1847 May 15 DEED 1848 04 115
SNAPSHOT: I am making some guesses here, but it seems that Thomas COULTER and his wife Anne DOWDALL along with their son Launcelot COULTER transferred lands (described in a 1708 lease of Thomas SHEWELL) to another son, John COULTER.
To the register appointed by act of Parliament for registering deeds wills and so forth of Ireland.
A Memorial of an indenture made the 15th day of May in the year 1847 between Thomas COULTER[1] of Skyhill[2] in the County of Louth gentleman Anne COULTER[3] otherwise DOWDALL the wife of the said Thomas COULTER and Launcelot COULTER[4] of Killeen Cottage[5] in the County of Armagh gentleman of the one part and John COULTER[6] of Skyhill in the said County of Louth and George CRAWLEY[7] of Killeen Cottage in the County of Armagh gentleman of the other part after reciting as therein it was witnessed that for the considerations therein mentioned by the said Thomas COULTER Ann COULTER and Launcelot COULTER and each and every one of them did according to their estates and interests give grant bargain sell alien release and confirm assign transfer and set over unto the said John COULTER and George CRAWLEY in the actual possession then being and to their heirs and assigns all that and those the piece parcel or plot of ground herein after mentioned and described in as full ample and beneficial a manner as the same was comprised in and demised by the therein part recited indenture of lease of the first part of May 1708 and all buildings edifices and improvements now standing or being there in and which said premises than or formerly were called or known by the name and description of SHEWILL[8]s tenement, The Hamilton Arms tenement[9] COUGAN[10]s tenement COLEMAN[11]s tenement ROBERT[12]s tenement and DILLON[13]s tenement and are situate lying and being in the Upper Barony of Dundalk and County of Louth aforesaid and the rents issues and profits thereof and of every part thereof respectively and all the estate and interest there in. To hold unto the said John COULTER and George CRAWLEY and a survivor of them and the heir and assigns of such survivor from the first day of May then instant for ever upon trust to the use of the said Thomas COULTER and his assigns during the natural life of the said Thomas COULTER and in case the said Anne COULTER [?] him then and after his decease to secure an annuity yearly rent charges clear annual sum of £30 per annum to the said Ann COULTER and her assigns during her natural life and subject as aforesaid to the use of the said lands with COULTER his heirs and assigns forever which said indenture and Memorial as to the execution thereof by the said Thomas COULTER and COULTER Launcelot COULTER respectively are respectively witnessed by William HILL[14] of Ballsmills[15] in the County of Armagh gentleman and Thomas CRAWLEY[16] of Killeen in the said County of Armagh gentleman Thomas COULTER. Seal. And COULTER. Seal. Launcelot COULTER. Seal. Signed sealed and executed by the said Thomas COULTER and COULTER Launcelot COULTER in the presence of us William HILL Thomas CRAWLEY William HILL of Ballsmills in the County of Armagh gentleman maketh oath and saith that he is a subscribing witness to the deed of which the above is a Memorial and also to said Memorial and said he saw said deed signed sealed and delivered by Thomas COULTER and COULTER and Launcelot COULTER and deponent saith that the name William HILL subscribed to said deed and Memorial respectively is a proper name and hand writing of this deponent. William HILL sworn before me at Newry in the County of Armagh this 25th day of May 1847. Sam GLENNIE[17]. A true copy. 11 sheets.
[1] Thomas COULTER(abt 1778-1850) of Skyhill in the County of Louth gentleman. A Thomas COULTER is in Slater's Commercial Directory of Leinster 1846 / Dundalk / Nobility, Gentry, and Clergy as resident in Wellington Place, a residence connected to the will probate of John COULTER (see beneath). A Thomas COULTER of Skyhill was a registered freeholder value £50 in Killeen. [2] Skyhill, Drumbilla, Parish of Roche, Co. Sky Hill aka Skyhill, Drumbilla, Parish of Roche, Co. Louth. Skyhill is a couple of km south-east of Ballsmill, or slightly less than 4 km north-east of Cavananore. On January 14, 1828, the residence of George McGUSTY of Skyhill was burned down. SEE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/newsclippings/1828Jul22-LouthConspiracy.html [3] Anne COULTER (abt 1780-1871) otherwise DOWDALL the wife of the said Thomas COULTER. She died at Skyhill. [4] Launcelot COULTER (1813-1873). My guess is that he was a brother of John COULTER (and therefore he was a son of Thomas COULTER and Ann DOWDALL) since John COULTER seemingly named a son after him · A Launcelot COULTER died at Ballymascanlon on Sept 28, 1873 age 60 (hence b.1813). Ballymascanlon graveyard: COULTER. Launcelot Coulter/The Cottage, Ballymascanlon/died 28th Sept., 1873/Aged 60 Years. SOURCE: http://www.faughart.com/inscriptions-page22456.html · I have his will abstract. SEE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/TABLES/COULTER-WillProbates.html · Also, in Griffiths, a Launcelot COLTER shows up at Bellurgan, Castletown, Conty Louth. · He would likely be related to this family: Sacred To the memory of JANE daughter of Thos. Coulter of Skyhill who departed this life 4th June 1840 Aged 21 Years And also the above named Thomas Coulter who died on the 22nd of January 1850 Aged 72 Years Also Anne Coulter Wife of the above who departed this life on the 20th of May 1871 Also in Loving Memory of Hannah wife of John Coulter, Wellington Place, died 23rd Feby 1889 Aged 67 years John Coulter Died 20th May 1901 Aged 83 years.died at Ballymascanlon on Sept 28, 1873 age 60 (hence b.1813). SOURCE: http://www.jbhall.freeservers.com/st__nicholas_dundalk.htm · In the 1842 Voters List, he is described as a “rentcharger” resident at Skyhill. SOURCE: http://www.jbhall.freeservers.com/1842%20Voters%20A%20to%20G.htm · Interestingly, in a later generation: The Times, Saturday, Jul 12, 1930; pg. 1; Issue 45563; col A COULTER. - On July 10, 1930, at his residence, Braccan, Howth, the REV. LAUNCELOT COULTER, formerly Rector of Ardbraccan for 32 years, only son of the late John Coulter, of Dundalk, aged 72. He earned his BA at Trinity College, Dublin and was a deacon SOURCE: The Times Dec 22, 1888 p. 6. He was ordained Dec 21, 1887 at Chichester. TA.. [5] Killeen Cottage in the County of Armagh, Parish of Kane, Co. Louth. At the time of Griffiths, John COULTER leased 40 acres of land there and Robert COULTER leased another 2 acres. [6] John COULTER (1818-1901), of Skyhill, son of Thomas COULTER (1778-1850) and Anne DOWDALL. A John COULTER had lands at Killen in Griffiths. SEE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/TABLES/Louth-GriffithsTable.html [7] George CRAWLEY of Killeen Cottage in the County of Armagh He was also described as: George CRAWLEY of Fleury bridge in the County of Louth Miller. (DEED: 1843 08 230) SOURCE: Will probate: The Will of George Crawley late of Killeen Cottage in the County of Armagh Merchant deceased who died 6 January 1862 at same place was proved at Armagh by the oaths of Elizabeth Crawley of Killeen Cottage aforesaid Widow and Launcelot Coulter of Ballymascanlan in the County of Louth Esquire the Executors. Died Jan 6, 1862. Effects: under £300. I do not know this for sure, but I am wondering if he was Rev George CRAWLEY. There was a Vestry Book entry at Collon, Co. Louth in 1803. A George CRAWLEY was mentioned on p77 of the Chancery reports in a case that also mentioned Launcelot COULTER and various members of M’NEALE family. SEE: http://www.archive.org/stream/irishchanceryre00unkngoog/irishchanceryre00unkngoog_djvu.txt [8] Thomas SHEWILL SEE also Deed 1843 May 8 and 1847 Feb 22. A Thomas SHEWELL was in Dundalk as early as 1710. He died after making his will January 12th, 1813. Other SHEWELLs show up in the Louth County Archives.His name is on four deeds that I have transcribed and posted so far. SOURCE: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~fianna/county/louth/rodn1837.html [9] The Hamilton Arms tenement [10] COUGAN NOTE: I do not know who this is. [11] COLEMAN NOTE: I do not know who this is. [12] ROBERT NOTE: I do not know who this is. [13] DILLON NOTE: I do not know who this is. [14] William HILL of Ballsmills in the County of Armagh gentleman. (?-1875) of Balls Mill in the County of Armagh gent . He died May 2, 1875 and left effects under £100. His wife was Esther COULTER. · SOURCE: PRONI Will Abstracts: The Will (with one Codicil) of John William Hill late of Ballsmill County Armagh Farmer deceased who died 2 May 1875 at same place was proved at Armagh by the oath of Esther Hill of Ballsmill Widow the sole Executrix. · In 1832, a William HILL had a freehold at Ednasbarrow from Charles EASTWOOD aand was resident at Ballsmill. · In 1823, a William HILL held a freehold at Tullydonnell and was resident at Ballsmill. · William HILL is in the 1828 Tithe records. · NOTE: An Edward HILL leased out considerable lands in the townland of Mounthill in the Parish of Creggan. · In 1824, a William HILL held a freehold at Tullydonnell for the lives of William and Edward HILL and was resident at Ballsmill. [15] Balls Mill is just south of the R177, about 7km north-west of Dundalk. It is also just slightly north of a clutch of townlands where many of the COULTERs were known to reside (Cavananore, Shortstone, Annaghavackey and so on). It is on Ballsmill Road (on some maps – otherwise Glassdrumman Rd on other maps) and is in the Parish of Glassdrumman SEE: http://www.devlin-family.com/timelineglassdrummond.htm Ballsmill (Baile na gCléireach) Armagh. Ballinaglera 1838. ‘Ball's mill’. Thomas Ball was granted land here in the 17th cent. The Irish name means ‘townland of the clerics’. SOURCE: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1O40-Ballsmill.html [16] Thomas CRAWLEY of Killeen in the said County of Armagh gentleman NOTE: I do not know who this is – except he is probably related to the aforementioned George CRAWLEY. [17] Sam GLENNIE NOTE: I do not know who this is.
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