Luke Jackson |
12 Dec |
1858 |
Antrim |
JACKSON effects under £3,000 late of Ballymena Co. Antrim, Gent d 12 Dec 1858
at Ballymena proved by Mary JACKSON of Ballymena, widow & George
Alexander JACKSON of Islandmagee and John ARMSTRONG
of Artnagullion, farmers & executors. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s
Will Calendars. It mentions lands he holds in the town of Ballymena known as Springwell Court. It also mentions his brother George A.
JACKSON (I believe this to be George Alexander JACKSON (1808-1877). A son of
George A. JACKSON, is also named George and is 8 years old when he wrote the
will on December 2, 1858 (ten days before he died). His property at Loonburn with all its stock and farming implements was
also bequeathed to George A. Jackson and son George, and each succeeding
heir. He also has a nephew Robert JACKSON to whom he left £100 “upon his
return to Ireland” (he seems to have returned since he married Martha
BRADFORD in 1860). Also a nephew Luke JACKSON (£100) and James Holmes JACKSON
(£100) and to nephew George Jackson (£50). To Martha LIGGET otherwise
ARMSTRONG (£100); to Ellen ARMSTRONG (£100); to nephew John ARMSTRONG (£50) –
all not to be paid to his nephews until they reach 25 years of age. TO his
wife (£25) Mary JACKSON otherwise ELLISON paid from the remainder of his
property in Ballymena. |
Arthur Jackson |
9 May |
1864 |
Antrim |
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Arthur Jackson
late of Ballymena in the County of Antrim Head Constable of Police who died 9
May 1864 at same place were granted at Belfast to Ellen Jackson of Agnes
Street Belfast aforesaid the Widow of said deceased. Effects: Under £200. |
James Kennedy Jackson |
20 Jul |
1865 |
Antrim |
The Will of James Kennedy Jackson late of Belfast in the County of
Antrim Solicitor deceased who died 20 July 1865 at Rose Lodge in the County
of Down was proved at Belfast by the oath of William Archer Jackson of
Londonderry Steam Boat Agent the sole Executor. Effects: under £6,000. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s
Will Calendars. In 1855, he was listed in Thoms Directory as the Coroner for Antrim. William Archer JACKSON was a nephew.
James Kennedy JACKSON had a brother John JACKSON, and I suspect he was the
father of William Archer JACKSON. |
Peter Jackson |
25 Feb |
1868 |
Antrim |
The Will of Peter Jackson late of Ross County Antrim Farmer deceased
who died 25 February 1868 at the same place was proved at Belfast by the
oaths of John Wilson of Tannybrake and John Wilson
of Maxwellswalls both in (Antrim) and County
Farmers the surviving executors. Effects: Under £100. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s
Will Calendars. The will was dated December 9, 1864. His wife was Mary
JACKSON. James JACKSON of Baltimore was their eldest son. Peter JACKSONs brother was Luke JACKSON. |
Mary Jackson |
4 May |
1874 |
Antrim |
The Will of Mary Jackson late of Ballymena County Antrim Widow
deceased who died 4 May 1874 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths
of John Armstrong of Glenwherry (Moorfields) Framer and William Parker Holmes of Belfast
Linen Merchant both in said County Executors. Effects: Under £800. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s
Will Calendars. Nephew John ARMSTRONG of The Grove, Glenwherry.
At the time of her death she lived at a house called Lawn View in Ballymena.
She left legacies to the daughters of George A. JACKSON of Islandmagee which means that she was the wife of Luke
JACKSON (see probate 1858). Her legacies included Mary JACKSON alias McDOWELL (£100); Martha JACKSON (£100); Sarah Jane JACKSON
(£100); . Also to Ellen ARMSTRONG, Glenwherry (£100); Elizabeth LIGGART of Killead (£100). She describes her late husband as the
uncle of John AMSTRONG. To James LIGGET of Killead she bequeaths her land at Fountain Place (which is opposite a garden);
bequeath to niece Rosanna HOLMES of Dinsmore,
Belfast (£100); Niece Fannie THOMPSON (£100); niece Sarah Jane THOMPSON of Coagh (£100); nephew John ELLISON of Lisburn (£50); niece Roseann ROGERS or CATHERWOOD (£20)…grand-nephew Luke Jackson
HOLMES his uncles gold watch and chain. |
Samuel Jackson |
6 Jul |
1875 |
Antrim |
The will of Samuel Jackson late of Bellahill County Antrim Farmer deceased who did 6 July 1875 at same place was proved at
Belfast by the oath of Hugh Lunn of Bellahill (Ballycarry) Farmer
on of the Executors. EFFECTS: Under £800. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s Will
Calendars. His daughter Sarah & her husband John BAMFORD are left the
farm he resided on. Wife Sarah JACKSON (£50) and her daughter and
husband will feed and care for her as long as they all live together. Mention
of oatmeal and such. Daughter Margaret to share room with mother Sarah.
