Who’s Who in the Far East 1906-7

This book is available at archive.org.


I have noted, and in some cases annotated all the entries I could find in this book that referred to men who had some sort of connection to Ireland. I am trying to learn more about the Irish Diaspora as it was experienced in the region during the late 1800s. If there was no known connection, I did not include them (or included only a mention because my nose twitched indicating some level of interest).


CAUTION: I entered this data using a voice recognition program, and it is more likely than not that I have missed some errors of the sort

that this method produced. Hopefully, there are no out and out howlers.


NOTE: Because of the nature of my research, I also focused on aspects relating to Sir Thomas JACKSON and his brother David JACKSON. I also included ion [brackets] the age of the men when they first went east. Also of interest:






ALDWORTH, John [James] Richard Oliver (Kuala Lampur) F.M.S. Civil Service. B. Sept 18, 1866, s. of late Col Robert ALDWORTH; married 1905, Dorothea Anne Harvey, daughter of late Richard Drew. Educated: Cheltenham College. Entered Selangor civil-service 1899 [age 23]; passed in Malay 1889; first assistant collector magistrate, Klang, December 1889; acting District Officer, Kuala Selangor, August 1890; Acting Treasurer of Pahang, July to November 1892; District Officer, Klang, 1893; District Officer, Ulu Langat, December 1895; Examiner in Malay, Negri Sembilan, 1896; Collector of Land Revenue, Seremban, and Registrar of Titles, Negeri Sembilan, June 1900; secretary to High Commissioner F.M.S. 1901 - 3; District officer, Kuala Kangsar, 1903. Address: Kuala Lumpur, Selangar, Federated Malay States.

NOTE: Died June 9, 1948  http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Article/straitstimes19480611.2.14.aspx

He was the youngest son of Col. Robert Aldworth & Olivia Catherine MORTON.


Born 18th Sept. 1866 Died 9th June 1948 http://www.haselburystm.org/memorials.htm

His father, Col. Robert ALDWORTH: Birth: Oct. 31, 1809 Death: Sep. 1, 1899
North Cork Rifles, formerly captain 94th foot of Co. Cork and of Claremont Dorking. He held the office of Justice of the Peace (J.P.). http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=31451223

Col. Robert ALDWORTH was of Montenotte, Cork. http://landedestates.nuigalway.ie/LandedEstates/jsp/estate-show.jsp?id=2527

NOTE: His eldest son, William, died in the Boer War: Aldworth, William A. (D.S.O.), Lt-Col., Passed Staff College, was killed in action, near Paardeberg, Feb. 18th, 1900. He was the eldest surviving son of the late Col. Robert Aldworth, of co. Cork, and Claremont, Dorking (formerly of the 94th Foot and north Cork Rifles)http://www.britisharmedforces.org/li_pages/regiments/dcli/duke_boerwar.htm


ARMSTRONG, William Reginald (PENANG) Advocate and Solicitor of Supreme Court, Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States: Born 1874 at New Ross County Wexford, Ireland.  Educated Trinity College, Dublin: graduated there as senior moderator in logic and ethics 1896; LLD, Dublin University 1899; DCL during University 1902; called to Bar, Kings Inns, Dublin.  Hilary term 1900: admitted to Bar of Straits Settlements and of Federated Malay states 1904 [age 30] Address Penang Straits Settlements.


BAIN, George Murray (HONGKONG) journalist; proprietor of the “China Mail” and “Wha Tze Yat Po”; Born August 24, 1842, at Montrose, [Angus] Scotland.  Educated Montrose Borough school.  Came to Hong Kong on February 9, 1864 [age 22]; joined “China Mail” as sub editor and reporter; became editor later, and proprietor in 1872; during 1877 in 1882 took active part in fighting the vicious policy of the then governor, Sir John Pope Hennessy; has consistently upheld British interests in maintaining impartial attitude towards other nationals; one of the oldest journalist in Far East; takes interest in all public movements and supports all sports.  Clubs Hong Kong; jockey in cricket, etc. Address: Birnam Brae, Conduit Road, Hong Kong.

NOTE: The editorializing implicit in vicious policy. Although the merchant class of Hong Kong often locked horns with the Catholic-Irish Hennessy, his policies look enlightened from today’s perspective. Bain’s paper, China Mail, was the more conservative of the newspapers, so his crusade against Hennessy is not surprising. What is fascinating to see is that this part was lifted and repeated verbatim in his obituary: ... took active part in fighting the vicious policy of the then governor, Sir John Pope Hennessy.  The Straits Times, 22 April 1909. http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Article/straitstimes19090422.2.82.aspx


He died April 1, 1909, age 66, and was buried at Happy Valley, Hong Kong. IHS/ In loving memory/ George Murray Bain/ born at Montrose Scotland/ 4th August 1842/ died at Hong Kong/ 1st April 1909/and his wife Ellen Eliza/ died at Ning Po/ 21st December 1914/ "They rest from their labours"/ "So he giveth his beloved sleep" http://gwulo.com/node/8741

The Straits Times of 8 January 1916 recorded the death of his widow, who was staying with her daughter Mrs. EDWARDS at Ningpo at the time. [NOTE: The headstone says she died 1914, the news article infers otherwise.] http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Article/straitstimes19160108.2.18.aspx


BARCLAY, Rev. Thomas (Formosa)  M.A. Glasgow; Presbyterian missionary; Born November 21, 1849; married November 8, 1892.  Educated Glasgow University, Glasgow Free Church College and Leipzig.  Commenced work in Formosa 1875 [age 26].  Decoration 5th class Order Rising Sun.  Address: Tainan, Formosa


BEATTY, David (Penang) Straits Settlements Civil Service: Born January 20, 1876.  Educated Trinity College, Dublin: Junior and Senior Exec Exhibitioner: first honoursman classics, logic and natural silence; prizeman in history.  Appointed Cadet in Civil Service by Secretary of State, November 17, 1898 [age 22]; Passed Cadet, July 26, in 1901; acting third magistrate Singapore, November 9, 1901; Acting District Officer, Christmas Island, July 1, 1903; seconded for special duty in Penang, August 28 to September 6, 1904; Acting Second Magistrate, Singapore, May 1, 1904; Second Assistant Protector of Chinese, Singapore, June 16, 1904; on return from leave, December 20 9, 1905, appointed Acting Sheriff, Deputy Registrar, and Assistant Official Assignee, Penang.  Address: Supreme Court, Penang, Straits Settlements.

NOTE: His papers are at Bodleian Library including photos of Hong Kong, Canton and Macau.


Photos of his farewell at Penang in 1926:



BLAND, Robert Norman (MALACCA), B.A. Resident Councillor; born October 8, 1859. Educated: St. Paul's school; Cheltenham College; Trinity College, Dublin. Cadet, Straits Settlements, October, 1882; passed in Malay, May, 1884 [age 26]; Collector Magistrate, Sri Menanti, June 1886; District Officer, Southern District, Province of Wellesley, 1888; Collector of Land Revenue, Penang, 1889; ditto, Singapore, 1890; Officer in charge, Sunjei Ujong, December 1894; ditto, Negri Sembilan, January to April, 1895; acting Official Assignee of Deeds, Singapore, June, 1896; Inspector of Prisons, Straits Settlements, March, 1897; senior District Officer, Province Wellesley, April, 1897; acting Resident Councillor, Malacca, April to September, 1900 -- 1903; Capt. in Singapore Volunteer corps, 1902. Clubs: sports; Colonial Institute. Address: Malacca, Straits Settlements; Whiteabbey, Co. Antrim, Ireland

NOTE: http://www.thepeerage.com/p27760.htm#i277599

1st born son of Maj-Gen Edward Loftus BLAND of the Royal Engineers (with an interest in ornithology), & Emma Frances FRANKS of Woodbank, Whiteabbey, Antrim.


BLAND, John Otway Percy (Shanghai), representative of British and Chinese corporation in China and Times correspondent; Born 1863, married 1888.  Educated: schools abroad and Trinity College, Dublin.  Served in Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs, 1883 [age 20] – 1896; Secretary of Municipal Council, Shanghai, 1896 – 1906; Publications: “Lays a far Cathay”, “Llays and relays” “Verse and worse,” etc..  Decorations: Chinese civil rank fifth class.  Clubs: Thatched House, London.  Address: Shanghai, China.

NOTE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Otway_Percy_Bland A complex career.

NOTE: http://www.thepeerage.com/p27760.htm#i277599

3rd child of Maj-Gen Edward Loftus BLAND & Emma Frances FRANKS, of Woodbank, Whiteabbey, Antrim. He was Robert HART’s personal secretary at age 20.


BREDON, Sir Robert Edward (Peking) K.C.M.G.; M.A., M.B., M. Ch.; deputy inspector general, Chinese customs; Born February 4, 1846: married September 3, 1879.  Educated: private school; Royal School, Dungannon, Ireland; Trinity College, Dublin; graduated University of Dublin.  Competed for a medical appointment in her Majesty’s service and obtain first place; appointed assistant surgeon, and 97th Regiment (now Royal West Kent Regiment) in 1867 [age 21]; retired 1873, being then in West Indies; joined Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs as Chief Secretary, Inspector General, 1873: Commissioner, Chefoo, 1875; Ninpo, 1875; Canton, 1876, 18 chief Secretary, 1877; in charge inspector general, 1877 – 78; 18 chief Secretary, 1878; Commissioner, Hankow, 1882; Shanghai, 1890; 18 chief Secretary, 1893; Commissioner, Hankow, 1896; Commissioner, Canton, 1896; retired and rejoined, 1897; Deputy Inspector General, taking, 1897; Shanghai 1900; 18, 1904; was present with family and British Legation, Peking during siege and bombardment, 1900; attached 1902 – 04 to Chinese commission for revision of British and other commercial treaties.  Decorations: Officer of Legion of Honour France); Commander order of Olaf (Norway); second-class Sacred Treasure (Japan); K.C.M.G.  Great Britain: second division second-class Double Dragon (China), second-class crown of pressure, with star; China Medal with Defense of Legations clasp.  Publications: various papers in customs publications on Chinese railway and financial questions, including some in Chinese.  Clubs: Shanghai country; Shanghai; race, Shanghai; Peking; Junior United service, London.  Address: Inspectorate General of customs, Peking, China.

