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NAMES: Nicholas JOHNSTON of Woodpark; Arthur OLIVER of Ballynahonebeg; Benjamin OLIVER of Lislooney; Andrew OLIVER; Elizabeth Maria OLIVER; James OLIVER; Alexander McILROY.
Sharon Oddie Brown. January 13, 2012
Updated August 5, 2017.
Update August 25, 2017. Updated footnote re; Ballynameta thanks to Sean Barden.


ROD 400 198 263357 JOHNSTON-OLIVER

Feb 6, 1738

The new bit of information that this deed adds to the mix is the fact that Andrew OLIVER, Chandler was a brother of Elizabeth Maria and Benjamin. NOTE: There are likely a few errors in the family tree that I have made that includes these people (I do keep updating it as I learn more, but much of the earliest - pre 1700s - work rests on the research of others). I am beginning to suspect that Andrew, Benjamin and Elizabeth Maria OLIVER were siblings of the William OLIVER who married Elizabeth HARDY. This makes it even more likely that they will tie in to the earlier OLIVERs of Mullintur (William OLIVER 1670-1726 born Sherranmcaghully, aka Farmacaffley, Parish of Lisnadill, Co. Armagh or Tattykeel, Parish Of Kildress, Co. Tyrone, and died at Mullintur, Co. Armagh). 

Lislooney is mentioned in the following deeds:

Also referenced in 1853 Apr 16: 1788 Feb 6 to & in possession of Arthur OLIVER & Benjamin OLIVER & lately in the possession of James OLIVER refers to lease 6 Feb 1788 renewed 13 April 1829 & a debt judgement 1822 against Benjamin OLIVER for £400 to John BURNS.


  • 1773 Aug 13-OLIVER Land to be let.
  • 1785 Aug 23 Lost horse – contact James OLIVER of Tynan
  • 1792 Aug 28 Land to be let – contact Mr. OLIVER who lives nearby.
  • 1825 Feb 24 Dublin Evening Post NAMES: The bankruptcy of James OLIVER, son of Benjamin OLIVER of Lislooney, Parish of Tynan, Co. Armagh; James WALLACE & Sons.
  • 1829 February 27 Belfast Newsletter. The farm that was referenced was likely the farm of Benjamin OLIVER who died in 1850. His brother Arthur OLIVER also had a stake in the farm. They were the sones of another Benjamin OLIVER.
  • 1831 Mar 11 Belfast Newsletter. TYNAN FARMING SOCIETY. – The annual ploughing match of the Tynan branch, N. E. farming society, was held on the 24th ult. on the Glebe lands at Tynan.The farm that was referenced was likely the farm of Benjamin OLIVER who died in 1850. His brother Arthur OLIVER also had a stake in the farm. They were the sones of another Benjamin OLIVER. 1851 May 9 Dublin Evening Mail NAMES: Mary Campbell; James OLIVER; Letitia OLIVER; William BROOKE; John McKINSTRY. PLACES: Lisluney aka Lislooney aka Lisloony.
  • 1852 November 30 Dublin Evening Mail NAMES: Mary CAMPBELL of Portinaghy, Co. Monaghan; Robert KILLEN; James OLIVER son of Benjamin OLIVER; Letitia OLIVER; Benjamin Robert OLIVER; James WALL; James Scott MOLLOY; Henry George JOHNSTON; Joseph MATTHEWS; John McINSTRY; John VOGEN. PLACES: Lislooney, Parish of Tynan; Cavanapole.



