1768 May 27
Strayed or stolen on the night of 2 May inst out of the stable of Edward Kelly[1] of Belltarran[2] the parish of Armagh, one dark bay horse, rising five years old with a small ranch turning to the near side near the nose, the two hind feet white, the off hind foot white above the pattern, 14 hands and a half high, some white spots under the saddle, well-made, had a switch tail, not set. Whoever brings said horse to Mr. James White[3], merchant, in Anne St., Dublin or to Mr. Benjamin Oliver[4], at Armagh, or to Mr. Andrew McKinley[5], in Belfast, shall be paid one guinea reward, and no questions asked, or for the horse and thief, two guineas. Edward Kelley.
[1] Edward Kelly of Beltarren
[2] Belltarren aka Baltarran, Parish of Lisnadill, Co. Armagh.
[3] James White of Anne St. Dublin.
[4] Benjamin Oliver. There are several known Benjamin OLIVERs and possibly some not yet known to me. I am assuming that this one is the Benjamin OLIVER (d 1779) of Ballyrea and Ballynahonebeg.
[5] Andrew McKinley