SNAPSHOT: Lord John BELLEW is leasing 135 acres of profitable land at Carrickastuck to Charles, William and John COULTER of Carrickastuck.
1735 Aug 27 DEED: 80 473 56629 Ld Bellew to Dickie et al
Regrd. the 5th day of August 1735 at 12 a Clock at Noon To the Regr. appointed for Registring Deeds &c. – A Memorial of an Indented Lease bearing date the Tenth day of March One thousand Seven hundred and thirty four Made Between the Rt. Honble John Lord Bellew[1] Baron of Duleek of the one pt. & Chas Coulter[2] Wm. Coulter[3] & Jno. Coulter[4] of Carrickstuck [5]in the County of Lowth Farmrs of the other part Whereby the sd. Jno. Lord Bellew Did Demise unto the sd. Chas Wm. Coulter and Jno. Coulter all that & those the Lands of Carrickstuck aforesd. then in the possn. of the sd. Chas Wm. Coulter and Jno. Coulter Amountg. in the whole to the Numr. of One hundred & Thirty five Acres profitable Land over & above bog plantation Measure be the same more or less All which sd. Land & premes are Situate lying & being in the baro. of Dundalk & County of Lowth Meared & bounded as in a Ter Charter Map of the prsses thereunto Annexed Except Timber & Timber Trees & Royaltys & Liberty if Fishing & Fowling as in the sd. Lease is Excepted To hold from the first day of Novr. then last during the Natural Lives of the sd. Coulter Wm. Coulter & Jno. Coulter & of James Coulter[6] son of the sd. Charles Coulter & the longest Liver of them At the yearly rent of fifty Seven pounds Seven Shillgs. & Six pence and Six pence p pound recrs fees which sd. Lease is Witnessed by George Pippard[7] of Drogheda[8] Esqr. & Corns. McLaughlin[9] of Drogheda Gent & this Meml. is Witnessed by the sd. George Pippard & Mathew Pageitt [10]Clke to Benjn. Johnston[11] publk. Not. in Dublin Bellew (Seal). Signed & Sealed in the prsence of us – Geo Pippard. Matt Pageitt. The above named Geo. Pippard maketh Oath that he Saw the above named Jno. Ld. Bellew Chas. Coulter Wm. Coulter & Jno. Coulter duly Execute the Lease whereof the above writing is a Meml. & also saw the sd. Jno. Lord Bellew duly Sign & Seal the sd. Meml. and that this Dept. Delivrd. the sd. Lease & Meml. to Mr. Wm. Parry Dep Regr. on the 28 day of Augt. One thousand Seven hundred and thirty five at or near Ten of the Clock in the forenoon. Geo. Pippard. Jur Cor me 28o. die Augt. 1735. Will Parry Dep Regr.
[1] Rt. Hon John Lord BELLEW (1702-1770). He came from an old Anglo-Norman family and succeeded to the title March 22, 1714/1715. SOURCE: [2] Charles COULTER of Carrickstuck. I believe this to be the Charles COULTER (?-bef 1776 ) who was deceased before 1776 Dec 4 SOURCE: Deed: 323 232 213562. I also suspect that he was a brother of Samuel COULTER (abt 1690-?) of Cavananore and of William and John COULTER – the latter two were also deceased before 1776. Some evidence lead me to think that he may have married Mary McEVERS before 1735 (son James mentioned) – but I will be revisiting this as I learn more. SOURCE: DEED: 134 179 90509. And DEED: 80 473 56629 [3] William COULTER of Carrickstuck. I believe he was a brother of Charles COULTER (?-bef 1776 ), Samuel COULTER (abt 1690-?) of Cavananore and John COULTER. [4] John COULTER I believe he was a brother of Charles COULTER (?-bef 1776 ), Samuel COULTER (abt 1690-?) of Cavananore and William COULTER. [5] Carrickastuck, a townland of 229 acres in the Parish of Phillipstown, Co. Louth. [6] James COULTER (b bef 1735), son of Charles COULTER of Carrickastuck & Mary McEVERS. [7] George PIPPARD of Drogheda merchant. Going from Deeds evidence, he would seem to be the eldest son of a Christopher PIPPARD of Drogheda and a brother of Henry PIPPARD. What is interesting in his appearance here in terms of the family story is that there are a number of JACKSON-PIPPARD Connections.: PIPPARD mentions in Deeds. [8] Drogheda - a seaport, borough, and market-town, and a county of itself, locally in the county of LOUTH, and province of LEINSTER, 57 miles (S by W.) from Belfast, and 23 (N.) SOURCE: A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, Samuel Lewis. . NOTE: The COULTER-Drogheda connection is interesting. In 1808,there was a letter from George Coulter at Drogheda to [John Foster] reminding him of the support he gave Colonel Foster at the last election. He is the only Protestant wool draper in Drogheda, and was assured by Colonel Foster that if his business suffered as a result of the election he would be provided for. He was promised a gaugership, but nothing more has come of this. SOURCE: PRONI: D562/12555.
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