NOTE: http://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php/topic,397011.0.html  He was a brother-in-law of Sir Robert HART.


BRESLAND, Charles William (BATANG PATANG), B.A. F.M.S. civil service: born April 10, 1878. Educated: Dublin University. Appointed cadet, 1901 [age 23]; has acted as District Officer At Kinta and Tapah; District Officer at Batang Padang. Address: Batang Padang, Perak, Federated Malay states.

NOTE: In the 1901 Irish Census he was a 22 year old Presbyterian born in Antrim: http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/pages/1901/Dublin/Trinity/Trinity_College/1312073/

In 1911, his father, James, was a retired teacher born in Derry. http://www.census.nationalarchives.ie/pages/1901/Dublin/Trinity/Trinity_College/1312073/


BROWN, David E. (Hong Kong) General Agent for China, Japan, India, etc., Canadian Pacific Railway Company; Born March 20, 1855, at Owen Sound, Canada.  Entered railway service with Great Western Railway of Canada, May, 1875, as freight and ticket clerk and telegraph operator; with Northern and North Western Railway of Canada as agent at Alliston, Barrie and Orellia, receiving agent, traveling auditor, cashier and special traveling agent, in 1879 [age 24] – 1883; since 1883 with Canadian Pacific Railway Company; freight agent, Winnipeg, Manitoba, for three years; appointed District freight and passenger agent for Pacific division, September, 1886; promoted assistant general freight and passenger agent, Western and Pacific divisions, in charge of railway and Pacific steamship traffic, May, 1889; transferred to Hong Kong to take charge of company specific steamships and traffic of China, Japan, India, Australia, and intermediate territory, June 1, 1893.  Club: Hong Kong.  Address: Hong Kong.


BUNBURY, Rev. George Alexander (Hong Kong) M.A. clergyman Born June 10, 1870.  Educated: past; Oriel College, Oxford; second-class classical mods., 1890; second-class literature humanities 1893.  Ordained 1895; Church of Holy Trinity, Oxford, 1895 – 98; C.M.S. missionary from 1898; sub warden of St. Paul’s College, Hong Kong since 1901 [age 31]Address:2 College Gardens, Hong Kong.

NOTE: He was descended from Thomas BUNBURY of Killmagarvogue, Co. Carlow. He was born June 1, 1870 in Southampton to parents William Reeves BUNBURY & Elizabeth GARRETT. His father served in the Bengal Staff Corps. [INFO thanks to Peter R. Bunbury’s email & Turtle Bunbury’s website: http://www.turtlebunbury.com/family/bunburyfamily_lisnavagh/bunburyfamily_lisnavagh_thomasbunburyofkill.html


CHATER, Sir Catchick Paul (Hong Kong) Kt; C.M.G; member the executive Council; Consul for Siam; Born 1846; son of Chater Paul Chater of Calcutta.  Arrived in Hong Kong, 1864 [age 18], as assistant in Bank of Hindustan, China, and Japan; resigned from bank and started business as exchange and bullion broker, 1886; Justice of the peace, 1888; sat in Legislative Council as acting member during absence on leave for one year of Mr. F. Sassoon, 1886 – 7; was on holiday in India when Mr. Sassoon resigned, 1887, and was unanimously elected for a term of six years to represent the justices of the peace; was reelected for a further period of six years, 1893, and again in 1899, retiring upon the expiration of his third term of office, January, 1906; during office as unofficial member was elected to the executive Council, which seats still retains; in 1884 started a godown  business, purchasing the sea beach from the Government and erecting godowns;  in 1888 amalgamated with Jardine, Mathieson & Co., and established the existing Hong Kong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown company, reclaiming for shores and erecting present godowns and wharfs; originated to pay a reclamation in 1887 by writing to the government and submitting a scheme, which is accepted by Marine lot holders; visited England later and receive the sanction of the Secretary of State to carry out the work, the foundation stone being laid at the corner of existing cricket ground by the Duke of Connaught  in 1890; presented statue of the Duke of Connaught to the colony in commemoration of the event; work was concluded on the reclamation in 1905, the results being the addition to the colony of considerable foreshore upon which has been erected some of finest hongs east of Suez; was the first to advocate the acquirement of the present new territory on the mainland of China, writing to the government for years before the actual leasing of the territory; organize and appeal to the government later by the Chamber of Commerce, the Chinese Association, and the unofficial members of the legislative Council, and successfully urged the negotiation for these of the territory, which is subsequently granted by China; has been identified in most public movements since arrival in colonies; was treasurer and afterwards chairman of Queen’s Jubilee committee; chairman of diamond Jubilee committee (then created C.M.G.) erected first Anglican Church at Kowloon; is Chairman and Director principal public companies, including Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock company; supports all sports; has been steward of the Jockey Club for 25 years and President for many years; was created knight in 1902.  Clubs: Hong Kong; most sporting.  Address: Marble Hall, Conduit Road, Hong Kong.


CLEMENTI, Cecil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Clementi Born in India, Son of Montague CLEMENTI (father was English) http://www.monchique.com/Ochanoff/ohanov/ochanoff/2353.htm



CUSCADEN, Capt William Andrew (SINGAPORE), Superintendent of Police; born November 1, 1853. Educated Diocesan school, Wexford; Trinity College, Dublin. Capt. and Instructor of Musketry, 4th Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers; Assistant Inspector, Gold Coast Constabulary, 1879 [age 26]; Civil Commissioner, Tacquah, 1880; Chief Inspector of Police, Singapore, 1883; Acting Assistant Superintendent, Penang, 1883; Assistant Superintendent, Penang, 1884; Acting Superintendent, Malacca, Singapore, and Penang, 1889; Assistant Superintendent, Province Wellesley, 1893, Superintendent of Police, Malacca, 1897; Acting Chief Police Officer, Singapore, 1898; Acting Inspector General of Police, Straits Settlements; Municipal Commissioner for Singapore, 1901; Superintendent of Police, Singapore, since 1902. Clubs: Edward yacht, Kingston; Corona; Singapore. Address: Goodwood Estate, Tanglin, Singapore, Straits settlements.

NOTE: from One Hundred Years of Singapore [my emphasis]: Lieutenant-Colonel Pennefather was succeeded, in 1 90 5) by Captain William Andrew Cuscaden, I.S.O.,who was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he was senior sophister, and who served in the 4th Royal Dublin Fusiliers, in which battalion he was Instructor of Musketry. He entered the Gold Coast Constabulary in 1 879, became Assistant District Commissioner at Lagos in 1880, receiving the thanks of Government for organising native levees and raising a force of 6,000 men. In 1883 he was appointed Chief Inspector of the Straits Force, and the next year Assistant Superintendent of Police. " Tim," as he was always called, was a most genial Irishman, very popular socially, and a successful police officer. He was a huge man, and had played Rugby football for Ireland, but like most big, powerful men, was very kind-hearted. He dearly loved an Irishman naturally, and while he was here the Police Courts rang with the brogue, for nearly all his recruits came from the Royal Irish Constabulary. He retired in 1913, and when the War broke out resumed his old position of Instructor of Musketry, in which he did most useful work, helping in the training of the new battalions. One of his sons is now Chief Police Officer in Johore.

SOURCE: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=47845759   Birth: Nov. 1, 1863 County Wexford, Ireland Death: Aug. 5, 1936, England Father:  William Henry Cuscaden (1801 - 1887) wife:  Marcia Christina "Christie" Lyons (1853 -


DALY, Maurice Dominic (Pekan) b. Apr 14, 1875 Address:  Pekan, Pahang, Federated Malay States.

NOTE: He may be related to one of the DALYs of Cleve Hill, Co. Cork. In the 1870s another Maurice 
Dominick Daly of Academy Street, Cork owned 1,802 acres in county Cork. He later lived at Cleve Hill.


DINSMORE, William Holmes (SERENDAB) L.L.B., Dublin; F.M.S. civil service; born August 3, 1877. Cadet at Negri Sembilan, 1902 [age 25]; acting assistant District Officer, Kuala Pilah, March, 1904; Acting Different District Officer, Kuala Pilah, April, 1904; acting assistant District Officer, April, 1904; passed in Law, 1903; Acting Assistant District Officer, Serendah, 1906. Address: Serendah, Salangor, Federated Malay States.

NOTE: Marriage: Straits Times November 19, 1924. The wedding took place on Monday at St. George's Church, Penang, the Rev. Keppel Gamier officiating, of Mr. William Holmes Dinsmore, Malayan Civil Service and Miss Elizabeth Douglas Morton, sister of Mrs. James Sellar, of Penang. The bride was given away by her brother- in-law, Mr. James Sellar,


DIXON, Arthur Wesley

NOTE: His residual legatee (d 29 Aug 1928 – of Holts Wharf, Shanghai) was Riva Rosa DIXON and her attorney was Villiers Frederick Caesar HAWKINS. http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/33453/pages/106/page.pdf  HAWKINS was a son of Villiers Alwyn Caesar HAWKINS of HSBC

A picture of DIXON: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26093461@N00/7310378814/ and describes: A number of Chinese pirate junks last week attacked the paddle steamer Sainam, 588 tons, Captain A.W. Dixon, belonging to the Hong Kong, Canton and Macau steamboat company, near Etuchow.



Dir. of the government Observatory; Born 1852. From 1874 to 1883 astronomer in charge of the astronomical and meteorological Observatory, Markree, County Sligo, Ireland. Publications: has published 20 volumes of observations and researchers at Hong Kong, and 200 papers and on astronomical and magnetic subjects in scientific periodicals, and in the publications of scientific societies and institutions in Europe and America. Address: Observatory, Kowloon, Hong Kong.


