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My first posting of these tables was in 2006. Recently, I have added hundreds more records and probably as many new notes relating to them. That there will be errors in both my transcriptions and notes goes without saying. Many of my notes are not much more than conjecture. Please take them with a grain of salt. In total, there are about 56 pages of transcriptions and notes, and several hundred names are included. Suggestions and corrections are always gratefully received.
Sharon Oddie Brown, April 17, 2012
Updates: May 12, 2023. There are now over 100 pages of records available




NOTE: I have only focused on the Creggan Church of Ireland records - although in time, I will check out other records on this microfilm. My focus is on families that were predominantly, but not exclusively Church of Ireland and/or Presbyterian. Lower Creggan RC parish registers are available on microfilm on order through a LDS Family History Centre. Marriages and baptisms from 1845 to 1880 are on film #0926034 but it might be best to verify that number with LDS before ordering. I now have enough records transcribed that I am starting to get a feel for the community - a feel that transcends the facts revealed in the individual entries. To follow up on some of the relationships, the page on Tullyvallen JACKSONs, WALLACEs and others may be useful: JACKSONs of Tullyvallen. I will be updating it after I complete more work on deeds. It will complement the work done here on the BMDs.


NOTE: The transcriptions became too numerous to post on a single page, so I broke them down into into the four categories beneath:


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