Settled Account between
Andw Coulter Bradford[1] &
We James MClelland and John MClelland do Acknowledge that the Sum of Forty four pounds eighteen shillings and five pence halfpenny of the within balance in the property of James MClelland to be paid to him & the remaining twenty-eight pounds eighteen shillings and five pence half-penny is the property of John MClelland to be paid to him with Interest on said respective terms – dated this 7th day of June 1827 , present and truly had by
John MClelland
John MClelland [his mark]
James Hardy
Received from A.C. Bradford eleven pounds Sterl on account of the above Sum this 13 of Sept 1827
Cash to John MClelland John MClelland
June 24th on account six pounds ₤6.0.0 received from ACBradford sixteen pounds eight shilling and two pence halfpenny ₤16.8.2- being the balance due me on this account this seventh day of September 1828 John MClelland
Present Isaiah Gilmore
An account started and Settled between Mr Andrew Coulter Bradford of Cavananore in the County of Louth and Mr. James MClelland and Mr. John MClelland both of Tangaree in the County of Armagh respecting the purchase of their interest in the lands of Dungooley in the County of Louth & Tullyvalley & Maybawn in the County of Armagh ------------------
To Purchase In MY L120 Irish Currency being 110.15.42
By Cash paid on Acct L40 Irish
is 26.18.56
Balance due by Mr Bradford ₤ 73.16.11
British currency which he is to pay with Interest theron at the Rate of Six Pounds [????] per annum from the first day of November in the year 1825 being the time from when he is entitled to the profits of the Lands so purchased by him.
We acknowledge to have Settled the above account on the 7th day of June 1827 and I Andrew Coulter Bradford do hereby undertake to pay to James MClelland and John MClelland the above balance of seventy three pounds sixteen shillings and eleven pence with interst on the first of November next.
John MClelland
James MClelland [his mark]
Present [?]
[?] by
James Hardy