DICKSON, Hon. Charles Wedderburn (Hongkong) partner in the firm of Jardine, Matheson & Co.; member of Legislative Council; Deputy Chairman of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation; Director of various local companies; Born February 23, 1863; married Frances Emmeline, younger daughter of late Sir Harry Parks, British minister at Tokyo and Peking.  Educated Scotland.  Arrived in Hong Kong, 1884 [age 21], and commenced association with Jardine, Matheson & Co., was at Shanghai from 1894 – 7.  Club: thatched house; Hong Kong.  Address: East Point, Hong Kong.

NOTE: It is said that Charles returned from Hong Kong, a wealthy man, in 1908. He chose to come overland across America and had to lie down in the train to avoid the bullets of attacking Indians. On arrival he purchased Friars Carse in Dumfrieshire which remained the family home until Fanny sold it to the Post Office (presumably as a retirement home) and moved to the Station Hotel where she lived for the rest of her life. It is now The Friars Carse Country Hotel, Auldgirth, Dumfries DG2 0SA. http://www.cobboldfht.com/family-tree.php/people/view/927  This seems true, since he owned – for a while – Friars Carse: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friar%27s_Carse


DOWDEN, Dr. Richard (TAPAH) M.D., M.B., B.Ch., B.A., etc; physician and surgeon; born September 28, 1873. Educated: Dublin University, and Vienna. Surgical and medical resident, Sir P. Duns Hospital, Dublin; studied in Vienna. Medical officer and pathologist, Banshed, London Country Council Service; Medical Officer, Jamaica Civil Service, 1900 [age 27]; transfer to Federated Malay States on promotion, 1903. Club: New, Taiping. Address: Perak, Federated Malay States.

NOTE: Probably related to Dr. Richard DOWDEN of Cork


FERGUSON, Rev, Duncan (Tainan) M.A. minister in missionary; Born December 30, 1860; widower. Educated Glasgow University, free Church College, Glasgow.  Arrived Formosa 1889 [age 29]; passed through troubles consequent upon cessation of the island to Japan, 1894 – 5; was instrumental, with Reverend T. Barkley, in saving Tainan city from bombardment and destruction by Japanese under General Nogi, and was decorated by Mikado in consequence.  Decoration: 5th class Order of the Rising Sun.  Address: Tainan, South Formosa.


GASKELL, William Henry (Hongkong) J.P., accountant; Born November 1859; married July 24, 1902.  Educated London.  Joined Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in 1881 [age 22], and was for sometime associated with head office, Hong Kong; after leaving bank service became a public accountant; started the company of William Powell, Ltd., and subsequently became Chairman of the company.  Publications: “Silver Tables” showing relative equivalents of bar silver in London and New York, 1894.  Club: Hong Kong.  Address: Hong Kong.

NOTE: In 1913, he sued James Francis WRIGHT and T.W. HORNBY for a balance of £2,352.43. SOURCE: The Straits Times 16 July 1913. He is not mentioned in Frank H.H. KING’s The Hong Kong Bank in Late Imperial China 1864-1902.


GERRARD, Dr. Percy Nettervill (PARIT BUNTAR) B.A. B.A.O. M.D. L.M.; District Surgeon; born August 9, 1890 [sic];  Educated: Dublin University M.D.; Rotunda University, Dublin L.M. District surgeon, Ula Selangor, 1896 [age 26]; District Surgeon, Klang, 1898; Acting District Surgeon, General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, 1900; Residency Surgeon, Pahang, 1901; District Surgeon, General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, 1902; District Surgeon, Raub, 1904; District Surgeon, Taiping, November, 1904; District Surgeon, Partit Buntar, 1906. Publications: handbook of vocabulary on the late medical terms, 1906. Address: Partit Buntar, Federated Malay States.

NOTE: Born 9 August 1870, Rathfarnham, Dublin; parents: Thomas & Elizabeth GERRARD. See also:: Bygone Selangor; a Souvenir, by "Rimba", Kuala Lumpur, 1922: http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924023141371/cu31924023141371_djvu.txt

Dr P.N. GERRARD joined the Government as District Surgeon in 1897, when he came out with his first wife. Some years after her death he married Miss HOFFMAN, a sister of the European Hospital; they were both very popular.

GERRARD was a Captain in the Volunteers, and was down in Singapore attending a camp when the Native Regiment there mutinied, early in 1915, owing to German conspiracy. He was murdered in cold blood, because he refused to give up the keys of the ammunition store. A clever doctor and a keen polo player, his untimely death came as a great shock to his many friends in Malaya.

His tombstone reads: Rank: Captain. Unit: Malay States Volunteer Rifles. Killed in action 15/02/15 Aged 45 37. F. 12. Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Gerrard, husband of Clare Gerrard, of 66D, Princes Square, Bayswater, London.


HALL, John Carey (Yokohama) M.A., I.S.O.; H.B.M. Consul General; Born January 22, 1844, at Coleraine, County Londonderry.  Son of John Hall of Coleraine, and Portrush, County Antrim; Married 1876, Agnes daughter of Charles Wyclif Goodwin, assistant judge of H.B.M. court for China and Japan.  Educated: Coleraine Academical Institution; Queens College, Belfast.  Appointed student interpreter in Japan, December 24, 1867 [age 23]; employed in assisting Japanese prisons commission, 1871; acting vice console at Yedo (Tokyo) for some while; first-class assistant, April 1, 1877; call to bar at Middle Temple, June 20 9, 1881; assistant Japanese secretary at Tokyo, April 1, 1882; acting Consul at Nagasaki, 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1886; acting Japanese secretary at Tokyo, 1884 to 1886; acting registrar and interpreter, Yokohama court, 1886; acting Consul at you,, it seen 86 to 88; acting judge in court for Japan at Yokohama, 1888; acting assistant judge in Supreme Court for China and Japan at Shanghai, 1888 to 1889; promoter console for how could that end they got, October 1, 1888; acting Consul at Nagasaki, 1890 to 1892; at Yokohama 1895 to 1896; transferred to Tamsui (Formosa), February 4, 1896; Consul for Hiogo and Osaka, August 21, 1896; Consul for Consular District of Kyoko and cities of Kyoto and Osaka, July 28, 1897; senior member of commission to prepare case in arbitration proceeding before Hague tribunal between Great Britain, France, and Germany and Japan, respecting interpretation of an Article in their Treaties relating to leases in perpetuity in late foreign settlements in Japan, February 20, 1902; promotion to Consul General for consular district of Kanagawa, May 21, 1903.  Publications: general view of Chinese civilization, translated from the French of Pierre Laffitte.  Clubs: Royal Society; Yokohama United.  Address: H.B.M. Consulate, Yokohama Japan.

NOTE: http://membres.multimania.fr/clotilde/disciple/britain/h_gb.xml Consular public servant. Brought up as a Presbyterian and a moderate Irish nationalist. Educated at Coleraine Academical Institution and Queen’s College Belfast. Entered the Consular Service in Japan in 1868. Acting Vice-Consul at Yedo (Tokyo), 1869–1870. Served on the Japanese Commission for Prison Reforms, 1871. Assistant Japanese Secretary to the Legation at Tokyo in 1882, and acting Japanese Secretary to this legation in 1884–1886. Acting Assistant Judge at the Supreme Court for China and Japan at Shanghai in 1888–1889; His Majesty’s Consul-General for Yokohama, 1902–1914. Acted or officiated as Consul at all the open ports of Japan. Retired in 1914. One of the founders of the China Society in London. President of the Asiatic Society of Japan in Tokio in 1913. Married Agnes, daughter of Charles Wyclif Goodwin, Assistant Judge at the Supreme Court for China and Japan, in 1876.

NOTE: His wife Agnes died in Japan. Notice in The Strait Times 22 July, 1913.


HARGREAVES, William (Kuala Kangsar), M.A.; Educationalist, Federated Malay States Education Department. Educated Trinity College, Dublin, M.A..  Assistant master, Mannamead school, Plymouth, 1878; assistant Master St. John’s school, Letherhead, 1879 – 1891; headmaster, Penang free school, 1891 – 1904; headmaster, Malay residential school for sons of Rajas, since January 1, 1905.  Clubs: Penang; town, Penang; New, Taiping.  Address: Malay residential school, Kuala Kangsar,  Perak, Federated Malay states.


HART, Sir Robert. 1st Bt., K.C.M.G., M.A., L.L.D.; Inspector Gen. of Imperial Customs and Posts in China; born February 20th, 1835, at Milltown, County Armagh, eldest son of Henry Hart, Ravarnette House, Lisburn County Antrim, and Ann, second daughter of John Edgar, Ballybray; married 1866, Hester Jane, eldest daughter of Alexander Bredon, M.D., Portadown, 1866. Educated Queens College,, Taunton; Wesley College, Dublin; Queens College, Belfast; B.A., 1853; M. A. 1871; honorary L.L.D., 1882. Entered Consular Service in China, 1854 [age 19]; Superintendency of Trade, Hong Kong, 1854; Supernumerary, British Consulate, Ningpo, 1854; Assistant, British Consulate, Ningpo, 1855; 2nd Assistant, British Consulate, Canton, 1858; Secretary to the Allied Commissioners for the Government of the City of Canton, 1858; Interpreter, British Consulate, Canton, 1858; granted special permission to resign and accept an appointment in the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs, 1859; Chinese maritime customs: Deputy Commissioner, Canton, 1859; Officiating Inspector General, 1861 -- 1863; Commissioner at Shanghai with charge of Yangtze seaports and Ningpo, 1863; Inspector General, 1863; gazetted Minister Plenipotentiary, 1885, but declined; Főrderer of Museum fűr Volkerkunde, Zeipzig, 1878; Hon. Member, China Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, Shanghai, 1878; honorary member Oriental Museum, Vienna, 1880; honorary fellow, Royal statistical Society, London, 1890; honorary member of Institute de Droit International, 1892; Appointment of Chinese officials as Administrator and Chief and Vice Administrator of Customs, May, 1906, involving his practical supersession led to protests by British and American ministers. Decorations: [a long list that I did not transcribe]. Publication: These from the lands of Sinim, 1901. Heir: son Edgar Bruce, born 1893. Club: Atheneum, London. Address: Inspector General of Customs, Peking, China; 38, Cadogan Pl., London, S.W.