Daughter Isabella (£1); daughter Eliza (£1); daughter Maria (£1); son John
(£1). Son-in-law Hugh CATHCART and Hugh LUM – executors. |
George Alexander Jackson |
20 Feb |
1877 |
Antrim |
The will of George Alexander Jackson late of Boghead Islandmagee County Antrim Farmer deceased who died
20 February 1877 at same place was proved at Belfast by the oaths of Samuel
Wylie M’Dowell of Ringill (Ballycarry) and James Holmes Jackson of Boghead (Islandmagee) both in
the same county farmers the surviving executors. Effects: Under £1500. He is in the family in the Dean Family Tree (although some of the dates
differ). George Alexander JACKSON (1804-1877). NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s Will
Calendars. The will was dated Aug 27th,1874.
He requests that his debts be paid out his properties at Islandmagee and Loonburn otherwise Lisnalish,
Co. Antrim. Son Robert JACKSON and daughter Mary B[Radford?]
JACKSON otherwise Mrs. McDOWELL & youngest son
George A[lexander] JACKSON who received “my
deceased Brother’s [Luke JACKSON] property in Loonburn”.
Sons Luke JACKSON and James Holmes JACKSON. Wife Jane TWEED otherwise
JACKSON; daughter Martha JACKSON (£300); daughter Sarah Jane JACKSON (£300); youngest
son George A. JACKSON (£5 and misc – incl furniture at his deceased brother’s cottage at Loonburn); grandson George A. JACKSON at Ballydown (£50); daughter [hard to read: __minare] The inscriptions at the Ballyprior Graveyard give more information on birth and death dates. |
William Jackson |
23 May |
1877 |
Antrim |
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of William Jackson
late of Glynn County Antrim Mariner deceased who died 23 May 1877 at Isle of
Man were granted at Belfast to Julia Jackson of Seaham County Durham in England the Widow of the deceased. Effects: Under £300. |
Samuel Jackson |
Margaret Jackson |
5 Nov |
1880 |
Antrim |
The Will (with one Codicill) of Margaret
Jackson late of Larne Couty Antrim Widow deceased
who died 5 November 1880 at same place was proved at Belfast by William John
Jackson of Larne Butcher one of the Executors. Effects: £135. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s
Will Calendars. Son William John JACKSON – all property subject to legacies.
Two grandsons Samuel and Robert be supported and put into trades, and once
apprenticed, have no further call on son William John JACKSON. Grandson
William John JACKSON to live with and work with her son William John JACKSON.
Daughter-in-law Rose Jane JACKSON (£1); Daughter of testatrix – Anne Jane M’CLURKIN[?] (£1). Son of testatrix - Robert JACKSON (£3).
Codicil Oct 16, 1880: 3 grandsons Samuel JACKSON, Robert JACKSON and William
John JACKSON are children living with testatrix, and are sons of her deceased
daughter Margaret JACKSON (who must have married another JACKSON). |
Joshua Jackson |
17 Jan |
1882 |
Antrim |
The Will of Joshua Jackson late of Templepatrick County Antrim Farmer who died 17 January 1882 at same place was proved at
Belfast by Andrew Pelon of Rickamore in said County Petty Session Clerk and Joshua Jackson of Templepatrick Farmer the Executors. Effects: £281. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s
Will Calendars. Son Joshua, wife Agnes, daughter Mary Elen,
son William., son Henry. In the 1901 Census there is
another JACKSON family at Templepatrick: Peter age
32, wife Sarah, and sons William, Joseph & Peter. |
Robert Jackson |
21 Sep |
1882 |
Antrim |
The Will of Robert Jackson late of Whitehouse County Antrim Publican
and Merchant deceased who died 21 September 1882 at the same place was proved
at Belfast by Thomas Watson Mill Manager and George Cleland Publican both of Killyleagh County Down the executors. Effects: £1,474 12s. NOTE: Whitehouse was one of 7 villages
merged into today’s town of Newtownabbey. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s Will
Calendars. In the will, he is of Greencastle, Co. Antrim. Wife [Roseannah?] (£750). He has several houses in Greencastle, and
also shares in companies. Also premises on Anne Street Belfast known as
Ulster Oil and Drug stores. It seems he made provision in case he had
children, but if such were born before his death, they were not named.
