NAMES: Samuel CARSON of Armagh but then
of Fredericktown in the state of Maryland, Benjamin OLIVER of Ennislare,
Thomas MOOREHEAD, Dillon POLLARD, Richard McCONNELL of Mullavilla, Joseph
McCONNELL of Maymount, William OLIVER of City of Armagh, Thomas APPLEBY,
John CORNELL, Michael MAGEE. TOWNLANDS: Ennislare,
Magherykillcraney, Farnalay, Mullavilla, Maymount. |
1804 Jan 14
DEED: 501-156-376345
NOTE: I have a photocopy of this deed.
To the Register appointed by Act of Parliament for the Public Registry of all Deeds etc. etc. A memorial of an indented deed of assignment bearing date the 14th day of January 1804 and made or mentioned to be made between Samuel Carson[1] late of the city of Armagh but then of Fredericktown in the state of Maryland one of the United States of American Apothecary of the one part and Benjamin Oliver[2] of Enislare in the County of Armagh Farmer of the other part Whereby after Reciting as therein is receipted the said Samuel Carson in consideration of two hundred and eighty two pounds sterling did grant Bargain Sell Assign Transfer & Make Over onto the said Benjamin Oliver and to his Executors Administrators and Assigns all that and does not part or parcel of land situate lying and being in Magherykillcraney[3] in the county of Armagh aforesaid formally demised to Thomas Moorehead[4] and then in the possession of the said Samuel Carson and his under tenants containing by estimation thirty one acres two roods and thirteen perches be the same more or less together with such liberty of cutting Turf in the Bog of Farnalay[5] as is granted by the lease of said premises made by Dillon Pollard of Castle Pollard[6] in the County of Westmeath Esq. to said Samuel Carson To Hold unto the said Benjamin Oliver his Executors Administrators & Assigns from the First day of November then last part for and during all the rest residue and remainder of a lease of twenty years by said Lease granted then to come and unexpired and for and during all and any such further and future terms and times as should for ever thereafter be added thereto pursuant to the Toties Quoties[7] Covenant for Renewal in said lease contained But subject to payment of the Rents Fines and receivers Fees and to the performance of the several Clauses Reservations and Covenants in and by said lease reserved and contained on the Tenant or Lessees part [?] [?] and performed and also subject to certain leases made by said Samuel Carson of said premises which Deed is executed on the part and behalf of the said Samuel Carson by Richard McConnell[8] of Mullavilla[9] in the County of Armagh Attorney at Law, and Joseph McConnell[10] of Maymount[11] in the same County Gentleman by virtue of a power of attorney to them for that and other purposes given by said Samuel Carson and said Deed and this Memorial are Witnessed by William Oliver[12] of the city of Armagh Chandler[13] and Thomas Appleby[14] of the same city Scribner.
Signed and sealed
in presence of
Wm Oliver
Thomas Appleby
by this McConnell
Samuel Carson
by John Cornell[15]
The above named Thomas Appleby Maketh Oath and Saith he is a subscribing Witness to the Deed whereof the above writing is a memorial and that he saw said Deed duly executed by the above named Richard McConnell and Joseph McConnell on the part and in the name of the above named Samuel Carson by virtue of the power of attorney where mentioned and also by the above named Benjamin Oliver and is also subscribing witness for this memorial and saw the same duly executed in the name of said Samuel Carson by the said Richard and Joseph O'Connell by virtue of said power of attorney and that the named Thomas Appleby subscribed as a witness to said to deed in memorial is this depot in its proper a name and handwriting sworn before me at our mall in the city of our mall this 14th day of January 1804 by virtue of a commission to me directed for taking affidavits in said county and I know the deep opponent's
Thomas Appleby
Michael Magee[16]
[1] Samuel CARSON. In a deed dated 1806, a William CARSON owned lands to the east of Killynure. There is likely a connection between the two men. For possible clues but nothing quite useable see:
[2] Benjamin OLIVER. There is more than one possibility for this particular Benjamin OLIVER. He is most likely the Benjamin OLIVER (1765-1831) father of Eliza OLIVER, my great-great grandmother. Then again, he may be the Benjamin OLIVER of Lislooney.
[3] Maghery Kilcrany, Parish of Derrynoose, Co. Armagh - part of a cluster of townlands that were probably known as the “Seven Tates” and also associated with OLIVER and MENARY family history.
[4] Thomas MOOREHEAD. It may be that he is tied in to the family of Hal MOORHEAD that can be traced to Smithboro, Co. Monaghan.
[5] Farnalay, also known as Farnaloy, Parish of Derrynoose, Co. Armagh. It is on the southern border of the townland of Brootally and is south of Maghery Kilcranny.
Walter Pollard, junior, served in the army of Charles I., and, though attached to the cause of the Stewarts at that period, he joined the forces of William III. against James; and was appointed a Commissioner for raising supplies in Westmeath in the years 1695, 1697, and 1698. He represented the County in Parliament, and was High Sheriff in 1692. This gentleman married Elizabeth, daughter of Arthur Dillon, of Lismullen, Co. Meath, and had one son and one daughter. Dying in 1718, he was succeeded by his son, Dillon Pollard, of Castle Pollard, Barrister -at-Law, and M.P. for Westmeath. Dying without issue, his sister and heir, Letitia Pollard, of Castle Pollard, married in 1696, Major Charles Hampson, High Sheriff, Co. Cavan, 1698 and 1715, and for Westmeath in 1729. Major Hampson assumed the name and arms of Pollard, and died on the 1st August, 1729. His eldest son, and successor, Dillon Pollard of Castlepollard
[7] Toties Quoties. A legal term meaning: “As often as the thing shall happen”.
[8] Richard McCONNELL?
[9] Possibly Mullavilly, Parish of Kilmore, Co. Armagh
[10] Joseph McCONNELL?
[11] Maymount?
[12] William OLIVER. The fact of him being a chandler is significant. A Deed that is dated 1793 Dec 24 mentions an Andrew OLIVER who was also a chandler. He lived on Thomas Street. In Bradshaw’s 1812 Directory, a William OLIVER is described as a farmer living on Thomas Street.
[13] Chandler: From the Old French word 'chandelier,' this referred to a person who made candles - and extended to chandlers who fashioned wax items that were used in church offerings, to ones who made soap, and to ship's chandlers who made and sold candles, as well as other items, to ships (in this context, chandler can also mean merchant). In this instance, he may also have operated what would now be called a rendering plant, boiling down animal bones and fat.
[14] Thomas APPLEBY. Often the scrivener on leases at this time.
[15] John CORNELL?
[16] Michael MAGEE?