NOTE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_Robert_Hart,_1st_Baronet

NOTE: He was close to the same age and attended Queens University in Belfast as did Sir John Hope Hennessy, one of the many Irish-born Governors of Hong Kong:.


HARTIGAN, Thomas Leonard b. May 31, 1861 at Debham, Massachusetts, America. NOTE: I did not transcribe more as it is unlikely that he was related to Dr. HARTIGAN, a brother-in-law of Sir Thomas JACKSON.


HATTON, Major General Villiers (Hongkong), C.B. Officer commanding her Majesty’s forces in South China and Hong Kong; Born 1852, eldest son of late Lieut-Col V. De T. Hatton, formally Grenadier guards; married 1897, Emily, only child of Charles Burrall Hoffman, of New York.  Educated: Eaton.  Commandant, School of instruction, London 1889 – 90; employed as Brigadier General, 1896; Aldershot, 1897; Gibraltar, 1900; Salisbury, 1902; Aldershot; commanded first battalion Grenadier guards, Omdurman, 1898, mentioned in dispatches, C.B. promoted Major General, November 5, 1903.  Decorations: C.B. and Nile war medals.  Clubs: Guards, United Service; St. James; Windham; Hong Kong.  Address: Headquarter House, and 34 Charles St., Berkeley Square, London.

NOTE: Born: 8 October 1852. C.B. of Clonard, County Wexford. On 30 March 1897 he married Emily, the only daughter of Charles Burrall Hoffman of New York. In 1900 he resided in Clonard. He came from a long line of military men. He was distantly related to the second husband John Hatton HATTON-PORTER of Margaret WRIGHT widow of David JACKSON d 1903. See also:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villiers_Hatton  b 1852 Co. Wexford.


HOOPS, Dr. Albert Lancelot (PENANG) M.D., M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., D.P.H., B.A. house surgeon, General Hospital; born June 6, 1876. Educated: Trinity College, Dublin. Served in  South African War as Medical Officer with 28th Mounted Infantry; seriously wounded; mentioned in dispatches [age 23], 1901 -- 02; appointed House Surgeon, General Hospital, Penang, 1904. Decoration: South African metal, for clasps. Address: General Hospital, Penang Straits Settlements.

NOTE: Dr Albert Launcelot (‘Bertie’) Hoops, of Malacca; b. Kiltubrid Rectory, Co. Leitrim, 1876 June 6; parents were Harriette Anna Kathleen ROBINSON & Dr. Samuel Evans Mostyn HOOPS [son of Rev. Samuel HOOPS, dean of Ardagh, and also vicar of Kiltubrid] d. 1940 Nov. 16.  Educ. King William Coll., Castle­town, Isle of Man;  m. at St Kevin, S. Circular Road, Dublin, 1901 Dec. 12, Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Stringer of Merrion Hall, Dublin.  She was b. Armagh 1873 Sep. SOURCE: Newcomen of Saltfleetby and later of Camlagh, Co. Roscommon compiled by Hugh Casement. HOOPS was related to Capt  George NEWCOMEN [b 1820, Dun Laoghaire] who was a Lt. 1841 Feb 5th and was at the Regimental Depot when the regiment was in Hong Kong 1849-.


HUGHES, Michael (KIUNGCHOW), B.A. L.L.B.; first-class assistant HBM Consular service. Educated: Royal University, Ireland. Appointed student interpreter in Siam, August 31, 1891; transferred to China, March 7, 1893; acting vice counsel at Pagoda Island, 1896 in 1898; promoted first-class assistant, February, 24th, 1900; acting Vice Consul at Pagoda Island, 1900 to 1902; vice Consulate Futrell, 1902; acting Consul at Kiungchow and Pakhoi, 1904. Address: H.B.M. Consulate, Kiungchow, China.


HUNTER, H.E.R. (Hongkong), Manager, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.  Formally in Hong Kong and branches elsewhere; has been in the East about 25 years.  Club: Shanghai.  Address: 12, The Bund, Shanghai, China.

NOTE: Henry Edward Ranson HUNTER, born 9 November 1859 in Inverness, Scotland, was the youngest son of a china and stoneware merchant John Ranson HUNTER and his wife, Mary Isabella CUNLIFFE. It would seem that his father was bankrupt in 1856  http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/21913/pages/2835/page.pdf and in 1864. http://www.edinburgh-gazette.co.uk/issues/7433/pages/694/page.pdf

Kathleen HUNTER who married Walter David Russell JACKSON [a son of Sir Thomas JACKSON] was H.E.R. HUNTER’s niece (daughter of Summers HUNTER).

H.E.R. HUNTER became a successful Manager for HSBC. Many details in Frank H.H. King’s The Hongkong Bank in Late Imperial China 1864-1902.


HUNTER, Dr. William. (Hongkong), M.B. C.M. Aberdeen (Honours), F.R.I.P.H., London; Government Bacteriologist, Director Bacteriological Institute and Medical Officer in charge of the Government Public Mortuary; Lecturer in pathology and Bacteriology, School of Medicine for Chinese, Hong Kong; Born May 25, 1875 at MacDuff, Banffshire, Scotland, son of late Reverend W. Hunter, MacDuff, Scotland; married 1902, Marie Alice, daughter of James Ray, of Culter, Aberdeenshire.  Educated: Milne’s Institution, Fochabers; Robert Gordon’s College; Kings College; Marischall College, Aberdeen; University of Leipzig, University of Berlin, Germany; Kings College; West London Hospital; most distinguished medical graduate, Aberdeen University, 1893; James Anderson Medalist and Scholar, Aberdeen, 1896; John Murray Medalist and Scholar, Aberdeen and Middlesex Hospital, London, 1896; George Thompson Traveling Fellowship, 1897 – 99; Acting Medical and Surgical Officer, Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, 1896; Laboratory Assistant, Pathological Department, Aberdeen University, 1897; Clinical Assistant National Hospital for Paralyzed and Epileptic, London, 1899 – 1900; Laboratory Assistant, Neuropathological Laboratory, King’s College, London, 1900; Assistant Bacteriologist, London Hospital, 1900 – 01; Director of Pathological Institute, London Hospital, 1901; member of British Medical Association, Member of Neurological and Physiological Societies of Great Britain; Fellow of the Royal Institute of public health, London; Member of Commission appointed by Government of Hong Kong, to inquire into excessive infantile mortality amongst Chinese, 1903.  Publications: “Epidemic and Epizootic Plague”, Hong Kong, 1904; “A Research into the Etiology of Beriberi” (jointly) 1906; report to the Government Bacteriologist for the year 1902 to 1906 inclusive; numerous contributions to medical literature from your 1897, chiefly contained in Journal of Anatomy, 1897; brain, 1899; Journal of Pathology, 1900; Journal of State Medicine, in 1900; Central blatt der Bakteriologie, 1901 – 05; Lancet, 1901 – 05.  British Medical Journal, in 1902 – 06; Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1905, Journal of Tropical Medicine, 1905.  Club: Hong Kong.  Address: Mountain View, The Peak, Hong Kong.

NOTE: He was born May 25, 1875, Banffshire, Scotland, son of William H. HUNTER. He died suddenly June 9, 1909 at age 34, and was buried at Happy Valley. http://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php/topic,589608.0.html


JACKSON, Andrew Gilmore (Hongkong), Solicitor; nephew of Sir Thomas Jackson, late chief manager Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank.  Educated St. Andrews College, Dublin.  Articled to firm of solicitors in Dublin; admitted a solicitor to Supreme Court of Ireland, December 24, 1903; came to Hong Kong, May, 1906; admitted solicitor of Supreme Court of Hong Kong, May 23, 1906.  Club: Hong Kong.  Address: The Peak, Hong Kong.

NOTE: http://www.thesilverbowl.com/biographies/Jackson_AHG.html


JOHNSTON, Lewis Audley Marsh (HONGKONG)

Colonial Civil Service; Born October 12, 1865. Straits Civil Service, 1888 [age 23]; attached to general post office, 1892-1892; District Officer, Malacca, 1892 -- 1895; assistant Postmaster Gen.; acted as Postmaster Gen., 1896 -- 1898; on postal conference at Hong Kong, 1897; Collector of Land Revenue in a charge of Treasury, Malacca, and Municipal Commissioner, 18 three -- 1900; acted as Postmaster Gen., 1900 -- 1902; Postmaster Gen., Hong Kong, 1905; acted as Treasurer and Member of Executive and legislative councils, 1903 and 1905; the Justice of the Peace, County Down, Ireland. Clubs: sports; Hong Kong. Address: The Peak, Hong Kong.

NOTE: Born 1865, presumably at Ballykilbeg, near Downpatrick in Co. Down, Ireland. Postal addresses — Ballykilbeg, County Down See death notice 1908 October 2. The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advisor and Hong Kong Gravemarker: In loving memory of/ Lewis Audley M Johnston/ C.G.S.(Colonial Government Service) / Postmaster General Hong Kong/ eldest son of the late/ Wm. Johnston Ballykilbeg M.P./ born 12th September 1865/ died 30th September 1908 [age 43]. http://gwulo.com/node/8741

His death was unexpected. The cause was given as blood poisoning, but the Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser speculated: we are left in some doubt as to whether that was septicaemia, tetanus of even possibly plague”.  He was popular: His pleasant Irish temperament made the late Mr. Johnston one of the most loveable of men. To his intimate friends here, and they were many, he was always “John” and the news of his premature death comes to all who had the privilege of his friendship with a deep sense of bereavement. Mr. L.A.M. JOHNSTON married about five years ago when on a visit to settle his dead father’s affairs, and he brought Mrs. Johnston out with him to Hong Kong. Mrs. Johnston had again just joined her husband after a visit to England, only to lose him immediately after her arrival in Hongkong”.

For background on his father, a radical Orangeman and MP for Belfast, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Johnston_%28Irish_politician%29  and


It is interesting that WiIliam JOHNSTON went to prison for his infractions, and was then immediately elected MP. His daughter later converted to Catholicism, and his son seemed ot have kept his distance, returning only after his death.


