1779 April 28 Book 329, page 368 #219853 Transcription thanks to Dawn Lowe. Footnotes by Sharon Oddie Brown.
Deed Indented
NOTE: The Lane and Boyle Company Papers held at PRONI are interesting with respect to references in this deed. Here is a sample (there are more)
Between the Right Honorable Richard Jackson[1] of Coleraine, County Londonderry of the first part George Hart[2], City of Dublin, Esq, of the second part And David Latouche[3] Jr. of Dublin, Esq, of the third part
Reciting said Richard Jackson by his bond dated on or about 30 Oct 1752 with Warrant of Attorney of equal date therewith became bound unto Henry Hart[4], City of Dublin, Alderman, in 10,000 pounds conditioned for the payment of 5,000 pounds on 30 April next with interest at 4 pounds 10 shillings p cent p annum on which judgment had been entered in the Court of King’s Bench in Ireland in Michas Term 1752 and reciting that by Deeds of Lease and Release dated on or about 10-11 March 1735 between William Jackson[5] of Coleraine, County Londonderry, Esq since deceased of the first part, and Frances[6] his wife since deceased of the second part and the Honorable Elizabeth Moore[7] then of Dublin, Widow, since deceased of the third part, William Jackson with Consent of Frances in consideration of 1,300 pounds granted and confirmed to Elizabeth Moore and her heirs the Town and lands of Ballymadegan[8] Drumnaquilt[9] Donballycarne[10] Ringrassbegg[11] Ringrassmore Ardaclaire[12] and the upper and lower Altabrean[13], County Londonderry with appurtenances to hold to Elizabeth Moore, her heirs and assigns forever subject to Redemption on payment of 1,300 pounds upon a certain day therein mentioned and long since past. Also reciting William Jackson died on or about 22 March 1744[14] leaving Richard Jackson his only son and heir at Law who upon the death of William Jackson became entitled to the equity of Redemption of said lands and that said Mortgage of Elizabeth Moore became vested in John McAllister[15] of Coleraine, County Londonderry, Gent in Trust for Richard Jackson and further reciting that it was agreed by Richard Jackson at the time of said Henry Hart’s advancing 5,000 pounds that for the better securing the repayment with interest said Mortgage to Elizabeth Moore should be assigned to him Henry Hart, and Richard Jackson should grant to Henry Hart and his heirs a further mortgage of said Premises and further reciting that for the better Carrying said agreement into execution an Indenture Tripartite was made on or about 9 Dec 1752 between Richard Jackson of the first part, John McAllister of the second part and Henry Hart of the third part whereby John McAllister and Richard Jackson in consideration of 5 shillings apiece paid by Henry Hart did grant consign and release to him and his heirs recited premises with appurtenances to hold to Henry Hart and his heirs forever freed and discharged from the condition of Redemption … also reciting Richard Jackson did as of Michas Term 1752 suffer a Common Recovery of all said Premises to the use of Henry Hart and his heirs forever but subject to said last mentioned Covenant for Redemption in last recited Indenture and reciting that said 5,000 pounds secured by said Bond Judgment and Mortgage or any part thereof was not paid to said Henry Hart at the day in the Proviso and same remained unpaid and also reciting Henry Hart died sometime in 1763 on whose death George Hart[16] as his eldest son and heir became entitled to said 5,000 pounds and to the Benefit of said Judgment and Mortgage and Premises therein and further reciting That George Hart having occasion for 2,000 pounds part of said 5,000 pounds applied to Richard Jackson to pay of same and that it not being convenient for Richard Jackson at the time to pay, Richard Jackson applied to David Latouche Jr. to lend him same on condition that Richard Jackson and George Hart should execute their joint bond to said David Latouche Jr. for payment of same with interest and George Hart for better securing repayment execute to David Latouche Jr. his heirs and assigns a Deed declaring George Hart and his heirs should remain a Trustee of said Judgment and Mortgage for David Latouche Jr. as to said principal sum of 2,000 pounds and interest and said Mortgage should remain in the hands of George Hart his heirs and assigns as a security to said David Latouche Jr. for payment of 2,000 pounds plus interest and also reciting Richard Jackson agreed to execute such a Deed notwithstanding that Richard Jackson, his heirs and assigns was to pay interest only for said 5,000 pounds at a rate of 4 pounds 10 shillings p cent yearly and also to pay both George Hart and his heirs from 28 April 1779 interest at the rate of 6 pounds p cent p annum for the remaining Principal sum of 3,000 pounds and said Deed of which this recites said David Latouche Jr. had actually paid and advanced to Richard Jackson said 2,000 pounds for securing repayment whereof with interest Richard Jackson and George Hart had executed their Joint and Several Bonds with Warrant of Attorney to Confess Judgment thereon of equal date to David Latouche Jr., his heirs and assigns for 4,000 pounds conditioned for payment of 2,000 pounds with interest witnessed in pursuance of said agreement and in consideration of said 2,000 pounds part of the said 5,000 pounds advanced by David Latouche Jr. to Richard Jackson to be handed over to George Hart. George Hart declared that he should stand seized and possessed of said Judgment and mortgaged said Premises in Trust for David Latouche Jr., his heirs and assigns for better securing repayment of said 2,000 pounds plus interest and said Premises should be vested in George Hart, his heirs and assigns in the first place in trust for and to secure repayment of 2,000 pounds and interest to David Latouche Jr.
