related ancestor. SOURCE: Creggan Graveyard.
Part of a plot that included CORRs. |
3c |
Rowland |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1919 changed to ROWLAND Isabella |
4a |
Rowland |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
21.0.10 |
Change to Mary ROWLAND and lots amalgamated. 1869 &
Urker died 1868 age 64. NOTE: Administration
of the estate of William Rowland [age 75] late of Urker County Armagh
Farmer who died 22 July 1902 granted at Armagh to Blaney
Rowland School Teacher. Effects £44 8s
1909 change to ROWLAND, Robert |
4b |
Rowland |
William |
Rowland, John |
- |
5 |
Rowland |
William |
Ball, Thomas P |
1.0.5 |
5a |
Reilly |
Peter |
Larkin, Patrick |
0.1.0 |
6 A |
McAnulty |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
12.0.5 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1879 Changed to Patrick McANULTY
1908 change to McANULTY, Thomas
NOTE: [Likely a close
relation] The Will of Thomas M'Anulty late of Monog County Armagh Farmer
deceased who died 1 April 1877 at same place was proved at Armagh by the
oaths of Owen M'Eneney of Crossmaglen and Thomas M'Anulty of Monog
(Crossmaglen) County Armagh Farmers the Executors. |
6 B |
McAnulty |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
8.1.30 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1879 Changed to Patrick McANULTY
1908 change to McANULTY, Thomas |
7a |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
13.0.10 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1918 change to BEGLEY, James
NOTE: The BEGLEY name is
recorded in the Fouchart Graveyard, Co. Louth. |
7b |
Unoccupied |
- |
Begley, James |
- |
1870 Buildings no longer existing |
7c |
Lamb |
Michael |
Begley, James |
- |
8A |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
Thomas NUGENT Buildings no longer existing
There were several changes: 1905, 1906, 1907, & 1908.
Lots A&B were amalgamated into 15.1.32. |
8B |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
Thomas NUGENT Buildings no longer existing.
Urker, farmer married Mary MUULLIGAN of Cregganbane 16 Sep 1897. There were
no will abstracts for NUGENTs in this time frame.
There were several changes: 1905, 1906, 1907, & 1908.
Lots A&B were amalgamated into 15.1.32. |
9A |
Nugent |
Denis |
MacKean, Daniel
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
7.0.5 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1907 change to McENTAGGART, John |
9B |
Nugent |
Denis |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
0.1.30 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL |
10a |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
10.2.25 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1905 changed to MORRIS, Patrick
NOTE: Probates for
Michael Morris in this time frame at PRONI are all for Co. Tyrone.
1911 Changed to HEARTY, Michael NOTE: The 0.15.0 house was “down” in 1911. Michael HEARTY was b 1841 (the same
year as Sir Thomas JACKSON) and married Bridget BEGLEY in 1868. They had 11
children. NOTE: Michael HEARTY was the father
of John HEARTY mentioned by Mary Cumisky in the Creggan Local History
Society, 1990 p56: In 1912 he [Sir Thomas Jackson] called
with Mary Anne’s [GRIFFIN née HEARTY] mother (she then
lived up the Claranagh Road) and he said: “Marion [Mary Anne HEARTY née
MUCKIAN], this house is getting too small for your family. We will build
you a house at the cross-roads and we will call it “John’s Rock”. The rent
was agreed at a penny per week. He there and then went to see Keenans,
builders, gave them the contract and the house was ready in a year. In
1901, John HEARTY lived at Urker in a house owned by Eliza JACKSON. |
10b |
Boyle |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
0.3.10 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1904 Change to BOYLE, Mary |
11 |
Boyle |
Patrick |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
2.3.5 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
Deletion of Patrick BOYLE undated: btw 1876-1887
11 |
Morris |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1883 deletion of Owen [MORRIS]
1906 change to BOYLE, Patrick
1911 change to BOYLE, James
NOTE: This was all bog. |
11 |
Boyle |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1870 Cormac BOYLE
1872 James BOYLE
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL |
11 |
Boyle |
Charles |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1871 James BOYLE
1872 Charles BOYLE
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL |
12 |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1871 James BOYLE
1872 Charles BOYLE
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1898, 1906 & 1908 – also includes 12 & 26a and
acreage: 21.0.25 |
13A |
Mc Kenna
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1.1.0 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1906 No mention of McKENNA
1912 change to BOYLE, Francis |
13B |
Mc Kenna
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
5.2.25 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1893 Change to BOYLE, Mary
1905 House down
1906 change to MORGAN, James |
14 |
Shiels |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
10.0.5 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1899 change to SHIELS, Mary
NOTE: In the 1901
Census, Mary SHEILDS was a widow, age 40, with
6 children, the youngest age 2. |
15 |
Thomas P.