JORDAN, Sir John Newell (PEKING) K.C.M.G. H.B.M. Minister at Peking. Born September 5, 1852, at Balloo [Bangor], County Down, Ireland; married 1885, Annie Howe, daughter of Dr. Crombie, Claugh, County Down. Education: Royal Belfast Academical Institution; Queens College, Belfast: first-class honors. Appointed student interpreter in China, 1876[age 24]; assistant Chinese Secretary to HBM Legation, Peking, 1889; Chinese secretary, 1891; Consul Gen., Korea, 1896 -- 1898; chargé d'affaires, 1898 -- 1901; Minister resident at Seoul, July, 1901; was withdrawn from post when Japanese protectorate was proclaimed over Korea, February, 1906; proceeded to England and whilst there appointed minister Peking, May, 1906. Decorations: Jubilee medal; coronation medal. Publications: Translations of the Peking Gazette. Recreation: riding Address: HBM legation Peking, China.

NOTE: His parents were John & Mary JORDAN. One of his sisters married Mr E.S. Cromie, Eversleigh, Bandon, Co. Cork. Son of Robert Cromie, MD, JP of Clough, Co Down. See also: In 1906 he was appointed HM Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to China as the successor to Sir Ernest Satow and remained in the post until his retirement in 1920. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Jordan_%28diplomat%29  His son Robert donated Chinese pieces to Co. Down Museum: http://www.northdownmuseum.com/Collections/Jordan


KENNY, William Joseph (MANILLA), F.R.G.S.; H.B.M.. Consul-General for Philippine Islands; Born August 29, 1859, at Kilkenny, eldest son of Patrick Joseph Kenny, a justice of peace, Kingsmeadow House, Waterford, and Elizabeth Williams, Drumleigh.  Educated: Christian Brothers school, Waterford; French College, Blackrock; Germany; Senior scholarship, Blackrock College. Appointed student interpreter in Japan, 1880 [age 21]; Registrar and Interpreter of her Majesty’s Court for Japan, until 1895; Vice-Consul, Tokyo, 1896; Barrister Gray's Inn, 1896; Consul for Hakodate and Niigata, and Consul for Thailand, Formosa, 1896; her Majesty's acting commissioner and Consul Gen. for the Hawaiian Islands at Honolulu, 1898; present post, since 1902. Recreations: sports, exploration. Address: British Consulate Gen., Manila; and Kings Meadow House, Waterford, Ireland. NOTE: 1911 census, his brother lived there and was a Catholic J.P. for Waterford.


KING, Robert Henry (Hongkong) B.A. B.AI. A.M.I.C.E.; civil engineer; Born April 13, 1874.  Educated: graduated, Trinity College, Dublin; Arts, June, 1894, engineering, October 1894.  Resident engineer Maryborough waterworks, 1896; constructional engineer, Donegal Railways extension 1898, also to Hill of Howth Electric Railway, 1900; to Metropolitan District underground railway extension, a 1900; to London and Northwestern and Great Western joint railway widening from Chester to Birkenhead, 1902; her Majesty’s naval yard extension, Hong Kong, 1902 [age 28]Clubs: Royal societies; St. James; Hong Kong.  Address: “Darrisadeer” Hong Kong.

NOTE: http://www.dia.ie/architects/view/3034

Addresses: Irish Street, Strabane, 1899; Star Chambers, 12-14 College Green, 1910-17; Charlotte Quay, Dublin, 1917-1918; c/o King, King & Co, P.O. Box 110, Bombay, 1920-22.
Home: 65 Strand Road, Dublin, 1911;  Selma, Nashville, Lowth, Co. Dublin, 1914; Anglesea, Killiney, Co. Dublin, 1919-1922; Winford Manor, Winford, Somerset, 1933.


MARQUES, Dr. Lourenco Pereira (MACAO) F.R.A.M. (Ireland); I.R.C.P. (Ireland); Born in Camoes Garden, Macao, son of late commander to Lourenco Marques. Educated Royal College of St. Joseph, Macao; Lisbon; Dublin. In 1898 gratuitously assisted governments to cope with bubonic plague epidemic; has on other occasions rendered free service to Government; formally and Civil Service of Hong Kong, retired on pension, 1896; fellow of Royal Geographical Society of Lisbon. Decorations: Commander of Military Order of Christ; Knight of Tower and Sword of Portugal. Publications: numerous essays and articles. Club: Macao. Address: number three, Praca de Luiz de Camoes, Macao.

NOTE: Born in Macau of Portugese ancestry, his first degree was in music: http://hongkongsfirst.blogspot.ca/2010/05/notable-doctors-from-first-100-years.html

This anomaly is explained:

http://www.revista.brasil-europa.eu/137/Hong-Kong-comercio-musical-portugues.html  Tratava-se de uma homenagem ao médico macaense Dr. Lourenço Pereira Marques (1852-1911) feita pela Sociedade Philarmonica Portuguesa de Hong Kong, por círculos portugueses da colonia e pelo auxílio financeiro de um amigo do jornal O Porvir que permanecia anônimo.


MAY, Hon. Francis Henry (HONGKONG) C.M.G. B.A. (Dublin); Colonial Secretary and member of Executive and Legislative Council; Born March 14, 1860, at Dublin, 4th son of late Honorable G.A.C. May, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, and Olivia, daughter of Sir Matthew Barrington, Bart, of Glestall, County Limerick; married 1891. Helena, daughter of Lieutenant-General Digby Barker, C.B. Educated: Harrow; Trinity College Dublin, first Honourman and Prizeman, classics and modern languages, BA, 1881. Appointed after competitive examination to Hong Kong cadetship, 1881 [age 21]; Acting Assistant Registrar General, April 1886; acting Assistant Colonial Secretary, January -- 1887; Secretary to Board of Examiners, January, 1889; Assistant Colonial Secretary, January 1891; Private Secretary to Governor Sir W. Des Voeux, to Administrator, Sir F. Fleming and Maj. Gen. Barker, April, 1889, 2 December 1891; acting Colonial Treasurer, April to October, 1892; member of Legislative Council, May 1895; Capt. Superintendent of Police and Fire Brigade, 1893, and of Victoria Goal, 1897; acting Colonial Secretary, February to September, it 1900; Colonial Secretary, 1902; administered Government of Hong Kong, November 1903 to July 1904; resumed as Colonial Secretary 1905. Decorations: For services rendered during the coolie strike and great plague, 1894. Publications: Guide to Cantonese Colloquial; Yachting in Hong Kong. Recreations: hunting, polo, shooting, rifle shooting, fishing, yachting. Clubs: the Wyndham; Hong Kong. Address: Hong Kong. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Henry_May



MITCHELL, Walter Cecil (SINGAPORE) B.A.; magistrate; Born August 9, 1864; married oldest daughter of William Levinge, of Carnagh, near Athlone, Ireland. Education: Godolphin school and Merton College, Oxford; B.A. 1887. Cadet, Straits Settlements, October 1887; acting Collector and Magistrate, Ulu Pahang, 1888 [age 24]; passed Malay final, September, 1889; District Officer, Balik Pulau, October 1891; acting District Officer, Dindings, June, 1895; also Deputy Registrar of Supreme Court, Penang, October, 1896; 2nd Magistrate, Singapore, May, 1897; acting 2nd assistant Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, August, 1897; also Collector of Land Revenue, Singapore, September, 1897; acting Senior District Officer, province Wellesley, December, 1898, to December, 1899; Official Assignee Straits Settlements, December, 1901; acting Commissioner, Court of Requests, Singapore, January, 1902; acting 1st Magistrate, Singapore, August, 1903; Commissioner, Court of Requests, Singapore, September, 1903, but continues to act as 1st Magistrate. Club: sports, London. Address: “Stanmore” , Singapore, Straits settlements; Carnagh, near Athlone, Ireland.

NOTE:  Evelyn Violet Levinge is the daughter of William Levinge and Annie Georgina Bailey.

She married Walter Cecil Michell at St. Andrews Church on 15 July 1901. http://thepeerage.com/p49783.htm

Also: http://www.devon-mitchells.co.uk/getperson.php?personID=I8&tree=Marylebone

MICHELL, Walter Cecil of Caragh Kilton near Athlone county Westmeath and Villa Regaudis Mentone Alpes-Maritimes France died 17th march 1939 at Monaco Hospital, Monaco. NOTE: The Straits times, 15 July 1901 `The marriage celebrated this afternoon at St. Andrew's Cathedral of Mr. Walter Cecil Michell, Straits Settlements Civil Service, and Ms. Evelyn Violet Levinge, of Carnagh, Athlone.

NOTE: His wife was the only surviving child of William LEVINGE. He died from a fall from a horse while jumping the HaHa in front of Carnagh House, Kiltoom, Athlone, Co Roscommon in 1880. His daughter was two years old.  What took her to Singapore in 1901 is unknown. SOURCE: Lyons Family Tree Guide


MONTGOMERY, Dr. J. Howard (CHANGPOO) M.B. Ch. B., Edin; Medical Missionary; Born June 21, 1878, 3rd son of Rev. H. Montgomery, M.A. of Belfast, Ireland; married November 24, 1905 [age 27], Ida R. Latimer, daughter of late Rev. J. Latimer, MA, of Groomsport, Ireland. Educated: Campbell College and Queens College, Belfast; Edinburgh University; graduated in 1902 and in final year was first in Midwifery and Medicine, and gained a prize in surgery; assisted Dr. E.J.W. Carruthers, M.D., of Cheshire, for two years; appointed in 1905 to undertake medical missionary work in China; Member British medical Association. Publications: various contributions to British Medical Journal. Recreations: Lacrosse (Irish International); lawn tennis; gymnastics (won open competition, Belfast, 1894 - 95.) Club: University Union, Edinburgh. Address: Chang Fu, via a Moy, China.

