DEED 851 371 569371 1829 Oct 20
To the register appointed by act of Parliament for registering deeds wills and so forth. A Memorial of an indented deed of assignment bearing date the 20th day of October in the year of our Lord 1829 and made between John McCLELLAND of Ballybay in the County of Monaghan gent of the one part and David LESLIE[1] of Sallyvale[2] in the said County of Monaghan gent and Sarah LESLIE his wife formally Sarah McCLELLAND[3] daughter of the said John McCLELLAND[4] of the other part whereby after reciting as therein is recited the said John McClellan for the considerations therein mentioned did give grant assign transfer and let over unto the said David LESLIE and Sarah LESLIE his [wife] formally Sarah McCLELLAND their exors admons and assigns all that the lands of Millmore[5] Millbeg[6] Derry[7] and an undivided third part of Mullinary[8] exclusive of the first part laid off for a Glebe[9] all which are part and parcel of the twelve tates of Aghnamullen and all the right title interest and term of years to come and [?] of and in profit rent of 29 pounds seven shillings and sixpence arising out of the land of Aghnamullen Edenbrain[10] Corkeeran[11] and Tamlat[12] and the undivided part of the land of Mullinary exclusive of the first part laid off for the Glebe and also out of land in said third of [Corakill?] [13]of Aghnamullen with the appointments and also all the 32 acres of the lands of Aghnamullen for use by tenants by William and Robert FORSYTH[14] and that in the lease of David JOHNSTON[15] his undertenants and assigns with the appurtenances 5/8 whereof were assigned to him John McCLELLAND in [?] that therein indenture of the 26th day of October 1819 and the remaining 3/8 part of which lately said John McCLELLAND had also acquired and was possessed of all which said premises are situate lying and being in the parish of Aghnamullen, Barony of Cremorne and County of Monaghan. To hold the first several premises with the appertenances the said David LESLIE and Sarah his wife their exores admons and assigns for and during the respective terms for which the said John McCLELLAND was and is entitled to hold the same [?] and take and enjoy the yearly and the rents issues and profits ... part thereof as and of his and her own use and [?] which said Deed and this Memorial are witnessed by Isaiah OLIVER[16] of Derryroosk[17] in the County of Monaghan Gent & Charles MOORE[18] of Dorset Street in the City of Dublin, attorney at Law. John McCLELLAND [seal] signed and sealed in the presence of Charles MOORE Isaiah OLIVER.
NOW the above named Charles MOORE maketh oath and saith he is a subscribing witness to the deed of which the above [etc. etc.] sworn before me this 22nd day of October 1829. [1] David LESLIE (aft 1803-?) son of Nathanial LESLIE & Martha OLIVER. [2] Sallyvale SOURCE: Breakey Memoirs, Book I p 12: It was Captain Johnstone who gave the house its present name. Isaiah Breakey called it Sallyvale, others Milford, and people this side Greenvale. NOTE: I don’t know which townland this is in. Interestingly, there was a news report of a death of another person whose family name is also connected to OLIVER family deeds in the 1700s (Jan 31, 1843) On the 19th instant, at Sallyvale, near Armagh, MICHAEL PRINGLE, Esq. [3] Sarah McCLELLAND [4] John McCLELLAND. I don’t know who he is, but there is a reference to a John & and a James McCLELLAND of Tandragee. SEE: [5] Millmore aka Moyle More, Parish of Aghnamullen, Co. Monaghan. [6] Millbeg. Aka Moyle Beg , Parish of Aghnamullen, Co. Monaghan. Interestingly (given other family connections), PRONI has a will abstract for an Alexander McCREERY: Administration (with the Will) of the personal estate of Alexander M'Creery late of Derry County Monaghan Farmer who died 17 June 1898 granted at Armagh to Robert M'Creery of Millbeg said County Farmer the Brother. [7] Derry, Parish of Aghnamullen, Co. Monaghan (given the context, I assume it to be this townland named Derry – there are others) [8] There is also a Mullinary in the Parish of Magheross, Co. Monaghan, but given the description of the Glebe, I hope I am correct in surmising that it is in the Parish of Aghnamullen [9] Mullinary Glebe, Parish of Aghnamullen, Co. Monaghan [10] Edenbrone, Parish of Agnamullen, Co. Monaghan [11] Corkeeran, Parish of Aghnamullen, Co. Monaghan. [12] Tamlat, Parish of Aghnamullen, Co. Monaghan. [13] [Corakill?] [14] William and Robert FORSYTH [15] David JOHNSTON [16] Isaiah OLIVER (1787-1833), son of Thomas OLIVER and Margaret McCLELLAND. His presence on this deed is significant since we cannot yet link his family into the larger OLIVER line which includes David LESLIE. [17] Derryroosk, Parish of Aghnamullen, Co. Monaghan [18] Charles MOORE
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