In fee |
36.1.10 |
1867 Thomas P. BALL to HUNTER, Andreas
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1877 HUNTER, Andreas to John DONAGHY
1909 change to DONAGHY, James |
16a |
Beatty |
William |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
7.2.0 |
1871 [?] Change to Reps of Thomas P. Ball |
16b |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Pidgeon, William
Beatty, William
- |
Is he any relation to Frances PRIDGEON -wife of Thomas
BALL (1642-1674)? More likely related to PIDGEONs who lived in Crossmaglen in
this time frame.
NOTE: A small house
1903 The house was deleted. |
17A |
Thomas P.
In fee
11.1.25 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
NOTE: Turbary
1898, 1902. 1908 & 1909. Many changes. It was struck
off the record. |
17B |
Thomas P.
In fee
4.3.20 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
NOTE: Turbary
1898, 1902. 1908 & 1909. Many changes. It was struck
off the record. |
17C |
Thomas P.
In fee
7.0.0 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
NOTE: Turbary
1898, 1902. 1908 & 1909. Many changes. It was struck
off the record. |
18a |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
10.2.35 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1917 change to McANEANLY, John
1922 change to McANEANLY, Bernard |
18b |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
- |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1877 house deleted |
19 |
Mrs. T.J.
William R
Margt. Anne
Orr, W.H.
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
BERNARD, Margaret Anne [1876?]
NOTE: In the Guide to
Creggan Church & Graveyard: In memory of Arthur Adderly Bernard
late Major 84th Regt and for 30 years a Magistrate for this country who
departed this life 9th March 1861 aged 76 years. Also Margaret Anna his
wife, Daughter of the late Neil McNeil, Esq. of Faughart. She departed this
life 30th March 1870 aged 84 years. Beloved and respected by all who knew her.
CORR, William
NOTE: Mrs. TJ SIMPSON In loving memory of John Thomas Simpson who died Feb 3rd 1929 aged 71
years "Rest in the Lord" Frances Jane Simpson wife of Thomas John
Simpson who died November 10th 1933 in her 86th year. SEE: Photo. Simpson Frances Jane of Glebelands Warrenpoint county Down
widow died 10 November 1933 Probate Belfast 7 February to reverend Samuel
Mayes clergyman and Maurice O'Connor solicitor. Effects £3028 6s. 7d. and
also Simpson John T. of Glebelands Warrenpoint county Down retired bank
manager died 3 February 1929 Administration Belfast 15 May to Frances J.
Simpson the widow. Effects £1131 19s. 9d.UNAD. GRANT P.R. BELFAST 15.11 34
1909 Change to CORR, William R
NOTE: William Richard
CORR (abt 1849-1911) was a son of William CORR (abt 1815-1883)
1918 change to SIMPSON, Mrs. T.J.
1922 change to SMITH, D.G. and then SMITH, R.J. |
20a |
McCoy |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
No mention of date of deletion of Owen, Catherine &
John. [Or did I miss some?]
1901 Roofless, house deleted
1908 change in acreage and house value.
1923 change to McCOY, Thomas |
20b |
Traynor, Owen
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Mc Hugh
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1879 change to McHUGH, Mary
1886 Change to BALL, Thomas P Reps
1908 change to TRAYNOR, Owen and change in acreage NOTE: [possibly an uncle] The Will of Owen
Traynor late of Crievekeeran County Armagh Farmer who died 26 August 1890 at
same place was proved at Armagh by Patrick M'Conville of Crossmaglen said
County Merchant the sole Executor. |
21 |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
8.0.0 |
CONOLLY, Patrick 1876
Reps of BALL, Thomas P.
1879 change to CONNOLLY, Peter |
22 |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
8.0.0 |
BURNS, Bridget
1898 and 1907 House down |
23 |
Noors [?]