Remainder to Robert Jackson CLELAND and Margaret CLELAND son & daughter
of his niece Anne Jane CLELAND and to Robert Jackson WATSON and Margaret
WATSON son & daughter of niece Lizzie WATCSON. Dated Apr 7th,
1881. |
Thomas Jackson |
20 May |
1886 |
Antrim |
The Will of Thomas Jackson late of Ballynure County Antrim Flesher who died 20 May 1886 at same place was proved at
Belfast by Thomas Jackson of Ballynure Shoemaker
one of the Executors. Effects £75 8s. NOTE: A
transcription is in PRONI’s Will Calendars. Wife Jane JACKSON and son Thomas
JACKSON both of Ballynure. |
William Jackson |
22 Oct |
1891 |
Antrim |
Administration with the will of the personal estate of William Jackson
late of Ballyarnott County Antrim Farmer who died
22 October 1891 granted at Belfast to Mary Ann Jackson the widow. Effects £59 1s. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s Will
Calendars. He left the farm and homestead in Ballyarnott to Mary Anne JACKSON, his wife and at her death he bequeath the farm to his
son Peter Jackson on consideration that he attend to the farm for his wife
Mary Ann during her lifetime and that he put to school until 16 years of age,
my sons George and Alexander and after that if they so wish to a trade. Ballyarnot aka Ballyarnold is
in the Parish of the Grange of Muckamore. By the
time of the 1901 Census, Mary Anne is age 59, and living at Ballyarnott with three sons: Joseph JACKSON age 27;
Alexander JACKSON age 25, and George JACKSON age 19. There is no mention of a
son named Peter. In Griffiths, there are 4 mentions of JACKSONs in connection
to Ballyarnot: Willaim,
William, Samuel and Jane. None of the holdings are large in either acreage or
value, and are all clustered on the western border near the intersection of
the townlands of Corbally, Balloo,
and Dungonerell. |
Luke Jackson |
24 Dec |
1891 |
Antrim |
The will of Luke Jackson late of Castlegore County Antrim Farmer who died 24 December 1891 at same place was proved at
Belfast by the Reverend John Jackson of Ballycastle said County Presbyterian minister and Hugh Jackson of Castlegore Farmer. Effects: £1,966 3s 10p. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s Will Calendars. He does not name his
wife, although he leaves her rooms, garden & a field. Two sons: John
JACKSON (£700) and Hugh
JACKSON (he gets the farm). Dated Nov 3, 1890. NOTE: See 1906 probate beneath for Hugh JACKSON of Castlegore. |
John Steele Jackson |
5 Oct |
1891 |
Antrim |
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of John Steele
Jackson late of Gracehill County Antrim M.A. Royal
Medical College who died 5 October 1891 at same place were granted at Belfast
to Thomas Henry Jackson of Barton Bank Mill-hill London N.W. Schoolmaster a
Brother. Effects: £1,208 3s 11d. NOTE: Gracehill is in the townland of Ballykennedy. |
Hannah Jackson |
16 Mar |
1896 |
Antrim |
The Will of Hannah Jackson late of Charles-street Ballymoney County Antrim Widow who died 16 March 1896 was proved at Belfast by David
Leitch of Ballymoney Bank Manager and John Boyd of Ballymoney Merhcant the
Executioners. Effects: £160. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s Will Calendars. She mentions her son
Rev. George Jackson now resident in South Africa, and his wife (unnamed). |
John Jackson |
1 Jan |
1900 |
Antrim |
Administration of the Estate of John Jackson late of Glynn Larne
County Antrim Retired Master Mariner who died 1 January 1900 granted at Belfast
to Margaret Jackson the Widow. Effects: £182 17s 1d. |
William Jackson |
10 Mar |
1900 |
Antrim |
Probate of the will of William JACKSON late of Artnagullion County Antrim Farmer who died 10 March 1900 granted at Belfast to William
Jackson Farmer. Effects: £444 5s. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s Will Calendars. Wife: Margaret. He
bequeaths his farm to son William, and that he support his wife (Margaret).