A Memorial of an Indenture of a lease bearing date the Sixth day of February in the year one thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Eight & made between Nicholas JOHNSTON[1] of Woodpark[2] in the Co. of Armagh Esq.  of the 1st part and Arthur OLIVER[3] of Ballynahonebeg[4] in the parish of Armagh Linen Draper and Benjamin OLIVER[5] of Lissluny[6] in the parish of Tynan and Co of Armagh Gent of the other part whereby the said Nicholas JOHNSTON for the Consideration in said Lease mentioned did demise Grant sett and to farm let unto the said Arthur and Benjamin OLIVER all that part or parcel of land in the townland of Lissluny in the Estate of Woodpark and Manor of Caledon then in the possession of the said Arthur OLIVER and Benjamin OLIVER together with one acre of Turf  Moss then in their possession in the Moss of Cavanapole[7] the whole Containing by Estimation forty six acres two roods be the same more or less and as the same is now meared and bounded with all timber Trees Standing or to be standing on the premises with the Appurtenances. To hold to the said Arthur OLIVER and Benjamin OLIVER & assigns for and During the lives of the said aforesaid Benjamin OLIVER Andrew OLIVER[8] and Elizabeth Maria OLIVER[9] Brother and Sister to the said Benjamin OLIVER and the survivor of them and for and during  such other lives as shall be added Successively forever pursuant to a [?] in said Indenture of Lease Contd for renewing the said demised  premises for ever at the Reserved Rent and paying a fine for renewal of two pounds five shillings and six pence at the fall of each and every life at and under the yearly rent of Eleven pounds ten shillings sterling with Clauses of Distress & re-entry which sd Indenture of Lease is witnessed by James OLIVER[10] of Lissluny in the Co. of Armagh Gent & Alexander McILROY[11] of Armagh in the C. of Armagh Carpenter and this Memorial is Witnessed by the said Alexander McIROY and Andrew OLIVER aforesaid Chandler. Arthur OLIVER [seal] Benjamin OLIVER [seal] signed and sealed by the above names Arthur OLIVER and Benjamin OLIVER in presence of us Alexander McILROY Andrew OLIVER. The above named Alexander McILROY maketh oath that he  saw the above named Nicholas JOHNSTON duly execute the Indenture of lease … signed 17th June 1788.


ROD 398 441 263358 Image 248


A memorial of a deed of assignment btw Arthur OLIVER of Ballynahonebeg. Parish of Armagh, Linene Draper of the 1 pt & Benjamin OLIVER of Lysluney [aka Lislooney] Parish of Tynan, Co Armagh Gent of the other part by virtue of a deed Feb 6 1788 Nicholas JOHNSTON of Woodpark, Co. Armagh Esq. demised to Arthur OLIVER & Benjamin OLIVER all that part or parcel of land in townland of Lislooney in the estate of Woodpark and Manor of Caledon then in the possession of Arthur & Benjamin OLIVER together with the one acre of turf bog containing by estimation 46 acres two roods for three lives therein mentioned [NOTE: they weren’t mentioned] – Benjamin and Arthur OLIVER being joint tenants and each of them entitled to  one undivided moiety of the whole of this demised premes… The said deed of assignment witnesseth that the said Arthur OLIVER for the for and in consideration of five shillings to him paid by the said Benjamin OLIVER demised his share to Benjamin OLIVER of lands and premes in Lislooney & bog or moss in Cavanaghpole and premises with the appurtenances so devised as aforesaid to the said Arthur OLIVER and Benjamin OLIVER by Nicholas JOHNSTON . WITNESS: Andrew OLIVER of Armagh, Co. Armagh Chandler & Alexander McELLROY of Armagh, Co. Armagh Carpenter. Benjamin OLIVER [SEAL]

The above map is based on one that can be found at townlands.ie.
The names of contiguous and nearby townland names shed light on the connections between various members of the OLIVER families and the other leases that they held.



[1] Nicholas JOHNSTON of Woodpark, Co. Armagh. I have little on this line of JOHNSTONs. NOTE: I am curious about his wife. There is a possibility that she was Eliza Maria OLIVER.

Here Lyeth the body of | Eliza Maria Johnston | who

departed this life on the | 20 th of Nov | 1789 | aged 60

years | also the body of | Nicholas Johnston Esq re I of

Woodpark in the County of Armagh | departed this life

on | the 26 July 1785 | aged 70 years. SOURCE: Journal of the Association of the Preservation of Memorials of the Dead – Ireland. 1913 Vol. !X, 1

[2] Woodpark, Parish of Tynan, Co. Armagh. aka Ballynameta, Parish of Tynan, Co. Armagh. Woodpark Wood Park Lodge is just to the east of Lislooney – separated only by the townland of Dillay. It was the long time residence of the JOHNSTON family.

  • Ownership of Ballenamiatagh or Wood Park, Co. Armagh SOURCE: Paterson MS 59 p 128 transcription

    1600 Sir Henry Oge O’Neill
    1613 Con Roy O’Neill
    1624-31 Sir Phelim O’Neill
    1631-41 Robert Hovenden (or Horenden?)
    1641-88 Robert Hovenden (or Horenden?)
    1688-1700 Robert Hovenden (or Horenden?)
    1700-23 George Johnston
    1723-28 Wm Johnston
    1740-92 Nicholas Johnston
    1792-6 Edward Johnston
    1808-17 Nicholas George Johnston

    ?-1817 Capt Cross
    1817 Acheson St. George

[3] Arthur OLIVER (abt. 1744- abt. 1798)

·       SEE: 1738 February 6 Arthur and Benjamin OLIVER shared: all that part or parcel of land in the townland of Lissluny in the Estate of Woodpark and Manor of Caledon then in the possession of the said Arthur OLIVER and Benjamin OLIVER together with one acre of Turf  Moss then in their possession in the Moss of Cavanapole

·       SEE: 1770 April 26 he was a witness to a deed involving David OLIVER. It involved 100 acres on the west side of the townland of Laragh, Co. Monaghan as well as some water rights.