Michael Reps
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
21.1.20 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
several changes in lessee 1898, 1905, 1911
NOTE: Rev, Michael
LENNON, a priest, had a holding in Monag that he had bought from Michael
McAnulty. SEE: The Will of the Reverend Michael Lennon late of
Crossmaglen County Armagh R.C. Clergyman deceased who died 24 March 1871 at
same place was proved at Armagh by the oaths of the Reverend Thomas Loye of
Ballymacnab (Armagh) R.C. Clergyman and Thomas Morris of Crossmaglen
(Crossmaglen) aforesaid Merchant both in said County the Executors. |
24 |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
8.1.10 |
NUGENT, Patrick
NUGENT, Bernard
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1906 & 1911 “one bay house on old walls 17X20X10 |
25 |
Sir Thomas
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
12.3.35 |
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
1909 Sir Thomas JACKSON |
26 |
Boyle |
Ball, Thomas P |
10.2.10 |
1870 Cormac BOYLE
1872 James BOYLE
1871 changed to reps of Thomas P. BALL
“see lot 12” |
27a |
Sir Thomas
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
1924 Revision postponed
1923 Revision postponed to 1924
1906 & 1911 Change in lessee and in acreage. NOTE: David JACKSON (1814-1889), younger brother of Sir Thomas
JACKSON, died in 1903. |
27b |
Jackson, David |
1924 Not taken over by R.U.C. stet[?] NB III/60.
1918 R. Hughes added
1906 House and small garden added as a new subsection 27b |
27c |
Sir Thomas Bart |
27c category added 1911-1929 Many of the revisions were
hard to read:
1912, The surname of the lessee looks like [?]ALLUM NOTE: See William BALLAM in the 1911 Census, house 19.
1914, Ed HUGHES added as lessee; Sir Thomas JACKSON strike-through as lessee.
1924 “Occupied by Constable SMYTH free write” NOTE: This was after the death of Mary Griffin née Jackson (1844-1921)
sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON. She had lived there since the death of her 2nd husband. Sir Thomas JACKSON’s children now lived in
England. |
28 |
Gilmore |
Ball, Thomas P Reps
Ball, Thomas P
2.0.0 |
1920 Changed to GILMORE, David
1870 Change to GILMORE, Eliezer
1864 Samuel GILMORE (1795-1868)
NOTE Eliezer GILMORE died 1919. |
An example of the challenge of deciphering. This is from the 1911-1929 Valuation Revision book. The colours of the inks reflect dates of changes. |
Census Records: NOTE: Religious affiliations, which sometimes shifted,
are helpful in understanding other aspects of the community. It is worth noting
that of the 20 households, 13 of the household heads were Roman Catholic, 6
were Church of Ireland, 1 was Presbyterian. I only noted birth places for
residents if they were other than Co. Armagh. I have also recorded literacy in
English and a knowledge of Irish. With elderly residents, I would caution
against taking indications of illiteracy too seriously. Some may have had age-related
sight issues. Also, I would not be surprised if there were more Protestants fluent
in Irish than were noted in the census. For example, my grandmother Jeannie E.
Browne was proud of her Irish fluency, but the 1901
census did not record this.
Houses in Urcher [aka
Urker] (Crossmaglen, Armagh) 1901
House Number |
Surnames in
House |
Details |
Church |
Notes |
1 |
Rowland |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
CoI |
Isabella ROWLAND age 60; married (but no husband present),
farmer; three daughters: Anne ROWLAND age 30; Isabella ROWLAND age 27;
Margaret ROWLAND age 26; and son Richard ROWLAND age 23. NOTE: Anne and Isabella can read and write, their
younger sister Margaret can only read, and their brother can neither read nor
write. All children are unmarried.
NOTE: As an indication of
the depth of the family’s roots:
· in 1822, an Anne ROWLAND of URKER married a Jeremiah JEFFERS of
Creggan. SOURCE: Creggan
· Thomas & Elizabeth ROWLAND had a daughter Margaret ROWLAND
b 1825 SOURCE: Creggan
· In 1809, Edward ROWLAND son of Edward ROWLAND was baptized at
Creggan Church.
· In 1819 Thomas ROWLAND of Urker had a daughter Mary baptized at
Creggan Church. In 1821, he had a son Thomas. In 1822, Thomas and Elizabeth
ROWLAND of Urker had a daughter Sara. In 1825, a daughter Elizabeth. In 1827,
a son William.