NOTE: John Howard Montgomery born 21 June 1878 Antrim, Co.Antrim, son of Henry MONGOMERY & Euphemia Anna Gowdy. http://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php?action=printpage;topic=571983.0

His son Desmond Alan Dill MONGOMERY also became a physician http://www.lennonwylie.co.uk/CampbellCollegeRegister4.htm and http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1126822/


MOON, John Agnew (Yokohama), Fleet Surgeon,   Royal Navy; Born 1864; married 1902, Ada, second daughter of J. Simmons, of Dungannon, County Tyrone, and Kingstown, County Dublin.  Educated: Royal School, Dungannon.  Entered Royal Navy as surgeon, 1887 [age 23]; staff surgeon 1899; fleet surgeon, in 1903 surgeon on board her Majesty’s Service Victoria on June 20 2, 1893, when that vessel was rammed by her Majesty’s service Camperdown, with the result that Admiral Sir G. Tryon, K.C.B. and 390 officers and men were lost; staff surgeon of her Majesty’s Service Arethusa during boxer outbreak, 1900.  Recreations: all outdoor sports, and raquets; captained Mediterranean Fleet Cricket Team, 18 89 – 1892; 1894 – 97; 1901 – 02.  Decorations: China Medal; Imperial Japanese Red Cross, honorary member, second class.  Club: Royal Naval, Portsmouth; Coco Tree, St. James Street, London.  Address: Royal Navy Hospital, Yokohama, Japan.


MOORE, Dr. William Brownlow Ashe (HONGKONG) L.R.C.S. Dublin; Assistant Surgeon, Civil Medical Department, Hong Kong; Born August 8, 1879. Education: Drogheda grammar school and high school, Dublin. House surgeon, Meath Hospital and County Dublin infirmary, 1903 [age 24]; Ships Surgeon, Indochina S.N. Co., 1904; Assistant Medical Officer of Health, Hong Kong, March to September 1905; Assistant Surgeon Civil Medical Department since September 1905. Club: Hong Kong. Address: Civil Medical Department, Hong Kong. NOTE: William Brownlow Ashe MOORE, Gentleman, L.R. C.S.I. , b. 1879, son of Joseph Henry MOORE and Elizabeth Jane KING; m. 1906, Agnes Mary, d. of Hamilton Rankin GRAHAM of Fahan, Co. Donegal.

NOTE: Son of John Henry MOORE and Jane KING. SEE: Armorial Families: A Directory of Gentlemen of Coat-Armour Arthur Charles Fox-Davies (1929)
Joseph Henry Moore, Gentleman, A.I.M. (Dub.), County Surveyor, West Meath, 1870; Meath, 1874-1907, Pres. Inst. C.E. (Ire.), 1907-8, b. 1844; d. 1912; m. 1871, Elizabeth Jane, dau. of Rev. Robert W. King, Rector of Portglenone, co. Antrim.


MORPHY, Edward Alexander (Singapore)  Editor “Straights Times”; Born February 9, 1867; at Killarney, third son of late Alex Morphy, Crown solicitor for Claire and Kelly; married 1896, and, daughter of J. Lloyd, of Singapore.  Educated: Trinity College, Dublin.  Went to America when 18 and subsequently became reporter on Brooklyn evening paper; has been associated with journalism ever since, editing at various times papers in America, Japan, India and the Straits; went to Japan for Chino-Japanese war of 1894 but never got near the fighting; saw some skirmishing in the Tirah, 1897 – 98; has been editor of “Straights Times”, since October 1900.  Publications: “Account of Seismic Wave Disaster North Japan”, 1896; “The Khyber, a Guide and Brief History”, 1900.  Club: Singapore.  Address: “Straights Times”; Singapore, the Straits Settlements.

NOTE: Irish Journalists in the Intellectual DiasporaIrish Journalists in the Intellectual Diaspora: Edward Alexander Morphy and Henry David O’Shea in the Far East. CHristopher ShepardFrom: New Hibernia Review Volume 14, Number 3, Fómhar/Autumn 2010


NARENDR, Raja, Lieut-Colonel Mom (BANKOK) Siamese army; born January 31, 1876; married 1904. Educated in England; France; Belgium; Royal Military College, Sandhurst; Oxford University. Went to Europe as school companion to H.R.H. Crown Prince of Siam, August, 1893, where spent eight years; received commission as Lieutenant in Siamese Army in 1898; spent two years with first Battalion, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, and 96th Battery of R.F. Artillery, Okehampton, promoted to present rank, 1905,. Decorations: 5th class of the White Elephant and four Siamese medals. Publications: Works on Military Subjects, in Siamese. Address: Bangkok, Siam.


NOBLE, Lieut-Commander Frederick B. (Hongkong) R.N. in command of her Majesty’s river gunboat “Moorhen”.  Lieutenant, December 31, 1898: appointed to command, January 25, 1904.  Club: Hong Kong.  Address: H.M.S. “Moorhen”, Hong Kong. NOTE: Possibly Frederick Burnaby NOBLE (1866-1945) See also: http://www.thelongridersguild.com/central-asia.htm The next Long Rider to gallop across the world stage was the English officer, explorer and gentleman, Colonel Frederick Burnaby.  Burnaby was so large and strong that he could carry a pony under each arm. He was also courageous to the point of lunacy. He made two remarkable journeys across Asia in the 1870s, after having almost assuredly been influenced by the previous ride of Catherine de Bourboulon. Burnaby first rode across all of Central Asia, ending up at the Amir's palace at Khiva. Then, after having avoided the Czar's spies in Constananople, Burnaby rode across all of Turkey. His books, A Ride to Khiva and On Horseback through Asia Minor are part of The Long Riders Literary Project.  After surviving these equestrian adventures, Burnaby led a contingent of English cavalry against the Mahdi's troops in the Sudan. He died there from a spear wound.


NOBLE, Dr. Joseph W. (Hongkong), dental surgeon, resident and colony over 10 years.  Club: Hong Kong.  Address: Bank Buildings, Hong Kong.

NOTE: Born 1839 in Dublin; d. Sept 22, 1901. He was not only a dentist, trained in America, but also had a majority share in a newspaper. More details at: http://hongkongsfirst.blogspot.ca/2010_08_28_archive.html


O`BRIEN-BUTLER, Pierce Essex  (AMOY) H.B.M. Consul, Hangchow, born November 15, 1858; married Mary Millicent, daughter of late Thomas J.O, 1895; Consulate Chef two until April, 1906, when transferred to a Moy. Address: HBM Consulate, Amboy, China.. Weatherspoon of Barwick on Tweed, and Chingkiang. Educated: Germany. Joined H.M. consular service,, in 1880 [age 22] as a student interpreter; promoted to Consul, 1899; called to the Bar, Middle Temple China; Consulate Chefoo until April, 1906, when transferred to Amoy. Address: H.B.M. Consulate, Amoy, China.

NOTE: His father  Pierce O’Brien-Butler was from Bansha, Co. Tipperary. His mother, Aurelia Rebecca WEST.  http://thepeerage.com/p28052.htm


OWEN, John Fortescue. (KUALA LIPIS) Acting District Officer; b. July 28, 1869. Entered Federated Malay States Civil Service as Junior Officer, Pahang, 1889 [age 20]  ...

NOTE: This is an Irish name, but I cannot find a record of his place of birth, so I did not transcribe more of his details. Died 1925:  http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/35728/pages/4303/page.pdf


PARR, William Randall M`Donnell (HONGKONG) Commissioner of I.M. Customs; born May 7, 1865; married 1902, Mollie, only daughter of Rev. Canon White -Bell, M.A., Doone House, Doone, County Limerick. Educated privately. Assisted in defense of foreign settlement, Wuhu, during Yangtze riots, 1891 [age 26]; on special service with Chinese Forces during China Japanese war, 1894; commanded services Coy. 3, R.I. rifles and subsequently served with 11th Battalion, M.I. during Boer war, 1900-3; was Chinese Joint Commissioner with Tibet Frontier Commission; member Royal Society; eldest son (Randall Robert M`Donnell) born 1903 at Yatang, Tibet, elevation 10,000 feet, is 1st British subject born on Tibetan soil. Decorations: Civil Rank of the 3rd class, China; I.C.O. of the Double Dragon, 3rd division. Clubs: Junior Naval and military; Hong Kong. Address. Mount Gough, The Peak, Hong Kong.

NOTE: PARR (1865-1938), posted to Yatung, Tibet in service of Sir Robert HART’s Chinese Maritime Customs  retired to Vancouver Island. SOURCE: Vancouver Island in the Empire. John Bosher


PENNEFATHER. Lieut-Colonel Edward Graham (SINGAPORE) Inspector General of Police; born February 12, 1850; married November 19, 1885, Mary, daughter of Rev. J.L. Crompton. Educated: Harrow; Exeter College, Oxford. Gazetted sub-Lieutenant  6th Inniskilling dragoons, April 23, 1873 [age 23]; on special service in Zulu War, 1879; commanded advance posts and operations in Zululand, 1888 (honorable mention, brevet Lieutentant Colonel : Assistant Commissioner and Present magistrate, Nguta district of Zululand, November, 1888, to April 1889; appointed to command pioneer expedition which took possession of Mashoualand, 1890, and in command of R.S.A. Companies police to December 1892; Inspector General of Police, Straits Settlements, since March, 1895. Club: Army and Navy, Pall Mall, Southwest. Address: Singapore, Straits Settlements.

NOTE: http://pennyfather.com/ind1679.html   The Rev William Pennefather, second son of (R75) Lord Chief Justice Edward Pennefather, was born 1811. Educated at Balliol College Oxford. Ordained 1836 to Curacy in North Harts. Afterwards Rector of Grange Co. Armagh, Kiltennel Co. Wexford, Callan Co. Kilkenny etc. Married Anne, daughter of General the Hon. John Broderick, son of 3rd Viscount Middleton and had issue one son and five daughters:

(R93) Edward Graham.

1. Mary Alicia, born 1848.

2. Margaret Susan, born 1852

3. Florence Anne, born 1853.

4. Ellen Isabella, born 1855.

5. Agnes Elizabeth, born 1858. All died unmarried.


he was promoted to Lieutenant in the 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons on the 23rd April 1873. With his regiment he was posted to South Africa and saw active service in the Zulu campaign of 1879 and the ABW 1880-81. He was promoted to Captain on the 18th June 1818 and to MAJOR ON THE 25TH July 1888. He was appointed to command the BSA Company’s police on March the 12th 1890 with the RANK OF Lt. Colonel. … He died in Natal on the 29th April 1928.