·       SEE: 1770 July 30  David OLIVER of Ballyrea, Co. Armagh sold his lease rights for Lands of Laragh & Carnacaraff. - both in Co. Monaghan - as well as the Mill at Creevey (also Monaghan) with 8 acres of land and lands in Ballymogonan in Co. "Dorone" to Arthur OLIVER of Balinahone Beg, Co. Armagh. NOTE: Ballymogonan in Co. "Dorone" is probably  Ballymagowan, Parish of Clogher, Co. Tyrone.

·       SEE: 1770 October 31  echoes 1770 July 30 .

·       SEE: 1782 Sept 7  Robert JACKSON was paid £850 by Arthur OLIVER & Sarah SEAVER & set over to Arthur OLIVER & Sarah SEAVER all the lands of Ballynahonebegg in Parish of Armagh possessed by Thomas VERNER. Thomas VERNER was the executor of the deceased Benjamin OLIVER – who I believe was the Benjamin OLIVER (1717-1770), father of Arthur & Benjamin. NOTE: I am curious about whether there may have been a marriage relationship between the OLIVERs and SEAVERS.

·       SEE: 1784 Feb 10 [refers to] Deed of partition made between Sarah SEAVER & Arthur OLIVER 15 Nov 1783 that Sarah SEAVER (executor etc) would have ½ of all rents and fines issuing out of the part of said premises held by Thomas VERNER Esq. And also ½ rents and fines of part in possession of Arthur OLIVER called the bleach green and half of her late husband’s legacy

·       SEE: 1789 April 15 – he was a farmer at Ballinahonebeg. Robert WILSON the younger in consideration of £5 sterling to be paid by Arthur OLIVER did sell transfer and make over unto the said Arthur OLIVER his exec ... all the liberty of Beetling, Washing & rubbing cloth at said mill of Ballinahonebeg which his father Robert WILSON the elder hd resd to hold to the said Arthur OLIVER.

·       SEE: 1793 February 13 He held a lease to Ballinahonebeg jointly with Sarah SEAVER.

·       SEE: 1853 April 16. This will recites the abovementioned lease of 1788 Feb 6

[4] Ballynahonebeg , Parish of Lisnadill, Co. Armagh.
[5] Benjamin OLIVER. I strongly suspect that he was the Benjamin OLIVER (b bef 1717- d 1770) of Ballynahonebeg, a son of William OLIVER & Elizabeth HARDY. NOTE: His birth date is a hunch based on his being of full age at the time of this deed.
[6] Lissluny aka Lislooney Parish of Tynan, Co. Armagh. NOTE: There is an earlier lease 1718 June 11 involving a William OLIVER at Lislooney:
[7] Cavanapole is a townland in the Parish of Tynan. Olivers resided there well into the 1900s. It is north-east of Lislooney.
[8] Andrew OLIVER, chandler and brother of Benjamin and Elizabeth Maria OLIVER. Son of William OLIVER and Elizabeth HARDY.The earliest lease I have in the name of an Andrew OLIVER chandler  is 36 years later dated 12 May 1774 - house and garden on Thomas Street for term of 23 years yearly rent of ₤6.10.: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/1774May12-OLIVER-KERR.html Given that it was renewed 21 years later in 1792, it is possible that there is more than one generation of Andrew OLIVER, Chandler – but not necessarily. Assuming he was of full age in 1738, then he would have to be born before 1717. This would make him more than 75 years old at the time of the renewal in 1792.
[9] Elizabeth Maria OLIVER Because of the baptism of an Elizabeth OLIVER on 11 April 1728 at 1st Armagh Presbyterian, my hunch is that she was a daughter of William OLIVER and Elizabeth HARDY.
[10] James OLIVER Gent of Co. Armagh.NOTE: It is possible that he was another son of William OLIVER and Elizabeth HARDY. Or, he may have been a cousin or brother of William OLIVER.
[11] Alexander McILROY



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