· In 1840 William ROWLAND a pensioner of Urker had with wife
Ellen a daughter Elizabeth. Was she a 2nd wife?
· In 1836 an Elizabeth ROWLAND of Urker b 1811 died. Was she a
daughter or a wife?
· In 1847 another Elizabeth ROWLAND of Urker died b 1794. She is
likely the wife of Thomas ROWLAND. He is likely the Thomas ROWLAND who died
1852 b. 1774.
· John ROWLAND of Urker died 1868 b 1804.
· George ROWLAND of Urker d 1874 b 1807. SOURCE: Creggan
Burial Records.
· There is another ROWLAND family, likely related, of
· Creggan
Confirmations include: Frances ROWLAND of Urker b 1809; John ROWLAND of
Urker b 1806. They were both confirmed in 1824. Mary ROWLAND b 1819 dau of
Thomas ROWLAND of Urker; Robert ROWLAND b 1817; Thomas ROWLAND b 1822;
Margaret ROWLAND b 1826, daughter of Thomas & Margaret ROWLAND of Urker. |
2 |
Rowland |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
Meth |
Robert ROWLAND age 83; Wife Eliza ROWLAND, age 75, born
Co. Monaghan; Grand-daughter Susan Jane ROWLAND age 9. All Methodist.
NOTE: Robert ROWLAND (1812-1902)
& Eliza HARVEY (1825-1910) were the parents of Blayney Grier ROWLAND
(1863-1932) |
3 |
Rowland |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
CoI |
William ROWLAND age 74, unmarried farmer. Episcopalian. NOTE: Administration of the estate of William
Rowland [age 75] late of Urker County Armagh Farmer who died 22 July
1902 granted at Armagh to Blaney Rowland School Teacher. Effects £44 8s
4 |
Rowland |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
CoI |
Mary ROWLAND age 70, Widow; daughter Elizabeth ROWLAND age
50; daughter Anne ROWLAND age 44; son Robert ROWLAND age 36. All children
unmarried. |
5 |
Nugent |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Sisters Bridget NUGENT age 51 and Mary NUGENT age 56,
farmers, both unmarried and literate. |
6 |
Begley |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Patrick BEGLEY, age 60, wife Margaret, age 50 & 4
children Thomas (age 15), Catherine (age 11), Margaret (age 13), Bridget (age
8). Farmers – the children and their father were all literate, their mother
was not. |
7 |
Marks |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
CoI |
David MARKS (age 69); Margaret MARKS (age 64) their
daughter Anne Eliza MARKS (age 28) and son David MARKS (age 22), farmers.
NOTE: Alexander and Anne
MARKS of Urker had a daughter Mary b 1825. In 1839, their son Alexander was
born, SOURCE: Creggan
· In 1833, Elizabeth daughter of Daniel & Sarah MARKS of
Urker was born.
· In 1834, their son John was born.
· In 1836, their son Alexander was born.
· Daniel MARKS (1783-1867) of Urker. SOURCE: Creggan
Burial Records.
· John MARKS (1835-1853) SOURCE: Creggan
Burial Records. |
8 |
Mc Nulty |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Patrick McNULTY (age 55); Catherine McNULTY (age 49) born
Co. Monaghan; daughter Catherine McNULTY (age 9) and Patrick McNULTY (age 6).
All literate. |
9 |
Largey |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Hugh Largy age 40, bachelor, farmer, literate
Aunt Mary McCONVILLE age 70, married, literate.
Peter O’NEIL (age 18) servant. |
9 |
Mc Convill |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
9 |
ONeil |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
10 |
Morris |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Owen MORRIS (age 75); wife Anne MORRIS (age 80); daughter
Kate MORRIS (age 42); son Patrick MORIS age 38. All spoke Irish, but the
mother and daughter could not read English. Both children unmarried. |
11 |
Boyle |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Mary BOYLE (age 57) unmarried farmer. |
12 |
Conlan |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Peter CONLAN (age 53) farmer; wife Anne CONLAN (age 50)
Seamstress; daughter Mary E. CONLAN (age 18) all literate & wife spoke
Irish as well. |
13 |
Brown |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
Presb |
Francis [sic] O. BROWN (age 19). NOTE:
Niece of Sir Thomas JACKSON. Frances Oliver BROWN (1881-1925). Born at
Killynure, and died at Poughkeepsie. Daughter of Thompson BROWN &
Elizabeth JACKSON.