Witnessed by William Greer[17], City of Dublin, Gent Thomas Hand[18], City of Dublin, Servant to George Hart John Little[19], Gent, Land Waiter of the Port of Coleraine, County Londonderry
George Hart: Seal
Witnesses to Memorial Thomas Hand and Thomas Stevenson[20], City of Dublin, Gent
Signed and sealed in presence of Thomas Hand, subscribing witness to Deed and Memorial William Kelly[21], Deputy Register
Registered 22 May 1779
[1] Richard JACKSON (aft 1729 - aft 1781) of Coleraine. He married Lydia RICHARDSON and one of their daughters married a John Hamilton O'Hara. She died in 1802. He was the sole surviving son of William JACKSON and Frances EYRE. SOURCE: http://www.libraryireland.com/Pedigrees1/OHara4Heber.php [2] George HART Esq. , City of Dublin. NOTE: I have done no work on the HART line, although there is a George HART (1684-1758) who is likely connected to this one. [3] David Latouche jr.Esq. of Dublin, eldest son of Rt. Hon David LaTouche, Governor of Co. Carlow & Col of the Carlow regiment. SOURCE: Gentleman and Citizen’s Almanac. John Watson. · The La Touche family owned extensive estates in Kildare and Wicklow as well as property interests in Dublin City. They had houses at Harristown, county Kildare and Bellevue, Delgany, county Wicklow. McParlan records that in 1802 David LaTouche and his brothers were non-resident proprietors in county Leitrim. In 1856 Francis La Touche was leasing Drumhierny Lodge from William La Touche. He was a member of the Grand Jury for Leitrim in 1851. At the same time John & Peter La Touche were listed as the lessors of several townlands in the parishes of Cloone & Drumreilly, barony of Mohill. William La Touche was the lessor of several townlands in the parish of Rossinver, barony of Rosclogher in 1856. Between them members of the La Touche family owned amost 12,000 acres in county Leitrim in the 1870s. At the time of Griffith's Valuation Messrs Latouch held land in the parishes of Kilmoylan, barony of Shanid and Athneasy, barony of Coshlea, county Limerick. Robert Latouch was the proprietor of the lands in the parish of Athneasy circa 1840. In the mid 19th century members of the La Touche family held land in the county Cork parishes of Drumtarriff and Kilshannig, barony of Duhallow and Peter David La Touche held six townlands in the parish of Courney, barony of Ikerrin, county Tipperary, much of it let to William Mason. John La Touche held land in the county Tipperary baronies of Slievardagh, Eliogarty and Upper Ormond, most of his land was in the parish of Buolick. Peter La Touche of Dublin owned 905 acres in county Cork and William La Touche of Dublin owned 679 acres in the same county in the 1870s while William R. La Touche and David C. La Touche both of Bray, county Wicklow owned 1,347 acres and 289 acres respectively in county Tipperary. http://landedestates.nuigalway.ie:8080/LandedEstates/jsp/estate-show.jsp?id=448 [4] Henry HART (?-1763), Alderman of City of Dublin, father of George HART. NOTE: I have done no work on the HART line, although there is a George HART (1684-1758) who is likely connected to this one. Also, a previous Henry HART (?-1712) married Anne BERESFORD, who was tied into the JACKSON family mentioned in this deed, so there is likely a relationship. [5] William JACKSON (1690-1744), son of William JACKSON and Elizabeth GORGES. He married Frances EYRE of Eyercourt, and had five children. Two sons, John & Coningsby and predeceased him. D668/R/10 Close copy of will of William Jackson, Coleraine, Co. Derry and contains extracts from the Court of Prerogative in Ireland. Beneficiaries: son, Richard Jackson; two daughters, Elizabeth Jackson and Jane Mary Jackson; £10 to the Poor of Parishes of Killowen and Dunloy. Executors: Henry Carey, Dungiven; Arthur Church, Coleraine and Susanne Gordon, Coleraine. 12 August 1746 [6] Frances EYRE of Eyrecourt, Galway, Co. Galway [7] Elizabeth MOORE I suspect she was the widow of Hon William MOORE (dspm), mar 1686, widow of William BRABAZON, second daughter of Francis LEONARD, 14th Baron Dacre. http://thepeerage.com/p25430.htm#i254294 [8] Ballymadegan [9] Drumnaquilt [Parish of Killowen, Barony of Coleraine] [10] Donballycarne [11] Ringrassbegg Ringrassmore [Parish of Macosquin, Barony Coleraine] [12] Ardaclaire [13] Upper and lower Altabrean, County Londonderry [14] NOTE: The will was probated 1746. [15] John McALLISTER Gent, of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry. [16] George HART, eldest son of Henry HART [17] William GREER, Gent, City of Dublin. [18] Thomas HAND, servant to George HART [19] John LITTLE, Gent, Land Waiter of the Port of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry [20] Thomas STEPHENSON, Gent, City of Dublin [21] William KELLY, Deputy Register.
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