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NAMES: Nathaniel JONES of Lower Sackville, Dublin; Anne JACKSON of Cork St., Dublin; Samuel JACKSON sr.; Samuel JACKSON jr.; Joseph JACKSON; Benjamin Nun STEPHENS; Sarah STEPHENS; Francis ARMSTRONG. A marriage between Nathaniel JONES and Anne JACKSON.
Sharon Oddie Brown. December 15, 2011


Book 732, page 54, #499189

Transcribed by Dawn Lowe


Indented Lease of Assignment

Dated 18 Sept 1818


Between Nathaniel Jones[1] of Lower Sackville, City of Dublin, Boot and Shoemaker, of one part

Anne Jackson[2], spinster, eldest daughter of Samuel Jackson[3] Sr. of Cork Street, County Dublin, Cotton manufacturer, of the second part

Samuel Jackson[4], of the third part

Joseph Jackson[5], Eldest son of said Samuel Jackson

And Benjamin Nun Stephens[6], Attorney at Law, of the fourth part


Reciting among other things a marriage shortly intended between Nathaniel Jones and Anne Jackson which Deed for consideration of said marriage and sum of 200 pounds sterling paid by Samuel Jackson and also in consideration of 5 shillings apiece paid to Joseph Jackson and Benjamin N Stephens the receipt whereof is acknowledged, he Nathaniel Jones did thereby agree to pay Joseph Jackson and Benjamin N Stephens and the survivors of their heirs and assigns and also executed his Bon and Warrant bearing equal date for securing the payment of 200 pounds sterling with intention of same for sole use and benefit of Anne Jackson in case she should survive Nathaniel Jones or in case Nathaniel Jones in his lifetime should fail in his Credit or become a Bankrupt and by said Deed Nathaniel Jones did make over to Joseph Jackson and Benjamin N Stephens all present and future goods, chattle, stuff, stock in trade and Expectancies whatsoever to hold unto Joseph Jackson and Benjamin N Stephens until said sum of 200 pounds with interest should be secured …


Witnessed by Samuel Jackson, 2nd son of said Samuel Jackson Sr. and Sarah Stephens[7], wife of said Benjamin Stephens.


Nathaniel Jones: Seal  


Signed and sealed in presence of Samuel Jackson Jr. and Sarah Stephens, who is a subscribing witness. Sworn and delivered to Francis Armstrong[8], Esq, Deputy Register.


Registered 21 Sept 1818



[1] Nathaniel JONES of Lower Sackville, Dublin, Boot and shoemaker

[2] Ann JACKSON, daughter of Samuel JACKSON Sr. & ANn BOARDMAN of Cork St., Co. Dublin, spinster.,

[3] Samuel JACKSON sr., Cotton Manufaturer. It seems he ran into financial problems 8 years after this deed -or else his son, Samuel JACKSON jr. did. Thanks to Turtle Bunbury for the following:

Before the Commission in this Matter,
 On THIS DAY, Thursday 21st December 1826
At the Hour of Three o’Clock in the Afternoon
ALL the Bankrupt’s Interest in the two Dwellin-
Houses, Nos 14, and 15 Cork Street, in the City of
Dublin, where the Bankrupt for many years carried on, exten-
sively the business of a Cotton Manufacturer.
The Premises consist of two excellent Dwelling Houses,
With Shops and Warerooms, together with a large Yard, with
Gateway leading from Cork Street, and large Stores and Sta-
bling at the rere; held for lives renewable forever, at the low
Rent of 11l  1s. 8d. and 4l 7s 5d. present currency

NOTE: I suspect the following will turn out to be relating to the Samuel JACKSON sr. of this deed. In 1789, DEED: 404-145-267445: £200 marriage portion for Joseph BOARDMAN, a gardener of Marrowbone Lane, Dublin, father of the bride to Samuel JACKSON, a cotton manufacturer of Dolphins Barn, Dublin, intended groom; Samuel JACKSON agrees with Joseph BOARDMAN & Thomas BEASLEY, clothier of Newmarket on The Combe: that if Ann BOARDMAN  survives him, Ann BOARDMAN  to receive £200 for her sole use and if he dies first or is bankrupt, Joseph BOARDMAN & Thomas BEASLEY may lawfully file judgement against goods of Samuel JACKSON  to recover sd sum. WITNESSES: William JACKSON, cotton manufacturer of Dolphins Barn & Michael HAGGERTY, Writing Clerk, Dublin. John MOORE, Dep. Registrar. NOTE: See also Freemans Journal, Thursday, December 21, 1826. This is referenced at Turtle Bunbury's site.

[4] Samuel JACKSON (presumably “jr.” – son of Samuel JACKSON, sr.)

[5] Joseph JACKSON, eldest son of Samuel JACKSON

[6] Benjamin Nun STEPHENS, attorney at law.

[7] Sarah STEPHENS, wife of Benjamin Nun STEPHENS

[8] Francis ARMSTRONG, Deputy Register



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