Mary GRIFFIN (age 56), born Leitrim, widow. NOTE: Sister of Sir Thomas JACKSON. Mary JACKSON (1844-1921)
married William MENARY and then Frederick William GRIFFIN.
Eliza JACKSON (age 86), Farmer; NOTE:
Mother of Sir Thomas JACKSON. Mary OLIVER (1815-1903) was the widow of David
JACKSON (1814-1889)
Andrew N.G. [sic – H.G.] JACKSON, (age 19) grandson born
Meath, solicitors articled Clerk. NOTE: He was
a son of Andrew Coulter Bradford JACKSON and Emily Eliza GILMORE – she was
born and raised at Liscalgot.
Bridget MACKIN (age 17) was a servant born in Co. Louth
She could read and write.
Mary MENARY (age 28) grand-daughter. NOTE: Niece of Sir Thomas JACKSON; daughter of Mary
13 |
Griffin |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
Presb |
13 |
Jackson |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
Presb |
13 |
Jackson |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
Presb |
13 |
Mackin |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
13 |
Menary |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
Presb |
14 |
Duffy |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
James DUFFY, age 62 Born in Co Louth. Labourer, widower;
Patrick DUFFY (age 19) son. Both Agricultural Labourers and both literate. |
15 |
Boyle |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
James BOYLE (age 55); wife Mary BOYLE (age 60); sons
Francis BOYLE (age 20) and James BOYLE (age 17. Farmers & wife & sons
all literate. |
16 |
McShane |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Patrick McSHANE (age 18) Farm Servant.
Mary C. SHIELDS (age 40), b. Co. Monaghan, famer, widowed,
literate. Children: Anna SHIELDS (age 180; James SHIELDS (age 11); Bridgit
SHIELDS (age 9) John M. SHIELDS (age 7); Teresa SHIELDS (age 5); Maggie
SHIELDS (age 2) |
16 |
Shields |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
17 |
Nugent |
View occupants or original
census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Denis NUGENT (age 73) b. Co. Kildare, literate farmer;
wife Mary NUGENT (age 32), illiterate. |
18 |
Corr |
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census form (as a PDF)
CoI |
William Richard CORR, age 49. Solicitor, bachelor. NOTE: Susan Elizabeth DONALDSON née CORR (1847-1920)
organized local lace-makers and was their agent. At the time of this Census
(which was long after the death of her husband, John DONALDSON), she was
living at Blackrock Town, Co. Louth, but by 1911 had moved back to Urker –
possibly because her bachelor brother William Richard CORR was ill, He died
at Urker in 1911 and left her and her daughter £1,500 as well as £30 to Mary
NUGENT his servant (was she born a DUFFY?). I do not know about the
relationship – if any – between the two CORR families (one CoI, and one
Catholic – see beneath). John DONALDSON (d 1876), the husband of Susan
Elizabeth CORR was of Cloghoge, and the Catholic CORRs relocated there by
1911. NOTE: The Will of Hugh Corr late of
Kilcorran County Monaghan Farmer who died 26 March 1892 at same place was
proved at Armagh by Francis Johnston of Kilroosky County Fermanagh Farmer one
of the Executors. His son Hugh CORR of Crossmaglen was an executor.
Mary DUFFY (age 15) b. Co. Louth General servant,
domestic. NOTE: She is likely related to other
DUFFYs residing at Urker who were born in Co. Louth. |
18 |
Duffy |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
19 |
McElroy |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Charles McELROY (age 45) b. Co. Meath, Carpenter,
unmarried, literate. |
20 |
Corr |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Thomas CORR, Agricultural Labourer, age 37. Wife Kate CORR
née DONNELLY (age 25), lace-maker – both literate. NOTE:
By 1911, Thomas and Catherine CORR had moved to Carran, Cloghoge. They were
married Oct 9, 1894. His father was James CORR of Crossmaglen, Labourer. Her
father was Patrick DONNELLY, deceased farmer of Crossmaglen.
