1795 May 4
There are two versions of this deed on this page. The first is from the Indenture of a Deed shared with me by Nigel Dickie. The version beneath it was transcribed by Wendy Jack from notes taken at the Deeds Registry in Dublin.
ROD Reference: Book 483, Page 391, No. 315210
ROD Reference: Book 483, Page 391, No. 315210
N 315210 To the Regr. of the Reg. appointed by Act of Parliament for Regg. deeds an soforth A Meml. of an Indented deed of Partition duly Executed bearing date the fourth day of May one thousand seven hundred and ninety five made between Chas. Coulter of Rachdale in the County of Lowth Farmer of the one part and Henry Coulter of Carrickastuck in said Co. Farmer of the other part Reciting that Robert Sibthorpe of Newtowne in the Co. of Lowth Esqr. did by Indre of Lease duly Exd and bearing date the second day of July one thousand seven hundred and Eighty five for the Consns therein mentd demise unto the said Chas. Coulter and Henry Coulter all that and those that part of the Lands of Carrickastuck then in their possn. contg in the whole ninety Acres two Roods and twenty perches plantn. measure be the same more or less and which in the map or Survey thereof annexed to said Lease is marked No. 1 and 3, situate in the Manor of Roach Barony of Dundalk and Co. of Louth with the appurnces To hold to the said Charles Coulter and Henry Coulter Subject to such Term and Ints as was granted thereof to Wm. Coulter Charles Coulter and John Coulter by the said John Lord Bellew & their Heirs Exors admors and assigns for and during the natl. lives and life of Ralph Coulter Charles Coulter and John Coulter by the said late Lord Bellew, their Hs Exors Admors and assigns for and during the natl. life and lifes of Ralph Coulter Son of Henry Coulter of Carrickastuck afsd. farmer then aged about ten years Wm. Coulter Coulter then aged about six years & Charles Coulter aged about three years both Sons of Charles Coulter the Lessee and the Surr. of them and if it Shod happen that the said Ralph Wm. & Chas Coulter shod die before the Expn. of Forty one years to be Computed from the death of the Surr. of James Coulter of Roachdale afsd Farmer and John Coulter of Mounthill in the Co. of Armagh Farmer being the Surg. lives for which sd. premes were so granted by the said Lord Bellew to the said Wm. Coulter & Chas. Coulter then to hold to the said Henry & Chas. Coulter their Exors Admors and assigns for so much of the term of Forty one years to be computed from the death of the Surr. of them the said James Coulter and John Coulter as shall remd. unexpd. at the time of the death of the said Ralph Coulter Wm. Coulter and Chas Coulter at the yearly Rent during the lives of the said James Coulter and John Coulter of Fifty Six pounds twelve shillings & nine pence including the Rent theretofore payable thereout and from and after the death of the said James and John Coulter at the yearly Rent of Eighty one pounds twelve shillings and four pence and six pence a pound recrs. fees payable as therein mentd. and Reciting that the said John Coulter of M'hill was since dead and that the said Chas. Coulter and Henry Coulter had agreed to make partition of the sd Lands and premes whereby the said Henry Coulter for the Consns. therein mentd. did Release unto the said Chas Coulter his Heirs Exors Admors and assigns all that part of the Lands of Carrickastuck marked No. in the map of said premes annexed to said Lease with the appuces then in the occupn. and possn. of the said Chas. Coulter and his undertenants containing Forty five acres two Roods thirty perches be the same more or less To hold to the said Chas. Coulter his Heirs Exors admors and assigns in severalty for and during the lives and Life of the said Ralph Coulter Wm. Coulter and Chas. Coulter and the Surr. of them and for and during the residue of the said term of Forty one years to be Computed from the death of the said James Coulter whichever shod. last longest subject to a moiety of said yearly Rent of Fifty six pounds twelve shillings and nine pence and Eighty one twelve shillings and four pence upon the Contingencys mentd. in said Lease reatably proportioned by the acre to the quantity of Land thereby