Son Alexander; son Francis; grand-daughter Mary HAMILTON; son James; son
John; NOTE: In the 1862 Griffiths Valuation: A Luke Jackson held lands in the townlands: Ross, Castlegore, Artnagullian. & Connor - all in the Parish of Connor, Co. Antrim. There is likely a relationship. |
John Jackson |
17 Jan |
1901 |
Antrim |
Probate of the Will of John Jackson late of Ballyhill Baltycarry County Antrim Farmer who died 17 January
1901 granted at Belfast to Hugh Jackson, Daniel Jackson and James M’Allister farmers. Effects £98 3s 6d. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s
Will Calendars. Will dated Dec 22, 1900. Farm bequeathed to wife. Son John (£50);
daughter Mary Agnes (£30); daughter Ellen Jan (£30); sons James & Daniel;
daughter Sarah; son Hugh; nephew James M’ALLISTER; |
Eliza Jackson |
25 Dec |
1902 |
Antrim |
Administration of the estate of Eliza Jackson late of Whitehill Milebrush County
Antrim Widow who died 25 December 1902 granted at Belfast to Samuel Jackson
Farmer. Effects: £41 16s |
Thomas Jackson |
26 Jul |
1903 |
Antrim |
of the will of Thomas JACKSON late of Ballynure Co
Antrim, Flesher, who died 26 July 1903 granted at Belfast to Thomas JACKSON,
Flesher, and Robert J. Stewart, Farmer. Effects £693 16s 8d. NOTE: He was age 60 in the 1901
Census, hence born 1841, in Antrim. His son Thomas (age 20) and daughter
Rosanna (age 22) also resided with him. House 16 in Dunturkey. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s
Will Calendars. He wrote it July 22, 1903 – four days before he died. He left
£80 to his daughter Jane JACKSON who was the wife of John McKERROL,
and to her son Thomas Jackson McKERROL £20, and to
her daughter Lizzie McKERROL £10 and to daughter
Roseann McKERROL £20. To William Stewart GIRVAN son
of his daughter Lizzie JACKSON he leaves £20 and to her other son Robert
James GIRVAN £10. To his daughter Roaseann JACKSON
(b abt 1879) he left £100; to his son Thomas
JACKSON (b abt 1891) he left £250; to his brother
Robert JACKSON £25; to his niece Sarah JACKSON daughter of Robert JACKSON £5.
Executors – son Thomas JACKSON of Ballynure and
Robert John STEWART of Ballybolly both of Co.
Antrim. |
Hugh Jackson |
13 Mar |
1906 |
Antrim |
of Will of Hugh Jackson late of Castlegore County Antrim Farmer who died 13
March 1906 granted at Belfast to the Reverend John Jackson Presbyterian
Minister William M’Keen School Teacher and Jane Barklie Jackson the Widow.
Effects: £1,716 7s 6d. NOTE: He was age 43 in the 1901 Census, and his wife
Jane was 36. He had 3 young daughters, and all family members were
Presbyterian and born in Co. Antrim. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s Will
Calendars. Children mentioned: Annie Victoria Eagleson JACKSON (b 1894) ;
Ellen McCreery JACKSON (b. 1896); Jane Hay JACKSON (b.1900), and Harriett
Barklie. His mother was Anne JACKSON who was left the house, offices, gardens
& field during her life & £18 annually. If his wife remarries, she is
to forfeit all interest. Legaices will not be paid until the youngest child
be 21 years of age. His brother was Rev. John JACKSON of Ballycastle (Presb.
Minister 1882-1929 – formerly Presb Minister of Cloughwater). He &
William McKEEN, schoolteacher and The Dairy Strand were co-executors and his
wife an executrix. Witnesses: Alexander DUNCAN, Surgeon & John JACKSON
Presbyterian Minister. NOTE: Rev. John JACKSON and High JACKSON also proved
the will of Luke JACKSON in 1892
. I suspect that he was a son of Luke JACKSON of Castelgore whose will was proved 1891. NOTE: In The London Gazette 1917 Annie Victoria Eagleson JACKSON
worked as an Assistant Organizer of Domestic Economy for the National Education Office of Ireland. |
William Campbell Jackson |
14 Dec |
1906 |
Antrim |
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of William Campbell Jackson
late of Whitehead County Antrim Chief Officer S.S. Glendhu who died 14 December 1906 at Roath Dock, Cardiff
Glamorganshire were granted at Belfast to Margaret Jackson the Widow.
