1793 Feb 11 DEED: 462-482-296434 SEE: Map OLIVER-OLIVER
To the register appointed by act of Parliament for registering deeds will suck conveyances and so forth. A memorial of an indenture of lease bearing date the eleventh day of February one thousand seven hundred ninety three made between David OLIVER[1] of Ballyrea[2] in the City of Armagh, farmer of the one part and William OLIVER[3], Joseph OLIVER[4] and Benjamin OLIVER[5] of Ballyrea aforesaid farmers of the other part. Whereby the said David OLIVER for and in Consideration of the Yearly rents Clauses and Covenants therein [xx] Contained Granted Demised and Set unto the said William OLIVER Joseph OLIVER and Benjamin OLIVER in their Actual possession then being by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to them thereof made for one whole year by Indenture of Lease bearing Date the day next before the day of the Date of these presents in Consideration of Five Shillings Sterling and by Virtue of the Statutes for Transferring uses into Possession their Heirs and assigns. All that part and parcel of the town and lands of Cornacarrow[6], and Laragh[7] ordered and adjudged by a decree of his Majesty's high court of Chancery in Ireland bearing date the last day of March on one thousand seven hundred and ninety and duly Enrolled in the said Court in a Certain Cause wherein the said David OLIVER was plaintiff and George CRAWFORD[8] defendant to be assigned by the said George CRAWFORD to the said David OLIVER Containing by a Survey lately made thereof by Joseph BOYD[9] land surveyor one hundred seventy five Acres Plantation Measure be the same more or less together with the Corn and Tuck mills thereon and all the Succon and Geist[10] thereto belonging All which said lands and premises are Situate Lying and Being in the Barony of Cremoran[11] and County of Monaghan TO HOLD the same Together with all and Singular the Appurtenances thereunto belonging Or in any wise Appertaining unto the said William OLIVER Joseph OLIVER and Benjamin OLIVER their Heirs and assigns from and after the first day of November last part for and during the Natural Lives and Life of George CRAWFORD of Cornacarrow aforesaid Thomas CRAWFORD[12] eldest son of the said George CRAWFORD and Andrew CRAWFORD[13] second son of the said George CRAWFORD and for and During the Lives and Life of the Survivors and Survivor of them and for enduring the Life and Lives of Such other person or persons as be thereunto after Added or Inserted by virtue of the Covenant for Renewal therein contained Subject to the yearly rent of one hundred and twentyeight pounds Sterling payable by two half yearly payments on every first day of May and first day of November in Each year the first payment thereof to be made on the first day of May Ensuing the date thereof. And in which said Indenture of Lease is Contained a Covenant for Renewal so often as the Grand Lease thereof should be Renewed with the right Honorable Armor Lord Baron Belmore[14] his heirs or assigns And Subject to the like yearly Rent Clauses and Covenants as in the said in Indenture of Lease is Contained on the Tenant or Lessees part to be paid done and performed And which said Indenture of Lease whereof this is a Memorial & this Memorial is witnessed by Thomas LIVINGSTON of the city of Armagh Gent and James McMAHON of said city of Armagh Writing Clerk
David Oliver Signed and sealed in presence of Thomas Livingston James McMahon The above named James McMAHON Maketh Oath that he is a Subscribing Witness to the Indenture of Lease whereof the above Writing is a Memorial and also to the said Memorial and saith he saw the said Indenture of Lease duly executed by the parties thereto and also saw the said David OLIVER there in Named Sign and Seal the said memorial and saith the name James McMAHON[15] Subscribed as a Witness to the said Indenture of Lease & Memorial respectively is this Deponent proper Name & Handwriting James McMahon
Sworn before me at Armagh in the County of Armagh this 14th day of February 1793 by Virtue of a Commission to me directed for taking Affidavits in said County and I know deponent Robert Livingston[16]