granted in severalty to the said Chas. Coulter his Heirs Exors Admors and assigns and to the Covenants in said Lease contd. so farr as the same Extend to or relate to the premes therein also allotted and Released to the said Chas Coulter his Heirs Exors admors and assigns and whereby also the said Chas. Coulter for the Consns. therein mentd. did Release unto the said Henry Coulter his Exrs admors and assigns all that part of the Lands of Carrickastuck marked No. 3 in the map of said premes annexed to said Lease with the appurces then in the occupn. and possn. of the said Henry Coulter and his undertenants contg. forty four Acres three Roods and thirty perches be the same more or less To hold to the said Henry Coulter his Heirs Exors admors and assigns in sevly. for & during the life and lives af the said Ralph Coulter Wm. Coulter and Chas. Coulter and the surr. of them and for and during the residue of the said term of Forty one years to be Computed from the death of the said James Coulter whichever shod. last longest subject to a moiety of the yearly Rents of Fifty six pounds twelve shills. & nine pence and Eighty one pounds twelve shills. and four pence upon the Contingencys mentd. in said Lease reatably propy. by the acre to the Quantity of Land thereby granted in severalty to the said Henry Coulter his Heirs Exors admors and assigns and to the Covts in said Lease contd. so far as the same Extend to or relate to the premes therein allotted and Released to the said Henry Coulter his Heirs Exors admors and assigns which said deed and this Meml. are Witnd. by James Dickie and Joseph Dickie both of Clonahenan in the Co. Lowth Gent Chas. Coulter (Seal) Henry Coulter (Seal) Signed & Sealed in presence of James Dickie Joseph Dickie The above name Joseph Dickie Gent maketh Oath that he saw the above named Charles Coulter and Henry Coulter duly Sign Seal and Execute the deed of Partition of which the above writing is a meml. and also saw the said Chas. Coulter and Henry Coulter duly Sign and seal this Meml. that this dept. is a Subg. Witness to said deed of Partition and Meml. and that the name Joseph Dickie Subd. as a Witness to sd. deed and meml. is this depts name and hand writing & Saith he delc. said deed & meml. to John Moor Esqr. Dep Regr. at or near the hour of half after ten oClock in the forenoon of 30th day of June 1795 Sworn before 30th Jun 1795 Jno Moore Dep Regr.
[1] Charles COULTER He is the son of James COULTER and brother of Henry COULTER. Other deeds connect him to Annavacky, which is also called Roachdale. There are earlier deeds that also shed light on the family connections (1734) [2] Henry COULTER, of Carrickastuck and brother of Charles COULTER. [3] Robert SIBTHORPE [4] Newtown [5] 1782 July 2 lease. I do not yet have this one. [6] Carrickastuck [7] William COULTER. He was a brother of Samuel, Charles, and John. Their parents are as yet unknown. A link to the COULTERs of Lisnawooley is likely. Alexander COULTER (1637-1721/22) came over from Scotland. He had two known sons. The descendents of Thomas are well known. The story of the other son, Joseph COULTER, is still a mystery to me. He had a grandson whose name is unknown, and who was born 1755. [8] Charles COULTER. He was a brother of Samuel, William, and John. Their parents are as yet unknown. See above note on his brother, William. [9] John COULTER. He was a brother of Samuel, William, and Charles. Their parents are as yet unknown. See above note on his brother, William. [10] John Lord BELLEW [11] Ralph COULTER (abt 1785-1850), son of Henry COULTER. [12] Henry COULTER [13] William COULTER age 6, son of Charles COULTER [14] Charles COULTER age 3, son of Charles COULTER [15] James COULTER of Roachdale, farmer. He was the son of Charles COULTER, possibly of Dublin. In the July 6, 1795 deed, he is referred to as James COULTER the elder. He was the father of Charles and Henry COULTER He was born bef 1734. SOURCE: he is mentioned in1735 Aug 27 DEED: 80 473 56629 mentioned as son of Charles COULTER, and in 1734 Mar 11 DEED: 82 179 57452 [16] John COULTER of Mounthill, Co. Armagh, farmer [17] John COULTER of Mounthill, deceased.
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