Names mentioned: Dr. JOLLY; Hugh BROLLY; Margaret BROLLY; James HAMILTON Esq.; Edward McCREEDY; James LEONARD; William WRIGHT; Dr. Richard HENRY; Charels McENROE; Minnie McCABE; Charles SIMPSON; William SLOWEY; Patrick KEARNS; James KEARNS; Michael CARROLL; Ellen GUNN; Mr. GRIMES; David BEGGS; Isabel BEGGS; Mary McGINNES; Mary MEIGHAN; Charles McGUINESS; Eleanor McCABE; John CLARKE; Anne McCLARRY; Robert PATTESON; Constable WILLIAMSON; Mary BRADY; Louisa McGEOGH; William CLARKE; Elizabeth REYNOLDS; Mary MOFFITT. |
no 1-1216 Distance travelled 13 miles Fee paid Dr. JOLLY ₤1.1.0 |
Held on view of the body of Hugh BROLLY 18 July 1877 in the townland of Carrygarry, Parish of Curren, Barony Dartrey. Margaret BROLLY. Deposed was a sister in law of deceased who was it in his usual health up to 16th instance when he went into the village of Drum. Next morning he rose for a little and then returned to his bed. Did not see him again till about 5:00 p.m. when going into his room I saw he was just departing life. |
No 4 Inquiry ₤1.0.0 |
On this 23 July 18 707I attended at Cornecassee to inquire into the death of James HAMILTON Esqr who was found dead next his own house the evening of Friday 20th instance. It appeared he had gone out for a short walk and was returning from being with the haymakers and was returning to his house and was within a few perches of it when he sank to the ground a corpse. From the testimony of Surgeon his death resulted from gout and which termination W. YOUNG had too looked to as being the probable termination of his life; Wm TRIMBLE also stated (he was Mr. HAMILTON’s land Steward) that Mr. H had spoken of gout as the probable cause of the latter end when such event would occur. |
2-1217 Distance travelled 9 miles Fee to Dr. HENRY for post-mortem ₤2.2.0 Care of body [2.6] Intering [2.6] Room
for Jury [3.0] Witness [1.0] 9.0. |
Held on view of the body of an infant child 25 July 1877 in the village of Newbliss, Parish of Aghabog, Barony of Dartrey. Edwd McCREEDY. Deposed that on last Monday, going to where the little boy was herding, passing by an old well I observed what I took to be the body of a dog, but looking again I saw it look like the back of a child and I then saw the foot. On this I went and told a neighbour and then went home and had not interfered with it. James LEONARD. Sub-Consl . Deposed that on yesterday at 2:00 p.m. Wm WRIGHT of Feagh reported that the body of child was in an old well in the townland of Feagh. I proceeded to the place and found as reported and at once had the body removed to the Barrack of Newbliss; the body was naked save a piece of white calico on it. The body being removed and the well searched in the bottom we found some coarse sacking in three pieces with stones of eight to 10 pounds in them. There was no head connected with the body but portions of it were found in the bottom; the body now viewed by the jury is the one got in the well. Dr. Richard HENRY. Deposed to having examined the body of a female infant child which was about three or four months old before death and must have been some months in the water. The brain and viscera are [?]ting and the bones of the heads were denuded quite separated from the body. Would be impossible to say whether the child died a natural death or not. Verdict. The deceased came by its death under circumstances unknown to the jury for want of more evidence or when its deaths took place. |
Inquiry No 5 ₤1.0.0 |
On this 30 July 18 707I attended at Monaghan to acquire into the death of Charles McENROE aged 34 years for upwards of two years an intimate of said Asylum whose death was the result of hemorrhage from the lungs and the result of consumption. |
Inquiry No 6 ₤1.0.0 |
On this first of August 1877 I attended at Monaghan Asylum to inquire into the death of the Minnie McCABE age 23 years for near six months an inmate of said asylum whose death resulted from inflammation of the lungs. |
3-1218 Distance travelled 13 miles Coffin & interring 10.0 care of
body 3.6. 13.6 |
Of a man a stranger and a Mendicant 10 August 1877 in the townland of Crosslea, Parish of Curran, Barony Dartrey. Chas SIMPSON. Deposeth on the evening of 9th instance when engaged cutting grass in one of my fields and about going to another I saw deceased lying at the foot of the field and dead. I had seen him before as he had been going beger [sic]. (He said his father had been a shoemaker in Glasgow) I saw him last on Coothill fair day. Willm SLOWEY[?] Deposeth to seeing deceased near three weeks since I talked with him. He told me he would not look for a house but slept out [?] in the fields. He said he was subject to the falling sickness. I never knew him before. He told me his father had been a shoemaker in Glasgow, but his complaint prevented him from the same. The person now seen by the jury, I think may be the same but from his present state could not swear at. Verdict. Consider he came to his death about three weeks since and as to the cause can but say found dead. The jury have no reason to think that he came to his death from other than natural causes from the complaint to which he was subject. |
4-1219 Distance travelled 4 miles |
Held on view of the body of Patrick KEARNS 10th August 1877 in the townland of Cremoyne, Parish Kilmore, Baronony of Monaghan James KEARNS. Deposeth that deceased was his father and about 80 years of age. Though so old, yet of industrious habits. On yesterday between 11 and 12 a.m. he left the house to go and look at some hay and near to which was a flax hole and near to which he had been cutting some grass with a hook. About 3/4 of an hour after deceased having been missed I went to look after him and passing by the flax steep, I saw his hat floating on the water and on looking saw deceased in it in & on this I jumped in and lifted my father out & at the time quite dead. He had been subject to fits of epilepsy. Unable to take care of himself. Verdict. Death on eight day of August 1877 from accidental drowning. |
