of Lagacies Cavananore [1]
Decr 29th 1775 five--------- Jany
4th 1776 Seventy Six then recd from Mssr
Thos & Sam Bradford Execrs of Andrew Coulter
Leat of Cavananore Decd ten pounds Sterl on acct
of a Bequeath Made to us by the Sd Andw Coulter
recd as [?] by us Adam
Leadley [6] Janry
4th 1776 Seventy Six then Recd from Messrs
Thomas ans Saml Bradford Exector of Andw
Coulter Leat of Cavananore deceased Ten pounds Sterl: on
the acct of a Bequeath made to us by the Andw
Coulter, recd as assorsd by us Geo
Murray [8] Mr Murry Due 0-4 9 January the 17th 1776 Six Recd from Saml and Thom Bradford five pounds Ster. On accompt of Lagacie Left by Mr Andrew Coulter of Cavananore Decd [?] of Jany 1776. ₤5-0-0 present Samuel Tipping [10] Mary Tipping [11] (her mark) Decr 1776 Six Recd from Mssrs Thomas and Sam Bradfords fifteen pounds Ster Being in full of one years Sallery of money Bequeathed By Mr Andrew Coulter Late of Cavenore [12] Deceasd. I say Recd By us Due ₤0 0 6 Geo
Murray In the Goods of Thomas Bradford late of Cavananore in the County of Louth Gent decd
the contents from John Murphy Esqr this 30th day
of March 1791 Amount within _____________________ 8:16:10 Entering Caveat in Armagh____________ :14:4 Entering Do in Drogheda______________ :14:4 ₤10:5:6 Recd the contents from Mrs Elizabeth Bradford [14] the 6th April 1791 John Murphy [15] [1] Cavananore: A townland of 219 acres in Upper Dundalk, Co. Louth. [2] Samuel BRADFORD (1739-1818) twin of Thomas BRADFORD beneath, husband of Margaret HENRY (1774-1846) and son of John BRADFORD (1705-1789) & Barbara COULTER (1721-1795) [3] Thomas BRADFORD (1739-1790) husband of Elizabeth BREAKEY (1758-1845) [4] Andrew COULTER brother of Barbara COULTER, he died late December while resident at Cavananore. His will was proved December 27, 1775. [5] Robert DRUMMOND Presbyterian Minister. [6] Adam LEADLEY aka LEDLIE husband of Elizabeth COULTER [7] Elizabeth LEADLEY née COULTER, wife of Adam LEADLEY [8] George MURRAY, AKA “MURROW”, husband of Shusanna (AKA “Susannah”) COULTER [9] Shusanna MURRAY sister of Andrew COULTER [10] Samuel TIPPING Husband of Mary TIPPING. NOTE: There is a Samuel TIPPING in the 1766 Survey at Sherriff (Tichburn) which is in the Parish of Newtownhamilton. SOURCE: The History of the Parish of Creggan in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Author(s): L. P. Murray, Isaac Dobson, Wm. Frankland, J. Southey. Journal of the County Louth Archaeological Society, Vol. 8, No. 2 (1934) [11] Mary TIPPING, née COULTER, sister of Andrew COULTER [12] “Cavenore” alternative spelling of “Cavananore” [13] John Cooke ROGERS. A Mary COULTER (b 1759) married in 1791 a James ROGERS – but there may not be any connection. She was the daughter of Thomas COULTER of Carnbeg – the line of COULTERs that may connect with this line. There is a John Cooke ROGERS who was a Proctor in Dublin at 100 Capel Street. Since this may have been a legal capacity that he was acting in here rather than a familial one, this is likely. As well, a man of that name was the author of Thoughts for the restoration and permanent establishment of peace in Ireland published in 1823. [14] Elizabeth BRADFORD [15] John MURPHY |
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