Mother-in-law Bridget DONNELLY (age 68) speaks Irish, not
literate in English. |
20 |
Donnelly |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Houses in Urcher [aka Urker] (Crossaglen,
Armagh) 1911
House Number |
Surnames in
House |
Details |
Church |
Notes |
1 |
Donaldson |
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census form (as a PDF) |
CoI |
This was the Susan Elizabeth DONALDSON née CORR
(1847-1920) who was a lace-making entrepreneur. She was widowed, literate and
also spoke Irish.
Mary O’ROURKE (age 16) was a literate domestic servant. |
1 |
O Rourke |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
2 |
Mc Entegart |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
John McENTAGART (age 42) was a literate Agricultural
Labourer; wife Bridget McENTAGART (age 43) also literate, as were their seven
children. |
3 |
Muckian |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Daniel MUCKIAN (age 46) was a literate farmer widower. |
8 |
Begley |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Patrick BEGLEY (age 75) was a literate farmer; wife
Margaret BEGLEY (age 60) could not read; three sons and a daughter lived with
them, all literate. |
9 |
Boyle |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Mary BOYLE (age 75) literate retired farmer, never
married. |
9 |
Mc Creesh |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Ellen McCREESH (age 26), female lodger & lacemaker,
single |
10 |
Largey |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Hugh LARGEY(age 68) is now 18 years older than he was ten
years ago (not unusual – given the way that pension eligibility was
calculated). He has been married 4 years to Mary Ann (age 34), and they have
4 children.
Probate of the Will of the late Hugh Largey, Usker [sic-
Urker], Co. Armagh, Farmer, who died 2 April 1919, granted at Armagh 24 July
1919 to Michael Largey, Farmer and Patrick Largey, Farmer. Effects: £920 3s
3d. NOTE: His Urker farm was bequeathed to his
“infant” children. |
10 |
Quinn |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Patrick QUINN (age 26) is a literate servant to LARGY
family |
11 |
Marks |
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census form (as a PDF) |
CoI |
David MARKS age 79, a farmer; wife Margaret MARKS (age 71),
son David MARKS (age 32) & daughter Anna Eliza MARKS (age 38. All
literate. |
12 |
Rowland |
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census form (as a PDF) |
CoI |
Robert ROWLAND age 46 & sister Elizabeth ROWLAND age
65 both single |
13 |
Rowland |
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census form (as a PDF) |
CoI |
Isabella ROWLAND widow age 78 & children – 3 daughters
and a son, all unmarried |
14 |
Boyle |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Mary BOYLE (age 32) niece of Mary NUGENT (age 71), farmer.
Both illiterate. |
14 |
Nugent |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
16 |
Boyle |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Francis BOYLE (age 28) farmer; wife Mary BOYLE (age 25);
mother Mary BOYLE (age 69) seamstress (married one year). All literate.
Infant child Teresa BOYLE. |
17 |
Nugent |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Patrick NUGENT (age 38) farmer, wife Catherine (age 36)
married two years. Both literate. Child Mary. |
18 |
Griffin |
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census form (as a PDF) |
Pres |
Mary GRIFFIN (age 66) born Co. Leitrim, sister of Sir
Thomas LUCKEY (age 16) General Labourer
Bridget Mary MACKIE (age 27) Servant & cook, born Co.
Louth |
18 |
Lucky |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
18 |
Mackie |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
19 |
Ballam |
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census form (as a PDF) |
CoI |
William BALLAM age 51, foreman agricultural labourer, born
Co. Cavan; wife Eliza BALLAM (age 52) born Co. Cavan. Married 11 years, no
children. |
20 |
O'Reilly |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Joseph A. O’REILLY (age 45) Farm labourer, born Co.
Galway Read & write & Irish & English. Wife Annie O’REILLY (age
43); 5 children all literate. |
21 |
Conlan |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Peter CONLAN (age 63) Farmer; wife Anne CONLAN (age 70);
daughter Mary Ellen CONLAN (age 27) seamstress. The parents had been married
35 years, 3 children, 2 living. The family was literate. |
22 |
Finnigan |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Patrick FINNIGAN (age 56) Agricultural Labourer; wife
Briget FINNEGAN (age 50); son Edward FINNEGAN Agricultural Labourer; married
38 years, 8 children, 7 living.
Terrance McCONN (age 8) grandson. All literate |
22 |
Mc Conn |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
23 |
Mc Elroy |
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census form (as a PDF) |
RC |
Charles McELROY, labourer (age 69), born in Monaghan,
bachelor. |