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This document was transcribed by Wendy JACK with footnotes added by myself.
Sharon Oddie Brown, July 31, 2005.


Richard by Divine Providence Archibishop of Armagh Primate and Metropolitan of all Ireland also Judge or President of his Majesties Court of Prerogative for Causes Ecclesiastical and for faculties in and throughout the whole Kingdom of Ireland by Royal Authority rightly and lawfully constituted and established  To our well beloved in Christ Elizabeth Bradford [1] the Widow and Relict of Thomas Bradford [2] late of Cavanore [3] in the County of Louth Gent. deceased Greeting  Whereas the said Thomas Bradford (so aforesaid) deceased (having whilst living and at the time of his Death Goods Rights Credits or Chattles in Diverse Dioceses or peculiar jurisdictions) dyed intestate by reason whereof ordering and granting Administration of all and singular the Goods Rights Credits and Chattles of the said deceased and also the auditing and final discharging the Account of the Administration thereof are well known to appertain to us only and not to any inferior Judge And We being Desirous that all and singular the Goods Rights Credits and Chattles of the said Deceased should be well and faithfully Administered applied and disposed of according to Law

Do therefore by these Presents Grant full Power and Authority to you in whose fidelity we confide to Administer and well and faithfully dispose of all and singular the Goods Rights Credit and Chattles of the said Thomas Bradford deceased and also to ask demand collect recover and receive whatever Credits belonged to the said deceased at the time of his death and to pay whatever Debts the said deceased owed at the time of his death so far as such Goods Rights Credits and Chattles will thereunto extend and the Law requires you being first by [Commission] sworn on the Holy Evangelists in due form of Law well and faithfully to administer and dispose of all and singular the Goods Rights Credits and Chattles of the said Deceased and to make a true full and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods Rights Credits and Chattles of the said Deceased and to exhibit the same into the Registry of his Majestyes said Court of Prerogative on or before the Last Day of September next ensuing and also to render a true full and perfect Account there of into the said Court when you shall be thereto legally required And we do by virtue of these Presents Nominate Ordain make and Constitute you Administratrix of all and singular the Goods Rights Credits and Chattles of the said Thomas Bradford deceased Saveing the Right of every Person whatever In faith and Testimony whereof we have caused the Seal of his Majestyes said Court of Prerogative to be affixed to these presents Dated the Twenty fifth Day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety one.

[1] Elizabeth BRADFORD née BREAKEY, born March 3, 1758, died about 1844 at age 86.

[2] Thomas BRADFORD – died 20 Dec 1790, born about 1739.

[3] Cavanore. See: Cavananore


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