[1] David OLIVER (1725-Feb 1806), of Ballyrea, husband of Susannah WALKER. He was a son of William OLIVER and Elizabeth HARDY. Curiously in spite of all the leases involving Ballyrea, he does not show up in the PRONI Freeholders Records relating to Ballyrea. In fact the only David OLIVER to show up in those records is a David OLIVER at Bangor, Co. Down in 1813-1821. Of interest, Benjamin OLIVER of Ballinahonebeg, a brother of David & Joseph, had a will probated in 1770- the year of this lease and a 1782 DEED: 360-236-242429 concerning Ballinahonebeg mentions a Benjamin OLIVER deceased. This Benjamin OLIVER was probably the father of the Arthur OLIVER of Ballynahonebeg and he was also likely the same Benjamin OLIVER of Lislooney (also connected to leases of Ballinahonebeg) as well as Andrew OLIVER David OLIVER was the father of 6 known children: William, Joseph, Benjamin, Martha, Margaret and Anne. [2] Ballyrea, Parish of Armagh, Co. Armagh was the home of more than one generation of OLIVERs. It is close to Tullymore, and a number of other small townlands associated with OLIVERs [3] William OLIVER (1764-1844). Since William wasn’t married until 1809, it would make sense that at this point he was still resident at the family home. He would later marry Mary Anne HYDE, live at Laragh and have two sons: William & Joseph. [4] Joseph OLIVER (1764-1837). Since Joseph married in 1804, it makes sense that at this point he was still resident at the family home. He would later marry Jane HAMILTON and live at Tullymore. He would have one son with a second wife, Catherine. Their son John Elliott OLIVER died at age 13 and was his only known child. He predeceased his second wife who went to live with her sister-in-law, a Mrs. KIDD. It seems that Tullymore passed into the hands of Osborne KIDD. I would suspect that there may have been complications of mortgages exceeding the assets – possibly with the family of Jane HAMILTON. [5] Benjamin OLIVER. We do not know when (or even if) Benjamin OLIVER married. He died between 1837-1840 at Ballyrea. A Mary OLIVER died March 11, 1834 at age 7 at Ballyrea and she may have been a descendant. [6] Cornacarrow is at the point where the Owenagh River leaves Lough Eglish and flows south to Laragh. SEE: Map [7] Laragh is a townland in the Parish of Aghnamullen, Co. Monaghan. (NOTE: There are other townlands named Laragh, but this is the one that fits the description of being beside Cornacarrow in the earlier lease that this lease refers to. SEE: Map [8] George CRAWFORD was a linen draper living at Cherryvale (at Cornacarrow). SOURCE: At the Ford of the Birches James H. & Peadar Murnane. 1999. p. 262. “In 1796 Lord Belmont of Coole Castle Co. Fermanagh assigned 400 acres of land in the townlands of Laragh and Cornacarriff (sic) to George CRAWFORD of Cherryvale, linen draper, then in his possession on a yearly lease. … Crawford remained in possession of the bleaching mill and green, possibly on a renting basis. He was declared bankrupt on the representations of David McTEAR for outstanding rent in 1804.” p. 263 “Crawford was a United Irishman”. p. 326 He sheltered William HAMILTON of Enniskillen, a talented public speaker who could draw large groups to hear him expound on the objectives of the United movement and on Thomas Paine’s “Rights of Man”. He would have recruited large numbers of Defenders into the ranks of the United Irishmen.” NOTE: These are the same mills that in 1844 would be taken over by the McKEAN family, friends of the JACKSONs of Creggan. NOTE: The Cherry Vale mill at Cornacarrow is at the point where the Owenagh River leaves Lough Eglish and flows south to Laragh. For Bankruptcy document dated May 26, 1804 see: PRONI D/199/30 [9] Joseph BOYD [10] “Succon and Geist” I don’t know what this means nor whether I may have mistranscribed it. [11] Barony of Cremoran AKA Cremorne. [12] Thomas CRAWFORD In a deed dated 1795 April 7, he was described as a linen draper of Cherryvale. [13] Andrew CRAWFORD [14] Honorable Armor Lord Baron Belmore AKA Armar LOWRY-CORRY (b.7 Apr 1740, d.2 Feb 1802), 1st Earl of Belmore, he was baptised with the name of Armar Lowry. He held the office of Member of Parliament (M.P.) for County Tyrone between 1768 and 1781. He held the office of High Sheriff of County Tyrone in 1769. On 1774 his name was legally changed to Armar Lowry-Corry after inheriting the estates of the Corry family. He held the office of High Sheriff of County Fermanagh in 1779. He was created 1st Baron Belmore of Castle Coole, co. Fermanagh [Ireland] on 6 January 1781. He was created 1st Viscount Belmore [Ireland] on 6 December 1789. Between 1790 and 1798 he constructed the present house at Castlecoole, to James Wyatt's design. He was created 1st Earl of Belmore [Ireland] on 30 November 1797. He lived at Castle Coole, County Fermanagh. He was the son of Galbraith Galbraith Lowry CORRY, b. 11 July 1706, d. 1769who was the son of Robert LOWRY & Anna SINCLAIR and who married Sarah CORRY, daughter of Colonel John CORRY & Sarah LESLIE. SOURCE: http://www.thepeerage.com/p12957.htm#i129569 .. [15] James McMAHON [16] Robert LIVINGSTON
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