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NAMES: Launcelot COULTER of Ballymascanlon; Edward KENNEY aka KENNY of Killen; Charles McMAHON; William McBRITNEY; William Robert ROGERS jr.; Francis Louis KENNEDY.
Sharon Oddie Brown. June 21, 2011


ROD Reference:  1864 Book 4, No. 219

Transcribed by Wendy Jack.

No. 219

Coulter To Kenny

Regd. 4th Febry. 1864 at ¼ to 2 oCk.


To the Registrar appointed by Act of parliament for Registering deeds wills Conveyances and So forth

A Memorial of a deed of Assignment bearing date the thirtieth day of January on thousand eight hundred and sixty four and made Between Lancelot Coulter[1] of Ballymascanlon[2] in the County of Louth Esquire of the one part and Edward Kenney[3] of Killen[4] in the County of Armagh dealer of the other part whereby after Reciting as therein said Indenture of assignment Witnessed that for the Considerations therein mentioned he the said Lancelot Coulter did thereby sell assign and make over unto the said Edward Kenney his Executors administrators and assigns All that and those the part of the Townland of Killen Containing by estimation Sixteen acres English Statute measure be the same more or less Situate lying and being in the Townland of Killen Barony of Upper Orrier and County of Armagh together with one acre two roods and nineteen perches like measure of the Bog of Car Carmon Situate in the Barony of Lower Dundalk and County of Louth together with the messuages and premises thereon by the Indenture of the thirty first of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty one[5] therein recited demised or expressed or intended So to be together with the rights easements and appurtenances and all the estate and interest of the said Lancelot Coulter in the said premises and every part thereof To hold said premises unto the said Edward Kenney his exors admors and assigns for the residue of the said term of Sixty one years at the rent and Subject to the Covenants or conditions in said Lease contained and in the tenant or lessees part to be paid observed and performed and said deed contains a Covenant on the part of said Lancelot Coulter his exors admors and assigns that the rents and Covenants on the part reserved and contained have been paid and performed up to the date of said deed assignment a Covenant against incumbrances for further assurance and a Covenant on said Edward Kenneys part and his heirs exors admors and assigns to pay the yearly rent and observe and perform the Covenants in said Lease mentioned and contained and said deed of assignment as to its execution by the said Lancelot Coulter and this Memorial thereof as to its execution by the said Lancelot Coulter the same are respectively witnessed by Charles McMahon[6] Gentleman Attorney at Law and William McBritney[7] Law Clerk of Dundalk in the County of Louth Lancelot Coulter – Seal – Signed Sealed and executed in the presence of Charles McMahon & William McBritney of Dundalk Law Clerk The within named William McBretney of Dundalk in the County of Louth law Clerk aged thirty years and upwards Maketh oath and Saith that he is a Subscribing witness to the deed of which the within writing is a memorial and also to said Memorial and Saith he saw said deed Signed Sealed and delivered and said Memorial Signed and Sealed by Lancelot Coulter one of the executing parties thereto and Saith the name William McBretney Signed to said deed and Memorial respectively as a witness is this deponents proper name and hand writing. William McBretney. Sworn before me this thirtieth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and Sixty four at Dundalk in the County of Louth a Commissioner of Her Majestys Court of Queens Bench in Ireland for taking affidavits in and for said County of Louth by virtue of the statute in Such case made and provided and I know the deponent. Wm. Robt. Rogers Jr[8]. Comr.

A True Copy  Eight fo.  Francis Louis Kennedy[9]


[1] Launcelot COULTER. In Griffiths, his name is often rendered as COLTER.

·        He died Sept 28, 1873, age 60. SOURCE: Ballymascanlon Churchyard.

·        He bought lands at Ballymascanlon and Proleek after the famine.

·        In the 1842 Voters List, he is described as a “rentcharger” resident at Skyhill. SOURCE: http://www.jbhall.freeservers.com/1842%20Voters%20A%20to%20G.htm

·        He was a substantial landowner with substantial holdings in the parish of Killevy, Armagh.

After an extensive fire in 1836, these premises [Ballymascanlan Corn Mill] were repaired and within two years were leased to Launcelot Coulter who kept the mills open dany and night for three months of the year and for twelve hours a day on average for the remaining nine months. After the Famine, Coulter purchased the grain from local farmers, dried it in kilns, ground it into flour and sold the finished product to bakers in Dundalk ...To cope with the linen boom of the 1860s, Coulter had installed a scrutch mill at Ballymascanlan which had processed 333 stone of flax by the end of 1864. On his death in September 1873 the mills passed to his relative, Joseph Crawley, who sold his interest to Francis Boyle. SOURCE: Post Famine Economy of the Flurry Valley. Don Johnston. p235.Co. Louth Archaeological and Historical Journal. Vol. XXVII, 2, 2010.

[2] Ballymascanlon is a townland in the Parish of Ballynascanlon. Launcelot COULTER leased various buildings including a corn mill as well as land valued in all at £187.0.0 at the time of Griffiths.

[3] Edward KENNEY

[4] Killen. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killean,_County_Armagh  It is also mentioned in several other family deeds in reference to COULTERs. I do not know if it is the same as advertised earlier (the number of acres are close): The Armagh Guardian February 11, 1845 TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on TUESDAY, the 11th day of February next, at the hour of TWO o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the BERESFORD ARMS HOTEL (Mr. WILTSHIRE's), in the City of Armagh, KILLEEN COTTAGE and LANDS, with sufficient TURBARY ; held by Lease for Lives Renewable for Ever, at the Yearly Rent of £10 14s. 9d.  The COTTAGE--which is in excellent order --possesses every requisite for a respectable family; and the LANDS, containing about 17 ACRES Statute Measure, are of superior quality.  This property is very desirably situated, being within one mile of the City of Armagh, on the leading road to Newry, and is at present held by a respectable Tenant, from year to year, at £48 per annum.  For further particulars apply to JOHN STANLEY, jun., Solicitor, Armagh; or to JEREMIAH ANDREWS, Auctioneer, Armagh.  January 28, 1845

[5] 1851 indenture

[6] Charles McMAHON, Gentleman Attorney at Law

[7] William McBRITNEY, Law Clerk of Dundalk.

[8] William Robert ROGERS jr.

[9] Francis Louis KENNEDY



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