PETER, J.C. (HONGKONG) Banker; sub-Manager of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Ltd. Resided in the East over 20 years. Club: Hongkong. Address: Peak Road, Hong Kong.


POLLOCK, Hon. Henry Edward (HONGKNG) K.G. barrister at law; born 1865; married March 5, 1906, Lena Onkley. Educated: Charterhouse school. Called to the bar  at the Inner Temple, November 1887; admitted to practice in Hong Kong, April 1888; [age 23]  acted as Police Magistrate, Hong Kong, from September, 1888, to April, 1889; as Puisne Judge from June to December, 1892; received gold medal for services in plague epidemic, 1894; acted as Atty. Gen. for nearly 3 years between 1896 and 1901; appointed Queens counsel, 1900; proceeded to Fiji as Attorney General arriving there, January 1902; left Fiji, April 1902, and resigned as Atty. Gen., June 1902; return to Hong Kong, October, 1902, elected temporary representative of Chamber of Commerce in Legislative Council at my keynote three; elected representative justices of peace on Legislative Council in December 1905; member of Sanitary Board for March 1903 to January 1906; Pres. Hong Kong branch of the Navy League and Chess Club; Secretary of the Odd Volume Society; Commodore, Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club. Club: Hong Kong. Address: Peak, Hong Kong.



PONSONBY, Richard Arthur Brabazon (HONGKONG) Private Secretary to the Gov.; born January 8, 1878. Educated: Harrow. Assistant Private Secretary Gov. of Natal, October, 1895 [age 17], two April, 1896; Private Secretary to Gov. of Trinidad, September, 1898, to June 1899; the Gov. Of Ceylon, February, 1900, to November, 1903; to Officer Administrating Government of Hong Kong, December, 1903, to July, 1904; the Gov. of Hong Kong, July, 1904, to date. Clubs: St. James; Bachelor’s M.C.C., London; Hong Kong. Address: Government House, Hong Kong; 15, Chesham Hall, London.

NOTE: He was a grandson of John William Ponsonby, a Whig leader in House of Commons (1805-34); member of House of Lords (from 1834); home secretary under Lord Melbourne (1834-35); lord lieutenant of Ireland (1846-47). Castle, Dublin, Ireland



SCOTT, Walter Dare (RAUB) District Officer; born July 10, 1870. Chief clerk, Ulu Selangor, 1891 [age 21]; Assistant District Officer and Acting Assistant Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur, 1893 -- 1894; Assistant Government Secretary and Acting District Officer, Kuala Selangar, 1896; after acting in various capacities was appointed District Officer, Raub, Pahang, 1906. Address: Raub, Pahang, Federated Malay states.

NOTE: He was a nephew of Sir Thomas JACKSON. His father, William Ramsay SCOTT, was born in Java in 1838. The family, although nominally British, had lived in the Colonies most of their lives.


SEYMOUR, John Nicholson (KANAZAWA) B.A., M.B.; educationalist; born 1858; married Tsura daughter of Nagai Yosuke, of the Oklahoma. Educated: Dublin University. Surgeon, Royal Navy, 1883- 83 [sic] [age 25]; resigned 1886; instructor in English and Latin, Higher Normal School, Tokyo, 1886 - 94; Higher School, Sendai, 1896 -- 1903; Kanazawa, since 1904. Decoration: 5th class, Rising Sun, Japan. Publications: Several works for use of Japanese students in study of English. Club: Tokyo. Address: Kanazawa, Kaga, Japan.

NOTE: Copy of confirmation of arms to the descendants of the Rev. John Crossley Seymour [of Castletown House, Co. Laois], Vicar of Caherelly, Co. Limerick and to his great grandson, John Nicholson Seymour, Surgeon R. N. of Tokyo, only son of Rev. John Hobart Seymour, Incumbent of Newcastle, Co. Down, son of John Crossley Seymour of Coolnagour, Queen's Co., Commander R. N., Oct. 10, 1911. http://sources.nli.ie/Record/MS_UR_059250/Details


STEWART, Hon Gershom (HONG KONG) exchange broker; member legislative Council; Chairman, China Association, and Pres. St. Andrew society, 1905 -- 1906; born 1858. Came out to Hong Kong Bank, January 1883 [age 25]; active in sporting and social matters; opposed Hong Kong having a gold currency while China remained silver; went into Kwansi as secretary to Famine Relief Fund, 1903; keenly interested in all matters, political and otherwise, pertaining to welfare of colony; strong advocate of establishment of railway from Kowloon to Canton, now in course of construction. Clubs: Hong Kong; conservative and Caledonian, London. Address: The Peak, Hong Kong.

NOTE: It seems that he came from Scotland (served as Chieftain in Hong Kong St. Andrew’s Society). He left HSBC in 1889. SOURCE: National Archives, papers of Sir Charles ADDIS. He later became a Conservative Member of Parliament, Feb 15, 1910.


STEWART, Murray (HONGKONG) Bill Broker. Joined, Hong Kong Bank in London, 1887; came to far East, 1890; for two years stationed at Shanghai; was at Tientsin in 1892; served in North China for three years; was at Peking during China-Japan war; went home 1895, and returned to Hong Kong in April, 1896, remaining in service of Bank at Head Office until the spring of 1900, when he joined Mr. Gershom Stewart in firm of Stewart Brothers.

NOTE: It seems that he came from Scotland (served as Chieftain in Hong Kong St. Andrew’s Society). He was a younger brother of Gershom STEWART, and died in 1922 in a Sanatorium in California, where he had gone to renew his health after wintering in Hong Kong. He initially left Hongkong in 1912. http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Article/straitstimes19220708.2.13.aspx http://www.docstoc.com/docs/49491202/PRESENT-D-HIS-EXCELLENCY-THE-OFFICER-ADMINISTERING-GOVERNMENT-HON--Puerperal-Fever


SYMONDS, Jermyn d’Arcy Travers (SINGAPORE) Assistant Superintendent of Police, Straits Settlements and Lieutenant (late 16 Lancers), Army Reserve; born October 20, 1855, son of late General German Charles Simmons, Royal Marines. Educated Royal Naval school, at New Cross; Victoria College, Jersey. Join 5th Royal Irish Lancers, 1876; volunteered to 17th D.C.O. Lancers in 1879 [age 27], for service in Zululand; took part in actions at Erzangayan and Ulundi; volunteered for service to ninth Lancers, in Afghanistan, 1880; services in India, 1880 - 85; commission to 16th Queens Lancers, March, 1887; in command Civil armed police on West Coast of Africa, 1890; invalided home and resigned appointment, 1891; appointed Assistant Superintendent of Police, Straits Settlements by Secretary of State, May 23rd, 1891. Decorations: Zulu Medal, 1879, with class. Address: Singapore, Straits Settlements.

NOTE: His mother¸Susan Campbell Kennedy was born circa 1830 in Ireland.2 She was the daughter of John Campbell Kennedy.1 Susan Campbell Kennedy married Maj. Gen. Jermyn Charles Symonds RMLI, son of Vice-Admiral Thomas Edward Symonds and Lucinde Marie Louise Antoinette Touzi, on 26 September 1850 in Belfast.1 Susan Campbell Kennedy died say 1874.

Children of Susan Campbell Kennedy and Maj. Gen. Jermyn Charles Symonds RMLI


TALBOT, Captain Henry Lynch (KUALA LAMPUR), chief Commissioner of police, Federated Malay states; born October 2, 1863, eldest son of late Lieut. Col. H.L. Talbott, Royal Artillery; married Edith Clementi  Smith, daughter of Sir C.C. Smith, G.C.M.G.. Educated:  Wellington College; R.M. College, Sandhurst. Lieutenant, Royal Dublin Fusiliers, March 10, 1883; Capt., the King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, May 2, 1894; resigned November 2, 1895; served in Bombay Staff Corps, 1885 [age 22] -- 1887; served continuously in Federated Malay States and Straits Settlements, since November 1889; severely wounded during Pahang disturbances, 1894. Club: Naval and Military; Sports: MCC. Address: Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Federated Malay States.

NOTE: Renowned as a cricket player Died 1911, Perak, Federated Malay States (aged 47 years): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Talbot


I am guessing this was his father: Indian Mutiny, 2 clasps, Relief of Lucknow, Lucknow, (Major, 5th Cy. 13th. Bn. R.A). to H.L. Talbot. Lt. Col. Henry Lynch Talbot. Commd. 2nd Lieutenant,  Royal Artillery on 1 1847,  Lieutenant, 1848,  Captain  1855. He served at the relief of Lucknow by Lord Clyde, battle of Cawnpore on 6th December, siege and capture of Lucknow, actions of Barree and Sirsee (Brevet of Major, Medal with two clasps). Talbot became a Lieutenant-Colonel in March 1869. http://www.british-medals.co.uk/british-medals/single-campaign-medals/indian-mutiny-2-clasps-relief-lucknow-lucknow-major-5th-cy-13t


TOOKER, Hugh Patrick (HONGKONG) B.E. A.M.I.C.E., M.S.A. Civil Service`b July 18, 1857; m. 1892 d. of Dr. Wright of Birkinhead, Cheshire. Educated:  Queens University, Dublin;

NOTE: He may have died in BC Canada 1938.


First University in Examination Engineering: Upper Pass Division Queens College Cork: 1878-1879


WALSH, Rev. W. S. Pakenham (FOOCHOW) M.A.; clergyman; married Gertrude Maud Harmar of Christian Missionary Society. Educated: Trinity College, Dublin. Curate of Derriaghy, Antrim, 1894 -- 96; joint Dublin University Fukien mission; has been working in connection with Christian missionary society since 1897. Publication: Some Typical Christians of South China. Address: Christian Missionary Society College, Foochow, China.