Effects: £145 9s 3d. NOTE: Whitehead is a small town
between Larne and Carrickfergus, straddling the
parishes of civil parishes of Island Magee and Templecorran. |
James Jackson |
23 Apr |
1907 |
Antrim |
The Will of James Jackson late of Mulloughboy Islandmagee County Antrim Farmer who died 23 April
1907 greanted at Belfast to Andrew Ross Retired
Merchant and John Meneilly Farmer. Effects: £85 12s 6d. NOTE: In the 1901 Census he and his
wife Anne were both aged 69, and were both Presbyterians born in Co. Antrim.
Their son Andrew Ross Jackson, age 31, also resided with them. NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s
Will Calendars. The will was written April 19, 1907, but includes no details
of bequests other than all to his wife (unnamed). |
Robert Jackson |
8 Jul |
1907 |
Antrim |
of the Will of Robert Jackson late of Carnspindle Islandmagee County Antrim Farmer who died 8 July
1907 granted at Belfast to George Alexander Jackson and Luke
Jackson Farmer. Effects £313 13s 9d NOTE: In the 1901 Census, he was age 69, hence
born 1832, and his wife Mary [sic - his 1st wife was Mary who died 1880, his 2nd was Eliza] was age 43. They had 7 children living with them
as well as Mary CLARKE age 80 – probably his mother-in-law. He is in the
family in the Dean Family Tree (although some of the dates
differ). NOTE: A transcription is in PRONI’s
Will Calendars. His will was made March 25, 1907. He left his land in the
townland of Mulloughbay to his wife “provided
she remain unmarried and conduct herself in a satisfactory manner”. At
her decease, land to go to son John Holmes JACKSON and daughter Lizzie
JACKSON in equal shares. The land at Ballydown “together
with the residue of all stock crop and implements of husbandry which cannot
be claimed as per agreement which exists between my son Luke and now to my
son William and Thomas in equal shares they to [?] the existing debt between them”. Son George Alexander JACKSON appointed as
Executor. The inscriptions at the Ballyprior Graveyard give more information on birth and death dates. |
William John Jackson |
20 Mar |
1909 |
England |
of the Will of The Reverend William John Jackson late of Duncairn Manse Belfast Presbyterian Minister who died 20 March 1909 at Ockley Surrey England granted at Belfast to Eliza Jane
Jackson the Widow. Effects £3,709 17s. 9d. NOTE: PRONI has an image. Mention of wife Eliza
Jane. His son James Sinclair JACKSON was born 1888 and was wounded and
received the Military Cross in WWI. His son Culbertson/Cuthbertson
JACKSON was born 1893 and was wounded and also received the Military Cross. SOURCE Lennon/Wylie. In the 1911 Census, Eliza Jane was residing
at Crescent Lower, Windsor Ward with sons: Moffat JACKSON (age 25); James Sinclair JACKSON (age 22); Culbertson JACKSON (age
17); and Maurice JACKSON (age 14). |
Luke Jackson |
31 May |
1909 |
Belfast |
of the will of Luke Jackson late of 29 Agincourt Ave., Belfast Farmer
(retired) who died 31 May 1909 at The Moat, Islandmagee Co. Antrim granted at Belfast to George Alexander Jackson Farmer.
Effects £1,223 3s 8d NOTE: He is
Likely related to the family in the Dean Family Tree. – possibly a brother of George Alexander JACKSON. In the 1901 Census, he was age 55, a
retired farmer, unmarried and a boarder. NOTE: PRONI has an image. In the will, he
appoints his nephew George A. JACKSON of Ballydown, Islandmagee sole executor. “and also all claim that I leave to burying ground in Conner and Ballyprior from my father’s death in 1877 [leased?] to
1895 my Brother Holmes not only took advantage of me in claiming profits made
out of farm at Boghead, Islandmagee and other properties but got others to assist him in depriving me of my just
rights which I alone was entitled to”. He may be the retired farmer, born
in Co. Antrim but living in Ormeau Co. Down in 1911
as a 55 year old border living with the DAVISON family. |
Esther Jackson |
27 Jul |
1909 |
Antrim |
Administration of the Estate of Esther Jackson late of Mulloughboy Islandmagee County
Antrim who died 27 July 1909 granted at Belfast to James Jackson Master
Mariner the Husband. Effects: £172 9s 2d. NOTE In the
1901 Census she was 33 years of age, Presbyterian and born in Antrim. Her
husband James was age 39. She left 4 sons and a daughter, the eldest son age
10. |
William John Jackson |
9 Feb |
1910 |
Antrim |
Probate of the Will and two Codicils of William John Jackson late of
Main St., Larne County Antrim Flesher who died 9 February 1910 granted at
Belfast to James Jackson Flesher. Effects £6,883 12s 5d. NOTE: See Margaret JACKSON 1880.
