DEED 1867 21 226 1867 June 28
I thought this deed would shed light on a family saga that I have been trying to understand. No such luck. As yet. Here are the related references thus far:
Is the Elizabeth JACKSON of Fernglenn, Newtownhamilton the Elizabeth JACKSON (1788-1880), mother of the Elizabeth JACKSON (1817-1900) who married a DONALDSON. This latter Elizabeth, of Napolean Terrace - according to the Memorial, would also be TJ's "Aunt Bessie". A clue leading to this conclusion is in the death notice of William R. BROWNE (1841-1862) The Belfast News-Letter (Belfast, Ireland), Friday, April 18, 1862;Issue 15254. Brown - April 12, at Newry, Mr. Wm. R. Brown, eldest son of the Rev.D. G. Brown, Fernglen, Newtownhamilton, aged 21 years. I suspect that by 1862 that Elizabeth sr. was residing with her daughter, Margaret JACKSON, wife of Daniel Gunn BROWNE. NOTE: Napolean Terrace was formerly formerly Ingram Place, Donegall Pass. NOTE: I am going to leave filling in the footnote details until I learn more.
To the Register appointed by act of Parliament for registering deeds and etc. in Ireland.
Memorial of an Indenture of Mortgage bearing date the 28th day of June 1867 between Elizabeth DONALDSON[1] of Napoleon Terrace, Belfast in the County of Antrim widow of the one part and Elizabeth JACKSON[2] of Fernglenn, Newtonhamilton in the County of Armagh widow of the other part. Reciting as therein something it is by said deed witnessed that for the considerations therein mentioned the said Elizabeth DONALDSON did thereby grant bargain sell assign and make over unto the said Elizabeth JACKSON her executors administrators and assigns all that and those that farm of land situate in the town land of Kiltyban[3] in the parish of Newtonhamilton and Barony of Upper Fews and County of Armagh containing by estimation 34 acres one Rood and four perches Irish plantation measure be the same more or less formally in the possession of James CORRAGHER[4] afterwards in the possession of Patrick GARLAND[5] and then in the actual occupation of said Elizabeth DONALDSON and all and every the rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonging or usually held and enjoyed therewith and all the estate right title and interest use trust property claim and demand whatsoever both at law and equity of her the said Elizabeth DONALDSON of in to or out of the same and every part thereof. To hold the said lands and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Elizabeth JACKSON her exores admons and assigns thenceforth for and during all the residue yet to come and unexpired of the terms contained in the lease under which the said premises are held by the said Elizabeth DONALDSON and for all the estate and interest of the said Elizabeth DONALDSON and the said premises subject however to a previous mortgage therein recited and to a proviso for redemption of said premises or payment of money thereby secured. And the execution of said deed and this Memorial by the said Elizabeth DONALDSON as witness by Alexander BELL[6] of Dame Street in the City of Dublin solicitor and Francis WHITE[7] of number 7 Halston St. in the city of Dublin law clerk. Elizabeth DONALDSON. Signed and sealed by the said Elizabeth DONALDSON in presence of Alexander BELL s 5 Dame Street Dublin Francis WHITE law clerk of Halston St., Dublin. Now Alexander BELL Solicitor 5 Dame St. in the city of Dublin solicitor maketh oath and says that he is a subscribing witness to the deed of which the foregoing is a Memorial and to this Memorial and that he saw the same duly executed by the said Elizabeth DONALDSON and that the name Alexander BELL of the said deed of Memorial signed as witness is this deponent's name and proper handwriting. Says that on Friday the 12th day of July 1867 he handed said deed and this Memorial to Henry Oliver BARKER[8] Esq. Assistant Registrar in the Office for Registry of Deeds in Henrietta Street in the city of Dublin at the hour of 10 minutes after one o'clock in the afternoon of said Day. Alexander BELL, sworn this 12th day of July 1867 at the office for Registration of Deeds, Henrietta Street in the city of Dublin before me A.O. BARKER. A fine copy, Eight folios.
[1] Elizabeth DONALDSON. I suspect she is Elizabeth Johanna JACKSON (1817-1900) who married a John DONALDSON (1818-1854) [2] Elizabeth JACKSON of Fernglenn, Newtonhamilton. I suspect that she is Elizabeth JACKSON (1788-1880), mother of the Elizabeth JACKSON (1817-1900) who married a DONALDSON [3] Kiltybane is also known as the townland Lisleitrim, Parish of Newtownhamilton, CO. Armagh. · Deed 619-7-423137 dated Dec 2, 1809 Deed of conveyance between Alexander BROWN of Cloghog, Co. Armagh farmer & Cornelius BROWN of Tullycol[eve?] Co. Armagh, farmer. Whereby Alexander BROWN declared ¼ of Kiltybane (29 A 1R 30p) demised by the late James EASTWOOD of Castletown, Co. Louth to the said Alexander and William BROWN & Alexander DONELTON [sic] 20 Aug 1794 was made in trust to the said Alexander BROWN to & for the use of the minor children of the late John BROWN of Cloghog aforesaid deceased whose last will and testament said Alexander BROWN was the only executor ... natural lives of Alexander DONALDSON & William BROWN. Witness John COLER of Aghad ... & John BROWN of Cloghog, both of Co. Armagh, farmers. John WALLACE of A... Attorney, Dublin. NOTE: Alexander DONALDSON was the father of the John DONALDSON who married Elizabeth Johanna JACKSON. [4] James CORRAGHER [5] Patrick GARLAND [6] Alexander BELL (1828-1908) He was a much respected lawyer practising in Dublin. He was married to Ellen Alicia MAFFETT, and was a distant relation of the JACKSONS. [7] Francis WHITE [8] Henry Oliver BARKER
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