NOTE: William Sandford Pakenham-Walsh was born in 1868 into a distinguished Irish clerical family. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._S._Pakenham-Walsh


WEST, Charles Dickinson (TOKYO) Professor of Mechanical Engineering in English College: of Imperial University, Tokyo; born Dublin, 1847. Educated: Trinity College, Dublin, graduated 1869. Served for sometime in English department of Birkenhead Ironwork; came to Japan, in 1882 [age 35], as Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College of Engineering (Kobu Dai Gaku), Tokyo; continued to hold same post after that institution was incorporated with Imperial University. Decorations: 3rd Order of the Sacred Treasure; 4th Order of the Rising Sun. Club: Tokyo. Address: College of English Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan.

NOTE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Dickinson_West


WHITING, Joseph L.

NOTE: Although this is a name associated with Irish JACKSONs, I believe that both WHITING & his wife were American Presbyterians. His wife, Lucy E. JACKSON wrote “The Story of Miss Li”. She was the daughter of Charles JACKSON of Norwalk (SOURCE: The Firelands Pioneer. Firelands Historical Society, Norwalk, Ohio. See also: http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/k/i/n/Priscilla-A-King/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0738.html


WILLIAMS, Arthur John (HONG-KONG); A.M.I.C.E. Civil Engineer, Chief agent and engineer for Messrs. Punchard, Lowther & Co., contractors for naval extension works; Born November 30, 1869. Educated: Engineering education at Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill at Walker's engineering laboratories, Liverpool. Engaged in professional duties on Manchester Ship Canal, 1889 -- 98; Admiralty Harbor Works, Gibraltar, 1893 -- 99; extension, Donegal Railway, Ireland, 1899; new South dock Cardiff Ry. Co. Cardiff, 1902; came to Hong Kong in connection with naval extension construction, new naval dock and harbor improvement works in 1902 [age 33]. Club: Hong Kong. Address: H.M. Naval yard Extension, Hong Kong.


WOLFE, Samuel Williamson (SINGAPORE), General Manager of Dr. William's Medicine Company in the Far East; Born: January 9, 1872. Educated: Cork, Ireland, and London, England. General Manager to Dr. William's Medicine Company in South Africa, 1894 -- 1904; transferred to Singapore, October, 1903; M.M. British Lodge, 334, Cape Town. Address: Cavanaugh bridge, Singapore, the Straits Settlements.

NOTE: Born in Cork, Ireland; died in BC Canada. His father was Jacob WOLFE and his mother was Margaret WILLIAMSON. http://www.geni.com/people/Samuel-Williamson-Wolfe/6000000003379630911  See also: http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/c/l/a/Barbara-G-Clark/ODT5-0001.html


WRIGHT, George Henry Bateson Rev. NOTE: Although both BATESON and WRIGHT are prominent Co. Monaghan names, this one was the son of George Bache WRIGHT (d 1856 New Zealand) of P&O London Office. His grandfather was Augustus WRIGHT. There may be no Irish connection. G.H.B. WRIGHT was b. 1853.




BAIN, George Murray. Born in Montrose.

NOTE: http://www.cousinconnect.com/d/a/103150 His wife died in 1916: http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Article.aspx?articleid=straitstimes19160108.2.18


BREDON, Sir Robert Edward (1846-1918)  NOTE: He was a brother-in-law of Sir Robert HART, and was from Ballintaggart, Co. Armagh. HE was a son of Alexander BREDON of Portadown, Co. Armagh SEE: http://sources.nli.ie/Record/MS_UR_013265/Details

SEE Also:

Lily Virginia, youngest dau. of Thomas Crane Banks,  Esq., of San Francisco, California ; ?«. 1879 Sir  Robert Edward Bredon, a Comm. of the Orders of f  Olaf of Norway, 1st Class, the Polar Star of Sweden,  1st Class, and the Dannebrog of Denmark, 1st Class,  and an Officer of the Legion of Honour, who had the  Grand Cross of the Orders of Francis Joseph of Austria,  and St. Stanislas of Russia, the Orders of the Double  Dragon of China, 2nd Class, the Crown of Prussia, 2nd  Class, with the Star, the Sacred Treasure of Japan, 2nd  Class, and the Rising Sun of Japan, 2nd Class, and the  Civil rank of 1st Class and Brevet rank of Provincial  Treasurer from the late Imperial Chinese Government,  who was Surgeon 97th Regt. 1867-73 ; Commissioner  of Imperial Chinese Customs at Chefoo 1875, at Ningpo  1875-6, at Canton 1876-7 and 1896-7, at Hankow-  1882-8, and at Shanghai 1890-3 ; Chief Secretary I  the Inspector-Gen. of Customs 1873-5, 1877-80, and  1893-4; Deputy-Inspector-Gen. of the Customs of  China 1897-1910 and Acting Inspector-Gen. 1908-10,  who was appointed to the Chinese Board of Customs  1910, but did not take up the appointment owing to  the objections of the British Government, and who was  cr. K.G.M.G. 1904 and (7, 1918.



PENNEFATHER, John Pyne (Malacca)  Surveyor. Apprentice, Survey Dept., Singapore, January 1, 1875; 2nd class Surveyor, December 1, 1878; Overseer and Surveyor, December 1, 1881; District Surveyor, October, 1882; transfer to Penang, January 13, 1883; Chief Surveyor, Singapore, July 11, 1888; Senior Surveyor, January 1, 1891; ditto, Malacca, October 25, 1893. Address: Malacca, Straits settlements.

NOTE: He married Anne De Sousa. http://infopedia.nl.sg/articles/SIP_1814_2011-06-23.html A member of the Eurasian community, died in 1940 age 82: http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Article/singfreepressb19400228.2.19.aspx

NOTE: There seem to be two men with the exact same name in the same time frame – one a surveyor, and one a surgeon. It seems that one was Eurasian, and the other not. The other one married Mary FITZGERALD, daughter of Rev. Richard FITZGERALD and Sarah Georgina BOYD. Her parents lived at Ballydonoghue, Co. Limerick. PENNFATHER died He died on 14 April 1913.



Part of this estate [Ballyvolane, county Cork] was advertised for sale again in January 1866, the estate of John Pyne Pennefather. In June 1885 an estate of 345 acres in the barony of Middlethird belonging to John Pyne Pennefather was advertised for sale. John Pyne Pennefather was born in 1833 and became a doctor. He was a grandson of William Pennefather who married in 1780 Elizabeth daughter of John Pyne of Ballyvolane. In November 1865 the estate of the Reverend William Masters Pyne and George Masters Pyne at Lisgoold East, barony of Barrymore, county Cork, was advertised for sale. In the 1870s the representatives of Jasper Pine, Passage, county Cork, owned 3,178 acres in county Cork and George Pine of Ballyvolane, Castlelyons, owned 930 acres. http://www.landedestates.ie/LandedEstates/jsp/search.jsp?q=irish

SEE Also: Born on 31 May 1833 in Poona, India, the youngest and only surviving son of Captain J. P. Pennefather. He attended Trinity College, Dublin, and in 1854, after surgical training, he joined the East India Company. In 1859 he obtained his medical degree from Trinity. In 1857 he married Mary Fitzgerald of Glin, Ireland, and they had five children, including Richard F. Pennefather and Percival W. Pennefather. He practised medicine in London, England for some years and was instrumental in establishing a free dispensary for the treatment of diseases of the ear.

He came to Manitoba in April 1880, and settled near Holland, where he purchased land from the Hudson’s Bay Company. In 1885 he was appointed medical officer of the Winnipeg Light Infantry. Following the North-West Rebellion he practised medicine in Winnipeg. He wrote the memoir Thirteen Years on the Prairies in 1892. In 1903 he returned to Holland to establish a sanitorium. He came back to Winnipeg in 1906.

Pennefather died on 14 April 1913. He is commemorated by Pennefather Bay in Winnipeg.



REAY, James McCabe (IPOH) B.A. Dublin; acting assistant District Officer; born June 8, 1875. Passed in Law and Malay; entered Federated Malay States Civil Service as a Cadet, 1898 [age 23]; acting Treasurer and Superintendent of Posts and Telegraphs, 1899; acting assistant District Officer, Ulu Langat, and acting Assistant Collector of Land Revenue, Kuala Lumpur, 1900; acting assistant district officer, Serendah, 1901; acting assistant District Magistrate and Treasurer., Batang Padang, 1902; acting assistant District Magistrate, Tanjong Malim, 1902; assistant and acting District Officer of Kuala Kangsar, Tanjong Malim, Kiota, and Gopeng, 1903 -- 1904; acting Assistant District Officer, Ipoh, 1906. Address: Ipoh, Perak, Federated Malay states.

NOTE: He died 1937 http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/34386/pages/2242/page.pdf  He was a son of Henry REAY of Ardee, Co. Louth. http://www.thesilverbowl.com/documents/birthday_book.htm


SHAW, George Ernest (KRIAN) B.A.; acting assistant District Officer; born January 5, 1877. Educated Dublin. Passed Law and Malay; Acting Assistant Collector of Land Revenue, Larut and Inspector of Mines, and Collector of Land Revenue, Krian, 1901 [age 24]; Acting Assistant District Officer Krian, 1905. Address: Krian, Barrack, Federation of Malay States.

NOTE: Probably son of Andrew George SHAW & Annie JAGGO, of Cork, Co. Cork, Ireland.


SUGARS, John Charles (KUALA LIPIS), B.A. Dublin; Assistant District Officer  born March 1, 1875. Appointed Cadet, Perak, November 1898; acting Collector of Land Revenue, Lower Perak, January 1899 [age 24]; acting Magistrate, Seremban, October 1904; assistant District Officer, Kuala Lipis, Pahang, 1906. Address: Kuala Lipis, Pahang, Federated Malay states.

NOTE: John Charles Sugars,District Judge and 1st Magistrate of Penang in 1910'S,Malaysia. Son Of John C. Sugars of Dungannon, Ireland. His brother - Dr.Harold Saunderson Sugars married ? De Renzy Turner. http://www.cousinconnect.com/d/a/274123

He died Nov 7, 1918: http://newspapers.nl.sg/Digitised/Article.aspx?articleid=straitstimes19181109.2.42