In the 1901 Census, he was age 60 living with wife Elizabeth age 59, and 3
sons & 2 daughters. NOTE: I suspect that William JACKSON
was the one mentioned in the 1851 Census of Larne as a butcher and son of Margaret
JACKSON a dressmaker and widow. At that time, he was age 16 (hence b. 1835 –
which makes him older than the 1901 Census data, but such sources are
notorious for such variation. The 1851 data is likely to be more accurate in
this case.) |
Elizabeth Jackson |
11 Dec |
1911 |
Antrim |
Administration of the Estate of Elizabeth Jackson late of Main Street
Larne County Antrim Widow who died 11 December 1911 granted at Belfast to
James Jackson Butcher. Effects: £142 8s 7d. NOTE: She was
the wife of William John JACKSON, master Butcher. See above. |
Anne Jackson |
4 Apr |
1911 |
Antrim |
Administration of the Estate of Anne Jackson late of Mullaghboy Islandmagee Antrim
Widow who died 4 April 1911 granted at Belfast to James Jackson Master
Mariner. Effects £55. NOTE: She was age 69 in 1901 and was
the wife of James Jackson, Farmer. His probate is shown above in 1907. They
lived next door to James Jackson Mariner and his wife Esther. |
Anna Jackson |
13 Feb |
1912 |
Antrim |
Probate of the will of Anna Jackson late of Lynda Park Jordanstown County Antrim Widow who died 13 February 1913
granted at Belfast to Annie Elizabeth Jackson and Josephine Jackson Spinsters
Effects: £719 10s 0. NOTE: Jordonstown is in Monkstown. Anna, age 64 in 1901, was the
widow of Joseph Jackson, age 62. Anne Elizabeth and Josephine were two of
their four daughters. Curiously, no will was probated for him. |
Margaret Jackson |
14 Apr |
1913 |
Antrim |
Probate of the Will of Margaret Jackson late of Church Street Antrim
Married Woman who died 14 April 1913 granted at Belfast to Maggie Craig
Married woman. Effects: £57. NOTE: In 1911, she was age 75 and
living with her husband James Jackson age 70 (a Railway Surface Man) and her
grand-daughter Margaret Craig. |
James Jackson |
5 May |
1914 |
Antrim |
James Jackson late of Church Street Antrim Labourer who died 5 May
1914 granted at Belfast to Hugh Jackson Labourer. Effects: £195 6s 9d. NOTE: I suspect he was the husband of
Margaret who died 1913. |
James Holmes Jackson |
18 Mar |
1916 |
Antrim |
24 May probate of the will of James Holmes Jackson late of Barnhill
Larne Co. Antrim and Merchant (retired) who died 18 March 1916 granted at
Belfast to Wilhelmina T. Jackson and Georgina A. Jackson spinsters and Edward
W. Browne Ironmonger. Effects: £2,044 7s 0d. The inscriptions at the Ballyprior Graveyard give more information on birth and death dates. |
James Jackson |
26 Apr |
1916 |
Antrim |
6 October Probate of the will of James Jackson late of Skilganahan Ballyclare County
Antrim Farmer who died 26 April 1916 granted at Belfast to Thomas J. McKinstry (Senior) and James Woodside Farmers. Effets: £264 2s 6d. Effects: 264 2s 6d. |
Luke Jackson |
13 Oct |
1923 |
Antrim |
Jackson Luke of Ballypriormore Islandmagee county Antrim farmer died 13 October 1923 Administration Belfast 12 May to
Thomas Nelson Smiley Jackson farmer. Effects £220. |
Thomas Tweed Jackson |
18 Mar |
1931 |
Jackson Thomas Tweed of Millbay Islandmagee county
Antrim publican died 18 March 1931 Probate Belfast 19 May to Robert Jackson
gents' outfitter and Thomas Milliken blacksmith. Effects £132 8s. 1d. |
George Alexander Jackson |
21 Mar |
1950 |
JACKSON, George Alexander of The Moat Ballydown, Islandmagee county Antrim died 21 March 1950.
Administration Belfast to John Donaldson Jackson farmer. Effects £838 11s 6d
in England. Sealed London 13 January 1951. |