5-1220 Distance travelled 14 miles Paid for care of deceased &
burying 6.6 |
Held on view of the body of Michael CARROL of Grimshaw bog 15 August 1877. Parish of Clones & Barony of Dartrey. Ellen GUNN. Deposeth that on yesterday I was making hay for Mr. GRIMES and had deceased with me. He was my grandson and five years old. He was playing in the meadow beside me. About 10 minutes after I had last seen him I called to him. I thought I heard him answer. I then sent another of my grandchildren to see where you was. When I heard him shout that he was drowned, on which I hastened there and on reaching saw a bag floating on the surface. On reaching to and pulling it to me I lifted deceased out of where he was. On doing so, found he was dead. I thought to bring to life but my efforts were fruitless as he was quite dead. Verdict. Death on 14 August 1877 from accidental drowning. |
6-1221 Distance travelled 15 miles |
Held on view of the body of David BEGGS 18 August 1877 in the townland of Graffah, Parish of Tedavnet, Barony of Monaghan. Isabelle BEGGS. Deposed was mother of deceased, a fine lad of 20 years. On Wednesday 15 instance he had been shearing grass when heavy rain came on from which he came into the house very wet. On this he went into the room to put on dry clothes and was in the act of taking a dry shirt from the clothes press when with two of them in his hands he fell to the floor. On this, hoping was but a faint, I put my arm under his head, but he never revived and with one draw of his breath he departed this life. David BEGGS. Deposeth was father of deceased -- was present when he came into the house out of heavy rain and being wet went down to the room to change his wet clothes and while in the act of doing so with day shirts in his hand he fell down on the floor and from it never recovered. With one heavy breath he departed life. Verdict. Yes on Wednesday 15th day of August 1877 from an attack of apoplexy. |
7-1222 Distance travelled 13 miles |
Held on 25 August 1877 on view of the body of Mary McGINNES in the townland of Cuppog, Parish Tedavnet, Barony Monaghan. Mary MEIGHAN. Deposed on Thursday 23 was engaged pulling flax for Charles McGUINESS between 10 and 11:00 a.m. Deceased came into the field, complaining of a pain in her head and back of her neck. After ½ hour she heard a throwing off becoming worse, she was got into the house and into bed where without speaking when spoke to or any other sign of life. About daylight next morn she departed life. Charles McGUINESS, brother of deceased. Deposed that on 23rd she was out in the field where they were pulling flax, but ere commencing she became ill of throwing off with a pain in her head and the back of her neck. After short time she was got into the house and to her bed and from throwing off she spoke none -- nor replied when spoken to. She departed life between four and five o'clock next morn. Verdict. Death on morn of 24 instance from an attack of paralysis. |
No 9 Enquiry ₤1.0.0 |
Attendant at Monaghan Asylum to inquire into the death of Eleanor McCABE age 37 years and admitted 17 June 1871 and whose death arose from disease of heart and kidneys. |
Enquiry 8 ₤1.0.0 |
Attended at Monaghan lunatic asylum to inquire into the death of John CLARKE age 47 years an inmate for over three years and whose death arose from general paralysis. |
Enquiry No 9 ₤1.0.0 |
Attended at Monaghan lunatic asylum to inquire into the death of Anne McCLARRY age 73 years. For four years an inmate of said asylum whose death was general ability after paralysis. |
Enquiry No 10 ₤1.0.0 |
On the sixth September the sudden death of Robert PATTESON of Killycogshill was reported to me from Constable WILLIAMSON of Smithboro but the next day's examination into the facts of the case satisfied me that an inquest was not requisite and that a simple inquiry would fully meet all the requirements of the case. |
Enquiry No 11 ₤1.0.0 |
Attended at Monaghan Asylum to inquire into the death of Mary BRADY aged 55 years and for over one year an inmate of said establishment whose death arose natural causes namely consumption. |
8-1223 Distance travelled 15 miles Fee Paid Dr. HENRY .1.0 Room for jury & 2 witnesses 4.0 |
Held on view of the body of Louisa McGEOGH 22 September 1877 in the town of Clones, Parish of Clones & Barony of Dartrey. Dr. HENRY Deposed knew deceased -- who was a married woman of between 30 and 40 years of age. On yesterday evening I was called on by the police to see the body of deceased (she had been missed for eight or nine days) which had been taken out of the canal dead and from appearance she might have been eight or nine days in the water. She appears to have been in advanced state of pregnancy. The body evidences no marks of injury or violence and her death was a result of drowning. Wm CLARK Deposed having known deceased for 8 to 12 years, married and living with her husband. Last saw her on 13 instance with her husband taking their tea together about ½ past 7 p.m. and has not seen her since alive. She had been carefully looked for but in vain. Elizabeth REYNOLDS. Knew deceased. Last saw her alive evening of 13 instance near where she was got. Asked her where she was going. In answer she said she did not. At the time ‘twas raining. Has not seen her alive sinse. Mary MOFFIT. Deposed. Knew deceased. On yesterday evening going to the canal for a can of water, I observed in it what I took for a dead dog, but looking more closely I seen twas a human being. On this I reported it to the police and afterwards aided in taking it out. At the time dead and since seen by the jury and which body is that of Louisa McGEOGH. Verdict. Found drowned 21 September 1877. |